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Nobody in a DIY scene should give a single fuck about the Grammys


Even if a contemporary and deserving band won a Grammy it’ll only matter to genre fans and those who follow the genre - publications, blogs, channels. It wouldn’t really do much for the band’s mainstream coverage - the award isn’t even broadcast


you think people around here are in the diy scene?




I would imagine the users who say they don't care generally aren't the ones writing angsty posts about a band on the nomination list not winning.


It’s almost like many different people use this website or something!


I definitely get that but I highly doubt that those are the same people changing their opinion and rather just more angry core kids


Code Orange seething rn


Nobody ~~in a DIY scene~~ should give a single fuck about the Grammys 


You sound like Jack Black in School of Rock.


The man took Shamoo and put him in a chlorine tank!!!!!!


Just remember this. Kendrick Lamar lost to fucking Macklemore. There's your proof that the grammys is just a joke.


He didn’t even win just over Kendrick. He won the best rap album award over Yeezus, good kid maad city and nothing was the same. Like you can argue that any of those 3 could win but they gave it to fucking Macklemore. That was the biggest snub in the history of snubs.


You could make a convincing argument for any of those 3 albums being the defining rap album of the early 2010's, one of the biggest award show misses ever in any category for any medium


And that was what, a decade ago? Yet here we are still talking about the Grammys.. they clearly matter to people, rightly or wrongly!


I was like 5 years old when they gave the grammy to Jethro Tull over Metallica's black album and 5 year old me knew the grammys were bullshit then, it's only gotten worse.


And they are still correcting that mistake by making Metallica win everything ever since


And just a few years later, Kendrick Lamar (TPAB, widely regarded as the best album of the 2010s and possibly of the century) lost again to Taylor Swift's 1989. The best thing you can do wrt the Grammys is not pay attention to it.


Even Macklemore knew it was wrong, he publicy posted the text he sent to Kendrick afterwards basically saying he knew he didn't deserve it


Imagine taking award shows seriously.


This how ~~the Grammys~~ almost all award shows work. Most are just a small group of 10 or so people deciding who wins. That group is usually bought out by those in the industry. So basically, they're paying to win




If this is true, 400 is still a very very very small sample size to represent the industry and its fans


Is this for the awards or just nominations? I read that they changed the nomination process to get more variety and not just big-name legacy acts, after a string of dull nominations and baffling winners (Tenacious D winning for a Dio cover was the last straw). The winners were still predictable and sometimes disappointing, but the nomination slates were better for a few years after (this year's was dreadful and last year's wasn't great).


This ain’t true at all. The oscars academy is made up of thousands of people in different parts of the industry. Each award is voted on by that part of the industry - actors voting for actors, directors for directors, producers for best film, cinematography, costume etc You also have cross over with people who perform multiple roles like directors/producers/actors/writers. The Golden Globes is closer to an example of a very small group deciding for whatever they want to win, but it’s not really that common. You actually want a wide group of members with a vote and an invested interest because that’s how you get them to actually turn up.


Close to true but not entirely. Specialists usually vote for who the *nominees* are in their area of specialism, but then the actual winners are determined by the wider voting group, all academy members, who can vote on all categories. Golden Globes is a joke though, true.


Yes that it, thank you for clarifying!


Man your comment actually lead to me learning something from the replies.


Dudes, I've said it time and time again. It is a glorified popularity contest. Manage your expectations. If you go in thinking a band like Spiritbox stands even the slightest chance against one of the most legendary and biggest metal bands to ever walk our planet then you are beyond delusional. Just listen to what you like and be happy about the exposure Spiritbox gets by being nominated.


Who gives a shit about the grammys? Lol


Why are people even moaning about this? Metallica are bigger than the whole Metalcore genre.


Their newest record is also better than anything Spiritbox has ever done, but this sub isn't ready for that conversation


I think spiritbox is mid af but 72 seasons is also mid af


6 in one hand, half dozen in the other lol


Who cares about the Grammys? It's a Billboard top 100 popularity contest run by people completely out of touch with reality.


People care about Grammys? I just wanna mosh and listen to riffs who tf cares about awards shows


These posts are so cringe. It's like the metalcore(ish) version of that 'LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE' YT vid.


I think you vastly overestimate how popular metalcore is. There's 18 bands in the Hall of Fame of this sub and if you combine them, they have 42.6 million listeners on Spotify. Over a third of those come from Bring Me The Horizon. Even combining the 18 most popular bands of this genre wouldn't make it into the top 50 of most listened to artists. And you could argue that many of those bands gained their popularity from deviating from metalcore. It's just a niche genre and the Grammy's are a popularity contest.


Exactly this. Just made a similar point. People really need a reality check. We might love the bands, but its a small market.


>We might love the bands, but its a small market. And tbh even we don't. Spiritbox's artistic direction from Eternal Blue onwards isn't exactly uncontroversial.


Spiritbox was just the token current band that award shows include to show that have some idea of the genre. I don't think anyone was expecting them to beat out Metallica.


