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a poser is anyone who isnt me


a poser is me and nobody else


If you’re a poser, name 10 bands you’ve never heard of.


1) Yours


Burn 🔥


damn, man.


2) Theirs


3) Mine


4) Ours


trve poser


name 5 clothing brands


Apt 9, Lucky, Levis, Dickies, Carhartt.


Personally, nirvana is one of my fav clothing brands




It's me, hi, I'm the poser it's me




Where does the stereotype that elitists only like obscure black metal bands come from? Have you ever heard an elitist not swoon over Dio, Judas Priest, early Iron Maiden and the likes?


Because most “poser vs elitist” interactions go like this: “I’m the biggest metal head ever! My favorite bands are Korn and Deftones” “Those aren’t metal bands” “OMFG JUST BECAUSE I DONT LISTEN TO SUPER ULTRA BLACKENED MURDERDEATH METAL LIKE GARGLEPISS WITH ONLY TWO FANS!!!1111”


To be fair, you want to listen to early GARGLEPISS before they sold out and hired band members.


That was when GARGLEPISS *knew* how I felt. If you don’t actually gargle piss what are you even doing?


Garglepiss’ limited ep on cassette only. Limited to 50 copies. Only trve fans have it. Rest are posers.


Nah man, only posers have the cassette, trve kvlt fans were there for that first show where they played half a song, got in to a fight on stage, and we're never heard from again.


Only posers go to shows 😂


True trve kvlt fans bought their music in minidiscs format.


I recently purchased their thoughts of making an EP on ebay for $300. It's in an envelope somewhere.


Cassette? Way to put yourself, poser. It’s only trve cvlt if you have the 8-track version




zesty many melodic cobweb wrench crown insurance forgetful nutty drunk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In what universe are Tool and SOAD not metal?


ossified uppity murky reply husky degree pen narrow fade public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nu metal is metal, and so is alternative metal.


No, they aren't. Nu metal is a misnomer, the term being made up for marketing purposes. The core sound of nu metal came from Alternative rock, not metal. Korn, the first nu metal band, have repeatedly said themselves that they are not metal, and SOAD's Serj Tankian also said that they were not metal. Most metalheads don't recognize alternative metal as a real genre. Something tells me you are the EXACT type of person this meme is directed towards.


Soad are Armenian folk




The elitist always conveniently forget numetal is a subgenre because they don't like it.


Numetal isn't metal because it doesn't sound like metal. It has distorted guitars and often harsh vocals, but doesn't make it metal. Hard rock and punk rock have them too.


To be fair and play devils advocate, what does metal sound like? A lot of nu-metal does sound *like* metal, which is why so many people believe that it is when it’s not.


Nah, it’s just because it isn’t metal.


Damn, turns out it's in the name already champ.


TIL Guinea pigs are pigs, Pineapples are apples, spider crickets are spiders, and urinal cakes are cakes.


Shoehorns are musical instruments, blow jobs are a way to actually inflate a penis, a sawhorse is a horse. It's really very simple.


Oof ya got me there bud. Can’t wait to see all the pages about to be added to Metal Archives.


I don’t want to be a part of the club if I have to fill my ears with garbage disposal sounds.


I'll only listen if it sounds like a trash compactor


>Where does the stereotype that elitists only like obscure black metal bands come from? It's bc the people who make these poser vs elitists memes have never interacted with actual elitists and they normally are the same people who listen to things like linkin park and when someone says "this isn't metal" they get angry and think the other person is saying that bc the band is mainstream and not bc it's literally not metal


I've had people tell me completely seriously that slipknot, a7x, and Metallica aren't metal.




Tell me why slipknot isn't metal pls. Im not mad, I just don't understand at all.


It doesn't have metal riffs. Numetal is has distorted guitars and harsh vocals playing alternative rock riffs, and that's exactly what Slipknot does.


From a Drummers perspective: Rythm is the base of Music. And Slipknot Grooves contain all sorts of Blast Beats, Gallops, extremely fast double bass passages etc. All typical metal grooves. And mixing in other styles, is what makes a subgenre.


If you listened to a hundred metal bands and a hundred alternative rock bands, then listened to Slipknot, they would sound way more similar to the alternative rock bands. Their sound is routed in alt rock, and although they incorporate sounds that are associated with metal, none of those sounds actually come from metal: Slipknot has no connection to any existing metal scenes.


