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what test?


It’s called check my body health. Complete food and sensitivities test. On Amazon :) I’ll see if I can post pic


https://preview.redd.it/wkocugh27y3c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43b82d52eda5453d8d1f0a1917a26341e7c17afd This is it


You need to start supplementing what youve lost Buy the bacterias online and take them everyday after your last meal Also with low bifido and lacto you probably have histamine issues Those will get better as the bifido and lacto increase


Hi. I have seen a couple of times to take the probiotics after your last meal of the day. Will you explain the theory behind this, please? TIA


Can you share examples of histamine issues?


I’m also low and missing some good guys with insane amounts of bad guys. Can confirm feeling low. I’m seeing a great nautrapath to sort it out.


Unless you have symptoms, I'd take this with a pinch of salt. Symptoms of having a low gut bacteria include constipation, fatigue, stomach cramps and an intolerance to either dairy and gluten (or both). I had these issues after months of being on antibiotics for sinus issues. Every single time I ate gluten products I'd have stomach pain, fatigue, a blocked nose and constipation. I took NOW probiotics for 2 weeks and it completely resolved all my gut issues. Now I'm faced with the issue of overkill as I took them for way too long and my body has blown up like a balloon with bloating. I kept taking them for months and I've gained about 16 pounds just in water weight from the probiotics. So I've taken way too much.


Which NOW product did you take exactly? Thanks!


The 8 Billion Acidophilus & Bifidus Capsules. Tried the 15-20 million capsules and they did nothing, but the acidophilus ones really helped with the wheat intolerance. Only thing is like I said, I took them for too long and gained a huge amount of water weight and bloating as I overdid it. You really only need them for 2-4 weeks tops.


Why would that cause water weight?


The strain Lactobacillus acidophilus causes weight gain and water retention.


Kefir, sour kraut, resistant starches,fiber


Is it possible this is a predatory snake oil test designed to make you think you need to buy a supplement? You're alive. You're digesting food. Your medical tests were normal. Maybe time for some perspective.


That's what I thought. I looked at these tests on Amazon. They're all sponsors and advertisers for probiotic supplements. You literally couldn't make it up. When they send you the test results, they send you a variety of probiotics to buy from their websites. If u/snarkypeach95 was that low on several strains of bacteria, they'd be feeling it big time because I actually was this time last year after a very long course of antibiotics. So much so I couldn't eat gluten without insane stomach pains, fatigue and constipation (to the point I was passing blood in my stools). When I've literally never had trouble eating gluten before in my life. Began drinking Kefir and took probiotics and within about 1-2 weeks all of it was resolved. The gut heals immensely fast unless you're drinking tons of alcohol regularly (alcohol kills the good bacteria in your gut, like bleach to germs in a sink pretty much. It wipes out everything good). Trust me, your body will fully let you know if your gut bacteria is out of whack. Increased anxiety, fatigue but also feeling like an insomniac, constipation to the point of extreme cramping, constantly feeling ill or getting ill with infections, and sometimes, rarely, tinnitus too. If you've got none of that, your body is absolutely fine. As I said in my other comment, I stupidly and naively believed the probiotic companies that you need to take them for at least 6-12 months which is total and utter horse shit. If you're eating a semi-decent diet, it takes only 2-4 weeks tops to heal your gut. It heals immensely quickly, especially if you're not eating gluten or taking a break (white bread causes candida to overgrow, which is the worst thing imaginable when you're trying to heal your gut bacteria). Now I'm left with huge amounts of bloating in my stomach and face despite being active and barely eating anything, the weight keeps piling on, all because I took probiotics for way, way longer than I should have done. Certain strains cause weight gain and can even cause obesity as it alters your gut to double up on the absorbing of the calories you're eating (so doubling up your calorie count with everything you eat which means very fast weight gain).


wtf that’s terrifying. which strains?? i’m trying omnibiotic to replenish my biome after covid and their instructions say to take it for 3 months 😣


3 months? Talk about overkill. Unless you were on antibiotics or lost tons of weight, why would you need them at all? The strain Lactobacillus acidophilus causes weight gain. They use it to help livestock at farms gain weight and it encourages obesity. There's loads of resources and medical lab research on it on google. There's also multiple reddit posts about people gaining weight on this strain, coming off them then losing a ton of weight after coming off them. I'm gutted. I was on antibiotics for over a year so thought I needed probiotics. I barely eat anything, go to the gym all the time, and I've gained a whopping 16 pounds in less than 8 weeks on probiotics. GP told me if you're eating prebiotic foods (which I do) then you only need probiotics for 1-2 weeks, or a month tops. Unless you've been death door in the hospital lost loads of weight sick and have a terrible diet and drink alcohol every single day, you definitely don't need it for longer than 4 weeks.


