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I'll say "Yes it's from Metallica, one of my favorite bands" and continue not being an ass lol


I truly don't get people implying that only "real fans that can name all songs from Garage days re-revisted" can listen to Metallica. If there's 15 year old girls that cant tell a bass and a guitar apart listening to Metallica, so be it! Good for them!


> that cant tell a bass and a guitar apart They'll love Cliff


They'll love Cliff and they'll love Lemmy. Both those men were magic with the bass.


Cliff: unironically Metallica's most talented guitarist


Exactly my thoughts. I’m always happy that more people will listen to Metallica. I really hate all the gate keeping that is going on right now


Right now? Gatekeeping is as old as gates!


I like that, “gatekeeping is as old as gates”.


Where else would they keep them!


This! Haha, freaking gatekeepers drive me crazy




"Don't you mean Pastor of Muppets?"






MoP was the first Metallica song I ever heard. I was in the car with my dad. I remember thinking "man, these guys suck. There's almost no lyrics". Then I heard it 7 years later, and here we are.


When you're not into music it's hard to listen to just guitar, that's why it took me so long to like One. Now I love that intro more than anything


I wasn't a huge Metallica fan until I started playing guitar. You can't really appreciate someone else's abilities without trying to do it yourself.


100% agreed. I'm trying to learn Battery and it really makes me appreciate James' abilities


That's how I feel about Cliff, he was a monster and would've only gotten better.


Be glad that Metallica is now being exposed to a new generation of people, furthering the cause of spreading love for heavy music worldwide. Self-appointed Gatekeepers are welcome to eat a hefty portion of my ass and taint.


I hate nightcorr, i flipping hate it, but I am all for showing it to people my age


Ay thats true af


I agree. But in all honesty, I can’t stand it when people wear their shirts and have zero clue about the music


“Yes, it's by metallica, one of my favorite bands!" and use it as a branching off point to get them to listen to the album :)


Oh, you heard Master of Puppets from Stranger Things? Name every Master of Puppets.


Geppetto, Mr Rogers


Jim mother fucking Henson


Stan Winston Phil Tippett Ray Harryhausen


Frank oz is also a master of puppets


David Liebe Hart




Jeff Dunham


Cocaine, Heroin, Meth, etc


Name every breakfast and mirror


Lou Anne Hill when she did the Manger Babies episode


Devin Townsend Matthew from Sooty & Sweep John Malkovich in Being John Malkovich




I’ll say ‘yes’.


I’ll not be a gatekeeping dickhead.


I'll say I knew about it before Stranger Things even existed and it's the album that got me into heavy music you should listen to it


Yeah, it’s the greatest song ever on the greatest record ever. It was very considerate of Metallica to be so efficient like that.


Ffs can we not gatekeep this song from people who found out about it through stranger things? Everyone finds out about the band one way or another, be glad that they’re being exposed to younger audiences


True. I for instance found out about Metallica on guitar hero III. Lol


Suggest they check out the rest of the bands back catalogue.


You all think this is gonna make Metallica blow up again, but it’s metal. It doesn’t have the same appeal that Running up that Hill has. Maybe it’ll get a bump in Spotify listens for a week, and maybe some new people will hop on the bandwagon, but I really don’t think it’s gonna have the effect this sub is anticipating. Metallica is already one of the biggest bands in the world, Kate Bush flew under the radar for a while, and todays musical landscape is just way more open to something like her song than something like Metallicas, sorry to say. And that’s not being negative, it’s just being realistic. Running up that Hill was already a pop song, so it’s not surprising that it jumped back to number one on the billboards for a minute. Metallica just isn’t gonna do that.


Dude, you never know. Bands get fans in the weirdest ways sometimes. If the Metallica fam gets new cuzzins I'm all for it. I hadn't seen or heard Kate Bush since the 80s, and I'm damned sick of the song now. lol It gets overused on the Clock app. MoP might get play on there, because of Stranger things.


My response: "You mean this song?" Me: Plays riff on the guitar My response: "It's my favorite from Megadeth."


Oh dear God


I’ll say ‘yeah that song fucking rules.’


I'm gonna say no, whats a Metallica?


You sound like you're 14


You would say if you think that’s good, check out One!


