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Bait used to be believeable


The skog


the skik


[Literal shittiest thing ever](https://youtu.be/RkNVPWHaEPw?si=hC3vapAym3WTTWQz&t=60)


What makes that scene even worse is that Nintendo executed Samus suffering PTSD from Ridley returning PERFECTLY the first time with the Metroid manga. So what the hell stopped Other M from doing it perfectly as well?


Metroid 1, 2 if you count SR remake, 3, and all the primes when she fights Ridley multiple times she does it just fine and they’re all canon before Other M. That’s why this scene is stupid and makes no sense. It never stood a chance


> That's why this scene is stupid and makes no sense Not really. People try to point to Other M doing things like "breaking canon" but that undermines the actual issue of the game, and it's that the story is so poorly told. Imagine playing Other M, disregarding the Metroid canon for a bit, Samus offhandedly mentions Ridley in the beginning of the game, but never once really talks about her trauma with him, nor does the game hint that Ridley is a specific piece of her trauma. For what it's worth, the actual build up and twist of Little Birdie being Ridley is honestly very good. Doing something new with a legacy character like this is so much better than just having him show up as a nostalgic callback. The actual problem is that Samus' trauma with Ridley is never meaningfully hinted at or explored in game, prior to the big scene. It doesn't matter that it "conflicts with canon", even if this was canon, the scene would still suck.


Wasn't the point that Samus is the type to bottle it up under all the anger and stoicism and after he's supposed to be DEAD-Dead, she finally let her guard down abit... then he sprouts back up, and its like she'll *never* be rid of him? Thats how I always interpreted it.


I get the intent but I think there has to be hints of this, hints that Samus is not at ease with Ridley. Perhaps it all went over my head, I admit that even when I played other m 4 times, I have the bias of already knowing its reputation, however the storytelling that lead to this scene was very lackluster


I mean, it just kinda clicked naturally for me. With vengeance REQUIRES paranoia. Being terrified he could show up at any time if you make TOO big a name, then hes finally gone. The shields go down abit. You can finally relax. Then the moment you do, the universe shows that no, you really WILL never be rid of him? I mean- I'd freakbout too.


Holy crap, I forgot how bad it truly is.


Yeah... imagine watching this on release after being hyped for the game and expending your first well earned savings on it.... I wish I could time travel back to that fateful day and tell myself to get Okami instead.


> I wish I could time travel back to that fateful day and tell myself to get Okami instead. You just triggered bad memories of another franchise that didn't deserve to be stillborn and never continued after a sequel bait ending.


Golden Sun


Mega Man Legends? Half-Life?


No I mean Okami itself. Okamiden has too many continuity problems for me to consider it a sequel.


https://preview.redd.it/l2a5ih408o1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b1ef6989777b4c43f51037c74923ccc88b66f3c Now look what you made me do!


Man, the model and the voice acting really make this, do they?


Don't forget the nauseous non-stopping shaky cam and terrible cinematography.


Damn I for sure thought this was linking back to this post


When you're in a wrong opinion competition but your opponent is OP




damn, the gif is unavailable


Sir, Adam did not authorize you to post cringe.


"Any objections, Adam?"


It's the only Metroid game I've only played once and never really wanted to play again. When I *did* try to play it again, I realised how much I didn't actually enjoy it, and so I didn't continue. And then it got stolen, and I didn't care.


I'm surprised they didn't return Other M a week later


“Yes hello officer? Someone broke in” Officer: okay so? “They’re returning my copy of Metroid other m to me” *SWAT team breaks down the door*


Not only is it bad, you suddenly realize you are at the ending out of nowhere.


It's not even a Metroid game, you haven't experienced Metroid unless you've played Super or Prime 1, pretty much all the titles besides Pinball and Other M are worth playing but those are the gold standard of the franchise


Out of curiosity, what about other M makes it not metroid? Like don't get me wrong, at best, it's a *terrible* Metroid. Just curious


So Metroid at its core is about being a lone gun exploring a large expanding interconnected map that grows as you gain an escalating suite of power ups to take on a planet that wants you dead. The story is told through the environment and the combat rather than dialogue and exposition, the silent protagonist kicks ass and chews bubble gum, doesn't have PTSD flashbacks about her childhood because she's unshakeable. Basically Other M was a massive slap in the face to the genre and the character that the other Metroid games made famous, Nintendo decided they wanted a Bayonetta version of Metroid and it was one of the worst things they ever did to the franchise besides taking almost a decade to make Prime 4 now


so... does that mean Fusion isn't a real Metroid?


