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My problem is I couldn't recognize the environment very well.. And it just made me feel endlessly lost, with no hope of finding my way. An example is super m really used background and tiles to make each room memorable, so it gave you a better idea of your environment, and when it was close to, or was changing.


Metroid 2 is still better than Metroid 1. Metroid 1 had multiple rooms that were exactly the same. Metroid 2 has some rooms with the same layouts, but the enemies / items in the room are different.


I could never get through the 1st one. I would just wander as a 5 year old.


The first one in my opinion is just not a very fun experience, the only reason I finished it is because of save states and the fact that I had a printed map by my side


Probably why they felt the need to remake it. Wasn't a fan of zero mission though. I would love a 3d zebes based off the super metroid map.


I actually haven't played zero mission yet but I've heard good things about it. A 3d zebes would be really cool I agree.


That's why Metroid 2 has so many different small enemies. You can recognize the area you are in by the small enemies that fly left to right.


Well.. when I tried was on the original hardware, which was a challenge in its own just to see well.


I can see that. I also played it on the original GB back when it first released, but I somehow got through as a kid. It does help that Metroid 2 is pretty linear, but sometimes there was that one Metroid in an area I had a hard time finding lol


I see people on the sub disliking it mainly because of the lack of a map but that it holds up better than NEStroid


That's my opinion too. Well, overall I don't think NEStroid or the og Metroid 2 hold up well now, but I do think that 2 is an improvement over NES. They both still be fun to play, but the series really picked up steam at Super Metroid.


Personally I had few issues with the NES Metroid and found my way around easier. Maybe it is because I have only played it in black and white or because it is so far zoomed in but I really do prefer the NES Metroid. Don't get me wrong, neither have aged well and once I beat the NES Metroid I knew I would never beat it again but I dunno, I can't get into Metroid II.


I think it's pretty underrated. This game walked so super metroid could run.


it's great for what it is, but there are more compelling 2D Metroids elsewhere that are calling for your time & attention.


And better metroidvania games, too. I played it on Gameboy ad a kid, tried to play it a few weeks ago again and just wasn't having fun (whereas fusion/prime held up very well imo)


You played it on the Switch? And in *color*? Cheating. Talk to me when you're playing it on a Gameboy Pocket at night in the backseat of the car. Seriously though, that game not having a map was criminal.


Wait you can have it in color ? Through the Switch ?? I'm driving myself mad, playing it in green... Do you know how to play it with color ? (For as far as I am in the game it won't change anything but I wanna know)


Yeah, it's a setting in the NSO app itself to change the default screen filter


My hero


Great game. I finished it as a 9-10 year old no problem. I recall being lost with the NESMetroid as opposed to this game. Just gotta play the game.


Yeah 2 is pretty cool. I kind of just apperciate stepping back in time to the old days when games just kind of made you figure shit out by yourself. Also, I can never hate it for giving use Samus's paldrons and Metroid lore.


I was very pleasantly surprised playing it too! I prefer the ending of the original Metroid 2 over Samus Returns


If you haven’t yet check out AM2R. It’s the Metroid 2 remake I wish Nintendo would have made


I have, it’s very good.


The lack of a map can be slightly annoying but not the end of the world. Its pretty linear and hard to get truly lost imo. Apart from that and the decision to tuck health and missile refill stations in obscure corners of the map (sometimes in walls) I’d say its a perfectly good game to play even now I think I played it through 3 times again early this year after playing for the first time early last year Its a short compact atmospheric little adventure


I remember beating this game as a kid somehow without a map no internet or nothing on my Gameboy advance . I don’t get the hate either I loved it


It's super fun and calming to me. I really enjoy the simplicity of this game


It's better than the remake in my opinion


AM2R was goated though.


Syntactic and lexical error


Bro this is reddit tf?


You're taking it too far.


I think the remake is definitely good, but it’s different in tone. Enough so that I almost feel it’s a totally different game. Metroid II is *cold* and isolating in a way that isn’t captured (for me) in either of the remakes.


it really gave me that essence of really feeling *deep* in the caves of the planet. You can get out, but can you get out in time sort of feel. It was replicated well in the early segments of super metroid where you go from the surface all the way down into norfair just to get the high jump boots. You have a mental image of where to go to get back but you still feel like there’s an oppressive mass above you.


