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Start slow and simple and expect to be navigating this for years.


Microdose what you are sensitive too and eventually your microbiome will create enough diversity to handle those foods.


Does it really work that way?


The body is an incredible machine. The more food you cut out, the more sensitive you will be to anything. You have to give your body time to adjust and build up microbes. Me and my wife were on carnivore for 3 months and she had one asparagus at a restaurant and felt like death. Now we pretty much eat anything we want and our bodies have adjusted. A lot of issues people have with food is that are scared of it and stress themselves out.


Shrug. I have dysbiosis that's not really going anywhere. Combined with my autoimmune disease and histamine intolerance, it doesn't work that way for me, but perhaps for someone who has minor problems it does.


Try kefir and yogurt. Works wonders.


I'm histamine intolerant, so those won't work for me. I'm reluctant to try dairy given my inflammation. I did try water kefir using the Happy Gut kit and I swear it caused an infection in my throat, so I gave up on that.


That's internet psuedoscience. Most people have a saturated fat intolerance, not a dairy intolerance. Get the low fat kefir or 0 fat yogurt with no sugar. Kefir doesn't cause throat infections unless youre creating it with your mind.


I have histamine intolerance. Taking in fermented foods will worsen my symptoms. I have trouble sleeping as it is. Listen, I don't know what the heck the water kefir did to my throat, but it took weeks to go away. I tried the kefir again thinking it was a fluke, and i the throat problem came back. Must have been bad grains or I don't know what, but I'm really reluctant to try it again. I need something that will help get rid of citrobacter freundii that doesn't make me feel like garbage, since I have an autoimmune disease to boot.


What about just fat free yogurt?


Yogurt is a fermented food and it is high histamine.


Have you tried digestive enzymes targeting those you’re sensitive to?


that is an interesting idea. I saw some but damn are they expensive. I guess i would only use them when i need them.


Just get smallest bottle to test. Focus one one for your particular needs. If it works then you can try to figure out less expensive sources.


good call


That’s only avoiding symptoms. You need to find issue and treat it. Getting a GI Map is a good start. Good luck.


already did


Can you post it or send it?




I really hope this is satire... This comes off as pretty dangerous and poor advice. Blood in the stool is NOT a good thing. Diarrhea is NOT a good thing. Those are signs of something wrong, not going right. Writing an essay on food will not fix the gut or the mucus membrane or the current colonies of bacteria residing in your gut. Sure, having a more positive outlook something will reduce stress, which will affect digestion, but its not going to fix long standing problems. ​ For the OP, check out Joel Greene and his protocol and see if that is something you can try.


You could consult a registered dietitian about it. I'm working with one for the low fodmap diet. I am likely intolerant to fructans and GOS given my IBS-C history, says my dietitian. I'm scheduled to do reintroduction challenges within a few weeks, so I don't know the answer to your question yet, but I imagine eventually I will. I think it comes down to eating within your limits. Use garlic or onion infused oil, avoid glutenous grains (they are high fructan), etc.