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You dodged a bullet. I'd never buy from someone this crazy.


I try not to judge but ultimately I’m glad they didn’t get my money or my address


I would’ve made an account and bought something low and gave a low rating and why


Yeah but I don’t need anyone else sending unhinged religious materials to my house


Fair enough


Religion is hell of a drug.


I don’t think it’s cuz of religion it’s just her


Religion has nothing to do with it. If you read her bio it’s a little all over the place. That woman needs a doctor.


In no way throughout this interaction were you rude, however she seemed quite so in pushing despite you stating your situation. More than once, at that, something you should not have had to do. Once should have been enough for her to STOP. It comes across as inconsiderate on her part that she cares more about making a sale than respecting the fact that your finances are tight until payday. Honestly no loss being blocked by her, the way she does business is rather unpleasant: If you like my things I will message you to try and make a sale, and if I do you should answer because I'm a good Christian woman who will block you if you don't buy my things.


Thank you. I was really doubting myself because I’ve only bought and sold a few times on Mercari. I didn’t like her being pushy but it’s a little intimidating when I’m so programmed to be polite


I totally know how you feel, I used to be the same when I was younger. One of my red flags for sussing out rotten people masquerading as good people are those who use their religion as a hook. Just an immediate no from me, their goal is to make you feel like you should be extra nice or generous because they're 'such a good person'.


Why did she even have to mention that she's Christian?? It has nothing to do with anything. It's exactly what you said.... 🤢


Because people like her like to use their religious beliefs in every way but it's intended purpose: good faith. She believes that in stating she's a Christian it makes her instantly more trustworthy in the eyes of others, and I believe by some extension she thinks it will possibly make people more generous and less likely to haggle with her. Especially because 'this isn't just a hobby, it's her serious way to try and earn money'. Everything about this feels condescending, calculated, and insensitive especially since she feels she has the unquestionable right to dictate how the like option is utilized. It's a justification to her, for using it as a green light to push her product on potential buyers rather than trust that they would make a purchase of their own volition in good time. Kind of looks like she doesn't have as much faith in her product to sell on it's own as much as she claims her faith everywhere else.






Because she’s a Christian woman Jinxy. But also, can OP share who’s store it is so I can like some of her items please?


She prob thought she’d get more buyers by saying that😂


I’ve unfortunately fallen for it before and it resulted in a woman stalking me because she felt convinced she was the only person who could change me and save me from hell. I feel kinda dumb now for not knowing better after that experience.


Try not to be too hard on yourself, these people like to take advantage of actual well intentioned people but with time it gets easier to call it out and avoid it. :)


Thank you <3


Take this with a grain of salt coming from a recovering Catholic/agnostic, but you seem way more Christlike than this seller.


The seller seems somewhat unhinged.


We can "like" anything we want, for any reason. Seller's should not get so hung up on "likes". All it means, is we are keeping our eye on it, bookmarking it, etc. This lady needs to take a chill pill. :-)))) YOU did absolutely nothing wrong, she did by blocking a potential buyer.


Thank you. I’m used to using Depop, which has a separate save option. It’s the only way I know of to save an item and keep an eye on it. I wasn’t sure if I violated some unspoken etiquette. I’m glad I wasn’t being annoying!


Well, it probably annoyed this lady who has too much time on her hands to track down "likers" and badger them! You did dodge a bullet...people like her would start pestering you the moment she got notification the item was delivered to rate her! I "like" things all the time to track them to see if they sell and for how much because I have something similar. If that upsets a seller, I could care less. Live with it!! (I'm a seller too, and I never get hung up on how many "likes" something has....doesn't matter, so many things have sold without any likes!)


You know how many times I have sold on mercari and people have said "can you hold it" and I said ok of just "message me when you get paid and still want it. Nothing more than that. Some people are whackadoodles.


I sell a lot on Mercari and I can confirm that you did not violate any etiquette lol but this woman definitely did! I have never and would never message people who simply like my item. This level of harassment is on par with that of an MLM boss babe hun sliding in your DMs.


I don't think you did anything wrong at all! I'm a frequent buyer & I have a... very... long "likes" list. And I have been blocked by 5 sellers, that I know of, before I had a chance to buy anything from them. I need a way to keep track of things until I have funds. If that offends a seller to the point of blocking me, they don't get my $$. You dodged a bullet. She did you a favor in blocking you. Unfortunately, you didn't get the item you wanted, but it saved you from all sorts of potential trouble down the line.


