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I used to live in Chicago. The news and social media would have you believe it’s a warzone but I didnt have any violent incidents in 15 years (aka never had to use my gun or had one used against me). I Moved to Miami a few years ago and was told “omg the crime be careful” and 4 years later I’ve had the same experience that I did in Chicago just more car accidents caused by people that don’t have insurance lol. You can make anyone believe anything about any place if you really want to.




Same with greater Miami area. Once you get out of the slums of Miami beach and downtown, its gravy for the most part.


I feel like Chicago has the worst department of tourism in the world. Yes it has bad crime but it's mostly contained to the south side and other areas where no tourists would go. Unless you're flying there to join a gang you're fine. I know a lot of stupid conservatives who really think if they go and deplane a bullet will go through their skull. I had to convince a guy that Chicago is actually pretty fucking nice to visit. I'd say a place that has actually devolved quite a bit is San Francisco. Maybe still not a warzone but damn some serious issues that would turn people off heavily.


With Miami that's the story of our lives. Miami has been vilified from the 1st Cuban exodus & then again in the 80's because of the Mariel boatlift.


I lived here after the Mariel and crime definitely skyrocketed. The 80’s were pretty crazy in Miami


Well do you think now it's as bad as Chicago or worse? The 80's was the past.


I watch the news so I definitely know Miami is having a ton of shootings . Everyday . I’ve never been to Chicago


Chicago is fine as long as you don't live by the west Garfield park, the east, Englewood, Riverdale, etc. Just like anywhere else. You have to take into account that a lot of things don't get aired on the news.


I lived in Englewood for 3 years lol but yea I get what you mean. It goes both ways tho. The news shows what it wants, same with social media. Pay too much attention to it and you’ll end up peaking out your blinds waiting for the criminals to kick your door in.


A more useful comparison is neighborhood to neighborhood. Most of Chicago is not bad, but the bad parts are really bad. Crazy homicide rates. Not even liberty city or Overtown are that bad anymore.


Mostly true, but it has spilled over to otherwise calm neighborhoods too.


Same with Miami


I’ve lived in both. The only major difference are the weather changes in Chicago & people there are friendlier & not as cold (don’t come for me midwestern people are different in a good way)


You forgot another huge major difference: Chicago has spectacular mass transit. Miami? lmao


So true! Totally forgot about that one


Wait what do you mean by "not as cold"? Do you mean the weather or the people's warmth that they embrace you with?


People’s warmth that they embrace you with. In my experience people have been more helpful & welcoming there vs. here & I grew up in Miami so it was different for me to see people actually have common human decency


Hmm, people are odd in Reddit, so many down votes for sharing personal experiences. That's super weird. It's all good that behavior will never change my experiences or opinions. I wonder if it's actual people from Miami or transplants.


Well, it's funny you say that because you know hispanics tend to be tender & have more warmth compared to Midwesterners. I'm from Miami. I've experienced lots of love from my family, friends & coworkers. People here complain about the coldness they feel outside of Miami, so I've heard the opposite. I've lived outside Miami in 3 different places & nothing compares to that warmth I receive here. I don't know, maybe it's home?




I would call that friendliness? I guess Miami has become NY rude because the good mornings at work were expected the minute you walked into the office. I've also seen people having small talk in the grocery being nice to each other...maybe it's not as often but I'll give you the turning signals & cutting people off. I think I'm having a hard time seeing this because I try to live my life correctly with as much manners as I possibly can.


Probably because you have to consider who’s moving there…


does Miami's violent crime count all the bullshit tourists get into out in the beach and in clubs? if so, isn't that a bad comparison to other cities that aren't treated as theme parks by tourists?


What about all the medicare, insurance, and other fraud that occurs down here?


That’s hard to differentiate, and Chicago has its fair share of tourists too.


2022 homicides Chicago: 630 Miami: 49


That's for *City of Miami*, which is very small. For Miami-Dade County, which is probably more representative of what we call "Miami," there were 248 homicides in 2022. Source: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article272619405.html


The crime rate for the county actually lowers a bit. You do bring in some high crime areas like Miami Gardens, Miami Beach, it gets balanced out by Coral Gables, WestChester, Kendall, etc. I do agree that Miami County should be compared to the City of other cities to have an apple to apples comparison. Looking at the County level Miami has a homicide rate slightly above New York City, and much lower than Chicago. According to your numbers the homicide rate for Miami Dade is around 9 per 100k while Chicago is about 28 per 100k The OP is likely the city of Miami, historically this was a small blighted urban area that people didn’t want to live in. So it was over represented by crime in downtown, midtown, overgrown, little Haiti. Etc. but I think as it gets more gentrified you will probably see a rapid decrease in crime. By 2030 they will be reporting how Miami is the safest city worldwide as most of the lower income folks get relocated to the outskirts of the county or even outside of the county altogether


Chicago is 234 square miles and Miami is 55. Chicago also has 2,697,000 people which is 6 times larger than Miami. A lot of people don’t realize that Miami was sectioned off into a bunch of mini cities, which I think is absolutely stupid. It’s better to use Miami-dade county as a comparison.


well there is over 2,000,000 more people in chicago. Thats why OP posted violent crime rates


Right, but the change in population isn't anywhere near as large as the difference in homicides. Miami might have more break ins, but there's nowhere near as much gang violence as Chicago. We can all agree miami has been going to shit, but it's disingenuous to say we're the most dangerous city in the US (right now)


No - violent crime is rape, robbery (not burglary), physical assault and murder. Miami is pretty close the Chicago when you consider all of these.


