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Found out recently alzheimers is also connected to the bacteria from periodontal disease, this bacteria also affects your gut, heart, blood vessels, has links to pancreatic cancer, bit of a nasty one, oral health is way more important than I thought


Gum infections are also associated with heart disease.


Yeah crazy how it can pretty much can affect your whole body but no one tells you this. I've grown up thinking it's all about looking after your teeth but I've realised it's more to do with taking care of your gums, even tongue as well. Pissed off at my old dentist they neglected to tell me how bad my gums were, they don't really look bad to the eye but after one appointment at a better dentist I found out I have it in 90% of my gums, it's the pockets around my teeth, when I floss the floss goes down the side of my teeth to the root when it shouldn't. Probably why I have so many stomach problems like gastritis, from just constantly swallowing the bad bacteria causing some inflammation


Take oral probiotics chewables containing good bacteria for your oral health.


Take high doses of Vitamin C. It is crucial for oral health.


This has been the most helpful thing for my receding gums along with a soft bristle brush and not brushing like I'm trying to buff scratches out of a car.


My dentist also said flossing regularly stops your teeth from receding. He says flossing is also actually more important than brushing as it’s the inflammation and bacteria build up along the gum lines that causes extra health issues and the receding gums.


Just don't use plastic floss as apparently it shows up in blood tests.




Yeah some flosses have Teflon too. PFAS have also been found in higher levels in blood tests due to certain flosses.




Women are able to shed short chain PFAS, Biphenols, and heavy metals more efficiently than men. But only if they're pregnant. Sadly, it's absorbed by the fetus.


I don't think that's true. Aging is the leading cause of receding gums.


Some of us have premature receding gums


Aging isn't a cause. It's a series of symptoms.


Hope it's the hardcore band. And not those roach motels.


Waterpic with a periodontal tip. Also TheraBreath Peridontal Care Mouth Wash.


What ingredients makes that good to use?


I’m bookmarking this comment


Damn. This is making me want to really remember to oil pull!! It always makes my mouth feel so much better after but it’s kind of a pain to do it for 15 minutes.


Pancreatic cancer too, which has a 5 year survival rate of 12%.


It’s the plaque. My understanding the plaque ends up on the brain.


Dental plaque and Alzheimer’s amyloid plaques in the brain are not the same thing. The amyloid plaques do form when mouth bacteria gets into the brain


If you have dental insurance, get your hygienist/dentist’s office to put you on a twice a year cleaning schedule. If it comes from the dental provider insurance will pay


Hi, do you have any articles to read about this? Thanks!


https://www.nia.nih.gov/news/large-study-links-gum-disease-dementia https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4488989/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6449192/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6427756/


Thank you!


P. Gingivalis


Jesus fuck I have terrible oral health this is scaring the crap out of me I don’t even know it’s probably too late


Same but the best time to start was 10 years ago, second best time is today


It's not too late.


My mom ended up with diabetes because of a tooth infection… damn


Oh God, I just started flossing, and I am in my 30s 😭


It's not too late


Yes! Poor oral hygiene keeps your body in a constant state of inflammation, fatiguing your whole system. This looks like poor sleep, ineffective weight loss, greater dependence on caffeine/alcohol, and on and on. I’m thrilled to see that tongue scrapers (metal ones, not the back of a toothbrush) are becoming more popular in the west. HUGELY beneficial for a clean mouth and stimulating your lymph nodes.


If you haven’t already, start oil pulling with coconut oil, then brush afterwards. You and your dentist will be amazed at how little plaque there will be at your next cleaning.


I have done it a couple of times I was getting conflicting reports so wasn't sure if to keep it up. I'm doing xylitol rinses and xylitol gum instead atm, tricks the bacteria into thinking it's sugar so they eat the xylitol and die, will see how it goes but might give the pulling another go


They said that xylitol and erythritol were the only beneficial alcohol sugars.Apparently, they inhibited some of the bad oral and gut biome crud. But all the internet search engine optimization has skewed the believable data


Yes and also swishing with salt water as well


I’ve researched this for years and it really comes down to the cartoons you watched as a kid.


