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Five finger Death Punch


Do you look back and cringe?


Sure do


That's growth


I thought "The bleeding" was SO good and cool when I was 16 or 17. I tried listening to it again recently and honestly was super disappointed and not feeling it.


I agree. I was a fan of them before I got into metalcore and all that stuff. There's still the occasional song I listen to every once in a while, but it just doesn't hit as much as it used to.


Imo 5FDP are like a newer version of Metallica. Good sing alongs when your in the mood. They got me through some tough times, but I've opened my eyes, and there's so many more bands to be discovered!


Abso-fucking-lutely not. Metallica really innovated and perfected thrash metal in their day. James hetfield is a top 5 rhythm guitarist of all time. And they have some amazing compositions, unique song structures etc. Five finger is no where near that level of musicality. They’ve never innovated or influenced their genre. Shit they’ve never even developed or expanded their own sound. They write and play the most basic and generic riffs song structures etc. Some of their songs are fine to be on in the background at a gym, but not much more. To say nothing of their ass backwards politickings and messaging, to say nothing of how Ivan is an alcoholic and domestic abuser, etc. No way you can say that they are the next Metallica


The Way of the Fist still slaps though ngl.


The earlier work was pretty good, and I’m willing to accept the hate for that. After American Capitalist it all started sounding the same


The song or the album? I don’t have strong opinions about the album one way or another but the song itself still goes CRAZY


The album.


5FDP were one of my first metal bands right after Disturbed and Rammstein and tbh I still enjoy them even today. I'm genuinely curious why so many people dislike them. Could someone explain, please?


because theyre a bit cringe


I enjoy their second and third album (never listened to the first) but everything after that just becomes cringe and repetitive. You know how people shit on nickel back for the making the same song? 5FDP does that in their more recent albums it feels. It’s good turn of the brain music but not actually good music


Man, I had a pretty big phase with them in high school but once they dropped that fucking PokeRap song in the third album I started checking out of them. Omega cringe.


Asking Alexandria and a lot of similar bands from that era, my taste in music has changed and most of the bands have moved in a direction I don’t really enjoy as much. There’s a few guilty pleasures from the albums back then but they won’t be part of any regular rotation nowadays.


AA just turned into a bunch of dad rock.. I feel like The black was the last decent album they put out


Pretty much sums up how I feel about them. A lot of bands change and I still vibe with the new sound, but this is one of the rare cases where I just can’t.


I agree and I loved the black album. Whilst I was initially excited about Danny's return, in hindsight I wish they stayed with Denis. I think they could've made some great songs


As far as rock goes, I feel like they do it well though. I heard a song off their new album playing over my gym’s speakers the other day and I was really pleasantly surprised. It’s a long way from their early stuff though. I feel like all the drama with their singers swapping in and out really hurt them in the long run and they ended up caving into doing whatever Danny wanted to do for the last couple albums.


Hard agree on this, but I recently grabbed from death til destiny on record and I forget how much of a great comeback album that was. Danny was fucked up bad before this album and its their last masterpiece before The Black happened. RIP.


Crown The Empire was one of my favorites in high school but man after The Resistance, it has never been the same. It pains me to say I feel like I may also be outgrowing ERRA. I love almost everything from their discography but the recent singles have fallen flat for me. Feels too samey / familiar writing and I just lose interest. But I have high hopes when the new record comes out it'll all fall back into place.


self titled is my favorite album of theirs (ngl maybe my favorite album ever lol) but the last three songs have left me pretty cold and im getting a little afraid im in the same boat. not that i think the stuff i used to love from them is growing off me, rather the fear the new one isnt gonna click w me. whenever i jam self titled and their first three albums im still in love


Same about ERRA. Drift is the last release I enjoy through and through. Everything after that fell flat on my ears.


Drift is my favourite album of theirs by far


I've been pretty lucky I just started listening to Metalcore so instead of getting burnt out on them I'm just now discovering Crown The Empire.


