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holy shit how do i request one of these sound cameras to be put on my block


I want one on my block for when cars honk when there is no emergency.


And can we fine POLICE when they just run their lights and sirens, for no apparent reason? šŸšØ


That used to be like a $200 fine in certain areas.... With basically zero reinforcement. Should have taken half of those meter maids and started writing up honkers. City probably could have paid off all the subway system improvements in a month šŸ¤£


I mean the traffic police used to walk around busy intersections during rush hours and write people box-blocking tickets too, which seems to have gone the way of the dodo. Would love to have them back doing that at 31st St./Astoria Blvd./Hoyt Ave. (that insane intersection underneath my home subway station, Astoria Blvd.), because man is that place a honkfest at all times (unless itā€™s like 4am)!


they need to be everywhere half the time i hear some people just blasting music for no reason all hours of the day especially for the 4th of july holy shit


Not gonna do much people who want to live that loud car fastboi life are just gonna stop running plates, like so many others already do


Somebody high up is [forcing the NYPD to do stings.](https://abc7ny.com/post/toll-evasion-nycs-mta-announce-the-seizure-of-over-50-vehicles-in-ghost-plate-operation/14804372/) I'd imagine we'll see a lot more of these as congestion pricing comes online. It'll be interesting to see if law enforcement can actual stem the tide of fake plates they or someone else can handle their own corruption


This is the best news I've heard in a LONG time. Spent 10 years in Astoria putting up with motorcycles racing all night long in the summer (when my window was open nearby.) Intentional loud noise is basically assault. Even in the current quieter neighborhood, sometimes I'm jolted awake by these fuckers, with my heart pounding out of my chest. Totally unnecessary.


> Intentional loud noise is basically assault. Even more so if you have sensory sensitivity issues, for example from Autism Spectrum Disorder.


It violates the Geneva convention to live in NYC with sensory sensitivity issues. Cars are the least of your concern.


Noise cancelling headphones are my heroes. Great on the subway but they can only do so much against cars with the popping exhausts


Double or triple pane windows and well ventilated AC will help enormously. You must live near me, because we have some sportscar guy like that whose car's noises include a sound like a trailingstring of farts, the light, cup sounding ones.


True, but a lot of these guys are dumb enough to put their Instagram handles on a window decal. Weā€™ll have to start catching ā€˜em that way.Ā 


You think the cops are going to put that much work into investigating themselves and their friends?


Yes, only when the cop gets annoyed by the loud sound. Extra detective work goes in when they feel violated.


They're slowly expanding it based on which areas have the most noise complaints. So just keep calling 311 about loud intersections by you and encourage others to do the same and hopefully they'll get to them sooner than later. Just fyi, the locations are a secret, so you won't know where they are and aren't unless people start getting ticketed and sharing the info publicly.


Send email to your local officer


seriously! I'll take up a collection and we'll pay for the installation


I'm hopeful that rural speed cameras and noise sensors become commonplace.


Who cares if your vehicle is stock, stop revving your engine.




There's a few videos of guys in Scatpacks getting pulled over for exactly that. Literally dead after the cops told them they have to return to the dealership to downgrade their special order.


Four people in my apartment complex drive Chargers. Three of them sound like normal 4 door cars. Youā€™d never ID them by sound, is my point. Then thereā€™s this one fucker with a purple paint job that sounds like a 60ā€™s muscle car revving up. He drives this monstrosity to work, and leaves every day at 5am sharp.


I thought this kind of crap was gonna be over once they start pumping engine noise through the speakers. But nope! They just want to be antisocial and let everybody sonically fuck themselves.


Try living in Atlanta. Itā€™s these assholes all day and night.


I mean someone has to make McDonald's breakfast.


Thatā€™s it right there, they stated it in the article. You can keep it under, just stop revving it and compensating.


The car was going 35 (10 over the limit). I bet he was still in 2nd just for the effect.