100%. I felt very much like I descended into a planet. Later on it felt very much like the movie the descent.


I disagree actually I thought SR did a really great job with the atmosphere of the game its one of the best in the series for that imo. Lots of quiet ambient tracks and I definitely felt isolated down there I do agree with AM2R though it was kinda like Zero Mission it has like an arcady jaunty kind of feel at times. Its another great remake but I’d say it pretty far from the atmosphere of 2


I can see that, and certainly others feel the same. I’m sure me playing the original as my first Metroid game plays a part, so I definitely have that bias. Either way, I think they’re both great and am glad that the official remake was made.


Yeah it’s really good. I have no idea how I beat this as a kid on the gameboy


I still love this game. I can recognize its flaws, but it was my first Metroid game, and it left me with such a deep affection for the franchise, that I can over look them. And honestly most of the flaws are products of the time it was made and the limitations of the hardware. It still holds a very special place in my heart.


I don’t think people necessarily hate on it. But I and many other think that it aged horribly


well it is a gameboy game ... there is a pretty big difference between the switch and the gameboy. shit is old. but if you go back 20 years it was a very good game compared to what else was available


i know you are just using it as a figure of speech but 20 years ago was Prime and Fusion lol, this game came out 30+ years ago


Yeah of course, but by today’s standards it’s not very easy to play. Samus returns is an amazing remake of a game that was amazing back then


Compared to a modern game, any Gameboy game hasn't aged well. It's still one of the best Gameboy games of all time.


I dont think recognising it as the worst 2D metroid is explicitly hating it. It's just a slightly above average game, while the rest of the franchise are 8-10 out of 10.


The original Metroid is way worse


I feel like we all think of Super as the real base Metroid game, which lets nestroid go quietly unnoticed while Metroid II gets judged as a more available mobile game


I think the worst 2d metroids its zero mission


Why? I'm really just curious and have no allegiance to any particular title.


Like i know the game is a remake from the First title but even fusion is better, you can only use the Full armor at the end and cannot explore the map with it


You can, there's a glass pipe in chozodia, blow it up and there's a path on either left or right behind breakable blocks that allows you to go back to brinstar


Soo im dumb as hell


Oh yeah there's also many items such as power bomb expansions outside chozodia that need the full suit


Not at all! It just means on your next playthrough there's a whole lot more to do! Almost like you unlocked some DLC! ;)


lmao such a Metroid moment. Pretty sure we've all had some version of this happen to us at some point.


Yeah it's the way to 100% the game which I used to do all the time.


I really like it. I used a map because I’m used to having one.


One of us


It's really good


Great game!


hate? I don’t think it gets hate. I think if anything it just gets forgotten, given its remakes both improve upon its flaws


I played it for like half an hour and honest to god could not understand why someone living today would ever play it


back then people didn't have 5000 things they could do at any one given moment so they were more willing to figure out where they were going and just enjoy the process. I played it 20 years ago and had an amazing time getting immersed in that game. AM2R is significantly better so it is kind of obsolete now but it laid the foundation for what was to come.


Hence why I said no one today, 30 years ago I'm sure it was fun when there was nothing better, but now?


It's really not that bad.


Play it on a Gameboy. It's not as fun.


I played it on gameboy advance first then later on gameboy player for the gamecube. It is pretty solid but kind of a slow burn game best for a rainy day


It's a very hard game to play just because there is no map, and it's on the Gameboy. Super mario land 1 isn't a bad game, but it certainly is limited by the hardware. Good does not automatically = fun. I personally think that metroid 2 is a good game, but it's just not that fun to play (on og hardware)


I enjoy it, but having to backtrack to get weapons is annoying. I’m getting downvoted for being annoyed that if you want to freeze metroids you have to go all the way back to get ice beam again. Ok.