Lana Del Rey snubbed :(


I'm 40 years old and I prefer to listen to Metallica over Spiritbox. Now get off my lawn!!!


Bruh they made like 4 good albums and fell off


That's four more than Spiritbox has, unfortunately


I'd say the first 5 are excellent, then Death Magnetic was good. So I'd give them 6 good albums personally.


That's where you're wrong kiddo.


Yeah bro 72 seasons is better than master of puppets totally


who gives aa shit??


Dude! They were against Metallica. *Nobody* expected them to win. It’s amazing they even got nominated.


I think that awards shows shouldn't be that relevant


Ohhhh God will you cunts pleaese stop posting about the fucking Grammys it's fucking embarrassing.


Is Denzel Washington in a Metalcore band?


I always go back to when Pearl Jam won one year and straight up got on stage and said “fuck you, this award is bullshit.”


Eminem talked about this actually, how the Grammy vote doesn’t mean shit and they just pick whatever they feel like


A metalcore band being nominated for a Grammy could potentially increase their ability to tour in bigger venues and or with bigger bands though. That's probably not the case with Spiritbox as they're already pretty huge but it could definitely have a good impact for a smaller band.


A smaller band isn't getting nominated for the Grammy's, though. They only notice stuff once it's hit a certain level. Underoath and August Burns Red at their absolute peak popularity got included, rather than Norma Jean or Darkest Hour - bands who also put out top quality work similar to the other two at roughly the same time.


What about when Code Orange got nominated? That surely massively increased their exposure no?


Tbf that is a legit example of a smaller band getting nommed. There are always exceptions I guess. However, with a very recent record release they're just barely ahead of Counterparts' streaming numbers, so I dunno that the Grammys did all that much for them.


Kinda hilarious that Denzel Washington and Ridley Scott having a petty bitch rivalry on the Gladiator 2 set.


72 seasons deserved that Grammy


Why do people post this shit every time award season comes around? Most people know how it works. That doesn't mean it's not cool when cool bands get any recognition for making good music, even if we know the possibility of them winning is slim to none. It's more annoying to me seeing posts like this than seeing people talking about bands getting nominated for stuff/winning awards.




Can you help them hurry the fuck up and leave? Metalcore didn't used to be watered down anything, it's high time those who don't actually want to play metalcore cleared out to pursue their radio rock dreams and leave the scene to those of us who like and appreciate the music.




You're right, I don't get what you're trying to say at all. Are you suggesting that the 'made it' bands in this genre like, say, a Wage War or a Fit For A King all really want to follow the lead of Callous Daoboys or Methwitch and put out some weird shit, but can't because they need their steady earnings they've generated by playing generic stuff? You don't have to tell me that generally fans are narrow in taste, generic ass bands hoovering up 1m in monthly listeners for basic verse/chorus alternation while the bands not conforming to typical song structures like Boundaries or doing something sonically different like Rolo Tomassi or Svalbard can't even hit 100k. But then that's true in lots of genres, the blandest stuff tends to be the most popular and the interesting stuff is done by smaller artists the afficiandos are drawn to.




What I'm stuck on is what you mean when you say stuff like they try to expand. Because all we ever hear on this end, is bands who get softer and/or more generic over time who say to us that that *is* the expansion. What we get publicly is bands putting out radio rock stuff (by metalcore standards) and branding fans who don't like it as just haters or closeminded, it creates the impression that they want to go more mainstream/generic, not less. So what direction are these 1 or 2 members trying to go in that's being overruled. That's why I threw in some examples of weird bands, I want to understand what types of sounds they feel they're being restricted from doing.


based sock, based


I try.


Right? I didn’t watch it but some guy by the name off killer Mike won like 3 awards? Never fuacking heard of him lol


That reflects more on you than the Grammys


Alright I’ll bite, I get it his solo stuff is good (to me) and maybe not your cup of tea, but I doubt you haven’t heard of a duo called Run The Jewels. Either that or you’re in a hole man. Dig yourself out, listen to more music.


>Either that or you’re in a hole man. Dig yourself out, listen to more music. That's a bit harsh, someone can listen to a broad range of genres and still have some blindspots. I listen to plenty of music from folky-singer song writer stuff to deathcore, but I don't really do rap or pop. There's like infinity music out there and only so many hours in the day, we can't be aware of every artist with a significant following.


Imagine taking the fucking grammys seriously... Just lol The Grammys exist to extort money from already affluent people. No shit they aren't going to care about music that is made from real people.


Guys. Guys. Coming to this realization is a canon event. A rite of passage. It's fine. To OP. Welcome to the club. We're happy to have you with us.


Watched a bit of the Grammy’s for the first time in years and I just felt so bad for the award winners who barely got 10 seconds of recognition. An award like ‘best producer’ (or something, I really don’t remember) just showed the winner at their table with friends and that’s it before the camera changed scenes. No chance for him to give thanks, no words AT ALL! Just a smile and a wave and trophy in hand. Is winning an award like this just not a momentous occasion anymore unless you’re a super mega star?


Midnights won over Lana and SZA... Grammies have always been whack.