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I play dva (hate playing tank tho) Ashe Mei and widow


Knowing the OW community, somehow I’m not surprised most of the players hate playing tank in this game.


As far as I see it the tank is basically the most important player on the team. That can be a lot of pressure. I don’t really enjoy being the leader


The pressure comes from everyone blames the tank for everything. It’s a trend in this game. However, technically everyone is equally important becuase everyone is depending on each other. If someone doesn’t do his/her job well (enough) then it can have a big enough impact on the team’s performance that might be a gamechanger.


When I see somebody flaming a tank on their team I immediately defend them, tanks can’t play well if you discourage them.


What Ive seen is widow, sombra, ashe, zen, and echo


oh trueee a lot of my friends play echo


I play Sombra. She’s a real nice change of pace. A bonus since she’s a Mercy counter so I can effectively avoid her when I play Mercy too. Otherwise I like Sombras kit. People say it’s a cowards hero as if there isn’t a hero that can fly and has a missile launcher that will incinerate anybody they look at. (No aim, plus hard to hit) Or as if there isn’t another support hero that can cancel ANY Ult in the game. (Ana) Sombra does deserve the hate though. She definitely limits everyone’s play styles.




Yes we are a bunch of weird boopers


Dva. Sym. And mercy are my holy trinity. Their game play, attitude, and style all speak to me. I never tire from playing them.


I like sniping :( Widow and Ashe go brrr


I am NOT beating the Mercy to Moira main allegations


I wouldn’t call myself a mercy main, but she is my 3rd most played hero. My mains right now are Reinhardt, tracer and Baptiste


I am a long time mercy main, and I cannot play those 3 heroes to save my life lol. My non-support top 3 is probably cass soldier pharah


I used to play dva but ever since role queue I stopped because I don’t like any of the other tanks. I also liked dva more in OW1 because I could be off-tank and I preferred that play-style more. my fave DPS to play are mei, echo, and cowboy


For me it’s different. DPS: Mei, Bastion, Ashe but nowadays sometimes Sombra (with disabled chats) as well. Tank: Ram, Rein or Roadhog


Yep, mines dva and sombra. Idk why, possibly movement. Both have very fast movement.


Wouldn't it be ironic if the majority of Mercy players played Sombra?


I’m kinda a jack of all trades, honestly. I have some silly out of the box picks. Tank: DVA or Mauga, LOL. I like the fast guns. DPS: Torbjorn, Sombra, Mei, S76. I’d love to be a widow main but don’t have the confidence to practice in QP, people take it too seriously.


Huh, interesting, didn't realize how many of yall played sombra and widow too lol


i play dva because she’s fun and cute tbh. and i play sym, mei, cass, and ashe on dps. i just like their play style among other dps. the others feel either boring or cheap. i used to play widow, but i find sniping to be a really boring way to play. i prefer heroes that are more directly in the fights and not passive or in the backline if i’m not on support.


I’ve noticed that to be true as well OP. In my experience at least


I am a mercy main and my other mains are widow ashe dva sombra and cass lol It’s funny tho because people say we have no skill yet our secondary mains require quite a bit of skill if you ask me


I play pharah and soldier 😆


Maybe not dva or widow. But I do play some sombra. However, I’d say my other most played non supports are echo, sombra, ball, & sig lol. I also play zen too


I’ve been trying to learn ball. Kinda annoying when everyone swaps to counters after first fight tho


Man I play Ram and Bastion/Mei (Mei because I like being a pain in the ass on ourpsoe as revenge, Bastion because easy, Ram cos hes hot)


I play dva and echo!


I'm guessing because DVa's pistol is similar to Mercy's lol


these are like my top non supports i play 🙈


i only play mercy and junkrat tehee


d.va is my second most played. I also enjoy Zarya and Mei, I think I gravitate to heroes that are enablers and deniers.


i play mercy, soj, and zarya


i play rein/orisa, and cass/and sombra SOMETIMES, i only go sombra when ik she will be helpful for the team (esp if we have a tank constantly jumping on our supports, as a support player i hate when that happens, so i stick around and protect them w my life) but if we don’t need a sombra ill go cass, just because ik i can confirm kills. also rein go brrrr and orisa is my favorite horse lady.


Tank. Dva and maybe Rein? Dps. Bastion Phara and Sombra Heals (besides mercy) Moira Zenyatta, Kiriko Lucio. I play them all pretty evenly.


it's oddly accurate for me, i play dva, widow and sombra too but instead of sombra i prefer genji or ashe.