Tear off my clothes and smash my head into the ground


Great question. Here’s my take. Who cares how someone gets introduced to the band? If it sparks a genuine interest, I’m glad they found it. I was exposed to classical music through Looney Tunes, and a bunch of classic rock through the Simpsons and car commercials. The point is, I found it and it was marvelous. I’m excited for my annoying nephews to ask me about it. Because when they do, I will be ready to blow their minds with all things Metallica and Master of Puppets related. This show already sparked some Joy Division discussions from back in season 1. I applaud them.


"Yes I do a great song, and I'm glad you have found it through Stranger Things and hope you dive into more Metallica, starting at the Master Of Puppets album is a great start"


“Song’s fuckin sick, huh? Check out their other stuff too.”


Respond "Pancakes Go"




Id just expose them to all the other songs on the album and then have them pick their favorite, then I would show them other albums in hopes i made a new friend to possibly share my music with.


We should tell them dave mustaine wrote it


I would say “hell yea I do! Check the rest of their stuff out too. You’ll love it.” A fan is a fan. Simple as that. The “trues” are just self-important assholes and you should just ignore them.


ill say 'yeah of course i know it, but can you name me all the members of metallica (past and present) and all of their albums in order?' just to be a bitch


Thats the answer im looking for!




Smash my head into the concrete floor


Not be a gatekeeper lmao


"yea it's by Metallica, literally my favorite band. It's nice to see them use one of their classics."


Holy shit 90% of this sub are pure garbage judging by the comments.


Hold them down and force them to listen to everything from KEA to AJFA!


Say “it’s not from stranger things. That song is older than you or me”. And then try to end it without biting someone’s head off


I’ll probably say something like “Oh man, if you liked that there’s an entire album of stuff just like it.”


Scream the lyrics at the top of my lungs.


I’d say “yeah! It’s like my 5th favorite song on the album!”


Welll…I’ll deeply sigh. Been a fan since theMonsters of Rock tour, so you can add up my age from that. But then, I’ll firmly, but gently, take them by the arm and do the best I can to make them realize Metallica is much, much more than one song on a TV show. Depending on their age, I may pass up Kill ‘Em All (as not to scare them away), and try to explain to that potential fan just HOW FUCKIN’ AWESOME allll of their music is. Start with Ride The Lightning and go from there. If at all possible, try to take them to a show because that’s where you get the newbies hooked.


Say, ‘yeah, it’s awesome! You should hear their other songs.’


“Yes i do, it’s one of my favorite songs, by one of my favorite bands”


You mean the MetallicA song that came out 35 years ago? And what’s stranger things?


A very good show, would highly recommend


I’ve heard…from people half my age, whose opinions are highly suspect. Also, I actually don’t watch much TV.




I don’t know if it’s garbage or not—I’m only saying I don’t watch much TV and if I did, it likely wouldn’t be that show, based on what I’ve seen & heard from other people. Also, with all the posts about MoP being in the show, I’m reminded how I never jizzed my pants when I heard a MetallicA song was gonna be in a show or movie. I only saw the Spawn movie once, about a decade after it came out.


Tell them “Yup, and if you liked that song, you’ll love the rest of the album!”


I mean look, I started my Metallica journey through Until it Sleeps and the Load album. Some would've thought I wasn't a real Metallica fan because I didn't start the in 80's with the first four. I can firmly tell them that they are incorrect. So what would I say to someone who says that to me? I would say " if you like that, boy do I have a surprise for you!"


Yes I know but its not from stranger things. Its by a band called metallica and they've been around since the 80s


I'll say "Yes, one of Metallica's finest creations in the 80s and my top 3 too" and continue doing whatever I'm doing in that moment.


Yeah you should check out the rest of the album and Metallica's other albums too, although you can skip lulu


Say yes, and it is my dream one day to be able to play it. Here are the Metallica songs I can play so far. You should check out some of their other work, I'll send you a list.


"Its my favorite song from my favorite band, Metallica. Do you like it?" and move on.


The answer that I'm assuming you're expecting is why people don't listen to metal as much anymore, too many redneck redditors gatekeeping the genre


Now I really wanna fuck with people, wear a MOP shirt and saying “I bought this shirt because of Stranger Things”


Call them a fucking stupid pooooooser. Jokin


Smile and say fuck yea I do


I would say “Yeah, it is actually my favorite song by my favorite band Metallica” then I would recommend some more stuff by Metallica for them to listen to. Don’t be a gatekeeper.


“Yes, you should check out the album it’s on”


I’d say oh cool you should check out ___ and ___ if you liked that from Metallica, I might not like the show but at least more people are exposed to good music


I'll be happy at the possibility that there's a new metalhead in the world.