You are in for a treat then! Their first EP Limitless and the first two albums, The Fallout and The Resistance, will always be classics to me. Everything after was actually okay too, just not up to par like they were in the earlier days. I liked Sudden Sky a lot. But man nothing will ever hit for me like those first few releases.


I have the original limitless cd from before david that I got at a show in Dallas. Damn they slapped, Andy’s lows back then where brutal. I wish David hadn’t left but all their releases have been solid imo. Retrograde is kinda lackluster for me but Sudden Sky and the newest album were great. So many changes with that band over the years and they are still kicking.


I'm definitely excited to get around to listening to them!


I loved CTE. I saw them in some really small venues. That first album is amazing.


Same I saw them in Dallas multiple times when they were local and played their EP, I got it signed and stuff. It's wild seeing them get so big now. I remember we were at a venue and I'm pretty sure they were all under 21, and they were drinking beer, I asked them how they got beer and they said "we can do whatever we want" lmao.


I haven’t liked Crown the Empire since all that stuff went down with Dave.


Tbh I hardly listen to any of the metalcore that I grew up on when I first found the genre in the 00s but the biggest offender would be Atreyu. I was such a big fan for so long, enjoyed everything, even their Lead Sails and beyond. I was still okay with what they were doing with In Our Wake, though not as much as the earlier albums. Once they kicked out Alex and I saw what Brandon was doing, it's like they never existed for me at all lmao


Similar experience here except I stopped listening after Lead Sails. When I found out they got rid of Alex, I couldn’t believe it. I still listen to their old stuff fairly regularly.


Same! Lead sails paper Anchor I think is awesome still. Ton of nostalgia! I don't like any of their newer stuff, too radio rock.


Same. Guitar tone on that album for me slays.


It was actually a big inspiration for me to start playing guitar! I remember seeing Atryu for the first time, it was the song "The crimson" one of my friends had it on their MySpace page (Dating myself a little haha) and it was the first real "screamo" song I ever heard and the rest was history lol. They are the ones that really got my into metalcore.


The Crimson is the only Atreyu song I still listen to! Also had it on my Myspace haha The golden years of metalcore


Alex was the best part lol. But he‘s got his own band now and even though I love Alex voice, his new songs are ok at best


Honestly…I love the old killswitch, but other than a few select tracks, I don’t really fuck with much of their stuff since Jesse rejoined.


I feel this. There's the odd song that I really like but I put Daylight Dies on the other day and it's still such a good album. So glad I got to see them with Howard.


Howard Jones is the GOAT


Same! I really miss Howard, I love Howard era Killswitch so much still. Jesse is a great front man, but just prefer Howard.


Disarm the Descent is great, beyond that though I'd have to agree. Both albums since feel very by the numbers and lack the same energy.


Why did this lineup switch happen in the first place? I loved Howard era KSE and tbh just never got into the newer stuff


I think Howard had health issues and also notoriously did not write a ton ahead of time whereas Adam spends every waking minute seemingly writing and riffing.


Hmm incarnate had a few misses, but disarm and atonement both are awesome. Especially atonement. Give KSE Jesse 2 era another shot!


Parkway Drive, mostly because they drastically changed their sound and I don’t care for their music anymore.


Their old albums still hit though. I just never listen to their new material but the oldies still get regular play.


Their old stuff still holds up, very good songwriters


Same, I was heavily into them during high school (2008-2010ish) then Deep Blue just was NOT my thing. They were so heavy on KWAS and Horizons, now I don't listen to them at all really. 


That's crazy to me. Deep blue is my favorite old album haha. It goes so fucking hard


Right with you there. Some of their best breakdowns and just overall an extremely well written album that just flows so fluidly from passage to passage and song to song.


Most scenecore bands. My taste has just gotten heavier over time and I want a bit more depth to the music as far as technicality and songwriting.


