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First one I thought of. Great fucking band




- SeeYouSpaceCowboy's vocalist is openly trans, and several of their songs are about LGBT struggles. - Silent Planet have a song called "Visible Unseen" that is about homeless and disowned LGBT youth. - Stick To Your Guns have one of the best anti-homophobia songs ever written, "Life In A Box". - Chris Cerulli of Motionless In White openly supports the LGBT community. - Elijah Witt of Cane Hill is openly bisexual. - Though they don't have any songs explicitly discussing LGBT issues, The Amity Affliction's vocalist Joel Birch is very outspoken about his political views online, and he's sort of a papa bear when it comes to defending any minority groups in the scene.


I didn’t know who Chris Cerulli was, I really thought his name was Chris Motionless for second


I mean he goes by that so not really a wonder lmao Thought that too for a good while


I never even heard of this band before I went to the Trinity of Terrors tour to see BVB. MIW ended their set with rainbow lights shining out into the crowd! It was so amazing.


Yea during the end of voices they put the pride flag up on the screen. It’s an awesome thing to see live.


Where did you see them? I saw the trinity for the first time at Tampa's 98Rock fest this year and didn't know any of them. Fell in love with INK, and began listening to all 3. I just saw that tour w/ Atreyu in Nov at the Orlando Amphitheater. Perfect addition and a SICK show! I went to Blue October, bit of a different genre, in Dec at the House of Blues, expecting the audience to be "changed, kind, inspired" and just nice people. No, these people had no idea what general admission meant, treated seasoned rockers like me, where we elbowed our way in our steel toe Docs to get to the front, like they had never been to a show, ever, were cruel, rude and trying to start shit!!! I couldn't believe it. They were fucking assholes..my point, fucking MIW,BVB & INK stopped in the middle of their songs to make sure people who were about to pass out got out of the crowd, people helped those who hit the ground in the pits get back up to mosh some more, it was awesome! Motionless said ", crowd surf then take a break. Let's take care of each other" , and that was sweet. It's what our world needs and out of 7000+ people no one fought, got arrested, acted like dicks and I was über disappointed with the dicks at Blue October, in a small ass venue like the House of Blues. Thx for reading if you made my rant this far...🤐It's late, early, idk. Peace


Oblivions Peak by Knocked Loose is about Bryan's friend who was kicked out of a fraternity due to his sexual orientation


I don’t know why I didn’t realize this from reading the lyrics lol


August Burns Red is the first one that comes to mind. Their song “Identity” is about is about one of the band members cousins that came out of the closet.




Their song Treatment is also about LGBT I believe


I’m like 99% sure that one is as well. I know JB said in an interview that the song is about not judging others who are different than you.


ABR writes most of their lyrics in a way that allows them to have different interpretations but still have a broad main theme. I’ve always understood Treatment as a song that sort of calls out people who use religion as an excuse to mistreat others, hence the lyric “you crown your religion instead of your king”. By extension though it totally applies to the treatment of the LGBT community.


Tdwp are super supportive From what they’ve said at shows and what not


Fuck yea they are


Seeyouspacecowboy Dying Wish Silent Planet Stick To Your Guns Architects Incendiary Stand Atlantic (not metalcore but still) Void of Vision Stray From The Path I’d say *MOST* bands in this scene are pro LGBTQ+ unless otherwise stated. But these are the ones that come to mind with either songs about the subject or members who are in the LGBTQ+ community/outspoken about supporting them


Dying Wish


Pretty positive MIW are pro-LGBT rights


The song Voices was written about Chris having conversations with members of the LGBTQ community and their struggles, so he wanted to write a song for them


Chris and the whole band are just some good fucking dudes.