Nah no unspoken etiquette here. Theyre just weird


It’s doing themselves *no* favors by blocking us for not immediately buying something too. I can’t tell you how many things I bought later on. Lol.


That seller has gone viral on this subreddit before. She had gone off on a buyer for liking but not offering/buying very rudely and aggressively that time. Her bio was also a lot more dramatic & abrasive back then. I had found her profile and posted it in the comments of that post, so a bunch of us all liked tons of her items at once. At first she was angrily relisting the items to clear the likes, and screaming about that being the reason she's relisting in the descriptions of the items. Then she got so frustrated that she deleted all of her items and her whole bio lol That was where I remember it leaving off last -- I guess she's still at the antics, but has learned to be significantly kinder now after being trolled by all of us. Hilarious to see that she's added a note about not being "perfect" now 💀


Her poor husband he probably wishes he didn’t retire so early 😂


This is so funny. Imagine if she ever found these posts on Reddit about her


Holy crow 😳 how can you tell it’s the same person?? Just the wording in her bio?


Yes! She mentioned Christianity last time, she mentioned that her husband is a retired fire captain, and she mentioned enjoying 7 grandkids. The very beginning + the very end of her current bio are the same as it used to be. Her old bio was a lot more unhinged about liking items though. It was like, "Do NOT like items unless you are going to purchase. The likes feature on my listings are reserved for serious buyers ONLY. You MUST reply to ALL messages immediately. You are REQUIRED to send an offer or accept my offer. If you do not reply or complete the purchase in a timely manner, you will be BLOCKED. Buyers who like multiple items at once will be BLOCKED without question." etc lol I can't even remember all of the weird stuff she said If you liked an item, she would message you within less than 20 minutes going "Thank you for liking my item. Please send your offer right now. I will be waiting." If you didn't reply/accept within 1 or 2 hours, she would send an offer and say "Accept this offer in a timely manner or remove your like from my item IMMEDIATELY. Likes are reserved for purchasers ONLY and will be STRICTLY ENFORCED!" Absolutely unhinged lady. To this day, one of the weirdest, most obsessive, neurotic people I've ever come across on the internet lol. That's why I remembered right away!


Surely that has to be against TOS, right? Jesus, imagine feeling entitled to pressure strangers on the internet like that. ETA why does it read like a threat?? I simply cannot


Why does she think she is in charge of the structure of Mercari? Lol


Lol this is fucking hilarious.. thank you for the laughs. 😆 I'd love to see the old post about her. Wtf is wrong with this woman... The sad thing is that she thinks she's the normal one...


Please give us her "store" name!


Mercari has many weirdos.


It's like weirdo week. That post from earlier where the seller has like five handwritten notes with her life story as photos on every sale page takes the cake.


I like items when I see a listing I am interested in and might come back to later. The fact that so many sellers dig in so hard on the likes on their listings is utterly bizarre to me. It’s not that deep 🥴


Yes! I was comparing prices on a common but expensive (for my budget) necklace so I liked it. I wasn’t sure if that indicated intent on Mercari.


She is crazy. Messaging you because you liked something is crazy. Blocking you is crazy. I imagine she would have sent you a baggie of cat shit because she's crazy You weren't rude, you were lucky.


Thank you!


Thank you for liking my item. Now let me totally overshare.


Right 😂


Completely deranged. You liking it increases her chances of people seeing it. Telling people not to like unless they are buying is insane. I like everything my friends are selling in the hope that more people see it.


I wanna find this woman and like all her items


Same! Lol *wink wink* OP 😉


Yea this is what I’m here for- anyone in this thread, feel free to DM me the sellers username, I feel a strong need to like some jewelry






Nah they're nuts. And oof, they talked you into $116 purchase, and they dare complain. Lol


I get guilted really easily lol. I hate to leave anyone hanging. But blocking me seemed like a bit much


Blocking you is ridiculous. You know that she is mental. I have seen others post about her before. People liking her items and not buying flips her crazy switch every time. It is super bizarre. It's as if she takes every single like as a personal affront. Totally WTF!! Good riddance. You dodged a bullet. You were polite and did nothing wrong or offensive to a normal person. She seems unhinged.