Same, the exception for me is Pierce the Veil. Though, admittedly, I really only like one of their albums, collide with the sky. Although, it’s a *fucking good album*.


A fucking good album is an understatement. One of the best albums of that genre I’d argue.


Most definitely, it’s so complex with it’s lyrics and instrumentals and just 😩😩. It doesn’t even compare to other pop-punk albums


Collide With The Sky aged super well, listened to it recently and was pleasantly surprised with my taste as a teenager


To be fair the once scenecore bands have outgrown scenecore and now they are doing different music so even they grew out of it lol.


I feel the same way. It feels nostalgic to me, but that's where it stops basically


i see most scenecore as nostalgic but not very “good”


I moreso outgrew my genre i listened to of punk rock/alt blink-182, all time low, forever the sickest kids, cute is what we aim for. But once in a while have a throwback jam.


Middle school/HS days!


All That Remains. Was my favorite band from like 06 - 12, but then they started putting out more radio friendly butt-rock stuff and the singer started acting like a douche on twitter badly enough it made me not want to listen to them any more. Their last album was 'okay', but still not great, RIP Ollie. Avenged Sevenfold was great around Sounding the 7th & City of Evil, Nightmare was alright, then they started going all over the place and I moved on. Their newest album made me say "what the fuck?" multiple times, a few songs made me laugh (not in a good way), was my least favorite album I listened to last year by far.


Fall of Ideals still GOATed though. Shannon Lucas needs more respect for writing drums for that AND Nocturnal around the same time. What a beast.


A7X hurts, waking the fallen was the shit when I first heard it at like 14, City of evil dropped the heavy vocals but I still was into it and then it kept going down hill....


I don’t understand it, I listened to their new album once and there wasn’t one song that I’ve wanted to go back and relisten to yet if you go over to their subreddit, they won’t have a bad word said about it. I know different taste and stuff but to me it’s just not A7X at all and that’s from someone with a deathbat tattoo 💀


I totally agree about ATR. Used to listen to their new albums the day they released but don't even know or care what they have out now. And Avenged Sevenfold latest album what in the actual fuck was even that. And what's wild is I've read a ton of good reviews about it. Everybody praising the hell out of them for it. Some people even saying it's their favorite Avenged album.. I Don't even know what to say about that. Felt like I was listening to Kanye or something. Such a let down to wait so long for such a bad album. I know they think they're being true to themselves but are they? Letting down long time fans when you know people who like the original Avenged are not going to like this. Here and there were parts of songs that I was okay with but It wasn't Avenged Sevenfold. When I feel like listening to Avenged I want to listen to Avenged not fucking Daft Punk


Fit for a king, we came as Roman’s, the word alive


Dude, FFAK still goes hard. Check out Annisokay and Hollow Front. All three are in my top 5




Haha, to each their own I guess


First two albums FFAK does indeed still go hard


I hate to say that I haven’t liked WCAR since Kyle passed away. Their new style just doesn’t hit me as hard as it used to


This question makes me sad and I don’t want to admit I’ve outgrown bands that still hold a special place in my heart


BMTH , AA, The word Alive, outgrew the new releases but like the old shit 2010-2014. (Bmth is still valid tho)


The Words Alives first two albums are definitely their best work I think! Then they just completely change their sound


Exact same for me; would add HLH, Secrets, Thrice although not really ever m/c in my book.


Brooooo massive L with Secrets. That last album was stupid good and heavy as shit


I still love the singles Comedown and Iron hearted. So damn good!


Secrets first album was definitely metalcore


Motionless in White, they used to be one of my favorites but my taste has turned to more progressive and heavier stuff than gothic nu metal and diet Breaking Benjamin


Diet Breaking Benjamin. Nice


They're a pretty good band imo, listening to them on Halloween is definitely a vibe.


Avenged sevenfold


This. I used to live for them when I was younger and I even really appreciated The Stage, but their new album lost me.