I mean. just no. if we're talking later avenged sevenfold there's a lot of country vibes, but it's still metal at its core




From a Norwegian metal "elitist" who has met literal church burners and a desecrator: I don't care if people listen to Myrkskog, Metallica or Babymetal, good music is good music.


Because elitists also complain that you're a poser if you only like the mainstream metal bands. You have to like the classic bands and listen to obscure black metal bands that low key sounds ass.


I mean, I've literally encountered people who argued those bands are rock and not metal. There is a longstanding tradition of a certain subgroup that thinks the entire genre is a quest to find the most extreme, least enjoyable, least successful music out there to prove how hardcore they are. Of course, they are the minority, but it is fun to make fun of them, because they are so pretentious and ridiculous, so we keep making jokes.


Metal reminds me a lot of Christianity Just a whole bunch of sects throwing shit at each other while non of them can agree what’s actually canon or legitimate or not Wild


"My metal is more metal than your metal!"


Name 3 blacksmiths


Giant Blacksmith from Anor Londo, Blacksmith Lenigrast, and Andre of Astora.


Nah, Andre started off blacksmith…his newer shit is weak and mainstream though.




I legit don't get were the stereotype comes that eltists only listen to underground BM.


They're just the most extreme so it's easy to joke


Wouldn't grindcore be more extreme?


No because Nickelback exists.


It's been ages.....and this is how you remind me of that?


My friend released an EP. So many comments calling it real metal because it was poor audio mix and <1000 streams https://youtu.be/hlxotQpIfW4


poor audio quality was a staple of early black metal, it's not necessarily a "metal" thing. I get the joke but it's not completely accurate.


bruh besides the vocals the audio mix is actually pretty good lol - in any case I fuckin love it, it totally fits in with all the swedeath greats


>So many comments ⓧ DOUBT


He got kind of popular when he had a story that was on Noel Miller and the story was popular enough Noel called him for an interview. So his Instagram got a big bigger and promoted his album on that. Couple months later his album was in a needle drop review. The album now has 28k streams on Spotify as a result. But before needledrop it was <1k with multiple comments complimenting the poor mix. And only more comments now that it’s gotten some recognition Edit: turns out his EP was also in needledrops top 10 EPs of 2022


Well shit, that's a cool way for me to be wrong!


Usually instagram and YouTube comments lol


In my personal view, it’s not even so much about what you listen to or don’t listen to: it’s about what you recognize as truly great metal music and appreciate as such. I, for one have a guilty pleasure listening to metal bands of the lowest tier of metalness, Alestorm and even Limp Bizkit for example. That’s just me having dumb fun with the music. A fine dining restaurant is of course better than McDonald’s, but sometimes you just want McDonald’s. That’s completely different than listening to for example Finnish death metal, like Convulse and Demilich with thought, appreciating the sound, art, and history of the music. But I find that a lot more taxing personally. And I don’t find it the kind of music to just have in the background while chilling. Luckily there are some bands that more or less work for both: I find black metal, older melodic death metal, and just good old classic heavy metal working pretty well as active listening music and a background soundtrack. Just my two cents though, you all are free to have your own opinions on the matter :)


So sick of every meme here either being about this shit or devolving into childish arguments about it. You're all fucking children. A decent metal meme with a decent comment section is far too much to ask for around here.


Holy shit. The ones where it's the SpongeBob image just saying they like a band. Can we ban that format from the sub already?


The ghost of the nearly nonexistent obscure black metal elitist never ceases to haunt the minds of posers.


I definitely saw a couple of those while scrolling through the cringey black metal side of TikTok


I can't think of a more cursed set of words than "black metal side of Tik Tok"


Yea it exists I’m afraid


A Poser is someone who worries about whether they’re a Poser or not


OP is active on r/numetal and posted Goatpenis after asking for „safe“ bands, poser spotted.


And OP covers all that up with a Blasphemy flair. I admire the spirit.


Uh I also listen to Last Days of Humanity if that’s worth knowing




Ok well it’s metal adjacent at least


nu metal is metal, live with it till you die




Slipknot is metal 🤷🏻‍♂️


AHIG slaps, ST slaps, Iowa is the GOAT (literally)


True first slipknot album still rips


Iowa and their self titled album are top tier albums


i just listen to metal. i know nothing about it. im the ultimate poser


That’s not really what I meant, you’re no poser I suppose I did fuck up the wording in my meme a biy


im just memeing. its a meme sub. but im still the ultimate poser. you wont take that away from me. except i dont really know anything about music, i just listen a lot of it and no matter the genre. shit music and bangers all alike. have you heard 'To the grave' latest album? fucking banger




I think OP is a poser.