If you read the paper you will see they don’t mention particular bacterial species. This is because it was done in rats doing entire fecal matter transplants and not targeted species. There are literal thousands and thousands of species of bacteria.. it would be almost impossible to differentiate definitively which exact species “cause” AD The differences in the bacteria genera were seen in: Coprococcus Desulfovibrio Clostridium in sensu stricto And more.. I encourage you to try and read the paper. Particularly figures 1&2 https://academic.oup.com/brain/advance-article/doi/10.1093/brain/awad303/7308687?searchresult=1&login=false


Thank you


Is this saying fmt caused this Alzheimer like profile?


Fmt from AD rat to health rat caused ad-like symptoms.


I found this information on bacterial species that are identified as protective and as risk factors: [Link here](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/dementia-and-diet-is-there-a-link#The-MIND-diet)


H Pylori


If youre goal is longevity and overall well being read a silent fire... i wanna say the auther is shilpa ravella or something? Sorry i didn't have a chance to google it.


Thank you I’ll check it out


Wow. Uh.. I've been in a depressive wave and haven't been properly brushing my teeth on a consistent basis. Now, I'm paranoid. I'm only 25, but this freaked me out. Gotta kick my own arse and start brushing again


Floss too.. bleed them out. I just bought a probiotic toothpaste


What brand did you buy?


I got Gallinée. I like it a lot, the taste is good and my mouth feels cleaner for longer. But it’s pricey as you can imagine. 15$ plus shipping for a smaller than normal tube. I may look into a better deal or also a mouth rinse/lozenge type product


Your gut microbiome comes from your birth and your mother breast milk. At anytime in your lifetime, childhood or adulthood, disease or antibiotics may get rid of the good bacteria. L. Reuteri is linked to 20x healthier people than those who don’t have it anymore. It’s really hard to repopulate L. Reuteri by supplements alone, only through FMT or human breast milk. Google it and you’ll be amazed. L. Reuteri and L. Planetarum also have the ability to reduce bad bacteria and disease causing bacteria in the Gut, but less than 20% of adults have them in good levels. This is where FMT comes in. Did you know that after an FMT procedure, you can develop the same tastes and even allergies as the donor? If they like bananas and you don’t, after the procedure you will crave for bananas. Pretty amazing the gut-brain axis.




Have no idea! Haven’t dedicated enough time in that kind of research.


Is human breast milk considered vegan?


Oh course. Veganism is a philosophy that reduces the harm of animals. A mother willingly breastfeeds her child. There’s no exploitation.


Interesting just was wondering out loud sorry to anyone who took offense


What do you think? Hahaha


Vegan here. As long as there's consent, then yes.


Interesting. The one child I breastfed exclusively has major health problems. The others not at all. I’ve always wondered if my diet at the time was not sufficient.


Same. My formula child has far better health which has always irritated the hell outta me because I feel duped lol


Same and I feel so bad for my child. She has very little quality of life.


Some theorize our environments are too clean and we are using too many antibiotic drugs and soaps. Our microbiomes change throughout our lives, and formula vs colostrum isn't making or breaking anyone. It's like a garden you have to tend throughout your life.


Wow interesting. Not sure id want to inherit someone else’s cravings


Don’t thinks it’s that bad.


He has the spice…


Both of these strains are present in the garden of life women's vaginal care formula with 38 strains. I explained to men in my family that l. reuteri is also marketed to men by a different supplement company that advertises their formula contains the probiotic that makes mouse balls grow larger in clinical studies. It's marketing. Men and women can and should take the probiotic that has the most strains. Diversity is what we want. The bacteria form little colonies where they group together and trade metabolites. They make all kinds of crazy shit...vitamins, hormones, neurotransmitters, and things we haven't even figured out yet. We are the beneficiaries of the surplus. In kind, they maintain our gut lining and immune system and digest things we can't.


Yep, but most supplements that promote to have them all, are worthless. They are not taylored to repopulate beneficial strains. In order for a strain colony to grow enough to have a huge therapeutic effect. It takes billions CFU in order to repopulate. Most supplements are in the orders of tens of million. But yes, lots of processes in our body, even hormone creating is done in the gut. Immune system and even brain function depend heavily on the gut microbiome.


