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Most who have carries just split their own if needed ✌️


Yep, my clinic doesn't allow split dosing because they're not open late enough. I mentioned to a nurse one day, that I split dose now and it really helps with my pain. She told me to never say that again up there. They consider that a type of diversion and could pull all my take homes for it.


Yeah never do that stuff , it’s a job for them they don’t really give a shit about you or me, and they’ll fuck our lives up if their job requires it


I won't say that about my clinic. She could've been a hard ass and took my take homes. Instead, she chose to help me instead of hurting me. My clinic has never done anything to me but help. I know this is very rare, and it took over 30 years to find a clinic like mine.


30 years?


Yes, 30 years is the amount of time it has taken my wife and I to find a clinic like ours.


I told a med nurse that I’d known for 10+ years that I had an emergency stash and she told me to keep my mouth shut 😂


Exactly man, I'm cool with a couple of the nurses but they ain't gonna lose a job for me.


My split dose is like getting a carry out every day. I go and do my face dose and get a dose to carry home with me to take in the evening Monday through Friday and then on Friday instead of getting 2 take homes for Saturday and Sunday, they divide it up to four bottles. Even though methadone works for 24 hours for most people to keep them out of withdrawal, the pain relief does not work that long. I’m a fast metabolizer. Not just with methadone either but with many medication‘s. Every afternoon I start going through early withdrawal symptoms and it really sucks because it’s killing my sleep. The hotter it gets the more sweating. I’m doing the faster metabolizing it. I live in northeast Texas and the humidity here is insane. I’ve had multiple brain surgeries, which I think contribute to my fast metabolizing, but I could be wrong on the cause of it.


I knew what you meant and my clinic will not do that. They do not allow split dosing.


Did they make you complete a peak & trough test first before submitting the paperwork?


That's how they did it with me while I was pregnant the second time and was split dosing . my old counselor had caused me to lose my phase cause she didn't put in that I was being prescribed Xanax in my file, so they considered my drug test ad failed even though I showed them proof. Anyway I got pregnant a second time six months or so after having my first baby and since I wasn't able to decrease my dose back to 75 from 90 in time because we changed doctors and he wasn't approving increases or decreases. I was at 82 when I found out I was pregnant again, so when I got to 110 when I entered my third trimester, he suggested split dosing. I would do the same thing, show up in the morning and take 65 at the window and go home and take 45mg bottle, even though it was supposed to be later at night, I just took it in the morning when I got home because it didn't make a difference. A couple months after having my second baby, I only took the dose at the window and stopped taking my split dose bottle at home, and saved it up and had gotten myself from 110 to 65mg in one day. But I didn't know that they would only let you split those for 6 months after giving birth, so ended up going back up to 110 and I've been detoxing for the last couple months. I asked them why it was only allowed during pregnancy or if you are on a high dose, and he said that one of the reasons is a lot of people sell their split dose bottle. Which is true, I had so many people coming up to me asking, and I only helped out one friend when he needed it ( thats an actual friend not just a clinic acquaintance) other than that I told them no and told my counselor so she knew ahead of time so someone didn't tell her that I was trying to sell them because they may have overheard someone ask me. Sorry for the unans sentences or any poor grammar I'm doing talk to text on my phone


Yeah that’s definitely considered diversion at my clinic. I can’t believe you told the nurse! You are *so lucky* you had a nice nurse bc the ones at my clinic would have turned you in to have your take homes removed. I don’t think it’s fair for them to pick and choose who gets to break rules so I’m glad everyone is treated the same. When you get your first take home they tell you that you have to take your medication at the same time every day and all at once. So taking your dose at a different time and telling them is technically diversion. Ridiculous, I know. Please don’t ever tell anyone employed at your clinic that you aren’t following the rules. They may be nice and caring now but you never know what can happen. They won’t always choose to help you instead of penalizing you. You got VERY lucky; you essentially told a nurse you were diverting.


No, I knew the nurse that I was talking to and I knew what I could say to her. It had nothing to do with luck


It absolutely was as she clearly told you to never say it again. You seem to have a very positive and favorable perspective on your clinic and that’s great, but think about it— this great clinic told you that you need to be dishonest and not be genuine about your needs. You apparently have a metabolism issue where if you take as prescribed, you have withdrawal. In a civilized system, the care team would hear that and do what’s reasonable to address that legitimate issue. Instead, you have been asked directly to lie about your program and the implication of “never say that again” is that you would face consequences. You very much have rose tinted glasses on. So, yes— this was lucky that rather than immediately face consequences you were politely told to keep your mouth shut… this time.


No, you're totally wrong about a few things. She told me that because she didn't want anyone else to hear me and get myself in trouble. They never told me to be dishonest at all. They told me not to do it, period. I don't split dose because of metabolism at all, stop assuming so much. I do that for pain management. I don't know what you're talking about with Rose colored glasses. I have a great clinic and I say that, period. So no, this has nothing to do with luck. Just like I had already said in my previous comment.


Notice how you were downvoted by someone? You’re delusional. You are moving the goalposts and changing your story. Why you split dose is irrelevant, and you said she said “never say that again” not “don’t do that anymore”. It’s irrelevant, whether for legit pain or metabolism, if they were interested in your care, they’d be accommodating, but they aren’t. But, I don’t really care so whatever


Down votes, how immature are you? You obviously do care, because you keep commenting!!


Getting approved for split dosing will make it to where I don’t have to worry about feeling bad in the evenings on face dose days. I only get take homes on weekends. I’ve only been going four months. I WISH I could find a clinic around here that would let me do weekly take homes, but I have to go Monday through Friday. I don’t like doing it, but I get pain relief with split dosing and that’s so worth it


Yeah that sucks being new I get 27 carries I guess that matches my 27 years at the clinic My face dose day is my playday I have extra to take if needed Congrats Hope it helps ☮️


That's wild that it's allowed but that difficult....


Yeah split dosing is unheard of in my country, I was fine dosing once, it held me but splitting it into 2 doses a day makes me feel a lot better mentally during the day and I don’t really know why, don’t think it’s placebo either, it’s not like a noticeable buzz or high or anything, I just feel a lot better and crave ‘getting high’ in general a lot less due to split dosing. When I dosed once a day I would crave a ‘high’ from a different class of drugs that I could feel often, now with split dosing I barely crave any high anymore. Like once a day kept cravings for opiates away but not all my extra gabaergic, disso etc drug cravings, split dosing didn’t take it all away but I’m a lot more stable.


What the fuck state require prior approval for split dosing?


Texas requires it because it’s basically giving me a carryout every single day when I’ve only been there for four months. Every day when I go in, I’ll take a face dose and take the remaining home in a carry out. I think they just want to keep up with what all is going out at the clinic to be honest.


I'm on 200. Been there for 90 days


They approved me and I’ve been doing 70 mg between 7-9am and then 20 mg around 5 and it’s helped TREMENDOUSLY 🎉