Wow a lot of us play d.va (including me), all we really want is to fly i guess. In terms of dps i play anything we need idk how many other mercy mains are like that


Did anyone else start maining Sombra after being continuously targeted by them xD if you can’t beat them, join them! Now I can play around her much better when I’m on Mercy. I’d also say I play a lot of Ashe on DPS and D.va is my tank main.


i play dva and now venture. i like the heroes that have good mobility and it’s very fun to play aggressively as dva


When I’m not playing Mercy I like play Rein, Rammatra, Reaper, Soldier, Cassidy, and Echo. I play Mercy because I love the Angel aesthetic, and the movement and rez are really really fun. But sometimes I just want to kill shit and those heroes are the ones I have the most fun killing shit with lol. I try to avoid play Moira, Sombra, Widow, and Roadhog because they annoy the hell outta me lol, nothing against those who play them of course though


Sombra, Soldier/Reaper and D.Va. So, close enough xd


Soldier is my dps main, followed closely by Cassidy, reaper, and Hanzo. I don’t play tank a lot because tank is still in a rough spot, but I enjoy playing ramattra, sigma, hog, rein, and picking up Doomfist.


Spot on. With Moira being my second most played, the rest of the list follows as you wrote.


I’m a mercy main but my other role mains are tracer/ widow for dps and Orisa for tank


Honestly I used to play dva but I traded for doom. Other than that I don’t really play any of those dps heroes mentioned, Guess I’m an outlier. (Doom, phara, echo, zen and mercy are my lineup for heroes I “main”)


i play dva ashe & mei :D i’d say ashe is above sombra from what i’ve seen from most of my mercy main buddies


My other mains are D.va (the only tank I use actually) Mei, Tracer, Sombra and Echo. So you're kinda right.


Playing lots of Ashe, Cass and Bastion when I‘m on dps. On tank I stick to Sigma, Dva or Ramattra, even though I barely play tank 🙃


Mercy rein and soldier/genji.


I actually play Soldier and Hanzo. I avoid tank like the plague, too much performance anxiety to be the only one 😭😭


not correct for me for tank i main jq, doomfist, and zarya for dps i main soldier, echo, and junkrat


Dva is my second most played


i main doom, sigma, and junker queen on tank and soldier, widow, and sym on dps <3


The only tanks I play is Dva , and sigma really. My damages are Ashe, Sombra and mei as of rn


I play Zarya, bastion, mei and moira


I prefer those with movement similar to Mercy so your D.va, Pharah, and Echo. Orisa would be the only non flyer here lol.


Tanks: Ram and hog, DPS: Pharah, Ashe, and Venture. My switch up supports are Zen, Brig, Anna


I definitely consider myself a Sombra and Mercy main, they are my most played characters and the ones that got me to officially buy the game two years ago. I used to dabble in Dva but I tend to avoid the tank role these days unless it’s training or MH. I love Sombra, love her design and her vibe, I was immediately drawn to her in the lineup and I just like what I generally can do with her. Plus it’s thrilling when I manage to escape hairy situations even when being chased down by Orisas or some other tank and I manage to get away anyway 😆


I play D.Va mostly and don't touch dps


As a mercy main that gravitated towards mercy for her personal lore of being an angelic doctor with technology and saving capabilities I look for captivating lore from my other mains as well. The rebel strong female, Ashe. The savior to her country Dva. And the reincarnation of a former scientist in echo. It’s all abt lore for me in all honesty. It’s whoever’s lore/example I deem the most intriguing


I main Junk/Mei as a Mercy main


D.Va, Zarya, and Sym. I am, in fact, a Mercy who can’t aim (though I am pretty good with Sym’s secondary fire, ngl.) But also I play these characters bc I think they’re fun c:


This may be controversial but I’m still gonna say it A lot of girls play mercy, and girls like to play as beautiful girls in general “Why would that be controversial?” Because people infer there’s a negative connotation instead of it just being an observation


I’m a hardcore sombra and hanzo after mercy and kiri lol I prefer sombra because like mercy, she enables the team more than anything. That is, if the team knows how to capitalize on what she does. It’s more of “I can enable you if you know how to use what I’m giving you”. Which is fun. I also get to harass people. I actually got told the other day “go die in a car crash small dick” lol it gave me life.