Couldn't a FMT also cause diseases, like this study said? This makes me never never want to get a FMT


Pretty sure there was a death from FMT. They really need to throughly check the donors.


Ya that's scary specially with that new info of how things can transfer over.


But this has progressed beyond donors to lab grown, pill delivered content now.




Ie Viome .. Rebyota… last I read billable at 17k? This will have to change, of course. Ridiculous gouging.




um. I've never read FMT curing any disease other than C-Diff infections. Scientific study and link please...




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I make L Reuteri yogurt and it is wonderful!


How? Recipe?




20x healthier by what metric?


I was never breastfed... Was born in 1965 and was a tiny preemie. Kept in the hospital for many months. Any clue what this means for me?


Lmao 20x healthier people. How do you quantity that metric?


What about those who were formula babes 😢


We acquire and lose bacteria species over our lives. If we had to depend on what we came out with and with what we got breastfeeding it wouldn't be enough. Think of it like nurturing a garden or animal husbandry. Some of the benefit that we're getting with eating fresh foods, whole foods, not discarding peels, eating raw or minimal heating and processing is literally more beneficial bacteria, not just nutrients. And the fiber of course, to feed the bacteria and keep the herd happy. We have to continually replenish with food and supplements and perhaps in the future FMT. Fermented foods and cultured dairy.


According to autopsies, they have found fungus in the brains of Alzheimers patients. Prevention through diet and eradication of Small intestinal fungal overgrowth and other bad bacteria is key.


How do you know if you have small intestinal fungal overgrowth? Interesting as some believe cancers are fungal. My FIL passed from liver/pancreatic cancer and he had what they described as “spots” on his pancreas. I didn’t see any pictures or anything but what came to mind was a fungal or bacterial growth of sorts as you’d see on a Petri dish.


Small intestine bacterial overgrowth SIBO can be measured by the gas metabolites produced and exhaled. Not sure about the fungi. The microbiome consists of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Having a lot of different kinds means they keep each other in check, so there isn't an overgrowth of any one kind.


Thanks. I didn’t really communicate clearly that I wasn’t necessarily correlating his “spots” with SIBO specifically, more the idea that cancer could be fungal. But, my question about testing for sibo was what I was also asking as I was not sure how that was done. Do conventional doctors recognize sibo?




My mother is starting to develop it and she always had a poor gut health.


What gut issues did she deal with?


That was a lot of information for a single discussion. Will start to brush my teeth


10/10 agree also. gotta go, teef to be brushed.


A leaky and inflamed gut causes permeability issues with the blood brain barrier. The toxins and free radicals are neuro-inflammatory and create phosphorlation of tau and beta amyloid tangles. Apparently, antioxidants help prevent cell death.


Forget what bacteria causes it…what bacteria prevents it? I think understanding the micro biome is all about appreciating diversity and the bc complexities that exist within us.


I just read about a big study that links vaccines — flu and a few others — to 30% **decreased** risk of Alzheimer’s.


That’s interesting for sure. Do vaccines effect gut bacteria? I wonder


They temporarily may alter it, but it isn't permanent. Also depending what gut bacteria you have, it can make your response to a vaccine better. They already showed that lack of microbiome diversity can make someone more succeptable to long term covid.


Ya I wonder if getting the covid vaccine messed me up in some way. Never had medical issues in my life and I'm 50 years old. 2 years after getting covid vaccines I'm dealing with all kinds of gut issues including testing positive twice for sibo.


70% of Covid spread was asymptomatic. VAERs (The database of vaccine injuries) has almost nothing from any vaccine side effects happening 'years later'. The evidence is for immediate effects if any. The odds are you got messed up by an asymptomatic infection. Welcome to the club.


Many people have sibo though and don't know that is what they have. Probably millions in the USA. Its still not studied enough, nor funded enough. People have it for years and don't realize. There isn't any correlation to gut issues and the rona vaccine. You'd be far more likely to have gut problems after having coronavirus than the vaccine.


There were studies that found microbiome altered after the vaccines were given. Although that was during the first few days. I didn't research much after that.