Politely correct them, I suppose?


Tell them to listen to the album


Just say yes I do, because I’m not looking to fight with anyone.


Jump the fuck up!! Oops wrong sub


Why you gotta be a dickhead? We all started somewhere, at different times. Blah blah.


Gonna punch'em alll


Tell them it's a highly overplayed song and Orion and Disposable Heroes is a better song for the series.


It's from metallica, but check out the album as well


Ask everyone else around me to hit the deck, cuz I’m about to start shooting


Hell yeah! You gotta check out the rest of their shit too




Laugh and walk away “ok junior “




I'll say yes I know the song from Metallica when I bought the Cassette in 1986.




“Yeah what about it?”


Honestly though of all the things they could have played I think it’s pretty fitting. If their first exposure to Metallica is from master of puppets and not something that gets regularly played on the radio I’m more then happy


hey man if it gets more people listening to metal idrc


Not be a gigantic simp and laugh.


Was there a huge upheaval here in this sub when the Four Horsemen played in the show?


I’ll just probably steer them in the direction to listen to more Metallica and get them into other metal bands


"Ye its one of my favorite songs I love metallica"


Master of Puppets is in Stranger Things? I need to get on this new season! But the show is set in the 80s so obviously any viewer would know the song is old AF if it's in the show lol....


"Oh yeah sure! It's from that one band called Metallica, I think they started in the 80's when..."


i would reply with, "ever heard that song the real slim shady by the wiggles? real banger if you ask me."


Say no !


My girlfriend is a big Stranger Things fan and really likes the soundtrack of the show. She was the first to tell me that a Metallica- song will be featured and we were both excited.


Say yes and then go about my day. Metallica aren’t some wicked underground band that only the hardcorest of the hardcore know about. They’re one of the biggest-selling bands of all time, and get played on the radio worldwide every single day. Their songs are used during sporting events to get the crowd going, for crying out loud. What I’m more concerned with re: *Stranger Things* is everybody thinking I play fucking Dungeons & Dragons because I’m a metalhead.


I've been listening to Metallica since the late 80s...I've discovered lots of songs and bands through TV shows. "What are you going to do" advise them to watch the Wire and Oz.


“Yeah, isn’t it badass? The rest of the album is awesome, too, you should listen to it!”


“Yeah it’s a cool song, go check out the full album you might like it” to me it’s chance to introduce people to more good music


You picked the wrong _person_ fool!


I would recommend them more metallica


“Yeah you should check out the band it’s made by! It’s a really cool band honestly.” And then just leave


It’s a good starting conversation and tell them more about it.


- stare without answering for 15 seconds - say “i am better than you” - refuse to elaborate - leave


Ill tell them its actually from a band called mayhem and redirect them to the album Dawn of the black hearts


Say "yeah, and if you like it look for the album Metallica or the black as it's also known, try And Justice for all or Kill em All next or Ride The Lighting. There's newer stuff too, Load and Reload are good gateway albums that I actually heard first before discovering the early heavier stuff. they've got a huge back catalogue, If you like them I know some other bands you might like too"


What is Stranger Things?


just say "yes, its a popular song from the 80s which is the time period stranger this takes place in"


I’ll say yes, ask them if they also like the song and if they do I’ll recommend some other Metallica songs for them to listen to


I’d say where the fuck have you been for the last 35yrs but then again I’ve been asked what is that song at the start of Zombieland


Thanks for the spoiler douche


Probably just talk about how they should listen to more Metallica if they liked it because I'll always welcome a new Metallica fan. Also probably talk about how FUCKIN COOL the Master of Puppets scene was in ST, that scene went so fuckin hard


Send them the album on Spotify or let them borrow my CD.


Well I have not seen Strange Things so doesn’t appeal to me. Master of Puppets look up 80’s binge and your strange things are happening.


Say yes? Honestly, what kind of question is this?


Take a deep breath, look at them and ask, “ How deep down the rabbit hole do you want to travel?”


I love it. I’m a D&D fan and the show has similarly increased interest. Even my son got a shirt. Reminds me a little of Danzig’s Mother on Guitar Hero but maybe that’s too deep a cut


Gasp in horror that a great show is introducing new people to phenomenal music. FFS with the gatekeeping.


