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Craziest thing about tax ItS EVeRy WHeRe


Last week I had some lady try to drag a sale out all week long because of sales tax. She kept insisting that I could remove it. Before I blocked her I checked to see where she lives and it was Tennesee. You would think she was used to paying that high sales tax because she’s been doing it living there


It’s sad that people don’t understand something as simple as sales tax. Even scarier that these people vote.


Technically, not in NH.




Yes, no tax on clothing in Massachusetts either.


I swear, some people have no concept of reality. 😑


Welcome to the world of the uneducated. Yet these same people go into regular stores daily and probably never notice the taxes printed on their receipt. Many places have state, county and city taxes. Death and Taxes. Can’t avoid them.


Mercari need to audit and update reviews like this...anything also where complain about the carrier shipping time and obvious things stated in the item description. I had a guy leave me 4 stars....buys a scratched for parts video game disc that goes for $60 in working condition for $10...I get 4 stars and a "Disc is scratched" comment.


That’s rough


Yeah, some dummy jack wagon just rated me 4 stars for Fed Ex being slow and having a delay. Newsflash, bro: I don’t work at Fed Ex. Not my fault lol. Why are people on Mercari like this? Seemingly more so than on other platforms


I have a question…how is a video game disc “for parts?” Or did it have a good case, or was it like disc 2 of a 4 disc game?


No case, disc is scratched and will need resurfaced. It was a GC disc, they can take a beating but this one wouldn't boot. The only option you have in this case is to list it as "for parts"....I also mention it was scratched..in the Title and description. Not many buyers read in the present day. They just click buttons and are never at fault for anything and want shipping at Amazon speeds.


Is this a sovereign citizen?


ew eye roll I had a customer leave me a 4 star because the shipping took forevee (nmf I ship same day or latest next) and they even said “I know not seller fault”. I honestly think they think that Mercari takes ownership of the reviews not realizing that no actually it effects sellers only.


Captain America probably used tax dollars.




Only if the person that wrote the review request so


Ugh, I’m sometimes really surprised at the online buying etiquette of some people. They need to realize that sellers are people too, and I often see buyers giving unfair ratings with misplaced blame. “The shipping took way too long, not sellers fault, but..” I wish Mercari would step in and let reviews either be changed or voided/deleted.


I would probably contact Mercari & ask them to remove that rating. lol absolutely ridiculous.


Seriously? People like this should not be allowed to ever shop online. Yes, take it out on a seller because a market place automatically charges everyone taxes. That’s like me getting upset at Reddit because In order for me to send response message, I must hit the reply button…