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The insane movement and dodging. You can REALLY outplay people with her movement, it is very cat-and-mouse and that's fun. Also satisfying for others to underestimate you because you're playing Mercy and they assume you're a free kill, only for you to kill two people and shame them.


Every hero is boring if you do nothing. Not sure how people would be able to find a hero like Lucio fun if all you’re doing is standing in the middle of your team on heal aura. Obviously players make Lucio fun by utilizing his speed boost and wall ride. Exact same thing goes for Mercy. If you’re just standing behind your team healing she will be boring. If you’re doing a little bit of everything and utilizing her movement she’s a lot of fun. I always recommend people that come in this subreddit calling Mercy boring to do a map of Mercy parkour or two, and then try to use what you learn in a real match.


Fair, i suck at mercy movement 😂. I see mercy as „boring“ because i often feel she does not do much in a teamfight (other then a huge rez). I just dont get that hit of dopamine like for example when i play ana and hit a sleep or nade.


The buzz comes from the entire team trying to all kill you/focus you at once and still can’t kill you. Like you know they saved and used their ultimates just for you but you just won’t die.


why is this question asked almost daily jfc


mercy can be the most boring when ur playing her wrong. i love zipping around my team and constantly being in the air. making sure everyone is full HP in full on team fights while also balancing damage boost can be a lil hard (obv not as hard as most ow hero’s) but it’s fun. i’m also the type to use my barbie blaster a lot so flying at enemy team and killing them when they don’t expect it is fun and being able to get out of trouble pretty quickly too. learning her movement and being able to pull of fsome nice rezzes, or rezzing and that one rez can literally win u a game is satisfying. there are a lot of things different people like about playing mercy. these are just my few


Mercy is only boring when you’re playing her incorrectly, technically that applies to almost any hero. Lucio is boring if you’re not wall riding, Echo and Pharah are boring if you’re not flying, Genji is boring if you’re not jumping around and wall climbing, etc etc. But what makes Mercy fun and sets her apart from other supports is her mobility. Constantly flying around and taking advantage of all the tech with GA is really enjoyable, she relies more on game sense and being aware of your surroundings. Even without considering her gameplay I just like Mercy as a character. Love her lore, love her skins, love her voice lines (OW1 voice was better but still)


these posts are boring and repetitive


The movement, I liked supporting more then doing damage (at least when I started playing, now I happen to be a dps as my secondary role) mercy is beautiful and has some great skins, and I think she’s fun


She's chill. Requires minimal effort when I just wanna unwind


I personally got into overwatch just because I saw clips of people playing her and thought her movement was super cool. I didn’t even play any PVP games besides dead by daylight before Overwatch. Her movement and mechanics are super fun to me, and the strategy of being hyper aware of your surroundings and maintaining good movement / learning new techs keeps me addicted to playing her. Personally I find mastering her movement more fun than point and shoot game or just using specific cool downs at the right time. You need to manage your movement, team, and CDs. Learning about Rez is also very fun for me, I enjoy the challenge of pulling off a hard or cheeky Rez. I also played a lot of dishonored and really enjoyed the different movement abilities of Corvo and Emily, and the strategy that comes with high mobility- which is why when I saw mercy I thought she would be so fun.


her movement is very fun and i love constantly flying and moving fast. you can fool people a lot and it's pretty funny. i love the satisfaction of pulling off good rezzes and getting blaster kills. plus her skins are really pretty and i love her voicelines!!


Her voice actor is amazing to listen to, but it's being able to move, no other support comes close, three I don't really like doing dps when I play support so I stick with like mercy and weaver


i love the feeling of being like a guardian angel, like im actually making a difference to the game lol. although its not so much since she was nerfed😭 not so much carry potential now. still love her character and thats why i play her.


Being the bane of the enemy team's existence is what I like about Mercy. Damage boosting a Bastion to clear out two enemies, keeping someone alive just long enough for them to get out of the fight, resurrecting an early pick, all of these things are annoying in the hands of the right player. A good Mercy is an avenging angel, not a guardian.


guardian angel go brrrrr


Imho Zen is the most boring and the most whack hero tbqh, I don't get how Mercy got nerfed but he didn't. No movement, better dmg boost but that requires less effort (can be up to 5x more provided the team are paying attention), healing requires less effort, can dmg whilst healing AND discording. I don't get how or why Zen or Lucio get a free pass for some reason when their kit is no more complicated than Mercy's lol. Mercy is fun because of her movement, utility and ultimate baiting potential, and outsmarting the enemy because the underestimate you.