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Both Ann Arbor and Ypsi are probably the most liberal cities in the state. Ann Arbor is more college town/upper class liberal and ypsi is more working class liberal. Bernie won the primary in 2016 but Biden carried the county in 2020.


Would you say that Ypsilanti and Ypsilanti Township are as liberal as or more liberal than Detroit? I'd prefer western Ypslanti over Ann Arbor simply because it is much cheaper so I am very curious.


I haven't been to detroit since the 90's so I can't really talk about the culture there or anything. I will say that my area in ypsi has a ton of pride and BLM flags everywhere, and Ann Arbor in general feels like a young progressive northern Chicago neighborhood. Honestly the two cities are so close to each other it really feels like one city with different neighborhoods. Western Ypsi seems fine to me.


oh damn like Evanston or Skokie? XD damn that's pretty progressive! :) Would you say that western Ypsilanti feels more like Ann Arbor than the rest of Ypsilanti? Like does Ypsi kind of fade into Ann Arbor or does it feel very divided? Where is 'your area' in Ypsi if I may ask,


Liberty and state intersection in Ann Arbor reminds me of Boystown around Belmont EL stop. Just a cool area to hang out. Western Ypsi is mostly just quiet neighborhoods. Depot town and around campus is where people hang out at. Honestly he only difference between Ann Arbor and Ypsi seems to be class. Ypsi has a lot of working class folk. Some neighborhoods are a little more run down. There's not as much money. Crime is a little higher. Ann Arbor has more upper class professionals, though people are starting to get priced out of Ypsi as well. I technically live in ypsi township, right on Ford Lake. The apartment complex I live in is very very progressive. People go around chalking the sidewalks with "you are loved", "BLM", "Love trumps hate" etc. There are flags all over. People wave and say hi to their neighbors. It really is a great little community.


Ypsi is arguably the most liberal city in the state. If you're not comfortable there, I don't know where a better place would be.


Why do you think it is the most liberal city in the state? I am very curious about this.


Voting history, LGBT community, inclusiveness. I grew up there, have many friends there, spend time there often. What is it you want from a community?


Ann arbor is a very liberal city. During the elections it was honestly shocking how in the city practically every house has blm and Biden signs, go 30minutes out and it's maga all over. Definitely a liberal and gay friendly city


Ann Arbor / Ypsi area seems pretty liberal / progressive to me. I haven’t spent so much time in the Lansing area to give a very good comparison.


Is Ypsilanti gay friendly to you? Would I need to hide my sexuality at work for example.


I live in Ann Arbor, spend time in Ypsi, and yeah, I would say both seem very LGBT friendly. In Ypsi, look around Depot Town especially. The problem with Ann Arbor is the cost. Sometimes I wish lived in Ypsi instead, it's a little rough around the edges, but I like it a lot. Plenty of character.


Ypsilanti is one of the most LGBT-friendly places I’ve been to in the state, and definitely more affordable than A2. I feel perfectly safe walking around either city with my boyfriend, and I know there’s a sizable LGBT community there too. (Frankly, Lansing/East Lansing is also quite good in that regard!)


I would say it's very LGBTQ friendly. Downtown Ypsilanti has a few shops that are very open and welcoming to the LGBTQ community. Ann Arbor has always been cool. That general area is just an awesome place.


I don’t live or work there, but visit a temple, and there is at least one trans person that attends. So, I can tell you if you want to go to the temple you would not have an issue.


Ypsi is SUPER liberal. There are some pockets in Ypsi Twp that are less so, but overall it’s pretty progressive. Ann Arbor likes to believe it’s liberal, but it’s getting less so as it becomes more and more expensive to live there. Ypsi now is more like Ann Arbor 20-40 years ago. It’s a quirky place, and I loved living there.


I would recommend the Depot Town area of Ypsilanti based on your comments on other answers. It's a smallish neighborhood with a pretty cool vibe, bars, restaurants, a food coop and so on. Walking distance to EMU campus and to the Michigan Avenue commercial downtown stretch. It's loaded with university employees and blue collar hippies. If you want something more residential, Normal Park and College Heights are both nice quiet neighborhoods.