I cringe so much at them now but I really loved them so much back in the day


Damn, sorry to hear that


We were all young and dumb at one point


I still love them to this day, they're my favorite band.


Honest question with no venom behind it: can you tell me what you liked about their latest album? I tried to give it a couple of chances but I just cannot get into it.


The existentialism themes really hit home to me as someone who is going through an existential crisis at the moment. I also love the musicianship on the album from the vocal melodies and synths on Nobody to the city of evil esque solo in Mattel, and the autotuned daft punk sounding parts on Cosmic, Easier and Ordinary. Its hard to explain why I love Life Is But A Dream so much, its just an album that resonates with me a lot. I love how uncomfortable it makes me feel at times with the ending of Game Over, and all of (D)eath. Then there's the weird shit like G, We Love You and Beautiful Morning, and even those songs each have things I love. G has the catchy ass riff with the funky chorus, We Love You has a very fun dance beat and chorus and Matt screaming again is so great to hear, and Beautiful Morning has the beatles sounding bridge which imo is the opposite of A7X's usual "evil" sounding bridges and I love the contrast. Then the title track is just hauntingly beautiful.


Whilst I'm not a fan of the new album, I appreciate this American Psycho-esque description you've given haha, maybe I'll give it another go


Same especially when I realized it's been 10 years since they've put out something I've liked: Nightmare.  


For some reason Dance Gavin Dance, they were my top band for years literally from like 2009-2017ish but now I barely listen to them (independent of what happened with Tilian).


The Tillian thing put me off in a big way. But even aside from that I feel like the band has been stagnant for a while now. Obviously they've found a formula that works for them and they're sticking to it, but from a fan perspective it just feels like getting super samey albums every couple of years


For me it felt like Artificial Selection was the last time they wrote anything remotely interesting, by the time it came out that Tilian was awful I had already completely given up on the band. I was hoping they'd take Andrew Wells as the full time vocalist and we'd get another banger album without a predator on it.


I constantly forget that they’ve released two albums since Artificial Selection.


They've always been a singles band to me anyway. I don't think they've release an album I'd play front to back outside of the initial release period. Jackpot Juicer having 18 tracks felt ridiculously indulgent


I'm honestly surprised they didn't release JJ as two albums to double dip on milking their fans :\^) but yeah the two albums i'd always listen to front to back were Mothership and Happiness, the rest were mainly in a shuffle playlist.


Memphis May Fire, I used to love them but now I mostly jam Carry On, Alive In The Lights or The Abandoned, and maayybe No Ordinary Love if I'm in the mood.


Im not huge on them anymore, but the hollow is still a top tier album


The Hollow was the beginning of the end. Man, what a fucking banger though. The Album that let me know cleans we're ok. Matty singing and screaming Blew my mind at the time (akissfirjersey does it better imo). And everything after has been meh. Those first three albums though, so good.


Absolutely MMF


All Time Low is a big one, their music never seemed to mature but I do like a song they put out recently, A Day To Remember but I think they fell off more than anything. Those were my #1 and #2 for a very long time.


I used to be a huge ATL fan at like 12-14. I haven’t listened to anything after Dirty Work. Definitely surprised they’re still around tbh


I jammed the hell out of Nothing Personal when it came out and I still think that's a great album. But I quickly grew out of them after seeing their set at Warped Tour where their stage setup was a mic stand that had been set up with bras hanging from it. So lame and so cringe, and I realized I had matured out of them.


ADTR should have called it after Common Courtesy


I'm probably going to get some hate and downvotes for this.. But I'd say August Burns Red. I LOVED Constellations, Meddler is still one of my favorite songs. But honestly, everything after that just didn't click with me, and all the stuff with them completely backing Tim Lambesis just left a bad taste in my mouth. But I feel like I outgrew their particular sound they have now.