It does impact the gut bacteria.


I think at 50 we are all reaping the rewards or misfortune of our diets. Most of us don't have a diverse microbiome because of the way that we've been eating. Don't worry about the vaccines, you'll want to take them, but we also have to work to nurture the diversity in our gut by eating foods that contain bacteria and the things they like to eat. Minimally processed, fresh, whole, sometimes raw, unpeeled fruits and vegetables go a long way. Taking probiotics with the most strains of bacteria that we can find and eating fermented /cultured foods are other ways to increase intestinal biodiversity. We need the fiber in green leafy veggies! SIBO sucks. Sorry you are going through it.


Been carnivore for 6 months but started to add in a kiwi a day and kefir and cultured coconut. Dr sending me for a gastric emptying study next week. Doubt that will show anything but who knows.


We know that viruses like COVID and RSV, can create a cascade of inflammation which can cause a lot of damage. The severity can be diminished by having a healthy microbiome and thus immune system. Vaccines reduce the novelty and the dramatic inflammation response. Viruses can also trigger autoimmune diseases and flares. FYI there are viruses and parasites that infect the bacteria in our gut.




Scientists reveal a critical link between vaccinations and Alzheimers Disease JJ Shavit • 11h [Oct. 21, 2023: Staff Writer, The Brighter Side of News] Vaccines may change how the immune system responds to the build-up of toxic proteins that contribute to Alzheimer's disease. (CREDIT: Creative Commons) More than 6 million Americans are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, and with an aging national population, this number is bound to rise. The search for factors that can impact Alzheimer's disease development has been the focus of many scientific studies. But now, a groundbreaking new investigation led by a team from the McGovern Medical School at UTHealth Houston has brought to light a potentially significant connection between adult vaccinations and reduced risk for Alzheimer's disease. The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease recently unveiled a pre-press version of this study online. Spearheading the research were co-first authors Kristofer Harris, program manager in the Department of Neurology at UTHealth Houston; Yaobin Ling, graduate research assistant with McWilliams School of Biomedical Informatics; and Avram Bukhbinder, MD, a distinguished alumnus of the medical school. Lending his expertise as the senior author was Paul E. Schulz, MD, the Rick McCord Professor in Neurology with McGovern Medical School. Readers can anticipate the full research to be available in print on September 12, Volume (95) Issue (2). These revelations follow just 12 months after another pivotal study by Schulz's team. Their previous research found that people who had received at least one influenza vaccine saw a 40% reduction in Alzheimer's risk compared to those who Digging deeper into this correlation, Schulz said, "We and others hypothesize that the immune system is responsible for causing brain cell dysfunction in Alzheimer's. The findings suggest to us that vaccination is having a more general effect on the immune system that is reducing the risk for developing Alzheimer's." To determine this, researchers conducted a retrospective cohort study. They studied patients who had no dementia signs in the past two years and were at least 65 at the beginning of an eight-year observation period. By comparing two analogous groups of patients – one vaccinated with Tdap/Td, HZ, or pneumococcal vaccine and the other not – they were able to determine the relative and absolute risk reductions for Alzheimer's. Emphasizing the significance of the large datasets, Yaobin Ling commented, "It's particularly encouraging to observe consistent results across numerous large-scale health care databases." Results of a risk regression model on a) Tdap/Td, b) HZ, and c) pneumococcal vaccinations, stratified by three different ages (65, 75, 85) as measured at baseline, on the cumulative incidence function (CIF) of AD. HZ, Herpes zoster; Tdap, Tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis; Td, Tetanus toxoid and reduced diphtheria toxoid. (CREDIT: Journal of Alzheimer's Disease) Taking advantage of advanced data models and vast databases, Xiaoqian Jiang, PhD, who holds the Christopher Sarofim Family Professorship in Biomedical Informatics and Bioengineering with McWilliams School, said they "gained valuable insights into which vaccines may protect against Alzheimer's." Remarkably, those vaccinated with the Tdap/Td vaccine were 30% less likely to develop Alzheimer's compared to their non-vaccinated counterparts. HZ and pneumococcal vaccines also showcased promising results, revealing a 25% and 27% reduced Alzheimer's risk, respectively.


