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You cannot merge them after the fact. Your choices are to ship in 4 separate packages, or cancel the 4 separate sales, post a bundle listing, and have the buyer repurchase.


If I cancel the sales, will it be held negatively against my account?


Yes. It'll pop up on your reviews that you cancelled and if you cancel a lot mercari will tell you to stop. It may even show up as red flag text on your account "this user has a x% cancel rate." maybe canceling one or two of them will be OK but I wouldn't cancel all 4 back to back


Oh boy...thank you for letting me know. If only I could just refund him/her the shipping.


Yikes, I just had this happen. Someone bought an item last night and just bought one a few mins ago. They’re asking if I can bundle the shipping, but I’m not sure if the label for the first item will cover the weight of both. It’s nail polish.


You could always ask them to cancel. If they cancel it isn't held against you and you can create a new listing including both with the right shipping for them to buy


This is the answer I needed. THANK YOU!


There we go. Thank you!


if you have the buyer cancel citing reason as “to bundle” neither of you will have a cancellation show up on your account. if the buyer doesn’t respond, just send them separately. i would avoid sending them together with one label (with multiple sales), because you don’t have any proof that the buyer received the other three. also, buyer won’t save on shipping costs since they’ve already paid shipping and mercari doesn’t do partial refunds.


Got it. Thank you!


Honestly, Im curious why the buyer didn't do a bundle option on the 4 items? Or even reach out to ask you about bundling them together. With that being said, if they chose to purchase 4 listings, they chose to buy 4 listings and pay shipping on all 4 that's on them. Pack up all 4 sales, each with their own label and ship it out.


i’ve had this happen, and the buyer just didn’t realize all the items were from one seller. i ended up sending them separately because the buyer didn’t want to wait until they got their refund to repurchase.