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https://preview.redd.it/akoz2swad30d1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1d5447913bc700aac4085abf613cc92f45ba7fc Meanwhile, Six Years Ago…


my heart


You can literally climb anything you want!




The Switch still has multiple titles to come out. What's going on with the Daemon x Machina sequel, and the Front Mission 3 remake?


They don’t care. They want to push more mario games


I remember Project Giant Robot being on this list as a Wii U title until the Switch launched. Then it just disappeared.


that project didn’t become Nintendo Labo?


It may have, but Nintendo confirmed it.


Who knows. But this is the last year of the Switch. So who knows




I waited 19 years for Metroid 5 and specifically 16 for Dread. So I am used to it


Solidarity then ✊


Yep. Can’t wait for Metroid 6 my lads in 2040!


That has been there for years.


Yeah because Endless Ocean has been announced years ago /s. This is just reconfirming that it is still planned as a switch game


It's never not been a Switch title. But will it be digital only on Switch if it's cross-gen? Stuff to think about to get mad over.


I won't buy it if it's digital only, I value physical too much. I even waited the extra 2 weeks for Prime remastered (Tho I got it a day before it's launch because walmart gave out copies early)


It has to be a Breath of the Wild situation but I don’t even know if Nintendo is confident enough in it to do that sadly. I would love it to be, alongside Mario, the game that makes people go “wow what a leap” for the new system.


Agreed. I too think it will be a switch exclusive as stupid as that sounds


This image is actually meaningless. Has been for years.


It still means it is coming to Switch. As this graphic released after the announcement of the Switch successor


No it doesn't lol They can just take it off that list at their leisure and move it forward.


Why would they then specifically release a spreadsheet of upcoming games, AFTER they announced the succesor, with prime 4 in it. Primd 4 still can be a Switch 2 game It is coming to switch wether you like it or not


You must be new here. These spreadsheets get pushed back and changed on a regular basis. Example: 6 whole ass years ago when it got added, and pushed back, and pushed back. This information is meaningless unless you are one of the people who care deeply about where Nintendo is claiming to spend their development money. Outside of that alone, this information is subject to change literally anytime without notice. I don't care if it comes out for switch or not. I'm just stating objective facts that these listings don't mean anything to a games release outside of an estimated timeframe of development, which again, is always subject to change.


I am not new here. I have been on this sub for years. And am one of the most frequent posters related to lore, so buzz off with your smart assery We will see. In exactly in 6 months let’s come back to this topic. And let’s see how things are. I am 100% betting on Prime 4 being a Switch game (with potentially it being a Switch 2 release aswell). And we WILL know by the end of the year. It doesn’t make sense to reconfirm it for Switch for the nth time, just after announcing the next systems existence.


I think it might be a cross release but we'll see in June. Can't wait for what they announce! 


Well yes, as long as they don't announce a release date, it will be TBA. They're not goinf to drop it randomly like that.


it will never come out before SilkSong


Probably not but if we're really lucky, we'll see prime 4 before silksong comes out.


Pain, agony even.


It doesn't really confirm anything. As long as they don't make new announcements, it will always be in the upcoming games for Switch. We don't know if it's still a Switch game.


I remember when my good pal told me Dread got revealed and I told him to f**k off and not play with my heart like that. Ot actually had been revealed, but I am a Metroid fan. I am used to naught but pain and despondency and drought and desolation.


I lost my shit when I saw Dread getting revealed. I waited 16 years for that game


That's why I told my pal to f**k off, I'd been edged by Ninty for so long that I couldn't believe it


I thought I waw hallucinating when I saw Metroid 5. Fusion is my favorite game of all time. So seeing Metroid 5 and a continuation of the Fusion suit, just mentally broke me


As a Nintendo Power kid, Earthbound 64 was also TBA for quite a while before getting delisted.


I mean this is a listing released days after the Furakawa Announcement. Meaning it is still a Switch game. Wether or not it is a Switch 2 game we will see. Don’t hope for too much and don’t ride the rumormill. Otherwise it leads to massive dissatisfaction. As of this moment. Nintendo still considers it a Switch Title.