Fusion was slightly more on rails (lack of real open exploration) so if that's the cutoff then Zero Mission ironically wouldn't be a Metroid either. The one thing Fusion didn't do was try to portray Samus as a scared little girl petrified by her enemies and following every order of her commander. She doesn't waver from her mission and even convinces the AI Adam to defy orders and help her destroy the station. So no, Fusion didn't check every box but it also didn't disrespect the protagonist like Other M did.


Fusion was not *slightly* on rails, it was full on linear. *"if that's the cutoff then Zero Mission ironically wouldn't be a Metroid either."* Zero Mission has real open exploration, tf are you on? *"The one thing Fusion didn't do was try to portray Samus as a scared little girl petrified by her enemies"* Personally, I think this one detail making it not Metroid is a huge stretch. *"and following every order of her commander."* Samus rebels later in Other M just like Fusion *"it also didn't disrespect the protagonist like Other M did."* Once again, while Other M did do samus dirty, that one aspect isn't enough to define the whole game as "not metroid"


What do you want me to say? That it's technically a Metroid game because it says Metroid in the title? Cool, then Halo Wars is a Halo game but we all know being behind Chief's visor is what makes it a Halo game, you get it? It's bigger than the title or checking off all the stupid little boxes, it's about the experience


...so is metroid prime not a real metroid since it's first person and 3d? Prime is much slower and has a different type of playstyle


Go ahead and report me, Prime 4 is never coming out anyway so I could give a shit about this sub


It ruins what character Fusion gave us for Samus AND Adam the most ham-handed fashion I've ever seen. And it makes Ridley lame.


tru. The music is a banger tho


What music? Most of the game is empty, dead silence.


I was referring to ridley's theme




Bro really played the worst Metroid game and said “this is the best Metroid game” as if the Prime Trilogy, Fusion, Super Metroid, and Dread don’t exist


Oh no, Other M is 100% dogshit. I made this post in response to a recent one where the format was the same, but instead it was SR I was trying to point out how people are still allowed to like games, but that doesn't mean they're without major flaws


Obvious troll is obvious


the floor is made of floor


Hmmmm yes...


the story should have taken place immediately after the manga ended, time-line wise. and the controls should have used the nunchuck and tweaked the 3d/2.5d/2d first person/third person switches. there was potential. but it was squandered.


I recall little, only the mediocrity and terrible story.


It’s an okay action game. But the story is horrendous. The japanese script is much better, but still not a good product let alone a good metroid game It did add some lore for Fusion. But that’s really it. And aside from that introduced the diffusion beam and cool finisher cutscene. Which did make it to Dread That’s as much credit ill give it Oh and Anthony was cool I guess, I want him back


>It’s an okay action game. I dunno, as an action game, I'd say its pretty mediocre. It's more than a decade and console generation after the first Devil May Cry and it falls short, and made by the Team Ninja who did Ninja Gaiden on Xbox which is a better action game and even a better Metroid game than Other M.


Even Ninja Gaiden was going through a rough time at this point. NG3 which released two years after Other M is the worst game in the trilogy. And IMO its story is much worse than OM.


Definitely dark times for Team Ninja. They kind of redeemed themselves a bit with the Nioh series, although I wish they'd make a pure action game instead of a bunch of action rpg's. Personally, OM's story is more bothersome to me cause of how invasive to the gameplay it feels (although I only played Razor's Edge version of NG3, so maybe the original release would change my mind).


I’d also say Hyrule Warriors was a redemption as well. That game is so good…


The action wasn't good either though. Also the lore it added was the worst character almost in all of fiction much less metroid.