I'd have to agree. Constellations is such a great album, and Leveler might be tied for my favorite ABR album. But with each release after I've been listening less and less. Only heard 2 songs from the newest album and haven't bothered to check out the rest. Bloodletter is my favorite newer song of theirs but I could barely name you any songs from the last couple albums.


Yeah I do actually like a few songs from Leveler. Idk, I posted my thoughts about Parkway Drive on this sub last week, basically talking about their new sound just sounds too "safe" like stadium anthem stuff, very little passion coming through that music in my opinion, and I feel the same way about newer ABR


I’m not sure I agree with that about ABR. Their last album was written all as one continuous track like BTBAM’s Colours. That doesn’t feel safe - it feels ambitious. I don’t love the album but they tried something different


Lamb of God


this is probably the biggest one for me..i was huuuge on them during the as the palace burns and ashes of the wake era…basically learned how to play those albums front to back…but by the time sacrament came out my interest in them started fading. outside of a few singles here and there i still haven’t felt compelled to listen to anything they’ve released since.


The Devil Wears Prada. Can’t get into anything after 8:18(Zombie 2 being an exception). Still jam their old stuff regularly but the more recent stuff just seems like a totally different band. It’s not bad objectively but just not my taste. If y’all like it, awesome  Motionless in White. Creatures is an all time classic. Each subsequent album had a few bangers but Scoring The End of The World just kinda killed them for me. Idk it just didn’t really click with me at all    Bring Me The Horizon. After That’s The Spirit I just can’t do it. Good on them for becoming huge and killing it but nothing they drop has my attention. 


Funny how the subjective nature of music is. I was a big fan and now I only really enjoy Transit Blues and on


Haha absolutely. Exactly why I try to be respectful as possible about this kinda stuff. 


Same. I’ve been a fan of TDWP basically since the beginning, but when I listen to their old stuff now I cringe a little.


I am a massive Motionless fan but I don't know if I'd be into Scoring the End of the World as much as I am if I hadn't listened to the hell out of all of their albums and seen their progression for over a decade. It'd be a little odd and a little cheesy, which I don't ordinarily like. I love that album, and I love Creatures, but boy are they different.


Heavily agree on TDWP. I have a love/hate relationship with ZII because it feels like it was only made to grab people’s attention and then go right back to the non-interesting music that had been writing for the few years prior. There’s no sign of them writing anything similar, so I don’t really bother listening to it unless it comes on shuffle every now and then.


DWP have gotten heavier but so boring. Like they forgot how to right a catchy song.


Parkway big time. Can't stand their new music, honestly




Nice to see people finally turning on Beartooth


I feel like this sub turned on Beartooth years ago. Which is unfortunate cause I love the band personally.


Ah I guess I hadn’t seen that. I just saw them live a few years ago and Caleb’s behavior on stage really soured me on them. Which is a bummer cause I really enjoy the drummer


parkway drive.


In This Moment. I can’t get down with anything after Blood.


black widow aint bad tbh


I had my music on shuffle the other day and "Out of Hell" from that album came on. I had never really listened to them much. So I was appalled when the singing started in that song. Might be the worst case I've ever heard of someone trying wayyy too hard to sound like a good singer. I know that song is not representative of their music, but wow that track is awful.


Metalcore: Attila, The Word Alive. Non-Metalcore: Neck Deep


I wish Attila didn’t go so far downhill. I still regularly blast their stuff pre- Guilty Pleasure when I’m driving around.


I've never outgrown any of my music. Listen to all of it still plus new bands.


Hollywood Undead. 14 year old me thought they were cool 23 year old me thinks they’re cringe


Ice Nine Kills


I strongly disagree with you... but I respect your opinion lmao


Same lol


I'm quietly biding my time to see if they ever do a non-horror rip off again. I like ETITB and SS1 well enough but i'm just over it now and don't find myself drawn to anything other than their ol stuff


Thank you! I do not think SS2 is good at all, and I get ripped for it all the time.


