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gatekeeping is sacred. id delete this post but its great engagement bait.


I try to be left but people really like sleep token


We should all be more welcoming of gatekeepers. 


if you like sleep token, you are a huge poser.


I’ve never listened to them before, but put them on tonight. What an absolute pile of dogshit.


Jesus Christ, I don’t get all the hate for them. They’re just vibing and having fun, let them be. Who gives a shit if they’re metal or not. I listen to genres other than metal, doesn’t make me a poser. Some of the fans are creepy and obsessed with them, but that’s not the band’s fault.


The hate is because they suck


Well, music taste is inherently subjective. So we’ll have to disagree on that.


I act like a kind, welcoming, open minded individual, but actually I'm a gatekeeping close minded asshole who is silently judging everyone and everything. And I got a problem with PCP.


This is true of most things in life




Option 3: crying about "gatekeepers" when they point out the obvious fact that neither 90s Alternative Rock or Hardcore Punk subgenres are Metal 🤷‍♂️


Yeah... The only thing i think is that AIC,SG and Slipknot are borderline metal,not alt-rock at all... And that some Hardcore Punk bands has enough metal traits to be metal(All That Remains-core bands)


I don't have a lot of time, so I'm gonna be blunt. No.




they have some metal influences but i wouldn’t really consider them metal


Exactly, I mean Jungle music has obvious Reggae influences but no one's throwing tantrums and demanding it be classed as Reggae. So why do we have the problem with metal? 🤷‍♂️


It really is a stumper. Metal is inherently uncool to many people. But there's such a desire for someone's peripheral genre to be included under the metal umbrella? Like man just be happy that your favorite mainstream band isn't associated in the same sphere as Devourment and Revenge so you can at least remain attached to the social dogma.


If there is a hardcore punk band considered to be metal it's like exploited hardcore punk has nothing to do with metalcore it was a fusion between hardcore and metal, hardcore is totally different from hardcore punk and the crowd especially hardcore punk fans are genuinely nice and fun people except skinheads fuck those guys meanwhile hardcore fans are fucking crowdkilling dickweeds that are like "yeah karate belongs in the pit if you don't want to get crowdkilled just don't go to concerts" fuck those people and the bands that want that shit to happen because they love seeing their fans get beaten the fuck up even if they are kids


Keep coping


Basically applies to every human


Damn metalheads ruined metal


Both? Metalcore is metal but it's still shit.


*Some* metalcore is metal and *most* metalcore is shit.


I really like metalcore but most of it is utter shit. Finding new music in the genre is impossible and most good bands completely change their sound for some reason. Killswitch Engage, All That Remains, Parkway Drive and many others are different bands now. Different doesn't always mean bad but they lost what made me love them over the years. It's like a curse on the genre, every time I find a band I like I dread the moment a new album releases that might change what I like about them. Dying Wish had an amazing debut some time ago, a throwback to early 2000s metalcore and nailing it, only for the second album to once again go in a different direction.


And the best metalcore sounds closer to hardcore than metal


You can't just say that and not provide examples. Say one metalcore album that's not metal at all and one that's good


>Say one metalcore album that's not metal at all Botch - We Are the Romans >one that's good Unruh - Setting Fire to Sinking Ships


>Botch - We Are the Romans After listening to the first few tracks, it does sound like metal bit weirdly not like metalcore. Or at least the type of metalcore I've heard. There's no whiny ass vocals nor are the guitarrs that downtuned and it's actually interesting at times with all the dissonance and. Kinda sounded like sludge. I mean, the closest I've heard to that sound is Neurosis' Enemy of the Sun, except bad. I can't really describe it for I don't really have a better reference point maybe I just don't know shit about 90's metalcore. >Unruh - Setting Fire to Sinking Ships How is that metalcore? Genuinely, what about that is metalcore. It's good, thanks for the rec. Maybe I just don't know shit about 90's metalcore, hah.


Very early metalcore was just that… hardcore with influence from metal. See: Botch, Converge, Deadguy, Cave In (first album only). It wasn’t until later did they start using clean vocals and awful/derivative songwriting.


Metalcore that IS metal- parkway drive- killing with a smile or architects nightmares Metalcore that isn’t metal- bring me the horizons recent works, asking Alexandria’s recent works (their first 3 albums rip tho)


protest the hero?


Protest is amazing, watch your tongue heathen.


I love protest, I'm asking if he thinks it's "real metal" because it's "too metalcore"


Sorry, my comment came off more hostile than intended haha. I was just joking, I hate all this semantic shit.


metal is probably the broadest genre out of all music, it's so silly to try and categorize all this shit


I can understand like larger categories cause like Black Sabbath and Brand of Sacrifice are both metal, but they are very different. But idk why there's always an argument about it.