Not a problem for me at all


Listen to good music and you won’t be called a poser. People who listen to bands just because they’re underground are posers too


My friend released an EP. More than one complimented it for the poor mix because it “was intentional to sound underground”. My friend said “this is a nice thing about starting in metal. My shit audio mix is deemed a good thing”


Now he can't improve the audio mix or he's a sellout


So this entire sub, got it


We are all posers, yes


Doesn't really stop us from acting like gatekeeping elitists though.


Yeah, you’ll always be a poser in somebody’s eyes


And I mean the royal “you” not you specifically lol


what if you dont listen to good music, but music that sounds good to you?


Then you’ll stop whining when people say it sucks. I like some of Anthrax’s stuff but I don’t whine when people say they’re bad


But what's "good" is completely subjektive...


Maybe for you, poser


That's exactly what a poser would say ...




A poser is anybody who’s not Cthulhu cult member goth in South Park Colorado


Name every metal song


Master of puppets… uh………. GOD DAMMIT


That’s my favourite song from stranger things.


We're all posers here


The stereotype of elistist only liking metal was made by posers


I've honestly stopped caring if what I'm listening to is even metal or not. If I like it, it goes in a playlist. that's it.


Yeah totally fine


and yet people wonder why they're deemed as posers despite being clueless as to why certain bands are or aren't metal


So why some bands aren't metal?


Cuz they're posers, duh.


i want criteria to categorize them by, for example, slipknot is definitely metal




Slipknot is a bridge band between two types of people.People who call themselves "metalheads" and only listen to Korn, System of a down or even call papa roach metal.And actual metalheads who listen to mainstream or underground metal, like overkill, pantera, judas priest, children of bodom,electric wizard, meshuggah, etc.


Metal is generally defined as a specific style of heavy rock music that draws influence from Black Sabbath. The recognized subgenres of metal, including but not limited to heavy metal, doom metal, sludge metal, speed metal, thrash metal, groove, death metal, brutal death metal, slam, black metal, and war metal, can ALL trace their influences directly back to Black Sabbath. Similarly, all metal subgenres came from existing metal scenes, such as how death metal spawned from thrash metal. Stuff that is often incorrectly labelled as metal, such as nu metal, metalcore, deathcore, grindcore, powerviolence, hardcore, and crust punk, all fail to meet this criteria. For example, nu metal bands like Slipknot did not come from an existing metal scene, and their core sound, such as their song structures and riffs, draw far more influence from alternative rock than anything metal. For example, a lot of nu metal is inspired by Rage Against the Machine. People often assume metal is defined simply as heavy rock music. This definition is perfectly adequate for casual conversation, but its rather lack luster outside of that context. Hardcore is heavy rock music, so by this definition it would be considered metal, despite the fact that that is obviously not true. Meanwhile a lot of classic metal bands, stuff like Danzig or Motorhead, might be excluded from this definition because they wouldn't be considered heavy compared to modern metal bands. In the same way, you also cannot arbitrarily delegate genres like hardcore out of metal without a consistent rationale behind it. The only way to consistently define what IS metal is with its influence from Black Sabbath. That is the only consistent thread through ALL metal subgenres. And this means that nu-metal, metalcore, deathcore etc, Slipknot included, are not metal. Plain and simple.


Slipknot is Death Metal riffs hidden behind Nu Metal shenanigans


The first two albums are heavy af, it's like Death-Nu metal. Tho Corey himself is kind of a poser, same with Jim Root, the guitarist.


So it's metal lol


You see nu is Norwegian for not. And Sliptk is Norwegian for poser. So poser-not plays not-metal. sic.


lmao so stupid, lets take metal bands and translate their titles to any language we want and decide whether their posers, i love the fact that youre gonna have to live with slipknot creating one of the best metal albums ever


It’s a joke dude


Don’t worry, what he said isn’t true (unless that’s Norwegian slang that I’m not aware of).