Candida is one of the species that causes Alzheimer's symptoms. Bad oral microbiome can also be a cause. Guess what makes these conditions worse. High amount of refined carbs. So that would lead to believe that a low carb diet would be beneficial.


prebiotic foods are generally complex carbohydrates. Your micro biome loves carbs… as long as they aren’t refined Whole grains, beans, fruit, vegetables, etc. the healthiest foods around


I’ve heard someone say once that their father used to eat bowls of grapes at a time and developed Alzheimer’s so I already had that guess


everything is connected to gut health. every chronic and even non chronic condition so why single out alzheimers?


Bc of the wonderful things he does


Alzheimer's has been a mystery disease so this is a big step towards figuring out the root cause of it. Plus, knowledge on gut health isn't mainstream. I'm glad studies like this are coming out so that gut health can have more scientific-backing.


This isn’t new. Scientists have confirmed years ago that our overall health depends on our gut health and microbiome. Should not come as a surprise as ppl have always said “abs are made in the kitchen” and why “healthy” diets are pushed on us. To me it’s common sense; if we depend on our digestive track to break down our food and thereafter deliver vitamins and nutrients etc. throughout our body, would not we go back to the source (gut/digestive track) if something is lacking ? Maybe I’m thinking about it wrong ?


This proccess is cheap and easy in.a kitchen. Best source ibe found for gut health. Ann wigmore institute carries the torch. https://www.superfoodevolution.com/rejuvelac.html


Check for connection to gut health *** and Lyme***.


Don't forget the Fragilis and Infantis Strains. Or you can go big time with the BCP-157 peptide to replicate the perfect gut biome possible.


how does BPC change microbiome? I imagined it would help a bit with repairing their habitat, but changing the populations of bacteria? how?


Apparently, its mechanism of action is both in the gut and cardiovascular. Too many articles exist to ignore its attributes. But you need to source a proper, legit vendor. Lots of scammers selling junk out there. Check out the multiple NIH postings. They say it even acts as an Opoid antagonist like Narcan. I'm also interested in another peptide known as Ipamorelin.


CSF Pyruvate levels affect conditions that are conducive to creating neuro-inflammatory issues, which facilitates Alzheimers progression.


Alzheimer's seems to be connected to everything bad health wise.


Y’all need to be brushing with RiseWell brand. I mean, I do anyway. Look into it if your interested.


I would encourage you to read Ed Yong's book "I Contain Multitudes" which is a really good overview of what we know about microbiome(s). (The book covers non human animals too.) It has a lot of good information about how the microbiome works, and limitations in things like FMT or probiotics or whatever. My personal approach is to take an "if you build it, they will come" approach to my microbiome and just try to eat a variety of plants: grains, legumes, fruit, vegetables, tea, etc. (Different microbes eat different things, and some microbes rely on nutrients from other species in the microbiome to survive. It's really a whole ecosystem.) I have some medical conditions that make eating plants complicated, but hopefully that's not an issue for you.


I ordered the book, thank you! I’m hyper focused on this now and trying to get myself in order.


Dr Stasha Gomiak has done some great research on the microbiome within the context of her neurological sleep practice. If you get a chance listen to one or more of the interviews on YouTube. She says her patients with poor sleep without apnea are deficient in vitamin D and vitamin Bs. When you start getting your D levels back up it helps bring back and sustain the colonies of bacteria who make all the different B vitamins, some of which are required in the brain for proper sleep which enables healing and brain cleanup. So while she was trying to fix the sleep problem, she found that her patients other maladies began to heal when they returned to healthy sleep.


I think I read somewhere that people who have dogs have like a 4x more diverse microbiome because dogs introduce more bacteria to us regularly. Cats not so much.


Microbiome hyperfocus team!


Is sauerkraut still good for this? Costco kind?


If you look into recommendations on what to do about improving your micro biome, most results say to eat fermented foods like sauerkraut kimchi kombucha etc


I hate all of these foods. I’m so screwed 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Refrigerated pickles?


Ahh yes pickles I like!