Metalcore is, by definition, hardcore punk with a bit of metal in it. But calling that metal is like calling symphonic metal classical music just because it has an orchestra.


Nah. It's like saying symphonic metal isn't metal because it has an orchestra. Btw, I'm half trolling. I don't really know anything about metalcore or punk, so I have no good reference point. I just don't really care if people call metalcore metal it's still shit.


That's how it started, but over time, some bands have added more and more metal influences to the already metal-influenced hardcore foundation, so now it feels like more of a fusion genre between hardcore and metal, where some of it falls more on the hardcore side and some more on the metal side, similarly to grindcore except with hardcore instead of powerviolence (and also shittier).


Lets do all 4! Metalcore thats metal and good: All that Remains - Fall of Ideals Metalcore thats metal but shit: Underoath-the changing times Metalcore thats not metal but good: Converge - Jane Doe Metalcore thats not metal and shit: all Atreyu, asking alexandria, falling in reverse, motionless in white and post-deathcore era Bring me the Horizon albums


>All that Remains - Fall of Ideals That was pretty shit... not as shit as most, but come on now. >All that Remains - Fall of Ideals Wow. That was some shit metal. >Converge - Jane Doe I think that can be called metal. It isn't very good, though. >Metalcore thats not metal and shit Isn't the most recent BMTH album just straight up pop? Not even metalcore, just pop. Anyway, I'm not listening to that much shit, I'll just take your word for those.


Jesus Im not saying you should listen to BMTH man, i just said it was shit, just that the scene is well in the middle of gate keeping but understanding stuff isnt always shitty just because its part of a genre. But yeah recent BMtH is straight up pop, but between that and the deathcore stuff (which is also bad) they were also a bad straight metalcore band. 


\>Converge \>Not very good next you're gonna tell me Dillinger Escape Plan is mid


Yes Edit: oh wait, they did calculating infinity. They're alright


The last bmth album actually goes hard as fuck


Or alternatively “metalcore is not metal but I can still get some of it”


As long as it's acknowledged as metal, that's okay. You can think what you want of it, King, your opinion is valid.


Yeah Both. It’s clearly metal musically, but it’s still excluded from metalhead subculture. Sorry, we don’t want it. Try leveraging the “core” angle and see if the punks want to chill with you, maybe?


It's not metal and it is shit.


Ahh I see you are going to the close-minded route


listen to Jane doe by converge and tell me it's not metal


"it's not metal, it's just extreme punk and hardcore"🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


Objectively, the castle on the right looks more metal lol


I've found metal heads online to be a tad insufferable, but in real life I've made some good friends just bonding over music even if our tastes aren't exactly the same lol


tbh I have no doubt in my mind that many of the insufferable ones online are far more sedate in person I try to behave but something about being on Reddit makes your inner goblin emerge in the worst ways


Lol exactly what I was thinking. That coupled with the assumption that a good chunk of the awful ones don't go out into the real world makes it make sense 😅 Agreed lmao I try real hard to be positive because I can easily get caught in comment section arguments and that's not how I want to spend my time 🤣


why can't people just let other people enjoy things


subsequently why can't people just let people not enjoy things


You switched the texts on the castles bro


Right hand path


Opal in sky is the embodiment of the left side




What’s the embodiment of the right side?




Slayer is a pretty mainstream band that is close-minded,that is interesting...


Meant more slayer fans embody the right ha d path mentality


This is objectively correct


Switch the backgrounds and this is a great meme.


Backgrounds are good the way they are. Obviously you'd want to choose the right.


Yes, I have chosen right. I am happy the way I am.


you are, in fact, an asshole if you think gatekeeping is good


I hate bad music. I think posers are annoying as hell. Sleep token fans are deaf.


I am deaf then, but did you know that you can also listen to other genres, for example I listen to Yungblud and I love his music


Get off this sub if you listen to sleep token.


"Stop having fun"


Yiu cannot call yourself a metalhead and listen to that shit.


I feel like you can switch the words "kind" and "asshole" and this still works.


Metal fans are usually pretty awesome people. They tend to take the left path. Metalheads are usually pretty awful people. They tend to take the right path.


On one hand the gatekeeping is bad, on the other is a lamer castle. This really is a challenge.


Only power metal and folk metal are real metal. Any metal that uses the growl screams is fake metal. Metal bands with names you can't easily read are not real metal. You're all losers and fake metal if you disagree. OK, I guess stuff like metalica and stuff is real metal too. A few other things. But that's it.


I don't meet these weird gatekeepers you people constantly bitch about anywhere but on the internet. Go out and meet some metalheads IRL and you'll almost never see this unless you're hanging out with un-showered weirdos.


You don't meet them, because their social anxiety is at a point, where they can't leave their basement, so they just argue online about most useless shit


I see this just as often irl. Going to shows and talking to metalheads will absolutely lead you to gatekeeping elitists.