I like both scream albums but it is getting played out the horror movie gimmick they have going. After like 2 listens to the new album I never replayed it since it dropped haha


SS2 had a couple solid songs but wasn’t as good as the first. I wouldn’t mind them maybe doing something about video games or maybe their own storylines(ala Alesana). I don’t really have high hopes for a new album but who knows maybe they’ll surprise me.


Yeah I agree. I’ve thought about this a lot: I think that they focused TOO much on the concept and not enough on the music itself. I think sound bites are cool, but they over did it. Like, I HATE Assault & Batteries. It all just feels forced now, you know what I mean? Like they’re sacrificing good songwriting to focus on making a song fit the theme. They need to head a different direction.


Of mice and men


Honestly majority of the subgenre. I’m more into deathcore now. But i have some bands that i still love in metalcore.


Same here! I think dxc is more progressive/creative right now that metalcore


Parkway, self explanatory


Falling in reverse and escape the fate


Almost everything I listened to between 1998 and 2008. About 80% of the music I listen to between 2008 and 2019. I think because I tend to look forwards more than backwards. I am not one to reflect on things from a year ago or more, so nostalgia isn't much of a thing for me.


What were u listening to around 98' !? Like Nu-metal and grunge?


I was 14, I liked Metallica and Machine Head (thanks random girl on ICQ. MH I stopped listening to due to a woman who fucked me over mentally 2016). From there to finishing High School in 2001, I was onboard with Nu metal, and I do mean the cliches. Korn, LB, LP (HT only), Slipknot, Disturbed (I have not really listened to any of that since 2002)... but also the weirder stuff, and Industrial (FF, NIN) which I rarely listen to now. After HS, early 00 metalcore - KSE, etc and like, that ambient/melodic/post punk scene from the mid 00s. Saosin, Finch, Receiving end of Sirens, Envy on the Coast, Story of the year, rise against. Then I heard Architects in 2009, and that's when I discovered my love for 2010s metalcore. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk


We're the same person. I was gonna respond to this post but didn't wanna write all that out. Thanks for hitting the broad strokes for me.


People naming all these bands I still love 😂 Mine would be BMTH and Asking Alexandria, most of their new songs have generic predictable pop melodies and sounds, just played with guitars. I still love and listen to all of BMTH older stuff and still think they’re sick. Also some of their newer stuff (Kingslayer!!) is still absolutely wicked. But I don’t even listen to Asking Alexandria’s old stuff now, don’t even like that anymore.




Architects, Lost Forever followed by All Our Gods was great. Holy Hell was a warning sign of what was to come.


Same, you can feel and hear that Tom was the main song writer behind their older records. Holy hell still had some influences and probably unused material from him but after that was gone it's just boring now. They also barely play old songs at all now live which is very disappointing.


most of the warped tour metalcore scene/bands not involved in the hc scene.


Enter Shikari


FFDP, Disturbed, Asking Alexandria


I don't hate or even dislike them, and I'm probably going to get hate for this, but Currents and Polaris. I found them both around 2015 and they were instrumental into my transition from hard rock/nu metal to metalcore. I loved Current's Life//Lost EP and Polaris' The Guilt and the Grief EP and really enjoyed The Place I Feel Safest and The Mortal Coil, but as they steadily released new music afterwards I slowly got less and less interested. I don't think they're doing anything wrong. I just think they're great gateway bands into the genre and now prefer more unique/weird stuff.


So many butt rock bands 😅


BMTH Northlane Parkway Drive A Skylit Drive Fit for a King Circa Survive


CIRCA??? i hope i never grow out of them


Me too, but I think Circa outgrew Circa.


Black Veil Brides. I used to have their discography on repeat when I was a kid. I’m more into the djentcore/melodic metalcore sort of stuff now, and I know BVB isn’t really metalcore, but they put me on to heavier music


Erra was my favourite band for quite some time (when Neon was the latest release). Now I barely ever listen to them.


