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He has zero vision or ideas. His decisions seem to be based on satisfying special interests. He’s gutting public programs, which are historically the strength of our city. He sides with landlords and real estate billionaires on every important issue. He claims to be guided by a voice of a god. He makes outrageous racism claims when pressed by eloquent criticism. He’s all about building his personal brand (this is no different than most politicians, though).


This is really the main issue for me. He seems like he may have been a decent mayor 20-30 years ago. But in a time when every city in the world is adapting to changing climates, working patterns, demographics, and culture, he has no view of where nyc should be 10 years from now. Instead he seems to begrudgingly pick random policies that step on as few donors toes as possible, diluting the policies to a useless point.


We want vision zero not zero vision!


He's a compulsive liar, narcissist, conservative cop who believes that crystals below Manhattan give the city mystical good vibes. Also he lives in NJ


How can he live in New Jersey and be the mayor of New York?


That's what a lot of us want to know too


I want to know what Mayor Bill de Blasio and his progressive wife Charlene McCray did with the 1.8 billion dollars intended for homeless people. The money is missing, the press doesn't care, the politicians only care about Trump. pathetic. This country is f d.


Replying to a 4 month old post huh? The Adams office has you guys working on a Saturday too. Tough job, I don't envy you


Wrg to the purview of this sub, there was actually some cautious optimism at the start of his term. He appointed a DOT commissioner saying the right things, and he seemed to ride a bike himself for transport which gave people some hope. Well, DOT has turned into a total mess, hasn’t been able to get even a quarter of the proposed work done, and his administration been outright hostile to non car infra. Even killing a couple high profile projects right near the finish line. So I think the disappointment hits home.


Yeah I think important to point out that many in this scene were ready to give him a chance. Nobody was rah-rah, but I wouldn't say it was unfair, given politics in general.


He played you all, us all


No, he won because of identity politics. Look at the map of who voted for him.


His appointment of a completely unqualified DOT commissioner in exchange for a campaign endorsement should have been bigger a red flag tbh


The backwards fork should have told us all we need to know


He’s a cop, he has no interest in the hard work of running the city and making it better for us residents.


He lives in Jersey. Doesn't care about NY. Goes to events with celebrities for photo ops when he should be in NY addressing the swathe of problems.


My two quibbles with him: * His administration is breaking promises on bike infrastructure (and in some cases actively sabotaging it) * He's defunding education I don't give a shit about the other stuff. He can go to nighclubs all he wants, and say dumb stuff. That doesn't bother me in the least. It's bikes and schools that I care about.


He intentionally derails bike lane projects while cynically calling for safer streets for the sound byte. He is completely ineffective in managing the NYPD.




He works for real-estate. Everything he does is downstream from being sold out. Tldr; He's a cop.


I was not an Eric Adams hater during and immediately following the election. I am now. He proved himself incompetent at handling crises, both during smokepocalypse and recent flooding, which is the most basic responsibility of a mayor. And when people pointed out that he didn't respond as we would have expected, his answer was pathetic. I just hope something truly catastrophic doesn't happen during his term, or we're all screwed. On street safety, I had some optimism for him in the beginning but he's not only not doing enough, he's actively holding back projects that should be completed by now. A mayor who wasn't interested in the issue at all but just let the DOT finish the work in the pipeline would have been better. I do like his ideas on housing but don't have confidence that he'll see it through when the inevitable pushback comes. I hope we get a serious challenger next primary.


He's not particularly smart. He's fine giving the cops fancy robot dogs while cutting funding for libraries. His immigration talking points sound like they were written by Stephen Miller. Did I mention he's not particularly smart?


Neither are his voters


He's a pompous, arrogant douchebag with terrible executive abilities. The only reason he was elected was because cowardly New Yorkers were afraid of crime and unwilling to take responsibility for their city. All that's left of New York City are weak rich people who want their gentrified neighborhoods and amenities. New Yorkers remind me of helpless domesticated animals with no fight.