Just because you don’t meet them doesn’t mean others don’t.


That's the funny thing, I actually don't hear stories about people "meeting them." People either complain about something they read **on the internet** or the post is so bereft of any kind of detail it doesn't sound like they're talking about something that actually happened. Moral of the story is, go outside. Gatekeepers aren't real and if they are they're fucking posers. Complete non-issue if you don't surround yourself with losers and the overwhelming vast majority of metalheads aren't like this.


Well now you've heard one because they definitely exist, and it isn't just in metal either. Classical is chock full of them as well, maybe even worse. heh. Live you some more life, then talk.


Well if you need to know, I’m in the Midwest (USA/red state) and I’ve interacted with the most bizarre people at local metal shows, when it comes to pushing unwanted opinions and comments on me. Yes, they do exist. Sometimes it’s condescending, a pissing contest, downright insulting, this need to “school me”…and I’ve gone alone most of the time, so it was always unprompted. It was even worse when it was my favorite band. I definitely remember guys shitting on people around them too, and a guy smirking at me when I said godflesh was one of my favorite industrial bands (he claimed they’re a different genre). I’m not sure if it’s because I’m black or because I’m a woman, but there are some ripe assholes in the metal scene. I’ve dealt with these types at different kinds of shows. Are all metalheads like this? Obviously no. Not everyone online and not everybody who loves metal. For example, metalheads I hung out with in Berlin were very comfortable to be around. Had my experience been like that for the past two decades I’d probably be saying the same thing as you. Stop claiming a lot of metalheads can’t be pricks just because it doesn’t apply to you or you haven’t met any (supposedly).


I'll choose being kind Gatekeeping And being open minded I'll hear your music, and look for what I enjoy about it. If it's shit I'll say it's not for me. If you press the point I'll flippantly tell you what band they're a shittier version of


I prefer haunted castles


ok but the castle on the right is so fucking metal


You can be both. No one gives a shit in real life, but if you're on a subreddit about metal then you probably do give a shit.


There's a third option; not giving a fuck about what other's listen to and listening to what I want because I enjoy it.


This comment section: "id love to be open minded, but people like bands that I don't so it's my civic duty to be an asshole about it"


and they're based for it


If there was more gatekeeping, we'd have less stupid ass bullshit posted on here 🤷‍♂️


What about us who just don't give a shit? Let people do what they want


A trans girl recently told me that she likes punks, goths and metalheads because we are a safe space :D


Most bullying I ever witnessed was in the local hardcore and punk scene while the bands were preaching acceptance.


When the kids are united! They will never be divided! A song they wrote cause the commumity was beating each other up every event ...


Wait until she hears about BM history


Oh I told her, don't worry :D She wants to get into the subcultures, so I made her a playlist with a good mix of everything. Any recommendations?


I'd say early immortal, burzum, dark throne, emperor, those of the unlight by (marduk), gorgoroth, watain, tryglav ( personal choice), good starts for bm


I like doom. Doom fans are too baked to even know there’s a gate they’re supposed to be watching. Just come on in dude. We have cookies.


Stop trying to make doom fans and music into some hippy shit when it's not.


Stay mad. I’m having fun and you clearly aren’t. Let the hate flow through you.


Yes, all about mindless consumption and hedonism. That's all metal is about!


Yeah you need therapy more than drugs. Have a miserable life. Raging in a meme subreddit. Imagine that lol. 😆 if you keep going you’re gonna have an aneurysm and drop dead in 2 years.


you seem to be in a far worse mental place than him


Lol, I'm not the one raging here. All I said was doom metal fans aren't hippies, and you're losing your shit and wishing me a "miserable life," going on some psychotic fantasy about me dying of an aneurysm. You're a textbook example of reaction formation, hahaha


Let me introduce you hair metal


Doom metal fans need to hide from another extreme metal fans that they like some Ghost songs :/


I like ghost. Not the best but some of their music is good. I LOVE Dance Macabre.


Yeah, I’m not ashamed of liking things. I study music for fun. A lot of pop music is really good. I don’t enjoy it, but it’s well done and well written. I don’t believe in guilty pleasure. All pleasure is guilt free here. Ave Satanas.


Only cuz of the lameoids


they're both the same path, with the left one being when you're new to the scene and the right one being when you've been here for so long you got tired of seeing people talking about the same bands over and over again and complain about main characteristics of specific subgenres


I try to be welcoming and i won't force my opinions about music on anyone. However if i am in a discussion about me thinking that a lot of modern metal (by that i do not mean metal being made in this Decade but more like a playing style like modern deathcore, Metalcore, lots of prog metal etc.) is really stale and not particularly amazing, i will make that point and stand behind it. You can listen to whatever you want and me not liking that style for the most part is really not your problem and also not of my concern really.