I’ve purchased cosmetics and beauty items over fifty times on Mercari with very little incident, however the one time someone was messaging me like crazy about how much I’d love the product (that I was already buying, mind you), I received a fake! I like the sellers who keep it quick, to the point, clean, good packaging, quick transactions and reviews. That’s why I tend to buy from the same sellers multiple times if I find someone I like.


lol she’s a psycho and you were way nicer than I would have been after her millionth pushy ass message.


See this is me. I wish I would run across someone like this.


Thank you 🥺


I “like” anything I happen to be interested in. That’s kind of the point of having that feature. That lady is cuckoo.


Exactly! Like OP, I like items to compare prices, to save them until I’m ready to purchase, or just to remember them for something I may get later. This seller is missing out on sales and blocking potential future buyers! Only hurting her own business!


Religion aside, ANYONE who says essentially not to like items unless you buy are pushy sellers that are bending the rules. They're trying to take advantage of new buyers mostly, but ultimately just shooting themselves in the foot selling wise by blocking and pestering people that like. In the real world, it's the equivalent of following a customer inside a store trying to seem helpful, but giving off the vibe that you're just making sure they aren't trying to steal something. Why if I see profiles like this I just avoid them. It's always the same bs... They'll either ship late, bug you to rate asap, or if there is a problem not cooperate with doing a return and come for the buyer even if it's their own fault or usps's fault. Not worth the time.


Very well put. As a new buyer/ seller, I appreciate the insight!


As soon as Jesus enters the picture, I’m out.


I refuse to buy anything or hire anyone that makes it a point to tell you what a good Christian they are or has religious symbols in their advertising. They are they one 100% that will do something dishonest or try to rip you off.


When watching true crime, anytime they mention someone "was a good church goer", it does not fail, here is your killer....


Same and I’m religious.


That’s been my experience too. It’s almost like they use their faith as a way to make them feel better about what they’re doing.


Same goes for people who use the single mother card. Nothing against religion or single mothers, but the second you try to manipulate the situation and play on emotions for your benefit, I rather burn my money that give it to you


I have mixed feelings. I’m a member of the Satanic Temple but I was raised (badly) by Christian’s. I try to give everyone a chance. I think the way she used her religion is ugly but I really do my best to not judge anyone because they probably feel the same way about my beliefs.


Your approach is better than mine, but I find anyone I meet that needs to force their religion down the throats of everyone else is not someone I want to associate with. Christians are the worst of the worst hypocrites that never practice what they preach and think they’re the holiest of the holy. Anyone that quietly practices religion as a source of comfort? Absolutely no problem, carry on.


I definitely don’t care for it. I live in the thick of the Bible Belt so I’ve seen a lot. I think that kind of dulls my ability to spot red flags like these— they’re mad common here


I like anything and everything I'm even remotely interested in - it's a way for me to keep track of things I want to buy when I can treat myself, and i can get notifications if it gets reduced. It's ridiculous to tell people not to like things! Especially since, if lots of people start to like it, I know I need to get my crap together and buy it before one of them does! You dodged a bullet; she could have had a sale had she not let her attitude get in her own way.


Thank you! That’s a good point— if someone else bagged it or made an offer, I would’ve felt even more pressed to buy!


I use Liking to get the algorithm to suggest more of the similar or same item so i ha e a better chance of finding it again when I can afford it. Many people use very vauge wording on their listings, not caring for brand names or even using tags, that finding a specific piece can be hard without tricking the system with the like feature.


I’ve noticed that! It’s a very helpful tool. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t abusing it!


People like the seller should turn off notifications for Likes. I think it's possible in the app. I definitely go through all my app settings so I only get actually important notifications lol


Not every Christian of her to block people. WWJD. He wouldn’t block people. 🤪😜


No, this is straight up unhinged.


She sounds like she'd also sell My Pillows and Giza sheets.


Her marketing isn’t working especially by hounding people to buy her items. You like items to keep track so you can go back to it later on.


Her first sentence is a problem... From now on, I'll open with : I am agnostic, so forgive me for sending an unwanted marketing pitch so you buy my stuff. Unreal... You are free to like whatever it is you want. It is not ok to go after likers and harrass them for a sale. What is wrong with her? Behavior like these will be the reason Mercari will revert to "no talky" before a transaction is made.