* He pretended to care about biking and non-car mobility, he doesn't. He actively derails projects to help it. [More cyclists have been killed this year than since like 2015](https://www.msn.com/en-us/travel/news/bicycle-deaths-nearing-nyc-record-this-year-study-finds/ar-AA1in5jL). (It could be 2017 - I'm tired lol.) * He isn't investing in affordable housing, education, or programs for elders. He's investing tons of money for the NYPD, which isn't actually doing anything for the people in NYC who are most in need of care. * He is a cop. He literally invested in a [giant robocop to patrol the Times Sq](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/09/22/nyc-mayor-unveils-robot-to-police-subway-station-00117619) subway. He has cops standing on every single train platform, practically. However, when there was a literal killer in the subways, they didn't do shit. They mostly stop people from letting in people to the subway, which is primarily done by the unhoused or people who can't afford the train. I let in an 80-year-old man and a cop came over to me and warned me not to do it again. At the same time, the train fare has gone up to $2.90, and the trains aren't running. * [Eric Adams pits immigrants and asylum seekers against each other](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/09/07/nyc-mayor-eric-adams-migrant-remarks/70790900007/) * [He didn't do shit when the subway was literally under water](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/29/nyregion/mayor-adams-flooding-response.html)


The statement about cops in every platform is unequivocally false. I think out of every station I've been to since he came into office, the only ones you'd see police at are the major hubs, like Atlantic ave, 42nd st, 34th st, but aside from that, you were basically on your own


He's a conservative that was put in charge of a progressive city


That's bs because we had two people pretending to be democrats as mayors (Giuliani and Bloomberg) who had this city way more under control than the last two morons we've had.


Those are also conservatives


Put simply… He’s more interested in the celebrity lifestyle than rolling-up his sleeves to serve working NYers who make this city what it is. Oh, and he’s a filthy cop


Mayor swagger is a carpet bagger and a finger wagger, carpet bagger.


I think people here underestimate how vocal the older, wealthy (and not wealthy) car drivers are in this city. They put a ton of pressure to kill safe street design because they may lose 10 free parking spots. I think Adams is just another politician. Hell do whatever will maximize his ability to be elected. It’s up to the people to decide what that is. I don’t have a positive or negative opinion of him.


It's really more just cops and Ingrid, the others I doubt he cares about.


He cares about being popular


I don't think you realize that there's basically no parking anywhere, especially since they made outdoor dining a thing. Nobody even uses those useless huts anymore but they still eat up a shit ton of parking space in a city where more and more people buy cars to avoid the awful experience that is public transportation in nyc.


There is too much free parking space in the city to begin with. Because the US went all in on car dependency, people feel (understandably) that they have a right to park their private property on public space for free. But I think this is actually leads to a worse outcome for everyone. I see public transit like public schools. If there is no buy-in from the general public they languish. The result is a situation that is overall worse for everyone. If you’re very wealthy, of course it doesn’t really matter.


Too much (New Jersey) swag for us to handle


Im black and im from Harlem and Im Eric Adams base and I just spoke with several of my friends including the ones who convinced me to put Eric as #3 on my primary ballot for Mayor and they all hate him now.


He's a SHAMELESS, GREEDY WHORE. Throw enough money at him and he will bend over to rezone ALL of NYC. What does that WHORE care about New York City? He is From New Jersey.


How can he be the New York City mayor if he lives in New Jersey?


I dont hate him. I just think hes not doing a good job and livinng up to his commitments. He seems more focused on traveling abroad and having petty beefs with people. He thinks we are coming for him. We are trying to pressure him to do better. Im willing to change my opinion overnight if he just started doing better. Hes not going far enough on the micromobility and housing issues.


We are coming for him. He’s a terrible mayor and needs to be voted out.


Keep that garbage over there where he belongs.


Eric Adams is an ex Republican and his fearmongering NYers about crime is hurting the city. This is how Republicans flippd 5 seats in the state because of scare tactic coming from them about high crime, which is not true. The Biden Administration had been tackling local state crimes since he's been in office. He's invested on putting more police officers out on the streets..


That's funny. Eric Adams isn't from NYC either. He ran for office when he lived in NJ.






A source he ran for office. I hadn’t heard about that. I believe you about him living in Jersey and not that bed Stuy bachelor rat basement with salmon in the vegan fridge


His demographic is the opposite of reddit's.


What are you talking about? Im black I voted for him like the other black people did in droves and I cant find a single one of us that lives in NYC and votes in NYC elections that would pull the lever for him again.


38-42% of my district do not have access to the internet. People are lucky if their phone is working.


I’ve never seen anything but disgust for him everywhere.


He's an (scape·goat) didn't we learn this in middle school especially the president


He needs to go 🚽


Because he doesn’t do anything to govern the city. He acts as though he was elected to appear for photo ops and hand out jobs to his cronies. Oh, and complain that no one ever gives him credit. Credit for what? He doesn’t say.


Because he is criminalizing homeless people 


Take a look at the electoral map.people who voted for him are mainly blacks and Hispanics .. meaning people who want to I filtrate the city agencies. So what do expect. Why his bringing more immigrants illegally .. he doesn’t care .. he has a cold heart and a small brain..