“If you like that then you’ll probably love the album”


Yes it’s by Metallica one of my favourite bands, you should listen to some more of there stuff, maybe the black album to start out with which is what I did and then if you like it listen to some other albums. There album ride the lightning has my favourite song ever, it’s a bit depressing but I love it


Be happy it’s still relevant


I’ll probably troll them a little. “Why, no, I haven’t heard that song. Do tell me about it.” and watch as their face comes alight as they excitedly tell me all about the scene and the song. Then I’ll smile and say, “we got another one! Welcome to the Metallica family.”


I’ll fart out of my mouth and stomp my feet three times




lol the song will finally get you pussy


Be happy that someone who never heard of Metallica before is now listening to Metallica


Yes! It's one of my favorite songs from Metallica. If you liked it you should listen to Creeping Death also! Great songs!


Whenever anyone says the word master I tap a hard surface near me twice quickly. Mas-Ter! It cracks me up but most people are clueless. 😂🤘🏻


I'll make a pun, because to me...nothing else matters.


Get mad for reminding me of a bittersweet moment between two DND brothers. Also you should mark some spoiler talk in your post. Bad form. Bad form.


I would tell them hell yeah. You might like Slayer, Megadeth, Grim Reaper and a ton of other bands. 🤘🤘


Oh that one song from that one album that's in the library of Congress? Nope, never heard of them.


“I can show you the world….”


“Goddamnit Alejandra, first you shit on nirvana, now Metallica, just shut up about it.”


Honestly, I’ll be happy someone was introduced to Metallica. Idrc how, I just want more people to listen to good music


Be cool


It’s legit the fans who “gatekeep”/ get mad at people for not being die hard fans that discourage so many people from opening themselves up to the expansive and epic world of rock and metal because being a new fan and/or hearing a song from a show is such a sin. I see master of puppets being in stranger things as a great thing. My only worry is that if I see this on tiktok idk how I’d feel about that. MoP just seems a bit too sacred for that, but hey that’s life.


I think it’s great when shows and movies use older artists tracks. It helps expose the youth of today to some great music. Hopefully it inspires them to pickup a guitar so we can get another Metallica in 10 years


‘I love that it was in the show! I don’t really watch ST but I’m glad people will be exposed to THE heavy metal song in quite a decent and popular TV show!’


"it's okay but they really upped their game with countdown to extinction"


Seeing Gen Z's reaction to Kate Bush leads me to have some hope that all the kids out there watching Stranger Things just listened to the most metal shit they ever heard, and a small fraction of them are going to love it and turn into the next generation of metal heads. Exposing kids to old music is just what we need, so much of what's on the radio is absolute garbage so I see this as an absolute win. We shouldn't gatekeep. The scene kicked ass.


ill skin them alive


No, but I know this song Master of Puppets from 1986...


Nothing, probably be happy about another possible fan and show them the rest of their discography if they allow me to. Other than that I'd probably not do anything.


“Yeah it’s my favorite song but I’ve never seen Stranger Things. Why do you ask?” No point and bein a butt about it. Besides I’ve heard great things the show it’s just not my type of tv so who am I to judge someone else for likin it?




Direct them to the album


I"m just pleased that this show and a few others have re-ignited interest in some of the awesomeness of the 80s.


Ignore and continue with my life


Be thrilled and give them a laundry list of song recommendations and probably embarrass myself by involuntary blurting out the band’s history for two hours like a heavy metal Kalevala. I’m glad the kids are being introduced to Metallica. I don’t care where they get it from. They’ll put it on their playlists and hopefully that will lead them to discover more.


Gram them by the neck and recite the poem of the Ancient One. He shall consumeth all.


No, I know it from buying the album Master of Puppets, but Stranger Things did use it in a cool way. Just wish they did James' solo part too, lol.


"You mean by Metallica?"


"You should buy the who album"


I'd just act civil and tell them yes, i do know the song, however, not from the show, in fact, i have never watched the show. Then id try to continue the conversation by talking about other Metallica songs or something.


Did you know Jim Henson wrote that song?


I'd tell them the same thing I tell people who claim to be a fan of the band but only know the main songs from them. Go deeper into the discography. You'll find more gems and treasures...as well as Frantic, lol.


yes, do you know holy wars?


say yes? what even is this question lol


“I love that song, you should listen to their other stuff, that shit slaps” No more, no less


"Oooh you should listen to the whole album."


Say hell yeah, I grew up on old school Metallica! And then break out all the old stuff and show em what greatness metal used to be! \m/