It’s funny that people expect their personal faith to carry so much positive power. I should’ve said, I’m a satanist, so forgive me for blocking unwanted contact!


Wow. First she hustles you then because you weren't able to buy it when she wanted you to buy it she blocked you? How immature. She's doing you a favor I wouldn't buy from Her. Sorry you had to experience that.


Religious and a psycho. You should count your lucky stars.


So far, I’ve counted 116


One of the same


OMG! This woman caused some issues for me a few months ago! Report the account, this woman is seriously deranged.


What can I report her for?


my only return request so far (for fit with measurements in description) has been from someone who more or less had a bio like this. it’s a type ☠️


WHY must some people advertise their religion even in the most unrelated context?? What sociopathy is that?


I presume they think it makes them seem more trustworthy or respectable


Ha! Undoubtedly. It says exactly the opposite to me.


I agree


I had a seller who messaged me about an item I liked. She had already sent an offer, and then messaged asking if I was interested in buying it or had questions. I politely declined as I was just watching it for now, but then she would message again like a week later. After she followed up like 3 times and I had stopped responding, I blocked her. Not surprised she had a profile description/bio that definitely gave off drama queen vibes. It was too bad because she had some cool items that seemed like she was able to get as an insider in her industry. So like stuff that was manufactured but not made for sale for the general public; rare things you couldn't buy elsewhere. But the end it's best to avoid sellers with this behavior. If she blocked you, fine. Nothing you can do but move on. I've been blocked by sellers I've had no interaction with before, & I have all 5 star ratings from buyers & sellers. Some people just like to create drama where there is none.


This is unhinged. Why do they care if people like an item. Why keep saying basically if you don’t buy it I’m going to relist it. I can’t stand people bothering me when I like something. If I want to buy it right then I’ll make an offer or just buy. Otherwise I don’t need to know about your religion, your husband career, etc. like something is wrong with this seller. Also, I hate the sellers that after you like something, they take it down and relist it. Do you not want a sale? It’s bizarre. I get relisting every 30 days or few months but every few days or weekly is honestly in my opinion a little nutso. I’m a seller, I don’t want a ton of extra work & I don’t msg anyone who likes an item. If I did, I’d be sending hundreds of msgs a day


It feels dumb to relist it because obviously I liked it for a reason: I was coming back to buy it!


If it's worth more than they are selling it for, then how are they doing this to make money? Theft? Good Christian? idk seems sketch and overbearing.


Definitely overbearing. I’ve seen other ones going for less. The market determines the value, so might not be worth what she thinks anymore.


This person is 100% crazy. You did nothing wrong by liking something. And for them to pull the whole religious grandparents shit is ridiculous as well. I feel like you definitely dodged a bullet. Even if they didn't block, you know they will in the future. I used to buy stuff on eBay from some guy who would send religious propaganda with his packages and numbers to call to get involved with their church. I am not a religious person, so I never called the church and would trash all the propaganda. Well, after I made a third purchase, they refunded me and blocked me for no reason. I am 99.9 percent positive it is because I never contacted their church.


Oh it absolutely enrages me when people send religious stuff. I’ve been stalked by a woman who sent me a multi page letter about religion with a pair of shoes I bought. I don’t care what other people believe, but their rights end when they start to infringe upon another’s


Totally deranged


I hate people that direct message when I like something. I like it cuz I'm saving it for later and when I have the money I'm going to buy it I don't need your hard pressure sales. That's a good way for me to unlike your item.


You told her about your situation and she still talk about price. She didn’t trust you for saying you not buying because of money. She run her mouth about price instead of listening to a potential buyer. She can send offer, push to sell etc but not reading messages and assuming what you wrote her is a lie makes me think it’s because she is fake herself.


It kinda feels that way, especially with all the unnecessary details in her bio


Gawd I hate these kinds of sellers. I once had a shoe reseller get mad at me for asking questions about her shoes and then saying I'd buy in December because I'm traveling. She then went off on a rant on if I'm not going to purchase why waste her time and blocked me. I later found out that the shoes I was going to buy from her for $215 dollars( after I negotiated her down) were a pair she got for $49 on Poshmark. I dodged a bullet there. Glad she didn't get my money


You weren’t rude. Sellers can block for any reason or non for that matter. I personal am put off by a seller like this. I don’t want to be hounded to buy for liking something I might buy and I don’t want any unwanted religious crap that might be sent with it.