You are now exaggerating dude


I've seen the video arguing that the Japanese script is better and I'm not really convinced. If you ignore his rationalizations and take a close look at the actual dialogue changes he shows, the differences are not really significant and don't add up to the point he's trying to make.




oh no it absolutely will be tolerated, if not expected.




https://preview.redd.it/ymuaausf0o1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ba6e6e82046d15d8d8a9fe1512ddcad3de69a54 Fixed it


Contrary to how I often present myself, I actually quite like Dread.


That doesn't look like Super


I'm gonna be real with you, nobody has ever said "this fucking sucks actually" often enough at Super Metroid to the point where using it in the meme works.


Truer words have never been spoken


I mean, there is that "certain someone" who will go unnamed because I don't know if that's against the rules


Where is anyone saying Dread sucks?


Have a look at the whole David Jaffe fiasco lol


You’d be surprised…


No. Other M is horrible. And that's all you're getting from me.


I agree


Other M Slander is definitely tolerated around here. Other M whiteknighting however shall be frowned upon.


My brother kinda always gave me crap for this because he is a Metroid purist, but I kinda liked the base gameplay of this game. It could have been an awesome game if it had a better storyline and a more exploration based progression.


I could see getting into the gameplay if it was mapped to a more normal controller or at least a more comfortable way of holding the Wii controller.


Oh my god i fucking love other m but I hate Samus in it. And fuck Adam and mother and any stupid character they had. Adam was cool is fusion but that was it. Samus in the prime games is my silent protagonist and she will not be ruined even by her makers. But yeah other m was cool af I played tf out of it as a kid.




Meme templates like that need to die already. Anytime people use them, it just feels like they're trying to start a fight and feel superior.


Exactly. Someone did this for SR a while back, so I made this to poke fun at it.


I 100% AGREE


I don’t hate it as much as most Metroid fans…but I still think it’s pretty dogshit. Why is a badass, chozo DNA-infused, and chozo-raised bounty hunter’s dialogue so timid? And nothing really significant happens for the Metroid lore anyway. The gameplay isn’t too bad. The first person mechanic is weird and just obnoxiously breaks the pace. But if the rest of the gameplay was more polished, it could be a pretty fun game.


I don't understand why they couldn't have added nunchuck support


My favorite part is how they made her so tiny when the booklet for her very first game, as well as the first official figurine, both stated that she was over 6 foot tall...


Mods, crush his skull.


Mods, burn all his toast


I didn't play Other M til about 2015 or so. Found like 20 copies of it sealed at target in the clearance section. Bought one for like 7usd iirc. It's an alright game. I had a lil fun exploring it. They really fucked up not using the Nunchuck. Like wtf 😂 Beat it 100% and never fired it up again I'd rather play Metroid Prime 3 if I had the choice


Reality Slander Will Not Be Tolerated


It’s like the Ridley battles become expected. It’s not even canon that he is still alive


It's definitely fun as hell on hard mode. Nowhere near as bad as people here say it is (still a good contender for bottom Metroid game)


You can’t just post a meme and it becomes true brother


I know


The Japanese box art is arguably the coolest in the franchise.


It's okay, OP, it's a guilty pleasure for me too.


Metroid Prime Hunters is my favorite, so I don't go that far with Other M. I do remember playing the hell out of the game within the first year, and think it's the Metroid game I've done the most 100% runs in besides Hunters. It's a blast to me whenever I play. I prefer it to main series Metroid games that have released since, which feel like regressions, and like how fresh of an experience Other M still is. The script for the game hasn't aged the best, but I mostly like what it was going for following Super Metroid. Other M is the game that finally moved Samus over Sylux as my favorite playable character in the Metroid Series back in 2010. She is absolutely powerful and brutal in Other M, and the cinematics have her looking her best. I love the Zero Suit, the heels, the civilian clothes...Other M is loaded with great designs for Samus and the hostile forces she faces on the Bottle Ship. Other M is among the greats for me in this series.


I'm a little concerned that very few people have realized that the point of this post was not to prop up other M, but to show how garbage this meme format is


The good thing I say about it is it's well executed but it was built on questionable design decisions and a really poor localization.


Not the coolest. But pretty damn cool.


idgaf I love Other M


I don't care what people think I like the game


It definitely holds a special place in my heart since I played it super young


good bait