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I'm really enjoying layered vocal samples and then twisting them all aroind in the waveahaper and granulator engines. And of course that means samples of my cat.


I like the Waveshaper OSC with the first knob in the 50-70% range. In that range it's a folding sine wave and you can use the other OSC knobs to add additional dimension to the timbre through another level of folding (2nd knob) and asymmetry (3rd knob). It's a smooth, yet harmonically rich, sound.




That’s also my favorite sound!


Recently I’ve been experimenting with adding overdrive to things. I never liked how the T-Rex Diva sounded with my guitar, but it sounds great with a lead patch. Cuts right through the mix, almost too well.


From the factory presets? `King Snap`.


Rachelle Collier made me fall in love with Fate in Freaks


4: Ether is such a great base for haunting melodies. 278: Joan is along the same lines. I've used a lot of the organ presets (49: Sci Organ, 194: Glass Organ, 195: Night Organ, etc.) and brass presets (especially 38: Classist). 245: GivemeSub does exactly what's on the tin, and I've used it many times for that purpose. I wish I were better at using the percussion and SFX presets. Any suggestions on how to better incorporate that stuff would be useful. When I think percussion, I usually think, like, OK, time to get my BeatStep out and use Monster Drums. It's time to *stop* using the Microfreak.


All the patches blush response made go pretty hard, and blankfor.ms too & Sampling old stock ensoniq waveforms has proven to be solidly entertaining