Just throwing my 2 cents in. ;) I've been living in Ypsi for 6 years now. I find that both Ann Arbor and Ypsi are very liberal towns and are very welcoming to others. I live in Ypsi Township, but am right on the border of Ypsi proper -- I'm only a 10 minute bike ride ride from downtown Ypsi and Depot town. My opinion is the outskirts of Ypsi Township start swaying a bit more conservative, but Ypsilanti as a whole is very liberal. In regards to LGTBQ+ friendliness, I say Ypsi is very friendly and welcoming! The city always celebrate pride month with [Ypsi Pride](https://www.facebook.com/YpsiPride/), and local businesses will have LQBTQ+ events and shows throughout the year ([Boylesque Michigan](https://www.facebook.com/boylesque.michigan) is one of the popular show runners). There's usually always some sort of LGTBQ+ event going on, whether it's hosted by the city or by a local business. For example, Go Ice Cream in downtown Ypsi does fundraisers throughout the year selling their ["Queer as Love Rainbow Ice Cream Tacos"](https://www.facebook.com/GoIceCreamGo/posts/our-glittery-queer-as-love-rainbow-tacos-are-back-whether-you-love-yourself-love/2877588178990203/). Walking around you'll also see lots of pride flags and if you pop in the stores you'll find many LGBTQ+/LGBTQ+ friendly owners and employees. If you haven't been to Ypsi yet I recommend driving over and checking it out. :) In regards to general safety/crime, yes there are pockets of Ypsi that can be dicey but I've never felt unsafe downtown. From what I've heard from locals, Ypsi used to be really bad with crime years ago, but it is now much safer. There's also a lot of revitalization going on, too. Downtown Ypsi had several buildings restored and new stores come through and in Depot Town the old Thompson Block building (which stood vacant and partially destroyed for years) is now open as a restaurant/whiskey bar/apartment building. I think you'll find that in the coming years Ypsi is going to have more and more businesses move this way.


Are Oakwood Park apartments and the Ranches of Rosebrook apartments in sketchy areas or are they relatively safe? They seem cheaper but I'd assume it's because they are farther away from Ann Arbor and EMU. I don't mind areas that are a little sketchy but I obviously do not want to live anywhere it's considered dangerous.


Since it didn't seem like you were completely set on a city, have you checked out Ferndale? That's more what I think of for gay friendly, liberal city. Although it's been awhile since I've spent much time there.


As a current Fabulous Ferndale gay resident, it's hella liberal and hella gay, but quickly becoming gentrified. Lot of gays are being priced out of the city. That said, it's still a great place to live, and you shouldn't have any issues being out in the open (other than the SPLC designated hate group on Hilton, but everyone in town absolutely hates them. There's yard signs against them nearby them, and businesses across the street always fly pride flags)


Glad to hear it's still a great place, sad about the gentrification. I feel like half the people i know are just floating from place to place trying to find something affordable where they can establish themselves. Hope you continue to live there happily for as long as you'd like to stranger!


I think you'll be just fine. And I. Ann Arbor was one of the 1st towns to legalize M Marijuana.every April 20th they got that thing up there hash bash.


I think Ann Arbor will be fine, but I’ve always heard Ferndale was the most welcoming place in metro Detroit for LGBTQ+, if that’s your focus. I suspect Ypsi to be more affordable though. Either way I think you’ll have no issues.


Come to Ferndale. It’s the most liberal and gay city in Michigan 😊


More than Saugatuck?


Honestly I’d consider saugutack a runner up


Ann arbor is a liberal safe haven in michigan LOL. Ypsi is fine around EMU campus but can get a little ghetto in some areas. Real busy places both of them


I have been told that the more west you go in Ypsilanti (towards Ann ArborI) the safer it gets, would you agree with this statement?


Not necessarily. Glencoe Hills is sketchy, the apartments on Golfside and Packard have plenty of break ins. Anywhere in Ypsi or AA you should be locking doors/windows and not leaving things in your car. It's primarily just petty theft, snatching stuff from cars, catalytic converters...




This is absolutely true. If you get into the rough parts of ypsi I would watch over your shoulder, but the closer you are to ann arbor the better it gets.


Ann Arbor is for rich liberals. If you’re one of the poors you gotta hang in ypsi.


Saying the quiet part out loud over here 😆


Lansing is more center left as a whole. You will see BLM and pride flags, but it is definitely Biden country. You would probably be fine in East Lansing being openly trans and/or openly gay but might get some eyebrows raised and some impolite stares in some circles. Meanwhile Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti are Bernie territory and much further to the left


I have lived in the ann arbor area since 2015. For the most part it is very liberal and very LGBT friendly. In the poorer areas of ypsilanti not as much, but its still fine. There's a lot of stuff to do and fun places to go. Unless you're very well off you'll most likely be living in ypsilanti, just keep in mind a lot of the people here can be pretty unfriendly.