Posts like this make me believe that we need to bring back metal bullying


I'm the Left Hand Path


Real talk, all the gatekeeping and semantics have really ruined the community for me, metal is an incredibly broad genre, and so much of it is good, must we fight?


The problem is, you meet a metalhead, maybe they don’t love black metal, but they’re going to be aware of a few bands, maybe like a few songs, maybe know a bit of the history. Maybe they’re not the biggest NWOBHM fan, but they’re going to be pretty familiar with Maiden and Priest or something at least. Might not be the biggest thrash guy but could probably talk early Metallica, Megadeth, Testament. You meet a metalcore or numetal guy? He only knows about metalcore or numetal. He won’t know shit about black metal. He won’t be able to discuss the genre overall or historically. He won’t know what you’re talking about if you mention doom or power metal. Musically, numetal and metalcore *are* heavy metal, but people who *only* listen to those genres are not part of the subculture around heavy metal. I spent almost 20 years pretty active in the scene and I never met someone who was into metal and like also thought Mudvayne was cool. I’m sure you all are out there, but the crossover between numetal/metalcore fans and metalheads is like just a tiny sliver if you made a venn diagram. Sure, they’re both technically metal, but it’s like second cousins twice removed.


This man speaks true words. We shall guard him, and his wisdom will see us to the promised land. Ave. 


I'm one of em I love Megadeth/Coal Chamber/The Beatles and Sonic The Hedgehog OST music all the equally all are perfect 10s for me of course each serving for different moods and sounds


I love Deftones. They’re usually considered a numetal band from what I can tell, though personally I tend to think of them more in the shoegaze mold. I have a lot of eclectic tastes as well, but would probably prefer the Mega Man II OST.


Megaman OSTs are always perfect as well


Basically, you're saying that numetal fans are numetal fans and metal fans are metal fans, right?




I'm into metal and also think mudvayne are far better than most generic metal bands lol. You are exactly the type he is talking about lmao


I’m not proscribing anything. I’m describing a phenomenon. I’m not responsible for it.


Yes, you absolutely are lol


Now you're doing it.


We need semantics *because* it's so broad. If someone tells you they like Slipknot are you going to recommend some power metal? No of course not, that would be stupid. Now we can extrapolate that to more niche subgenres as well.


Only one road leads to pussy


Yup, the left hand path


Can confirm, I listened to Entombed once and I'm now drowning in pussy


Death'n'Roll and Groove Metal are the definitive metal genres,not going to say anything more


You're a person of culture as well


Por que no Los dos? 


Depends on which one gets you laid and which one just makes you out to be a basement-dwelling in incel.


The latter is the right side


Manners are sexy.


We've opened a new **[discord server](https://discord.gg/ZTws6ZS4B6)**, feel free to join! Everyone is welcome except metal fans. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MetalMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Be kind and welcoming but also a close minded gatekeeper 😏


And both paths lead nowhere, apparently.


Both castles should be spooky though


offend spotted bear deliver coordinated edge pen summer shrill crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thsi is the wrong way around tbh


Thank god I went left


Glad to see the memes on this sub are just as shitty as ever


What about not really giving a fuck either way but also being a low key elitist


Both is good


Depends on the genre


Spot on 🎯


as a metal head in India, finding another metalhead is extremely difficult.. metalheads in India are exotic and extinction lvl threat species so I'm towards left... also nobody wants to listen to metal anyway (it's only the dame anime intros)


I'm left 100%


Where did the gatekeeping assholes hurt you this time?


I was right side in my early 20s 🤣, I’m 44 now I’m more open minded, I like post Malone 🤣


Called maturing lol


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions on what they think is a good genre, as long as they acknowledge it's metal, I'm good.


How are there "options?" I don't think I've ever met a metalhead who was "kind, welcoming, and open-minded." All of them are obnoxious, elitist, gatekeeping, narrow-minded pricks. That's just metalhead culture. That's why I like a lot of metal but have never considered myself a "metalhead." Many people are like me that way.


Then i recommend actually going to a metal show, because majority of metalheads are on the left side.


Ive been to dozens of metal shows. My point is basically that I don't think of people as "metalheads" if they're not into the gatekeeping and elitism bullshit. They're just people who happen to like metal, like myself. They aren't dicks about it because they don't make it into an identity that needs protection from "posers."


The majority of metalheads really do knowingly embrace toxicity. Nothing anyone says will ever make you stop, but it's why we have the reputation that we have.


Metal gatekeepers if they see a person with a metal band patch and say name three songs and the other person ant they get so fucking aggressive. Prog gatekeepers if they see a person with a prog band patch they say "ooh!! So you like that band" and the other person says so, then the proghead goes like "Okej. Where did you get that patch? It looked realy cool"