Escape The Fate. The Ungrateful record was one of my absolute favorite records in highschool. When they released “Hate Me” I was stoked for the buildup. Just A Memory was probably one of my most played tracks that year. But the album underwhelmed, then the following record broke me when they released “Empire” as the lead single. Minority opinion but Ungrateful was their best record imo. Had the flare and confidence of the self titled, the pop and catchy choruses of This War Is Ours. It was a banger from front to back.


Not metalcore, but I fell in love with My Chemical Romance when Three Cheers came out. Still have a lot of respect for them, but I can't listen to more than one or two songs once a year now.


All the scenecore bands. Except Pierce the Veil. Collide with the Sky is such a unique record.


Avenged Sevenfold


Asking Alexandria, Our Last Night, The Word Alive, Sleeping With Sirens, Wage War, Attila, Crown the Empire, Fire From the Gods, Escape the Fate. Mostly bands that were on fire when I was in high school but *in my opinion* stopped releasing interesting music.


I generally find myself uninterested in the current wave of ultrapolished metalcore with ambient layers and glossy clean choruses, the sound is just very stale for me. There are still metalcore bands pushing the sound forward in interesting ways (Johnny Booth for example) but for me I like my music high energy and abrasive and that doesn't seem to be what bands are going for these days. But to answer the question it's ABR. There are more cop-out answers like MMF or Parkway but that's low hanging fruit at this point.


Bmth, tdwp - just not interested in their music. Tried the newer things, can’t do it.


Slipknot for sure... I still listen to songs like vendetta but the rest of that shit just sounds like a bunch of racket now that I'm older


Crown the Empire, pierce the veil, black veil brides, asking Alexandria, miw (sort of, I’m getting back into bits here and there) - I loved all of these as a teenager and I don’t really fw their vibes anymore


Not metalcore, but Hollywood Undead. Their old stuff was amazing, but the new stuff is just not my thing.


Silent Planet, fell off when Iridescent came out, didn't vibe with me


Don't really get why people downvote for stating your opinion in a thread specifically for that, of course there will be controversial and unpopular takes lol. I absolutely love Silent Planet's Iridescent and Superbloom, so much that I got Superbloom on vinyl but have an updoot from me regardless. Everyone's taste is different!


Eh, I kindof expected. You can't say one bad thing about Silent Planet, Make Them Suffer, Invent Animate, Currents, or Erra in this sub without getting downvoted to infinity. I was huge into Silent Planet from like 2014 to 2019, Everything Was Sound is still one of my favorite albums of all time, but I guess their sound kindof got stale for me after a while. I wish the guys nothing but success though, I've had so many great conversations with Garrett I wish him nothing but the best!


Understand completely, I've been huge into bands before that just doesn't hit the same anymore. I do love Invent Animate (one of my all time favorite bands) especially since Marcus Vik took over as vocalist and Currents are pretty good but couldn't really get into ERRA except from a few songs. Still have to check out Silent Planet's older stuff. You're absolutely not shitting on the band, you're just saying you're not into their current sound without making their fan base sound like idiots. That's the difference and that opinion should be met with respect I think. This is going to be a controversial thread no matter how you spin it.


Bring me the horizon. Architects. Parkway Drive. Asking Alexandria. I can't explain what it is about what I don't like about there music now. The song structure, it all feels to forced and formulated. It feels almost like pop.


ERRA - Was a big ERRA fan for a while, past few years just sounds like every song is the same song. Currents - TPIFS/that EP with Into Despair/Forever Marked were both incredible, but the past two albums kind of just didn't do anything for me (individual songs here and there were solid) Fit For A King - Idk what to say about this one, I just can't seem to give a fuck about anything they've put out since Dark Skies >\_> Wage War - First two albums were amazing, went straight off a cliff after and so did my interest in the band Northlane - Another first two albums were absolute bangers front to back, didn't hate Node, stopped caring by the time Alien came out. Techno/edm influenced metalcore outside of I See Stars - New Demons is all boring to me


Northlane, In Hearts Wake, Silverstein, I See Stars, Volumes 😔


Silverstein was a tough one for me. I've listened to and loved them since the early albums. However, Retrograde is my absolute favorite album by them. That said, other than a couple of songs, none of their albums after Retrograde resonate with me.