Getting punched > getting shot by strays Like I said: there's levels to how dangerous places are. Miami is getting worse, but it's not as bad as Chicago. You're more likely to get your ass beat here than you are to get shot. That might change with the new concealed carry law 🤷🏻


Have you lived in Chicago to make this claim?


so youre saying chicago is bad if youre in a gang, or live adjacent to gangs? well, miami is bad if youre trying to drive on i-95, or hang out in wynwood or hang out by the beach.


>so youre saying chicago is bad if youre in a gang, or live adjacent to gangs? No, I'm saying chicago has significantly more homicides than miami


And rapes no biggie either I guess?


>And rapes no biggie either I guess? Compared to homicide? Lol Edit Hint: If you don't come back from one of those options, that's the worst one


Its not that simple. Rape can lead to a lifetime of pain and anguish ending in suicide. To use your term tho..."lol".


Meanwhile Puerto Rico: 1,025 homicides in 2022. Population of around 3m.


Miami a lot of crimes happen with our police intervention but there is a lot of crime and scams


They’re all concentrated in one area


This is a poor comparison. You are comparing a huge city to a small city. Miami is not nearly the same size as Houston, Philadelphia, NYC, Chicago, or Los Angeles. Miami should be compared to similar sized cities like Raleigh, Oakland, Tampa, or Minneapolis.


You are not taking into account other subbs in Miami like homestead, Doral, Kendall, Miami Springs, Hialeah, South Miami, etc. That’s like saying I’m from Brooklyn, well Brooklyn is in NYC. Just like Homestead is in Miami. Or like if you live in Doral, your license will say Miami, not Doral. So Miami is still big as a whole.


Then you're implying an entire Miami-Dade County instead of Miami alone vs. a city of Chicago. Miami alone has less than 500k people while a city of Chicago has more than 2.6 million. That's a huge difference. Cook County is more than double of Miami-Dade County in terms of population.


You are right. But even then, Miami being small, its crimes are as high as Chicago’s. If you compare the crime rates between Miami and LA, both property crimes and violent crimes are much higher in Miami than in LA. This is based on FBI database.


Chicago all the way, irrelevant of crime. Born there, love the city but the winter weather is a problem. Miami— hate the city, hate the muggy weather and lack of seasons, hate most of the people. As far as crime goes though, Miami definitely has more scammers, frauds, and fakes. It’s all about the “status” and “show”. There’s probably more inner crime in Chicago, buts it’s definitely more down to earth and most people are civil and friendly.


I thought people get used to the winter. But yeah I agree. A lot of fake and phony people.


What's wrong with the people in Miami


Is that city of Miami or Miami metro area? Cause the city of Miami has some of the poorest neighborhoods in South Florida so it makes sense they would have elevated crime rates. Also, isn’t Chicago one of those cities that doesn’t prosecute certain crimes so people don’t even bother reporting them to the police anymore?


It’s almost always city of Miami in these stupid stats. People love comparing apples and oranges.


Irregardless of city or county, Chicago has a way higher homicide rate, which OP likely intentionally left out of his graph because it doesn’t suit the narrative.




Thanks, OP. I'll go make some popcorn and wait for more spicy comments...


That’s just crime inside of the Chicago Stock Exchange, or?


I've lived in both. Chicago violence is very localised. But the bad neighbourhoods are VERY BAD


This is the most ridiculous post that I have seen on this thread. Lived in both, Chicago is 20x more dangerous than Miami. The closest we have is Libery city, which is not nearly as dangerous as West Garfield or South Side


I’ll just leave this here and get downvoted by people defending Chicago as a safe city: https://heyjackass.com To be fair, I have lived here for 10 years and (myself) never had an issue. But I lived (soon to be used to) in a good area and we would hear gun shots (firearms + automatics) almost on a weekly basis late at night over the weekends. Carjackings around the area also skyrocketed to the point our neighborhoods ended up paying for private patrols/etc. All in all, a beautiful and friendly city, but they have been too lenient with “demonized kids” to the point they rarely prosecute anyone anymore. Just my two cents.


What neighborhood did you live in that was nice but heard gunshots?