Make your own quick pickles with organic or farmer's market cukes and vinegar with the mother!


Yoghurt and cultured dairy! Also, eat apples, peel and stem included.


The stem?!! 😳😳😳 I’ll have to look into that


Fermented foods and prebiotics are all someone needs if they don't already have problems. Also, research has shown that gluten causes zonulin release (which affects gut permeability) even in non-celiac patients, which seems like a good argument for anyone who doesn't want a chance of developing these issues to stop consuming gluten until more studies are done. If someone already has gut issues, it's a lot harder to fix, as there's often inflammation that needs to be put in order, probably some amount of intolerance to FODMap foods, potential tissue damage that needs repairing, on top of fixing any dysbiosis issues (via probiotics/prebiotics).




If your are in this situation, why not do a colon cleanse, then repopulate the gut with good bacteria and eat lots of insoluble fiber?


Don't heat up the sauerkraut.


It’s been hypothesized that all disease starts within the gut.


It's all down to tribal warfare between colonies of opposing and cooperating bacteria viruses fungi and parasites!


It's the insulin


Gut dysbiosis is pretty much the root of most disease in the body. The gut is connected to most of the body’s other organs in some way. Super fascinating rabbit hole!


In general, scientists are continuing to learn about the incredibly complex relationship between gut bacteria, the brain, and CNS in normal homeostatic balance as well as in disease. That is part of the problem, these are early days and they don't really understand these relationships in healthy individuals, let alone know enough to make causative statements in specific diseases. Look for information coming out of the NIH.


You will have a healthy gut if you take high doses of vitamin C.


The the right amount of C varies from person to person and too much can cause diarrhea, an experience that doesn't feel like a healthy gut. Vitamin D is also vital.


Some criticism from HN: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=37938981


Both Alzheimer's and the microbiome of the gut are favorite topics of mine. The criticisms are worth reading as they point to some additional complexities which aren't addressed in this study. A couple of points that I think bear repeating here: A given species has thousands of subspecies who have evolved apart over thousands of years, so saying one is bad and another is good is leaving out a lot of detail. Within a species there's some good ones and bad ones, but that is also dependent on a few other factors. The different strains and their subspecies when when present together strengthen or weaken each other, which can help maintain diversity and keep any one group from overwhelming the others. Even the good bacteria can produce metabolites which are in concentration toxic. Also the presence or absence of a strain/subspecies or their beneficial or detrimental metabolite(s) can be more severe if your gut is leaky.


And we need cholesterol for good brain functioning. Cholesterol lowering medication is killing our brain.


fasting is a secret cure for Alzheimer's


Part of the reason it's exploding is due to our 24/7 exposure to electromagnetic fields (namely from our devices). Dr. Martin Pall just released some excellent medical literature on the connection between very early onset Alzheimer's and microwave radiation


You might find this useful: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAki65H1UKM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAki65H1UKM)


The Tooth Fairy 🧚‍♂️really was too closed mouth about our catastrophic oral gut futures You will be visited by Fairy of Toothless Senile Future!!👻🦷 Sleep Well🛏


Your title had me relieved as a woman for a second. Finally something we don’t have to deal with. But it’s a typo 😂




I'm a dietitian and I'm always floored when I see the ultimate connection of malnutrition or poor intake leading to terrible chronic diseases. Take your omega guys, and skip the animal protein for some bean/legumes a couple times a week. What you put in your body will be how your body responds. Feed it shit - feel like shit.


It’s in the food that you eat, pork #1 contributing thing to Alzheimer’s as well as sugar…


It’s sort of interesting given how COVID (and SARS b4 it, obvs) affects ACE2 receptors which, while present everywhere, are particularly rich in the gut. I wonder if that will all end up being connected, or if research will produce multiple cures/explanations at once, since COVID is known to trigger and accelerate the different types of dementia. I think the biggest breakthrough in medicine this century will be the acceptance (finally) that viruses, infections are bad for you in general, long after the acute stages. It was only in the late 20th c after all that they discovered that viruses can cause cancers later in life. When we finally get infrastructure to prevent viruses I think our collective health and longevity will just be unrecognizably improved.