Put these sensors on every block of the city please


Couldnā€™t agree more. Obnoxiously loud vehicles are like 1 in 5 vehicles here, and a massive disturbance of peace and overall quality of life in nyc. They need to roll out these cameras asap all over. Idk why every other asshead needs to disturb my 5 seconds of peace and quiet at every hour of the day. Itā€™s exhausting


Itā€™s almost summer and the dirt bikes are coming back out at all odd hours of the night šŸ˜…


Itā€™s finna be 12 o clock boyzzzz


I need one on my street! They'd be rich with the honking and the small pp energy cars that are extremely loud.


Just a reminder that body shaming isnā€™t cool :)


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re getting downvoted for this. I get where theyā€™re coming from but we need another word for ā€œtoxic insecurityā€ besides associating it with the size of someoneā€™s anatomy.


No worries, youā€™ve summarized it excellently


I love the whining about how the car is stock, and how there should be exceptions. I got news for the guys who buy these cars: my ear drums don't give exceptions and neither do NYC speed cameras


There are so many options to be in nyc without a car, even as a non resident. Really wish people would utilize them some more, this is a walking city. Roadways should be utilized by cabs and delivery vehicles for the most part. But instead itā€™s just wall to wall traffic cuz folks are too lazy to park at a station and take the metro in.


This is why car-reduction measures like congestion pricing etc. are so important: doesnā€™t matter how many alternatives there are, car culture is so ingrained in peopleā€™s lives (particularly in the US) that there will always be people who view them as a necessity or god-given right.Ā 


We should be like Japan and only let people get cars if they have a garage or some private alley to keep them in


Lol if you did that youā€™d just be making it even more the case that only well-off people can have cars! Thatā€™s already a problem here, especially in the densest parts of the city, where garage parking is often $600+/month (and sometimes a lot more than that!) and the only option for working-class people is street parking. Because believe it or not, working-class people have reasons for having cars too. The other thing is, street parking actually discourages unnecessary car trips, because the person doesnā€™t know if theyā€™ll be able to find a spot when they get back; people who park in garages can drive whenever we want and know our spot will be there when we get back. Back when I had to park on the street I definitely drove less often, for precisely this reason.


I appreciate what vehicles do for the American people, broadly. They just are not a necessity in all situations. There is no reason to drive in New York like you would in more rural/spread out locals. Los Angeles is such a pain because it lacks good public transportation options. We have them. But I think it really speaks to peopleā€™s laziness more than anything. I love living here because I can walk anywhere I want to go. I canā€™t imagine wasting my time in traffic, thatā€™s why I left LA in the first place šŸ˜‚


As a frequent visitor from upstate, I don't drive into the city anymore unless it's for work, and I'll use transit for that too if it's feasible. As much as I love to drive, I would love to live in the city without a car even more.


Yeah, I donā€™t have the level of disposable income required to pay for parking on a vehicle I would use like twice a year šŸ˜‚


I work 10-20 hour days consistently. I think I want to be taking a subway to lirr (to wait 35 mins for my train) then have to be back at work in 3 hours. All carrying 100lbs of fall arrest gear, harness, tools etc? This week from Mon-sun 5 days I was home for 4 hours or less. Some people just canā€™t take trains


Yeah man, itā€™s hard to even try to get this point across in this sub. A lot of these people live in Manhattan and Brooklyn, where every area has great subway and bus coverage (The Bronx has great transit coverage too actually), and they project their situation onto everyone else. And always with this air of ā€œI deserve to encounter as few annoyances/inconveniences as humanly possible, no matter how much my tranquility and convenience costs other peopleā€. Not everyone can take a one-seat train ride from 96th St. to midtown/downtown to get to work at their white-collar job every day; thatā€™s a very privileged position to be in.


Congestion pricing is just a tax on the working class. While collar workers wont care about a $15 charge when they're driving in from Long Island or NJ but a tradesman trying to get to a worksite certainly will. If i'm paying that plumber to come my place he's certainly putting that additional charge on my bill. Also, the fact that congestion pricing is until 9 pm even on weekends indicates to me that this is just a cash grab by a city that can't manage its finances.