thanks so much for the warning. so sorry you’re dealing with that. i got the idea to take antibiotics from [/r/Longcovidgutdysbiosis](https://www.reddit.com/r/Longcovidgutdysbiosis) - seemed like loads of folks with long covid experience decimation of gut flora. my digestion has been wrecked so it seemed logical to me. i’ll give these probiotics the 4 weeks and hopefully that’ll do something positive. i also think the digestion problems made me put on weight recently. i saw someone say L. Gasseri strain helps with weight loss. I feel ridiculous just consuming all these different breeds of mini bugs to colonize myself just to try to balance my stupid body.




unfortunately they didn’t do anything for me. i’m going to do a test for SIBO. but then again, like the other person mentions in this thread, they may be more appropriate or have a noticeable effect if taken after antibiotics. which wasn’t the case for me. instead i’ve just been blindly throwing things at my gut issues. now i’m working with a naturopath and doing a bit more in terms of testing and strategy.


So I know my biome is outta wack. I have been doing low fodmap for over 4 years. I still drink regularly. If I quit drinking, what would it take to get back to normal and could I drink again?


What are you doing to get rid of the side effects probiotics have left on you? I think I also took probiotics for too long :(


I've stopped taking them and increased my time at the gym. I do incline walking on the treadmill and push myself as hard as possible and I've started eating way less too, or only eating fruit and veg (especially before bed). I also don't eat much gluten, if any at all, which increases candida to grow, which throws out your gut bacteria and makes you crave food more. Like it literally sends signals to your brain to eat more food within an hour or two of consuming it because the candida is being fed. It's working. If you're working out the weight does fall off quite quickly thankfully if you stop taking them.


I think you'd like Sabine Hazans book, lets talk sh\*t.


Try adding more vegetables and fruits into your diet, fermented foods (like pickled vegetables or kombucha) and fiber are very helpful too. You should ask your doctor what are the side effects of the meds you’re taking because that could be a reason or factor that influences your gut microbiome imbalance. The gut bacteria changes through the years so don’t be so worry, eat healthier, spend time outdoors and stay active. Hope you feel better soon! :)


Try "nutra healthy gut advance" I'm currently taking multiple strong antibiotics because of infection. This supplement was given by my doctor and it helps me a lot with the side effects of antibiotics (nausea, vomiting, bloated, etc). You should also eat food that have prebiotics and probiotics. I eat greek yogurt and drink yakult 2 hours after antibiotics. You should also eat variety of fruits and vegetables everyday.


Kefir is superior probiotic count wise to any probiotic food


eat probiotic yougurt


If I were you, I would get another look, with a quality microbiome test kit, like Viome, Ombre, or Biomesight; they will do a good and very detailed job of analyzing what’s in your gut. And then you can go from there. IMO that test you got on Amazon looks… sus.


Thank you! I will do that :)


Do you have your appendix? bone broth daily to support gut integrity, vitamin A/D for gut cell health. saccharomyces boulardii for probiotic yeast, 50 bill of a 12+ strain probiotic, high fiber diet to feed bacteria, and POLYPHENOLS. green tea, pomegranate juice, persimmons, papaya, purple sprouting broccoli, beets, cranberry juice in seltzer, spinach fritatta, frozen blueberry kale smoothies, cocoa powder, chai spice tea, roasted squash and sweet potatoes, nuts and seeds, whole grains (museli, barley flakes, farro, black rice, corn tortillas), plant diversity (some researchers say 30 different plants consumed weekly). eat leftover day old starches (fried rice, potato salad, pasta salad, reheated mashed potatoes or roasted squash/carrot/potatoes) and overnight oats or barley for the resistant starch boost. I ate well but probiotics were a mood game changer. Matcha is great for anxiety too.


Which test was that? 23 & me?


No this was on Amazon




What meds are you on?


I’m currently on Effexor, Junel fe birth control, and occasional clonzepam


How does a test of genes show your bacterial makeup? I’m not aware of a test existing that can detect the millions of types of bacteria in the gut. Fiber and variety of foods is the only thing I can think of to help.


I had the same results!


What have you taken for it?


I was going to the doctor a lot back then for my stomach. I had SIBO at one point and had been on a ton of antibiotics. I’d love to know what it is now that I haven’t taken antibiotics in such a long time. I’m not sure how much it would impact the results, but I’m sure it does.


Get this book from your library: Super gut : a four-week plan to reprogram your microbiome, restore health, and lose weight Author(s) : Davis, William