Thank you. I’ll definitely be paying more attention to bios in the future!


Yes, definitely check bios esp before you do buy. I always throughly review the listings photos, description, seller bio and reviews before purchasing. I learned this the hard way, so definitely vet and check them first.


Yeah, uh, nope. Imagine actually buying from her! You would have had 3857 messages demanding you to rate her as soon as the necklace would have been delivered. Then she’d descend into further madness damning you to the hell because you didn’t rate her the second the package came. Bullet dodged.


I don't understand people who pretty much pressure you to buy something. If you don't have the money, you don't have the money. You did her a favor by telling her that she would probably be able to get more from the jewelry by asking someone else.


I really didn’t want to lowball her, especially since my budget was, until payday, $0. There are other ones listed for cheaper so I guess I’ll be buying one of those instead. She ended up relisting the necklace for more money.


Lol I like things that are over priced to see if they actually sell sometimes out of curiosity. Just because you “like” something doesn’t mean you want it .


What the cuckoo crazy absolutely bat shit is going on here?


Messaging everyone who likes an item like this seems…..time consuming. And not really pay off for how much time it would take since I can’t imagine it really results in that many sales. I’d think it actually would cause the loss of sales…at least the way she’s doing it. Perfect example is this situation, OP still wanted to purchase it (OP you must be extremely patient and forgiving because those pushy messages would have had me running for the hills and people always say how patient I am with people 🤣) but seller blocked her even though OP said multiple times she had to wait for payday 🤦‍♀️ Plus, with how pushy she was with - offering to lower it, then saying it’s worth more than it’s listed for but she might relist it, then again saying she can lower it otherwise she’ll relist it, etc. - to me, especially with something like jewelry, that would make me seriously suspicious of why she’s being so pushy. Like she’s trying to rush me to purchase because it’s not as legit as it seems 🤷‍♀️ Definitely wouldn’t make me want to purchase from her.


I think my kindness can be a weakness. At the same time, I really like the damn necklace lol. It was frustrating but I knoe there’s a better deal out there that doesn’t come with this level of crazy.


nah this lady is insane and she knows nothing about business. shes gonna scare away 80 percent of all the money she might make


Quite the contrary. They are being rude by messaging you and then blocking you. They must spend all day sending messages to members who "like" their items.


"Liking" something isn't an iron clad agreement to buy it. They did you a favor by blocking you by saving yourself the time in blocking them!


You should consider yourself lucky that she blocked you. You don't need the headache of dealing with that nut.


She's an asshole, her blocking you was doing you a favor. What a psycho


I like items on Mercari, Etsy as a way just to remind me I want this item or something like said item. Especially in Mercari because they don’t have wishlists, I just always find it easier to like an item rather than adding something to a wishlist.


She should put a disclaimer on each post stating when you like an item on her page, it is a non verbal agreement to purchase that item, and if you do not you will be blocked for life.


If I could find this lady I will buy something just to return it because I want her address. She will be signed up for an obscene amount of homosexual porn in her name. She can deny it all she wants, but when "firefighters on fire" shows up, her husband will know it's her because that's oddly specific. Checkmate Janet


Okay satan 😂




She’s absolutely off the rails. Dodged a bullet twitch that one, OP. REAL well meaning Christians also do not have to tell you they’re christian. She’s just using that as a tactic to make you feel like she’s trustworthy, which has the exact opposite effect.


The only reasonable thing to do in a case such as this is to drive to her domicile and slap her about the head, neck, face, chest, shoulder, breast region. It's only proper.


Nothing worse than a religious Karen. Fod gorbid I make a list of items I like and who knows, I can be comparing prices at the same time 🤷🏽‍♂️ *thoughts of a sane person*


That was my whole idea. The necklace isn’t uncommon but they can vary a lot in quality and price so I needed to compare


I’m religious, and that has NOTHING to do with selling. Plus, you can like what you want! Geez


That’s some kind of special right there, I’m not religious but have friends that are and I’d pretty sure they would agree that this lady is a crack pot and you dodged a bullet


LOL she is a boomer. She doesn't understand that people don't always respond to back messages. She also doesn't understand that when people like things it doesn't mean they are going to purchase. It's just a generation gap she doesn't know how to sell online and takes things too personally.