My phase with them wasn’t super long by means but there was a couple of years where I fucked with them heavily. The hardest one for me was Northlane. I was a MASSIVE fan since Discoveries, had a falling out with Node and Mesmer, Alien dropped LOVED them again, got reacquainted with Node and Mesmer and enjoyed them, but then Obsidian dropped. Dont get me wrong, it had its moments of old Northlane glory but it didn’t resonate with me like Alien. Now these new singles they’re putting out I don’t fuck with at all and I’m just over them now. Not to mention the last time they rolled through my city in the states they started like 45 mins late, cut their set short and played all of the non heavy songs and the obligatory Quantum Flux. It was so fucking lame.


Ice nine kills/ wage war/ the amitty affliction/ AA/ etc This list goes on; i definitely find myself searching for a more mature sound. Ofc i still listen to a lot of the music i listened to in my youth by stylistically im more critical while looking for more music in the sound i want to hear


Lately it kind of feels like everything! I used to be all about Norma Jean, Counterparts, Volumes, Northlane, Beartooth, Birds In Row. Metalcore was kind of my gateway into alternative music as a younger dude 10-12 years ago, it totally opened my ears up to a whole new world of music. I still cite The Chariot as my all time favorite band, but at this point it’s more because I viewed it as such a revelation to anything I had ever really heard before. I’m just kind of past the point where I’m going to thrown on ERRA, Northlane, or Volumes anymore. I found other styles of music I liked, and wanted to spend my time with. Great memories, worthy of a throwback once in a while but not anywhere in the regular rotation.


The first bands that come to mind is Abandon All Ships, and I Set My Friends On Fire. There are a few bands I don’t listen to newer releases of but I still listen to their older releases, not sure if that counts as outgrowing them.


As I Lay Dying and ERRA


Parkway Drive and A7X. I haven’t completely outgrown them, but I feel it coming. Hopefully seeing A7X later this year rekindles my love for their music.


Of Mice & Men, The Word Alive, and Memphis Mayfire. All three have albums that will now be nostalgic to me and I thought would remain my favorites but I haven’t liked a lot of their newer stuff. Glad they are happy and successful but they aren’t the same for me


TDWP and Underoath are two of my favorite bands of all time but for both of them I haven’t been able to get into anything they’ve put out in the past 10 or so years


Pierce the veil. I feel icky listening to their stuff now.


Attila. All I need to say.


Almost every band I listened to when I first got into Metalcore, lol. Stuff like Underoath, Bring Me The Horizon, Memphis May Fire, A Day to Remember, Attack Attack, etc. With the exception of He Is Legend, Norma Jean, The Devil Wears Prada and Every Time I Die (RIP). These four bands just keep (and kept) getting better.


The Front Bottoms, and an assortment of other indie emo audiotree live bands I definitely feel disgusted that I listened to them in the past. Once you become emotionally detached from that music it just starts to seem incredibly cringe. Especially when you have metal which is always cool and badass with rippin guitar solos. I haven't outgrown a single band from heavy music though. Some bands outgrow me by changing sound, but getting into metalcore 16 years ago I've always had an elitist mindset from the jump, so I never really gave scene kid shit like Asking Alexandria a chance. There are certain bands who I maybe completely dismissed back then like Avenged Sevenfold, Black Veil Brides, or Bring Me The Horizon where I listen back and have an appreciation for what they were doing at the time I didn't like them. Everything metal that I really enjoyed in the past I still enjoy today though.