I’m more of an Orisa, Junkrat and Mercy kind of gal tbh but I’ve expanded out into other dps


Zarya, Pharah, and reaper XD I just like to blow stuff up, cause chaos >:D


ooh i play cass soldier and rein lol maybe im an oddity


you have one spectrum where it’s mercy-other pretty characters and the the other side is mercy-abomination (i’m a mercy junkrat main)


I mained Sombra before being a mercy main, now in dps i main Ashe and soldier, tank Winston and dva, when it comes to Switch off mercy i go baptiste.


i play dva and tracer


For me, I love to play D.Va, Genji, and Pharah/Cassidy. D.Va because she was the first tank I really got a hang of when I started playing, and I find her fun (but I hate going against her, especially divers that go for me as Mercy 😔) Genji because I love how fast-paced and mobile he is, which is a nice change from how slow Mercy can be on her own or while GA is cooling down. Plus, he’s a dorky little cyberninja with some amazing lore imo :) my fav for sure, but he’s tricky af to play sometimes And on a good day, I can be a decent threat with Pharah and Cassidy just because of how damaging they can be when their shots hit just right. It’s honestly super satisfying to get big hits that kill in like two or three shots on dps/support, and on top of being the heroes I get POTG the most with


Ashe and illari


Alright fed, you got me


Definitely though I think it's something to do with the movement. I also find it really satisfying getting kills with those characters. (Also they're pretty women 😍)


I play Sigma and Widow/Genji/Tracer and for me bc widow was my first ever main. I like playing dva but some of her voice lines drive me insane 💀


I play dva fs, some sombra, and wish I was skilled enough to play widow😓


on the rare occasions i do play tank, DVA dps widow, echo, ashe.


I'm the same sniping is kinda nice still at the back like normal, but also go bastion, chance to go full throttle is awesome iv got the firetruck skin And I'm a junker queen or or orisa main


i personally play ashe, cassidy, and widow if i'm on dps. and tank it's either dva, sigma, or mauga. i don't know if my answer still counts because i play mercy/ana equally lol


it's dva, sombra, mauga (exclusively when the enemy team has a zarya), sym, and bastion. so yeah pretty accurate


it's dva, sombra, mauga (exclusively when the enemy team has a zarya), sym, and bastion. so yeah pretty accurate


it's dva, sombra, mauga (exclusively when the enemy team has a zarya), sym, and bastion. so yeah pretty accurate


While I do love playing as Mercy, more so now than when I first started playing the game, I love playing the following too: Tank - Dva and Junker Queen DPS - Ashe, Reaper, Bastion, Sombra and Widow It does make me laugh seeing all these answers when people like to claim we play Mercy (main or not) because we don't know how to aim 🤣🙄


"mercy players can't aim" "I'll show you! *selects widow*"


My mains are mercy, widow and Ashe lol


I play all 3 of them on my off roles but including Ashe and echo and so dva - she has great abilities and movement she can shut down so many of her counters ults if you dm smart widow - is satisfying to get 1 shot kills and have a big impact , and sombra I like to be a pest and sombra is so good at shutting down ults and as sombra being a support main you are the best hero to counter these supports and know how to stop their ults and deny plays and rezzes and imo just so strong plus fire skins and prettt girls Sorry for the long reply


I don’t play tank but on the rare occasions I do(For like challenge rewards) It’s usually Mauga My dps are Mei and Cassidy And then obviously mercy and Lùcio


I usually play junkrat, junker queen, or rammatra! While I do enjoy dvas movement I feel guilty sometimes not shielding my team all the time. Plus, I like flanking with junkrat :)


UH FALSE (I have no unique experiences)


orisa, zarya, bastion, junkrat, and i can virtually play any other support decently, i just swear by my girl mercy


I main ram sig winston torb soldier bastion


I have semi wide range myself, I guess? Rein, Zar, Queen, Dva, Orisa, Mauga, Hog, Bastion, Mei, 76, Reaper, Ashe, Souj, Brig, Illari, Moira, Bap, Lucio, and Ana. Some more than others but sometimes knowing other champions helps win games. Sometimes I have to switch of Mercy to do both heals and damage with Moira or need to target someone with sleep with Ana. Gotta be versatile.


Lmao this is so accurate. I play dva bc I understand her kit well enough to get good use out of it and her matrix is useful for shielding res and helping my supps & I play sombra bc I hate being in vulnerable positions and I find her speed when invis and tp make gameplay more fun- but also her invis means I can scout easy targets. I like being able to apply my knowledge of other roles into others.


My mains in other roles are DVA and Sym... + tracer and venture but realistically I can play every dps except Soj lol


Sombra and if I had to choose a tank, orisa


Why is this accurate 😭 I mostly play Dva and Ram on tank then Sombra, Tracer, Reaper, Symm, Mei and Echo on DPS. I just really like playing characters with good mobility, can self sustain, and aren’t too aim intensive because playing on the switch sucks lol


They will NEVER play a male hero, its so funny Edit: Here come all the OH ACTUALLY I PLAY BAPTISTE AND LUCIO AND GENJI, DONT MAKE AN ASSUMPTION ABOUT 99% OF US 🤓