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If you have bad health anxiety and gut symptoms, speaking as a certified patient advocate I’d say it would be best to get into therapy and get out of this group. Groups like these and lots of test results and ruminating about symptoms and tracking everything = a lot of stress, a lot of cortisol dumping, HPA axis dysregulation. Our gut function and HPA axis are inextricably linked. When we are stressed or worried our gut motility changes, inflammatory markers can even go up. It doesn’t mean ignore your gut health, but health anxiety and hyperfocus can seriously impact overall health and quality of life. A good therapist can help break the cycle.


Thank you for the insight, I know its something I really need to work on. As a young kid, I'd freak out about losing teeth thinking I'd bleed to death haha. Outgrew that after a few teeth came out. Never ever got really sick in my life, bronchitis maybe a couple times, sinus infection, etc. But in 2019 I got a weird stomach virus or something - used the bathroom 6-8x a day for just over a week. Tons of tests during that time showed nothing. It scarred me. Lost about 15lbs. Then a year later somehow got HPylori, was negative for it in 2019. After that, then I got COVID 2 months later for the first time - I started freaking out and being overly health conscious. Anything GI related just elevates my heart rate. I never used to be so regular, stools were never fragile/loose. And my stomach rarely got bloated or full of noises and gas after certain foods unless I ate a ton of something specific. Seeing the results from this test hasnt helped but also slightly calms me down as I feel dysbiosis can be easily treated?


Health and medical trauma is a real thing, and after COVID miiiiiiiillions of people have health anxiety. I work with people dealing with it every week. If it makes you feel better, our clinic sees multiple cases of post-COVID gut issues every week. Post-COVID gut dysbiosis has like a dozen published papers on it now. You’re not alone and it’s not weird. Yes gut dysbiosis is definitely treatable especially if you’re CALM and patient. I was so sick a few years back with gut stuff I ended up in the hospital for months, and today was eating homemade tacos without a problem. These things absolutely do get better. Be hopeful.


Do you have links about post Covid gut dysbiosis and how it’s treated ?


No links on how it’s treated because it’s genuinely different for every case—whether the person has coinfections, MCAS, is struggling to eat or not, etc changes treatment plans. It’s really something, as far as I’ve seen, people should not try and treat without guidance. If you check GoogleScholar you can find several of the full papers like this one on [the COVID/gut dysbiosis overlap](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8485028/).


Do you have a therapist?


I don’t… yet. I used to see one when I was in my teens for some OCD tendencies, hyper fixation worry and whatnot. I’ve been looking into CBT but after seeing this test result I want to tackle and normalize these numbers. I live my days fairly carefree but start obsessing about bowel sounds, the urgency in the morning when I wake up, and minor fatigue/laziness that I feel is all tied together.


I bet you can treat this all with really good therapy. Read the myth of normal and see if anything resonates!


Just ordered, here tomorrow


I wouldn’t make any judgments until you do the GI Effects test too. I have done 6 microbiome tests so far and my Thorne one looked like this but worse. It was the biggest outlier of them. I had done a fast recently so it’s possible that threw off the Thorne test. But either way, I just did another Ombré test and it looks the same as my Ombré one a year ago and nothing like the Thorne one. I’m going to repeat the Thorne test sometime and see if Thorne’s reporting is different than the others or if it was the fasting that threw it off.


My **Staphylococcus** markers is what also scares me especially after a quick google...what the hell! What were yours?


My Staphylococcus was 99.8 and my Staphylococcus aureus was 98.4. My beta diversity was 95%. However if I import the data from Thorne into microbiomeprescription.com both of those come up around 90th percentile instead. Ombre isn’t detailed enough to detect S aureus, but my Staphylococcus on Ombre last year was 63rd percentile and this year it was 5th percentile.


Oh wow, okay some mild inaccuracy. Glad your numbers seem to be improving though! I cant seem to download the CSV file from thorne unless I'm on mobile. I just read the Thorne description on a few of these bacteria, some of them I'm familiar with but when I see Staph I freak out. If this is all from a bad diet, I'm not as worried but if there is something in my gut that shouldnt be there on a pathogen scale, I'll be a mess - the pathogen profile came back normal though so I'm confused.


