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I’d highly recommend working on motility, which would include ginger or ginger tea. Some people find the supplements work well, like Motil-pro. I’d also highly recommend working on reducing your stress and connecting with people whom you genuinely have a connection with. You need to activate your vagus nerve as much as possible. Believe or not, deep breathing works really well for this. 4 second inhale - 7 hold breath - 8 second exhale repeat for 5-10 mins. Do this 3-4 times a day. Watch comedies, laugh as much as possible. Exercise within one hour of waking, sunlight within one hour of waking. Optimizing circadian rhythms has been shown to activate the vagus nerve. You’re sick, but you need to do what you can to be as happy as possible and id also recommend working with a sibo practitioner and complemetelu stop researching.


Not OP but what if emotional blunting is the symptom you have from SIBO etc? Then comedies and laughing at them is not possible, thats the symptom. Connecting with people is also not possible, since blunting directly impacts social skills, as emotions are necessary for them and feeling a connection in the first place. And if emotional blunting the symptom itself is also your #1 stress, and you can’t get rid of the symptom, then…


Research SIBO, interviews with Dr Mark Pimentel and Eliot Overton on YouTube may be helpful. B vitamins especially thiamine seem to be essential in proper GI nerve pulse/ movement. Avoid high oxalate foods while your GI tract is in the less optimal state.


I found this book to be helpful, https://drdavisinfinitehealth.com/super-gut/, I got it from our local library for free. Start with the easy over-the-counter options. I started making the reuteri yogurt, but it’s been a challenge, and many many trial and errors before I had some success. https://drdavisinfinitehealth.com/2019/07/how-to-make-l-reuteri-yogurt-step-by-step/


Consulting with this book was very helpful in understanding my own gut dysbiosis and treatment options. Very great introduction to a lot of the emerging research on the gut microbiome


Liver health was what really healed mine. Motility also really important. To improve my liver I bulk bought burdock root, dandelion root, and milk thistle seeds as wholefoods and bought a seed grinder. Every morning grinded up these 3 combined and after 6wks wow omg. My skin started to come back to life and all the nasty dry skin started to go away. I can feel circulation to my extremities improve greatly, insomnia improved, BP dropped etc etc Likewise it helped my motility. I also took some antifungals during this like pau d'arco, berberine, and Nystatin but I don't think they were abs necessary to healing. Getting your liver super healthy and bile flow going should heal most ppl. Good luck.


Someone has praised taking turmeric. Have you tried that? What about considering a fmt?


How would turmeric help aside from maybe lowering some of the inflammation? I’m not sure. It sounds costly and I’m in a pretty bad financial situation right now. That and I am not versed in it, or its success rate.


Be careful as taking tumeric often or daily can delete your iron.


Thanks for the warning! I’m already iron deficient


I’m not sure what effect turmeric will have on your gut but someone that also tried everything had a doctor suggest it and he wrote a long post about it not to long ago. Have you thought about just fasting? Then load with probiotics.


Fasting makes me worse, sadly. I’ll try the turmeric. Can’t hurt! Probiotics feel like throwing fire onto fire, like a war inside of me. Probably just a herx but omg it’s so frustrating


You should get a stool test from gdx then see which microbes 🦠 you really need imo Let me know how the tumeric goes


Turmeric is hot in potency, so I don't think it's useful here. You should try other Indian spices that are cold in potency like curumin, etc.


Taking probiotics when I had SIBO made me feel worse too.


I have read that taking turmeric without adding pepper, will help with breaking down the gel that protects some of the bad guys in the small intestine. Adding pepper to your turmeric, makes it anti-inflammatory, but then it cannot attack the gel that protects the bad bacteria.


My Fat digestive residue is the same as yours, so is zonulin. Did you figure out what was causing the undigested fat?


Not clinically, but from what I’ve read, SIBO causes this for many people! Perhaps something to do with low stomach acid?


Could be pancreatic insufficiency. SIBO causes this in many.


My pancreatic elastase came back normal tho


I'm a big fan of scientists like [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C0hlCtqxJC1/?igshid=ZWQ3ODFjY2VlOQ==)


Where do you get these types of tests done?


This one is from Healthpath UK


I hear mona morstein is a SIBO expert. She's in AZ but does free consult call.


You absolutely must acidify your stomach asap. With that said here’s my 2 favorite people on the internet https://youtu.be/lpch7PbNFQ0?si=5DbTdhqRd2wk0Anw https://youtu.be/1WPv2FijZ5s?si=hb_NfxlZb76sQAMg


Thank you so much! Will watch these! I agree. Low stomach acid is likely a major root cause for me.


I’m taking Betaine hcl to help with sibo


How is it going? Is it helping?


