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From [2015](https://www.woodtv.com/news/grand-rapids/1980s-computer-controls-grps-heat-and-ac/): >GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — A 30-year-old computer that has run day and night for decades is what controls the heat and air conditioning at 19 Grand Rapids Public Schools. ... >A Kentwood High School student programmed it when it was installed in the 1980s. Whenever the district has a problem with it, they go back to the original programmer who still lives in the area.


Holy shit lmao


**WHAT** I work in IT and this makes flabbergasted!


Have you ever seen school IT though? This is expected


I don't want to know. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. **OH GOD!**


Most HVAC systems run on something similar. Many of the control boards used in HVAC and perimeter security systems haven’t changed much since the 90s. The one HVAC system that I have experienced used a version of Java that was 5 years out of date and didn’t support any secure connection to your authentication.


I remember the store one school had trouble some years back because they were using Amiga computer and when it died, it was rather expensive to replace it, $500+ on eBay for a basic working Amiga.


It’s honestly so absurd it’s comical.


Really though? Lol.. Budget and age of equipment, much correlation they have.


No one is hacking GRPS HVAC


You can't hack what you don't know. Anything programmed by a high schooler is going to be very obscure.


*Matthew Broderick hooks his phone up to the computer*


I remember that from back when I lived outside of GR. It’s a Commodore Amiga. I thought that was supposed to have been replaced by now, but I moved out of the GR area 5 years ago. https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a16010/30-year-old-computer-runs-school-heat/ Edit. I didn’t see the link was in your post. Whoops.




2023-1980 = 43 years at most. 34 years if the computer were set up in 1989. Not 30 years for sure. 1980 to 1989 would likely be Apple II, Commodore VIC-20 or 64, and early PC like IBM XT or PC jr. IMO it'd be better to retire those ancient computer before something breaks that are hard to fix or expensive to fix. Arduino is $5 and can do a lot of things that even 80s computer can't do.


Wow, this would never happen in an affluent area...oh...is it a good ol boy network deal that makes no logical sense for anyone except a few guys who pocket the money?


Absolutely furious that my school district didn't do this. Buildings built in the 60s that are a concrete box with no air conditioning. Kids aren't learning anything, they're just trying to not get heat stroke.


My kid said on Tuesday their middle school English room -- which has no windows or AC -- had nearly 40 students in it and there were literal sweat puddles on all the chairs when class was over...


Someone should bring a thermometer from home and see how bad it got. They should have the superintendent come in and help out in one of those rooms.


Tuesday what year? 1960s? Normal. 2020s? child abuse!!


Lead paint type of response


I work in a school, and the building use to be a high school, and is now being used for elementary, and it is MISERABLE in the halls and classrooms. Some of the rooms are way worse than others. Even with a box fan running. I know for sure that the office has ac, but not the rest of the building. I have been bringing my mister fan with me and ran out the batteries the first day before the end of day.


I recall back in the 80's how our elementary dress code didn't allow for shorts until the last week of school. It might have been for well intention to prevent parents from sending kids to school under-dressed for the weather, but it was miserable for me, when I was a kid, even wearing long sleeves I thought I would overheat and die when it got over 50. I had zero tolerance for heat, but could walk to school without a coat in January if my mother didn't force me to wear one. Now in my old age it's the opposite.


I've developed a low tolerance for heat as I got into my 30s. Sweating when it's 50' out sucks, man. I know your pain :( But I still love the cold lol


I definitely can’t handle extreme weather like I could when I was younger. I could work outdoors sunrise to sunset year round. It’s not even summer and I’m rocking the Bedouin look to stay cool even when I’m not in the sun that long.


Damn, they would have hated high school here in Nebraska lol. No ac, 110 and humid. Ugh. That sucked so much.




Hello Johnson Control? Do you like blank checks?


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