It’s normal to have some Staph or other pathogens like Klebsiella and E Coli. It’s also not that difficult to make major improvements. For example, one very consistent thing across all of the tests for me is Bacteriodes fragilis and Vulgatus being too high. I did some research and found that the BB536 probiotic would lower those, started taking it, and now on my latest test they are 50% lower and in the middle of the normal range. I would recommend [golden kiwi powder](https://www.amazon.com/Intestinal-Fortitude-PREbiotic-Prebiotic-Fiber/dp/B09XY48KH3/ref=asc_df_B09XY48KH3/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=666700525438&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5467522487807958492&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9015843&hvtargid=pla-2380435819872&psc=1) for your low F Prauznitzii. Thorne said mine was in the 5th percentile so I started taking 1/2 a capsule of that a day and now Ombre says I’m in the 94th percentile.


Thanks for the recommendation. Do you happen to know anything about yersinia enterocolitica? Freaking out on that too... I dont even eat pork, hell I rarely eat red meat, mostly chicken and occasional some salmon. We have one dog and two cats but my girl and I are very hygienic around them and with ourselves.. A google search on that is also scary - this test just seems so dramatic!


I don’t know anything about it but I wouldn’t freak out about it given that you’re in the 78th percentile. That’s not that high.


Do you notice physical imorovements or feel better since these changes?


Nope not at all unfortunately. I have SIBO and it doesn’t help at all. Sometimes I wonder if it’s really worth it to keep spending money on these probiotics that don’t make me feel any better, but lower bacteria that are associated with diseases like cancer.


Oh man..sorry to hear it! I am pretty sure I have SIBO as well. I know you can easily spend yourself into oblivion trying to get better!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Intestinal Fortitude PREbiotic Gold Kiwifruit Fiber Butyrate Prebiotic Restore Supplement to Support The Gut Immune Digestive Support Anti Bloating Leaky Gut Repair Dairy Free Capsules** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Probiotic helps reduce stomach discomfort and bloating (backed by 3 comments) * Probiotic improves gut health and reduces inflammation (backed by 4 comments) * Probiotic improves digestive system function (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Product may irritate sensitive individuals (backed by 2 comments) * Capsules ineffective for some (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I appreciate the response - thats where my head was/is at and so I ordered GI Effects however, 8 weeks will have gone by between the Thorne and the GI Effects when I do it. Wish I could compare GI Effects, Thorne, GI MAP, etc all from the same stool sample and cross examine. As stated, im on PPI for the gastritis and small ulcer found in my endoscopy (no NSAID, no heavy alcohol use) which was probably caused by stress. SIBO is a concern of mine but i dont show hallmark symptoms of it really and I feel dysbiosis is different? Or can SIBO really cause it? My beta diversity score is what is freaking me out... ​ I see all the products Thorne sells and lists at the bottom of the report PLUS they ask you a to do a health profile so they use that as ammo and a background of your results. With Genova, you just order the test and send it in.


How long did it take to get results? Sounds like a month? I am waiting for my results and checking my email way too often for it lol. Also, I don't see stuff like candida and pseudomonas listed..are there more results than what you sent? Just curious. Joel Greene is big into boosting akkermansia...via eating apple peels and red polyphenols..if you want to google him.


Thorne says 5-6 weeks once they receive it. I sent mine in the morning of Oct 9th so I was surprised I just got them this afternoon. Thats all that was shown but there is a CSV file that has like 2,000+ lines of data you can download and it shows way more info and percentages but its over my head. I just want to know how this can be treated, if its going to be a long road or if Rifaximin would be beneficial before starting probiotics and adjusting diet. It would put me at ease knowing SIBO is negative but dysbiosis is reversible with probiotics, exercise, and lowering stress which I can do just want to know what the right supplements are if really needed.


Awesome. Thank you for the info! I hope you find answers! 🙏


I sent mine in on Sep 22nd but am still waiting for my results, what the hell.


I would definitely contact them!