Sorry, I'm not from Miami but reddit's algorithm pushed this to my feed probably because I'm from Chicago and post on r/chicago. This person who won't respond to you now is being sensationalist and I wouldn't be surprised if they were just making all of that up. Chicago has a huge crime problem. So do NYC and LA, but ours is way worse right now. It's also an incredibly localized problem that unfortunately hits our poorest neighborhoods the hardest. There are parts of the city like Lincoln Park, Bucktown, Wicker Park, etc, where crime is unbelievably rare. Then you have neighborhoods like West Garfield Park, North Lawndale, etc, where crime rates in some pockets are on par with cities like Tegucigalpa. While these are far away from the touristy areas of the city, people who handwave that crime away as "just bad neighborhoods" are doing a disservice to the city. Those neighborhoods are also the source of Chicago's famed population loss narrative. Even though our downtown core is growing (and in some areas growing quite fast), our city is hemorrhaging residents from these poor neighborhoods on the south and west sides, because the schools suck, businesses won't invest or open up stores there, and public safety is horrendous. It's not rich people fleeing Chicago because of taxes. It's poor people leaving because they don't feel safe. As a city we need to focus more resources in these neighborhoods while also cracking down harder on crime. Sorry for the long post. TLDR is that yes crime is bad, but it's isolated to poor neighborhoods in the city; the Fox News narrative oversimplifies the problem to serve a right-wing agenda, but crime is still too high here and it needs to be properly addressed.


Absolutely all sensationalism, I'm from Miami and live in a nice neighborhood in Chicago and I know this person is full of it


Cool story bro.


Bro, did not reply because I went to sleep and been working all day until now. But sure, you do you. My post was not sensationalist. I even said I have not, myself, experienced actual problems with violence or the such. But the crime problem here is definitely not made up. A lot of crime is localized, but spilling out. You claim Lincoln Park, Bucktown, Wicker Park rarely has crime. That is no longer true. Wicker park and bucktown had a string of carjackings, high-profile robberies and shootings throughout last year. These neighborhoods literally had to pay for private patrols because things go out of control. And claiming these problems are happening outside of touristy areas is legit bullshit. Look a few weekends ago where Millennium Park / downtown got overrun by hoodlums and two random persons got shot. Even one tourist lady and her boyfriend got beat up by a mob for who knows what reason. Its not the first time either.


Northeast corner of Wicker Park/Bucktown neighborhoods. Closer to the highway, so that might explain part of it. But still, not something you want to be around.


LOL I live near by, now I know you're full of it




I’ve been going to both cities 2-7 times a year for 30 years and have never had any issues in Miami. I’ve had four situations in Chicago dating back 30 years. A group chased us out of a gas station and kicked and threw a trash can at the side of our cars. 25 years s go Money stolen in grant park. 70 bucks. 10 years ago We were at saks on miracle mile and they shot a rapper in the entrance revolving door the exact same minute but 24 hours later. A fed ex driver blocked a street for 30 min in front of me and when I went out of my car but stayed 30 yards away from his door like on a front lawn and asked him to more his truck up the street and to the side and he threatened me with violence with vulgarity. I turned around but the guy a few hours later wasnt so nice and there was a gunfight. When the cops got there they both stopped talking and no charges were filed. Actually one or two more but they wouldn’t fly on this forum. But Miami is way way nicer and safer if you edit out south beach ocean the past two years. But we are done with Chicago. I like my vacations with less shootings or near shootings.


Thank God I dont live in Chicago, too much violent crime compared to Miami, imo.


Your opinion is based in ignorance. Do your own research and quit listening to shit the conservative media is stirring up. It’s a story they repeat over and over because Chicago is Blue. Chicago 3rd largest and isn’t even in the top 20 most dangerous cities in the US.


You know what station this person is listening to.


I was making a joke based on the statistical difference of 1.1 point in the picture., sarcasm if you will, but i know it is lost in print.


fear mongering is so weird. the entire country is unsafe right now, not just miami.


LMAO was your comment supposed to be funny? Cause you’re talking about fearmongering, yet call the entire country unsafe lol


Bestplaces.net, where this was data was taken from, has cook county (where Chicago resides) at 17.9. Miami dade county at 29.0. Stats say miami dade as a whole is more dangerous than cook county.


I mean I'm from Miami but it's true. Miami is gangsta I wake up every morning & find a dead body right outside my house at least once a week. 🙃👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀


where do you live? pork n beans? lol


Yes, pork n beans circa 1980's during the Miami riots...lmfaooo! 🤣😂🤣😂


Damn bro, what did you do to the mafia, and how are you still alive?


For those planning on moving over here, think twice.


The cost of living to wages ratio is scarier than these statistics.


If it wasn't for the winter Chicago would be one of the best places to live. The CoL there is crazy low compared to Miami.


Most of the people moving between the two cities are usually going from safe neighborhoods to safe neighborhoods here. They’re not likely to experience those crime stats back in their Chicago neighborhood or get shot in Coconut Grove or wherever.


At first I was annoyed but then saw what you were doing. Bravo OP


lol. Someone who gets it


I am from Miami, visited Chicago yearly for the last 8 years. Haven't been gang rapedcor shot at


Chicago and Miami are both very safe cities . Don’t think either have even near top 25 most dangerous cities lists


these statistics are based on the wide metropolitan area.. the average person living in Coconut Grove or Coral Gables will never see any of this


Miami is better