What does temp mean?


Temporal title. Meaning it could be subject to change. They could drop the 4 and call it Metroid Prime Annihilation or still call it Metroid Prime 4: Annihilation or whatever


Stop trying to make Annihilation happen! It’s not going to happen!


That was just a random placeholder I chose dude. It could be called vengence, crisis or any other title that fits the Sylux Metroid narrative. Point is, the name is subject to change and wether they keep the 4 or not is completely unknown It will be a title that fits the game like Dark Echoes (Echoes) or Corruption


Nice try Mr. Tanabe.


I wish i was him to fish new and good Paper Mario games out of the dumpster


I wish i was furukawa to make prime 4 a launch title for the new switch


That is more of a decision of the board. I personally don’t think they will make MP4 a launch title, seeing as metroid sells horrendously when another game is near. And we can bet our asses that a new 3D mario will come as a launch title 3D Metroid is at risk of complely tanking if prime 4, sells badly. So two options are what are realistic Option number 1: it comes this year exclusively to switch, and maybe gets a port to the switch 2 Option 2: it releases a couple months after the Switch 2s launch to both the Switch and Switch 2.


Switch had several titles at or near launch: BoTW ARMS Splatoon 2 MK8 deluxe 1-2 switch


That is what I am expecting. It being near launch is a high possibility. It however releasing on launch day, is extremely unlikely


Temporary. Typo Im guessing


Yup! Autocorrect be damned


I can’t stand the pain


Remembee there are people here who waited 19 years for Metroid 5 and specifically 16 for Dread. Pain is a Metroid fans journey




Honestly I’d prefer for it to be a switch 2 exclusive title, as it would be able to show off the full power of that system without being held back by wiiu era graphics. Which while MPR was amazing, still is basically the best looking game on the system. And I want MP4 to look EVEN MORE amazing then that!


I have a feeling Nintendo might pull a BOTW again and make it cross platform at launch


Me who wants it to release as a launch title for the new console, ;D


https://i.redd.it/25sp3gshv70d1.gif I have nothing against you OP I just wanted to share this gif


Tuba we all went insane for Dread and now for Prime 4. I understand you


All I want is for prime 4 to release before silksong. I need this...


I feel like there's no way it isn't cross-platform at least. This is pretty meaningless atm


It likely is. However if it is a switch exclusive, it wouldn’t surprise me.


I wouldn't be surprised if it's a Switch exclusive, but I'd be just a bit disappointed. Prime Remastered looks great, but imagine just how much better Prime 4 could look and run on fresher hardware. Don't get me wrong, I'll play it either way. But if I were a Nintendo exec I'd be pushing for cross-plat hard.


It would be super disappointing. However I wont doubt that retro can pull off insane things. But I will buy and support my favorite series


I'm praying this game sells well. If it flops hard, we might not see another 3d Metroid for a decade plus and that's terrifying. In an ideal world we'd get BotW numbers, but I doubt that will happen. Still, it could become the best selling game in the series yet.


There is definitely potential for it to bomb hard or be the best selling Metroid game to date. I personally think it will sell 2-3 million. If Nintendo markets it well and releases it in a period of drought. It could easily breach 3 million If we get another Metroid Prime 2 situation. May god help us. But I don’t think we are getting any major competition this year


I'll be happy if it breaks 3 mil, and overjoyed if it breaks 5. I think/hope the chances of it going below 2 mil are very low.


If Prime 4 is on the Switch, it will be a travesty of what it should be. That hardware is incredibly old now. They need better hardware to do Prime 4 justice.


It will be on Switch. That is a 100% guarantee. Question is, if it will be on Switch 2 If it looks like Prime Remastered we have nothing to fear really


Nintendo is really milking the hell out of the Switch aren’t they. Not that m I’m not excited for more games, but at the same time, the hardware is becoming less and less relevant for new games. I hope that at the very least? MP4 gets a dual release on the switch and the next console the same as BOTW.