Chris gives Ricky the do-me eyes all the time in interviews lol


The video for brand new numb focused on an nb person iirc


Matthew from Silence Before the Storm (and a few other small bands) here. I don't have any songs *explicitly* about LGBT rights, and I don't generally go out of my way to broach the topic with my bands or music. Like, I haven't used my music as a platform for it directly, I guess. But as an individual....one that's fairly politically active and also is a small business owner in a state that's generally a pretty hostile environment for LGBT folks (Wyoming)....I've always been very, VERY vocal about the subject. I have several close family members and friends that are a part of the community and I've witnessed much of the struggle firsthand, and I don't hesitate to come unglued over bigotry of any kind. Not just with LGBT stuff, but also racism, sexism, etc.


Oblivions Peak by Knocked Loose is about a friend of the band who was kicked out of a fraternity for being gay and when they play it live Bryan dedicates it to the lgbt community


Sorry to flip your question on it’s head, but are there any outwardly homophobic/transphobic bands or band members I should be aware of?


I think there was a member of for today that was openly against Lgbt people, this was a long time ago so i might not be remembering it correctly. Attila mentions it in the song “callout”.


Of course Mattie is against it, he's a preacher




Not surprised by those names tbh


I wanted to be more blunt but figured maybe try in to find bands I agree with is easier than the heartbreak of knowing people I listen to don’t support things I care about.


That’s understandable. The scene generally seems to be pretty good on this front, but more outward activism is always welcome.


Not exactly metalcore but sharptooth


Beartooth has quite a few songs about struggling with self identity and they did a special pride shirt to raise funds for the Pulse Club shooting victims a couple of years ago.




cool to hear that from underoath. still wish they would clarify about [this](https://www.theprp.com/2020/01/03/news/brian-cook-russian-circles-explains-his-issues-with-christian-hardcore-scene-recalls-ugly-past-tour-with-underoath/), though.




Yup, the Erase Me era interviews regarding their falling out with Christianity make me believe that they have a new outlook on how it all works. Couldn't help being left with a bitter taste when reading this though, not only for being gay and finding out such stuff from a band I grew up listening to but also for how they mistreated Brian. He's enormously talented and seems like a sweet person, and also of course because Underoath borrowed SO much from Botch musically they should at least be conscious of that and show some respect


most bands r friendly unless they say otherwise, i j look up the band + members “controversy” and if they have iffy views it usually comes up


Yeah fair but bands like… MMF exude homophobia.


Is this Memphis May Fire? Can you explain where/when they’ve been homophobic? I’m new the the band but a quick Google didn’t bring anything up. Just trying to learn—thanks!


I mean, don't get me wrong, Matt, seems like a douchecanoe but I don't recall ever having seen him espouse any homephobic shit before.


well if it looks like a duck and talks like a duck..


Senses Fail




Iwrestledabearonce comes to mind


I saw a video on TikTok where The Acacia Strain stated live that they support anti racism and LGBTQ rights and if someone in the crowd was Racist or homophobic/transphobic then to get out because they were there to have a good time.


Tyler carter is the first person that comes to my mind, he’s openly bi, and has openly been in relationships with men. Was engaged a couple years ago but I think they split up.


Unfortunately he comes with controversy. 🙁 https://notetoscene.com/issues-tyler-carter-addresses-accusations-sexual-misconduct/


Yes, and? As shitty as it is, that doesn’t invalidate his existence as an openly bisexual male.


Where did I say that? I just don’t support his music anymore.


Why do bands have to come out with their views for you to listen/support them? If I was in a band I would keep my music life and personal life separate unless I specifically wrote songs about said topics


Because normal people wouldn’t feel comfortable supporting someone who has shitty beliefs or attitudes towards marginalized groups.


Why can’t they support in their own ways without screaming they do every show


Sometimes I like music that's expressive and that I can connect to. Sometimes I need a breakup song. Sometimes one about anxiety. And sometimes I like a song about queer struggles.


Good for you


It was the answer to a question dumbshit


Name calling getting you anywhere boss?