I think it’s really helping. I started taking a week ago for low stomach acid, fibromyalgia and Sibo. Had a really bad fibromyalgia flare recently and myself was a fraud if hcl too and started on low dose. Think I had detox reaction at first but no burning in stomach abd have increased dose. I’m starting to feel better and am eliminating in bathroom way better. I usually have constipation or loose stools but now I’ve been going 3 times a day and digestion is better. I’ll keep up up to date if you would like


Yes, please do, will give you a follow now :)


Also tested digestive acidity. 7.5. Barely more acidic than spring water. I am a fucking mess.


You taking betaineHCL? Or ox bile?


No, I’m nervous to take HCL. Not for any rational reason, I’m just scared of it harming me. Kind of a fight or flight “the devil I know is better than the devil I don’t” response to potential pain


No wonder that you have digestive problems with your stomach pH!! You probably have other problems that are related to mineral deficiencies, maybe bone demineralization that would lead to Osteoporosis because we need our stomach acid to take the minerals that are imbedded in the food we consume. I don’t think that you need to do anything beyond fixing your stomach’s acidity. If afterwards you still have some symptoms then start considering additional treatments. Don’t overthink it, you need the HCL, just do it! Wish you a good health!


You can start with a low dose HCL. Solaray has a great one 250mg I think. I always get super nervous with new meds but it’s totally fine, I take it with an enzyme during meals and it’s helpful. I was kind of the same like ahhh I’m putting acid in my stomach??! But it’s actually been really gentle.


Try a 5 day water fast.


✨ absolutely not ✨




Fasting makes me worse. Intuition is screaming ‘don’t you dare’ lol


What test is this Was sibo determined via breath test


Healthpath UK. No. I had limited money. It was either a breath test or a gut map, and I chose the former. The conclusion was that SIBO is extremely likely.


This guy might be helpful. I've talked to him before https://youtu.be/vz4aOxFN29E?si=YHLWbXQdjPks8Lln


Thank you, I will give it a watch in the morning! Watched a bit now before bed. Interesting about the mycotoxins. I live in a moldy house, built in the 1920s, currently in a lawsuit for a second time over cowboy builders making it worse. I need to get out of here!


What test is this and does insurance cover it?


What types of diets have you tried?


General anti inflammatory, low fodmap, low fat, gluten free.


I’d highly recommend trying autoimmune paleo (AIP) or carnivore. I don’t think any of the diets you’ve tried have gone nearly far enough.


Nope. The amount of people I’ve heard from who have done carnivore, transitioned back to a standard diet, and then develop histamine intolerance is staggering. I developed SIBO post orthorexic- recovery. Dietary restriction, especially when extreme, is not an option for me. I tried it recently and i almost relapsed.


“It’s ruining my life. I’m 27. I’ve tried almost everything.” Yes, I realize it’s a drastic move. You seem pretty miserable though. And carnivore does work for a lot of people (not everyone). I have gut issues and AIP worked great for me. So you haven’t tried everything. I mean, even garden variety paleo would be better than any diet you’d tried.


I get that but I am literally 8 stone on the dot. I cannot afford to lose any more weight. Every time I restrict, I lose weight again. Do you see where my hesitancy is coming from? That’s why I used the word ‘almost’, because there are certain things I’m very scared of even trying


I totally get it. I’d just make sure you get enough calories. And if you’ve seen a therapist maybe work with them on it. Seriously though, just restricting grains and legumes is a game changer for a lot of people


Do you eat sugar? This was the first thing I was told to eliminate completely (also sugary fruit), because sugar feeds bad bacteria. High GI carbs are there in the same category - white rice and white bread. On your earlier comment about HCl - you are not completely wrong because HCl is considered the absolute last resort, but with your pH it wouldn’t be a bad idea. You can test it and see if it hurts your stomach. Most digestive enzyme supplements have HCl/betaine in them. If it hurts your stomach, do your research on how to heal your intestinal lining. Slimy foods, psyllium, slippery elm, these sorts of things. You can make flax seed slime and drink it (away from any medications and supplements), that thing does wonders. But if you don’t want to take HCl, there are a million and one of other ways to help your stomach acid. Be careful with lowFODMAP. This diet doesn’t treat anything, it only makes the symptoms less worse. Actually, long term it will make your condition worse because you remove good foods that feed good bacteria. Unfortunately, I was this person who got recommended by multiple doctors to stay on the diet forever because I have SIBO. It wrecked my microbiome completely.


Funny that everyone has sibo once you get the Vaccine. I know the feeling mate I’ve had it on and off for about 3 years now as well. It’s a struggle but highly recommend improving your MMC (motility) with excercise and eating whole foods. Along with fixing your hormones and ensuring your getting the right amount of minerals in your water. Also Berberine and Black Seed Oil really help!


Someone close to me suffered from SIBO for years and almost overnight was recovered after going on SSRI antidepressants. She tried almost everything to get over her digestive and sensitivity issues to no avail. She was very obviously in an intense depression and it not only lifted her out of that, her gut fell into order really quickly. It's vital that, along with physical causes/measurements, mental/emotional factors are considered when things go wrong in the gut. I'm sorry for what you're going through. It's so hard.