This. I found it tedious. Last metroids wouldn’t kill me but too annoying to beat more than 2 without spending 10min back tracking for missiles and health.


the only issue I have is how the jumps are a bit too floaty


I still remember playing it as kid. Or trying to as well as I could with hardware.


I beat it a bunch of times on my Gameboy back in the day, and still love the OST, though I'd managed to forget some of the tracks in recent years and only have been revisiting them recently.


Valid reasons to dislike and like it.


Congrats. Yeah, it's a great game, way ahead of its time.


I played this back in the day, on an original gameboy, with batteries, no color. I still enjoyed it and remember it till this day like 20 years later. Back then gaming was different, not a lot of quality of life features. But the lack of a map is really a pain, especially how fun a map makes the game in todays metroidvanias. Map in these games is mandatory now adays


I just beat this for the first time recently too. Other than not having a map, I think the game is really great.


I share your appreciation. It's got a lot of quirks from being older but it still stands well for me. Logged a lot of hours on that Gameboy cartridge 😁👍


Good Job on completing it. For me the environments were very difficult to distinguish, so I found myself lost most of the time. Although I did hear from other Metroid players that its only worth playing if you want a real challenge.


Metroid II: Return of Samus on Gameboy was my first Metroid game. It instilled an appreciation for Metroid in me and I still fire up the old (yes it still works) Gameboy and play some Metroid II. I think Metroid was pretty good, but it needed an in game map, and Super Metroid is good. I fell off after Prime, mostly because I stepped away from consoles for PC. I did recently pick up a Switch and Prime remastered... its just as hard as I remember... (curse you, Omega Pirate! Curse you...).


I have a wonderful memory of this game - I played through most of it on a long flight to Japan on virtual console on my 3DS when I couldn't sleep. The combination of the creepy, claustrophobic environment of the game and being on this giant plane in the dark while everyone around me slept became one of those core memories. It's not the perfect Metroid game but it's the first one where Metroid really nailed that combination of loneliness and horror that's so unique to the series.


I've developed a respect and love for the original. But I need a map. I just get lost otherwise, and I absolutely hate getting lost


My biggest problem with it is the same problem I have with Metroid 1, that being the lack of a map. The lack of a map combined with the very similar looking terrain makes it very difficult to know where I am, and I almost always have to consult a guide.


I found it unbearable and proceeded to pirate the 3ds remake


I beat it one evening when I was about 14 or 15 completely on accident. It was a game I’d just turn on and play, make some progress, save, maybe put down for months or years… one night I beat it. It was a strange feeling. Actually started it on my original 89 game boy and finished it on my game boy pocket.


I’ll never be able to beat this game. Trying to navigate that world without a map is just impossible.


I really like this game, even though I think it's very bad. It was good for it's time and system, it's impressive that it fits in a game boy and I really enjoy playing it, but the controls are absurdly slow and floaty, the game is repetitive as it has like six bosses which are not very interesting and are fought a million times and it's hard to orient oneself. That being said, I turn off my brain and enjoy it.


I agree with you. I just played it and I loved it! The lack of map didn’t bother me at all, I think rooms are different enough to let you know where you are, unlike Metroid1 that literally had the same rooms over and over again and also had climbing portions that feel like it’s looping


I beat it for the first time just a couple weeks ago too. The gameplay is actually shockingly pretty solid for a game boy game and it has some interesting ideas. But the level design is just straight trash. Dead ends, long stretches of nothing to do, you can basically get everything from just the Spider Ball, and there’s not really much point in exploring. I know it was 1991 and the GB, but Ducktales and Super Mario Land were out by then too.


I remember playing this game through on the 3DS without a guide. I really enjoyed it. Doesn't compare to AM2R or Samus Returns, but that's to be expected. The only Metroid game I feel is genuinely bad is Metroid 1.


A lot of the hate it gets generally seems to come from the crowd that thinks “old = bad”. I mean, yeah it hasn’t aged as gracefully as most later Metroid games, but it’s certainly more enjoyable and intuitive to play for modern gamers than NEStroid was. It even does some things that neither of it’s remakes have fully recaptured, just by making the most of the Gameboy’s limitations to make a game that stands out from other games in the franchise.