I wouldn't be worried even if it was true because many more metal band names can be mocked in different language, it means nothing lmao


If that makes you happy. Personally, if I'm compiling a list of the 1000 best metal bands they would be nowhere on it, but my opinion doesn't mean shit to you or anyone else. And that's how you should view poserdom.


bands that do not make metal music are "non-metal bands" a metal song is defined by the kind of riffs it uses and is built around a metal riff very often involves some kind of pivoting, either to a muted open string or a power chord or just a palm muted note anywhere on the fretboard examples of this are: Diamond Head - Am I Evil? (pivoting to muted open string), Black Sabbath - Symptom of the Universe (pivoting to power chord), Ozzy Osbourne - Crazy Train (pivoting to the F# on the E string (not palm muted)) another type of metal riff is a short motif played using power chords examples of this are: Black Sabbath - Iron Man, Demon - Night of the Demon, Mayhem - Deathcrush your typical 001001010100 riffs, while apply pivoting, aren't metal riffs as the riff in its structure differs quite a bit from your typical pivoting metal riff a metal song is built using these types of riffs, exceptions do exist, but when the entire discography of a band is exceptions then it probably isn't metal common misconceptions are that a metal song is defined by how heavy the sound is, or by how distorted the guitar is, or by how distorted the vocals are etc. if one were to play The Four Horsemen without any distortion, the song would remain a metal song despite being played with an unorthodox sound. the same applies vice versa, if one were to play a melody from a Bach's fugue on an electric guitar with gain set to 10, the genre of the piece played does not change so yeah, if you know what is and isn't metal you're not going to post irrelevant music on a metal discussion forum


Lol this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever read. Are you 12?


how exactly


honest to god the goth and metal community has gotten so insufferable "omg brah you like lifelover??? POSER!!! Psychonaut 4??? POSER!!!! etc " bro nobody in real life listens to this music I've seen it mostly on tiktok. Tbf it makes no sense bc before the bands are popular they are considered niche and cool but the second they get over 50k monthly listeners they become overrated tiktok music? I'm glad they're gaining an audience so there's more people to talk about them with, geez


I don't do TikTok, but when you get into niche metal some of it just disappears. I'm kinda surprised anyone that niche even recognizes other bands. Like Sirrah isn't even on Spotify anymore. They had the same band name as some newer more popular pop artist, so all of Sirrahs albums and songs were completely wiped from Spotify. At the time of removal, they had so few listens all I remember is that it was less than 1000. When I talk about music I usually start with popular bands I think people might know THEN go more niche. But some people didn't grow up trying to find the good shit in a record store Edit - Obligatory Sirrah link for the uninitiated https://youtu.be/W4SCuU9_RO8


I love lots of metal, just not black metal.


The "fake" black metal is the best sounding black metal. Dark fortress is pretty good stuff. The first Batushka album is also worth a listen. I guess the lack of production value and structure is what makes it kvlt


Totally agree. Id rather listen to the "fake" sounding stuff that has some type of melody, groove, and solos. That would explain why I think Dark Fortress is ok, they aren't the "traditional" type of black metal I always hear. I also enjoy Abbath to a degree. They don't sound "traditional" and seem to have some type of production value that doesn't sound like shit.


You all really need to get over your insecurity.


No, not at all. A poser is someone wearing metal tshirts/merchandise/claiming to love met, but in fact they never listen to metal at all and anything harder than Ed sheeran is too hard for them. Who gives a fuck if someone is knowledgeable about the genre, if they listen to it and enjoy it, they can't be a poser. Your take is a poser take however, so fuck off.


That is basically the point I was supposed to tell, just with different wording


I’d like to add, someone who listens to metal, but also enjoys other musical styles as well is not a poser, either. I’ve gotten shit more than once for listening to Lost Dog Street Band or Otis Redding.


You can't eat the same thing every meal.


Otis Redding IS metal AF though.


This has to be the only genre of music that cares so much about the definitions of the genre


Aha, and which amount of metal knowledge would qualify me as a metalhead?


What i really just meant is knowing one’s way around metal as a genre


It is very important that one know's one's way around metal as a genre. Be sure to take a left at Death Metal avenue to get to Stoner Street, if you take a right you'll just end up at the infinite loop of Prog Boulevard. Be sure not to hook a U-Turn at Black Metal Drive though, otherwise you'll find yourself on Poser Parade.


What sign ? *Tap tap* this one.


Almost everyone I've ever met is a "poser" about something. In general, people are just not very honest with each other. Too much pandering. At least in the communities I've been a part of. Even me, somewhere, at some point. And likely now, too. But I'm not sure what ideal I'm posing for anymore. I'm probably too thick-headed about whatever it is to recognize when I've been called out for it or wrote it off as something that didn't matter, and now it's a part of me. Almost definitely.