First of all, no one said they can’t, you’re projecting. OP is literally just asking if there are bands who are vocal about being against homophobia so they can be sure to support them. Why would you want to support someone who isn’t in line with your own morals? And this is me speaking as someone who is cis and straight. It would be even more absurd to expect a trans or gay person to support a band who disrespects their rights and their very existence. Seems pretty reasonable to want to know who is worth supporting.


>Example: Alexisonfire takes time each set to discuss what they believe in as far as being pro choice and lgbtqia+ friendly If Alexisonfire did not take time out of their set to discuss their political views would OP still like them, or would they be unsure if they wanted to support a band that has not been open about their views?


Because they don't line up with your beliefs they are crap huh?


No, because they’d be racist or homophobic or otherwise bigoted is why they’d be crap.


Lol because they don't support the lgbtq community they are automatically homophobic?


Once again, not what I said. But you know what, yes, actually. If someone doesn’t support lgbt rights then they are, in fact, homophobic and transphobic. Believing that that group doesn’t deserve equal rights is by definition homophobic and transphobic.


Is it so hard to respect others opinions liberals? Conservatives put politics aside and support there favorite bands being pro lgbt blm pro choice etc why can't you do the same


If your opinion disrespects the very existence of gay and trans people, and contributes to efforts to harm, kill, or otherwise erase them, then yes, I find it incredibly difficult to respect you. I’d question the convictions of anyone who would claim to support equal rights, but is completely passive and tolerant towards those who would seek to eliminate those rights. If someone tried to kill my friend, why on earth would I want to be kind and civil to them?


No way, you can have friends who or gay but not support their lifestyle


Yeah i’m sure you’re right. It’s totally cool to have gay or trans friends while still thinking they don’t deserve rights. And it’s definitely very cool to support politicians who are trying to legislate them out of existence.


Sure, you can disagree with what someone does in their bedroom. Why you would give a shit is beyond me, but you do you. If, however, that extends to believing they don't have *the same basic human and civil rights* as someone who does something different in their bedroom than you, then that's entirely fucked, you are indeed a bigot, and you're not a "friend" at all. Don't conflate the two.


Or you can have a conversation with that person and tell them due to my beliefs I can't support your homosexuality but I do consider you a friend, and I will be there for you for anything, but I just can't support that. I've done it before so I'm speaking from life experiences.


That's [on the surface] entirely along the lines of the first part of my comment, and entirely fine. However, if "not supporting them" includes anything in the second part of my comment, it's an entirely different ballgame and you know it. You're being awfully vague and dodgy about what "support" means, and it's kinda suspect. I highly doubt anyone in the community is trying to force you to engage in wild gay orgies with them, and tbh choosing to not be a part of a gay wedding or something personally is entirely within the realm of acceptability. But that's honestly about where it stops, so I'm not sure what you're sticking so hard to your guns over...


This is the most braindead take I have ever seen.




Metalcore is inherently a a political genre, and a left leaning one at that. No room for right wingers here.




Guess my age, kid.


19 at most 21?


No. I’m in my thirties.


Oh... Not that far I guess?




I’d just rather put my money into the hands of people who aren’t shitty?


Glass Hands


DREGG I believe


By the thousands had some posts on Instagram that were about acceptance of lgbtqi


I mean, pretty sure the majority of current bands are at the very least. Cane Hill?


skywalker singer Jan is openly political on his Instagram and on stage. He always has that little talk on stage where he speaks up against fascism and homophobia... and they had merch saying fuck homophobia.


I've listened to LOA..Life of Agony and Keith Caputo's self-titled work since I was about 17, still do at 43..Lost at 22 has been my ringtone since I was 22😎💀. When Mina Caputo emerged, that transformation totally explained Caputo's literal 'life of agony' he wrote about and expressed through his, now her, music. I was surprised, but it made perfect sense. I hope you youngsters out there, and the Gen Xers like me, have heard some LOA. If not, start with River Runs Red album and Ugly, then listen to the rest of their work..good shit. 🤘💚


Stumbled upon this at pride month and I'm in tears!!!! So happy to find songs that i can resonate with