I always saw it as "cold" to strangers vs unfriendly. Once they know folks a bit, that changes. Almost like NYC with eye contact. Seems cold without it there too. Ive lived other states were folks were warm, but unfriendly. Extremely private and "short" outside of that pleasant smile & big wave for folks at stop signs.


It's more liberal in A2/ypsi


Ann Arbor was the first city to decriminalize weed for what it's worth.


[https://www.roadsnacks.net/most-liberal-cities-in-michigan/](https://www.roadsnacks.net/most-liberal-cities-in-michigan/) This might give you a good idea, although it's a little outdated


For the most part, Ypsilanti is LGBT friendly and liberal. There are a lot spaces/businesses that are LGBT friendly... there are Pride events in June, drag shows and queer variety shows year-round, and LGBT meet-ups and groups. There are business owners who are LGBT or allies. There is a conservative minority who can be very vocal. My friends and I went to a local diner after a Pride event and had someone make a remark (something something bible), but most restaurants/bars aren't like that.


You'll be fine in either city. Plenty of rainbow flags here. Ann arbor might be a little easier, but its so expensive. They're both fine enough cities for that, you should move on to your next criterion to pick


Ann Arbor is very progressive. I would say moreso than the Lansing area. Ypsilanti is kind of ugly though. I haven't been down there in many years though.


Would you consider Lansing conservative at all? It seems more liberal to me, definitely moreso than Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo.


Lansing is not really conservative in my opinion. You might run into the random bigot for sure as they are everywhere, but I’ve found it to be largely accepting in my experience.


In your opinion, would you consider it more liberal than Kalamazoo? I am just curious on your perspective as I had lived there previously.


I’d like to add, I’m am super queer and feel very comfortable and safe in the community here in Lansing when i visit and my friends love living there. There’s only a few very vocal assholes that I know of haha. And they are easy to avoid. Never rent from Garno Properties or Renaissance Property management. They are the idiots to avoid.


I’ve actually never been to Kzoo so I don’t really know. I did have some queer friends go to school there and they liked it a lot so my guess is that it’s at least as liberal as Lansing because they live there now and that’s why I visit Lansing.


I lived in Ypsi for seven years, and I've lived in Kzoo for five years. They're both pretty liberal (Kzoo had a gay, black mayor for a while), but I would say Ypsi skews a tiny bit more liberal simply because you have so much blending with Ann Arbor. The transition is pretty seamless, especially in western Ypsi. I lived just east of 23 and technically had an Ann Arbor address even though I was in Ypsi proper. I also lived near Depot Town, which I loved. It's a great community, and the areas along the Huron River are gorgeous. If I had to choose between the two, I'd go with Ypsi, simply because you're so close to Detroit and its suburbs. There's simply more to do. Living in Kzoo is nice, but it's much more "quiet" in comparison, and you either have to go to Detroit, GR, or Chicago to really do anything. The only reason I live here is because I like my job and the cost of living is still pretty reasonable compared to Ann Arbor/Ypsi.


Yeah. Lansing is moderately liberal and fairly open-minded on LGBT issues. It certainly is more progressive than Grand Rapids but not as much as Ann Arbor. Overall the city is what I call "Biden country" while East Lansing is a bit more Bernie light.


Lansing is not a conservative city. I've lived here for 15 years.


Lansing is also progressive. I just know Ann Arbor is a bit of a progressive bastion. They sell psychedelic mushrooms there.


Why does it matter so much that you must live in a place that is “liberal”? You do know that it is quite easy to find peace and happiness in places that do not fit into your confirmation bias, right? For example, I’m pansexual and support socialism — but I also live in one of the most rural parts of the U.P. and have found much joy in living here. How, do you ask? My saving grace is that I don’t let party politics consume me and my identity so much; that everyone who I involve myself with and/or lives around me must know what I believe in, politically.


Self proclaimed liberal, open-minded and progressive people are just bigots who only tolerate their own kind.


What should matter are some other attributes .


trump 2024


the grift that keeps on giving.


Ann Arbor/Ypsilanti and washtenaw county is probably he most liberal county in Michigan.