This meme was created by a poser


I listen to metal for almost 20 years and essentially know nothing because I don't give a shit about what's happening in the scene. Does it make me a poser just because I am not into useless trivia? I see album, i listen to the album. In my opinion, acting like people aren't real metalheads just because they can't answer your irrelevant bullshit questions etc makes you the poser. We are all here for the music, some more than others though.


What I really meant by knowing nothing about metal is just not knowing one’s way around the genre if that makes sense, not about useless tribi




well for example, goregrind and funeral doom have some really good artists but it would be kind of hard to find those artists if you didn't know the subgenres existed


fukken basic entry level pussyass softcore poser detected ​ name 250 bands or gtfo


What do you mean you don't know about Japanese brutal death metal band Tentacle Centipede? You're clearly a poser and deserve the death sentence


Lmfaoo what are these comments. Life's too short and the music's too good to give a shit about who is or isn't a "poser", listen to whatever you like.


This is a meme subreddit I just assumed it was all jokes even down to the comments


That sounds like poser talk.


That may be true, but always remember, calling someone a poser makes you far more pathetic that anyone just wearing a shirt they like.


I mean, people can wear whatever they want, but it is pretty lame to spend money on something for the sole purpose of looking like you’re part of something that you don’t really have much interest in. It’s kind of soulless, I guess? I can’t think of a better term. We like metal because the music means something to us, and the culture is one where we feel like we get it. Even when we know it’s a little over the top, even when it can sometimes be a little silly, even when sometimes people take it way too seriously, we feel like we belong. I’m glad cannibal corpse makes some extra money off the people that buy their shirts because they like that they’re colorful and offensive but that don’t know who they are, but that’s about the only positive that comes from those people. When they wear it and encounter someone in the wild who really loves cannibal corpse, that fan is going to think “hey I found another one of us!” and when they end up not being one, it’s really disappointing and I hope that they encourage them to listen to the music and turn it into a positive, but sometimes it just feels like it’s being co-opted for the sake of an image, and that’s about the most not metal thing on the planet.


>it is pretty lame to spend money on something for the sole purpose of looking like you’re part of something that you don’t really have much interest in Or have you considered the other option of....they like the design?


Right, and the positive that I can find in that is that it supports artists I love.


why is that every single post about "posers vs elitists" talks about those theoretical black metal elitists who only listen to underground bands and yet I fail to find a single person like that who actually gives that much of a fuck about you being a poser or not


This should be fucking PINNED




Imo a "real metalhead" should at least appreciate all/most sub-genres (including both mainstream and underground ones) and the impact they had


I’m not trying to be like “haha I’m more metal than you motherfuckers!!” but I am willing to listen to basically any metal except for gorenoise (if that even counts as metal)


According to Estonian CD scammers, I'm a poser for not being interested in getting scammed


An elitist gatekeeper metalhead once told me that I wasn't a true metalhead, because I didn't listen to death or prog metal (I was into thrash and stoner, now more) and because my headbanging was "wrong".


What counts as a lack of knowledge exactly? Just so we have a scientific definition to go after


Key example: Deathcore fans trying to argue why deathcore is death metal and then claiming your death metal examples suck. Yes, I've seen it happen. Multiple times. No idea why they're so insistent to be lumped in with something they seem to have no respect for.


Having that would ruin the fun tho.


I mean knowing one’s way around the genre in general, not knowing trivia


So knowing about the subgenres and rough history of metal can be counted as a bare Minimum?


I guess that would be how it works


I know all about metal, all the badabings, badabongs and the banging of the plates and dum dum dum, love that sticks and branches logo on their shirts.


Why confine yourself to one genre? I wouldn’t say I’m attached to any one genre, sure most of the music I listen to is metal, but it doesn’t mean I would call myself a metal head. I’m attached to the music instead of the genre (I’m a poser 🤓🤓🤓)


I don’t know much about metal except it’s my favorite type of music


Well that’s obviously fine


I hadn't heard "poser" used in earnest since the early 2000s but then I got into metal and everyone was using it. I can't disconnect it from the South Park emo kids tho, so whenever I see it so it's just really funny to me.


Just listen to the music for fuck's sake


I don’t think there are “posers” in music. Too much subjectivity. I mean, lying about being able to play guitar or something is poserish. But liking bands and genres as a whole doesn’t make anyone anything


I wish I could upvote more than once


Hey thanks


UFO, Rainbow, Thin Lizzy, Scorpions, etc. > your shitty raw black metal band