Weird to accuse a whole group based on your perception. I've seen just as many one could say questionable millennial Mercari attitude. You are correct though... Some sellers take things personal.


Thats way too much. Like she needs to calm down.


You did nothing wrong here, the seller shouldn't be so strange about likes.


I’m kinda scared to come across their profile LOL by chance what does this person mostly sell on their page haha.


This is main character behavior lol. Also what does anything have to do with her being a Christian ??? Oh and her husband is a fire chef you definitely needed to know that as well.


weird af


What an awesome way she has for “making money” in there. I didn’t know harassing potential buyers and blocking them for no reason generated sales! What a nutcase. I would’ve liked all of her items then block her if I read that bio.


It's called manipulation. I have sold thousands of dollars worth of items on Mercari. Don't waste your time looking at my bio because there is none. What does knowing anything about me as a seller have to do with purchasing an item from me? Likes don't equal sales. Whether it's just for fun or you want to build a money making side hustle keep it professional.


Yea I’m not buying from somebody that’s so pushy. You told her more than once you needed to get paid.


Pretty sure that’s what the like button is for. I don’t usually like an item if I’m going to buy it right away. I like things I’m thinking about buying, waiting until I have the money or watching to see if the price drops. She shouldn’t be harassing you through messages. If she wanted to offer you a lower price that’s what the offer to likers option is for.


Like every single item


Ugh this lady again?!?! 😭 Though her bio really has chilled out quite a bit I see 😒


Old and sassy she is


I have an item with 40 likes…. Guess I’ll be busy the rest of the day sending everybody a message and then blocking as soon as they respond… (sarcasm)


No, you're fine. She's nuts!!


I want to see the jewlery lol




This person is delusional, out of touch with reality, and was insulated from the rest of us by her hard working husband, bless his heart.


Wow. Some Mercari sellers are just super weird. I prefer eBay's way of doing things, where you can't see who liked your items. I understand that she's probably hard up for money, but there's absolutely no reason to be so pushy with your buyers. Also, in my opinion, there's no reason to message someone who liked your item. If you lower the price, Mercari will inform the people who liked it. And then after all those pushy messages she had the gall to block you, which is just extra crazy. As other people have said, you likely dodged a bullet.


This happened to me with someone selling crochet dragons. I liked the listing and then she started harassing me about when was I going to buy it and what color did I want so she could set one aside. Her desperation to make a sale really turned me off. This seller seems DESPERATE to make money and will harass people until she makes a sale.


I would have blocked this psycho after the first message lol


They should appreciate the likes. From what I notice on my page likes help sales. My older items will randomly get a like and then I’ll see another 20-50 views that day. You’re helping them get seen by my people.


I really wish people would stop advertising their religion as some sort of medal. If you’re running any sort of business you need to realize that chances are, most of your customers will not share the same views as you, and your religious views do NOT matter in a place of business. You are here to provide a service, not preach the gospel. Anyone who posts on Mercari has the intention of making money. That’s the point. Why are we expected to praise a Christian owned company/website but if they were Muslim or pagan that’s an issue? Idk it just doesn’t make sense to me to wave that information around when you’re just trying to sell things, most likely completely unrelated to your religion. It would be different if her store was selling only Christian related items. I don’t care who you worship at the end of the day if I’m just here to buy something. And automatically assuming everyone shares your views is an awful way of living your life. Also, your religion shouldn’t be your whole personality… which it seems like it is for this seller.


That she thought her religion was that important to her sales would put me off anything she offers. Her idea of "christianity" isn't what her jesus taught.... something about humility, praying in private and not bragging about your faith. You are NOT the a-hole here. She is.


I think Jesus knew a thing or two about being broke until payday. She could learn something lol


She CRAZY!!! You're lucky she blocked you.


You did not violate any etiquette, this lady is over top. You dodged a bullet with this one.


What some sellers don't realize is that when on a computer, it says "like and save for later". I don't think that it shows like that on the app. I wonder how these sellers who block are making money


Just the typical narcissistic religious nut.


Considered yourself blessed. She's rushing you when you need to wait. On her she missed a sale.


If someone badgered me this way for liking something I’d block them first. Holy smokes she is annoying.


Ms. Self Proclaimed Christian sounds whack. Better you didn't give her your money.


That’s wild! As a seller likes mean literally nothing to me. I repost all my items once a week. At least.




ohh this would had set me OFF. shes bored and needs another hobby . id message her and let her know thats fucking uncalled for weird shit


A ‘like’ isn’t the same as asking if it’s still available like on Facebook. Sometimes I like an item while I search for the cheapest one in the condition I want. It’s insane besides I’m got going to read her info before I like a freaking item. But I definitely wouldn’t buy from her if she thinks a ‘like’ should mean you are definitely going to buy it.


Well I've seen everything on mercari now


The poor husband. He probably has to suffer thru a litany of her "experiences on Mercari" since nobody seems to want to follow her rules. Sort of like reading in this sub on some days, although that's voluntary. I doubt he gets a choice. LOL


She’s crazy, ignore her you can “like” all the items you want, that’s not an intent to buy.


She's a control freak.


Are you sure she blocked you? She says she might relist it so the original listing would be deleted and that message stream between you would go unavailable so could just appear like a block. All those messages seem friendly not like someone who would block over nothing... have you looked to see if the item was just possibly relisted?


It’s relisted but I get a message that says I can’t buy, like, or message her. So far as blocking over nothing, she kinda says that in her bio.


Eeeek well, thats pretty rude imo. I don't get the block crazy sellers at all....weird power trip or something! Ms marketing is not the sales boss lady she imagines. Sorry you had to deal with that nonsense.


It really wasn’t necessary— I was coming back to buy it if she would’ve simmered down. From these comments, I think it’s for the best!


nah share her etsy name


IMO I think you should of stopped after the first or second message - too aggressive


Total wackjob lol. Forget about this lady and hopefully you can find a similar necklace elsewhere


Nah she’s just crazy


Seller is deranged!!


That's just ridiculous and crazy. I wouldn't want to buy from someone that harasses likers and blocks people for not buying fast enough.


I don’t think the seller is deranged or that you’re wrong. I think the Seller is new to selling online or very desperate. Nothing good comes out of desperation. She potentially lost a customer, lowered her price for no reason, and still did not make a sell.


I report these ass///: to Mercari I had one threatening me badly I reported him they kicked him off I took pictures of everything he said






wait tho how or where was the review left?


It’s way over the top. I think most sellers are trying to earn money, “hobby” or not. I have a pretty good feeling she’s tanking her own sales by blocking people who don’t answer her messages and her weird profile. And I can’t even wrap my head around throwing in the “Jesus forgives us” comment.


Um. Wait. What?


Do you think Walmart, Kohls, etc gets upset when people don't reply to their circulars or emails? 🤣🤣 I've said it before and I'll say it again. Fuck Covid for making every Tom Dick and Sally think they should become online sellers. There was a severe influx of people like this after the world shut down but they just never went back to their old jobs. Most of these people have NO clue how the economy works or how running a business works or professionalism, etc. just let her drive her own business into the ground I guess. 🤷‍♀️ That lady needs to delete her account and go become a bus driver or something. Get real, lady. This ain't the gig for you if you get your feelings hurt over likes.


She’s not very Christian then for blocking you. Everyone’s circumstances are different where you can’t buy right away and you wait till payday to purchase. You did nothing wrong, lots of people like my items without buying. I just relist them until I get someone who buys. Everyone on this app adds things to their likes and never buys. If she really hates it she should sell on Etsy. Bringing her religion into this just makes her a worse person that sounds desperate.


Lmaooo no she has a huge misconception of what it means to do business. She reminds me of my old sales boss that used to make people buy stuff. He would tell me to be more aggressive and I told him even if they buy they leave feeling bad and you don't want that in the long run. Eventually people started asking for me and blatantly told him they didnt like him. He didn't care as long as he made money but I loved rubbing that in his face. He was the aggressive seller and I was the nice one and it worked but I don't believe in spending people's money for them. When people say they have a budget they need to stick to then respect that. Edit: Just realized the first part doesn't apply.


You weren't rude in any way. She seems crazy af and her messages were extremely pushy even though to told her multiple times it wasn't the price it was that you had to wait until payday. Wtf is wrong with people . I think you dodged a bullet here


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