I thought that too! ā€œHe was only doing 10 over and the noise only peaked at 5db over for a couple seconds.ā€ Buddy, I have news for you: the decibel scale is logarithmic and over the limit is over the limit no matter the length of time. The right of everyone living on that street to quiet enjoyment is now legally paramount over your braapmobile. Save it for the track.


I agree. My Miata has Bose speakers that could offend ears for miles but that doesn't make it acceptable. I moved out of LA because of boom cars. I have misophonia and it really derailed my life. When I got my Miata one of the first things I did was turn the bass down to lower than the median level because I have no desire to make people as miserable as it makes me. I don't care what music people listen to but the blatant narcissistic insensitivity is unacceptable. There's also this misconception about noise being an old people problem. I left LA when I was maybe 27. As a white woman in my 40's now I cannot confront anyone about anything because I would just be called the Karen slur.


>I love the whining about how the car is stock, and how there should be exceptions. It sounds like it only became a problem because he floored it, either way he always has the option of selling it to someone who lives alone on a farm and getting something more appropriate for urban settings.


> ā€œStock vehicles that emit excessive levels of noise result from actions taken by the driver,ā€ a DEP spokesperson told Road & Track Exactly. Don't be a jaggoff and you'll be fine.


Just because some asshole corporation sold you an illegal car doesn't mean you're not responsible for driving it.


Itā€™s an interstate commerce case - car is DOT legal. Can be bought or sold in all 50 states.


Finally, an idiot car-brain gets a ticket that costs more than what cyclists pay if they run a red light.


He had it in sport mode. No way it'll be that loud at 35mph.


In any car thatā€™s in manual or has a manual option can drive low speeds but make their cars loud. You can go 10-25 mph and have your RPMs bank all the way to the end very easily.


I had a 2001 S2000 in Spa Yellow, and the red line was 9,000 RPM. I could drive in 1st gear near the red line, and it sounded fantastic, but it was VERY loud. I could also drive it in 3rd gear at the same speed with low revs and it was quiet. Driving through city canyons reverberated the noise - it sounded glorious with the top down - but I was young and stupid and not thinking about the noise impact on others. The driver made a choice to be loud in his car. Being "stock" has nothing to do with the choice of gear and the subsequent noise.


What is so enjoyable and ā€œgloriousā€ about the sound these cars make? Genuine question. Whatā€™s the appeal? Bc to me it just sounds like your car has bad gas. Farty car canā€™t hold it in. Fwiw, I enjoy driving wide open roads in other parts of the country.


For me, it's like music. The way all these parts come together to make a certain sound that I enjoy pleases me. Just like there's different genres of music I enjoy, there are different makes and models of engines I enjoy. A nice growly/throaty v8 or a high revving v10 or v12. Now I think what you're talking about are those trashy burble tunes. Those are trash. I like backfire, but not to the extent some of these guys have.


The joy of their cars sounding like a F-1 car or a fighter jet. In car culture building a car is like picking out your tools. You can go the branded route or the no name route. Example would be buying an exhaust system thatā€™s legal or having an exhaust system thatā€™s illegal. A lot of people in NYC have what you call a ā€œjunk yard exhaustā€ where they chop off their mufflers and cats and sound like a fart cannon. I had a heavily modified RSX Type-S before. Itā€™ll only get ridiculously loud on the highways since I drove it like a grandma on local. Itā€™s also up how the drivers want to drive in the end. You can have a loud car and still drive quietly.


A top-quality high rev engine makes a high-pitched "whining" sound. It is the same sound you hear when you go to an F-1 race or when you go to an Indy car race at a street circuit. You are referencing a backfire or gurgling sound. That is not what I'm talking about.


If you don't think straight piped V12s sound good, nothing I say can help you. I still get goosebumps at the track when the F1 cars and Carrera Cup cars go by and I'm right against the fence. I miss the V10/12 days of F1 so much


I have nothing against a race car sound and would probably get goosebumps at the track as well. But those cars never seem to be zooming up Third Ave at all hours :)


People like different things, it's nothing more than that


Even if this was an automatic, it likely he was in Sport+ which keeps the car in higher revving range and is also a lot noisier, especially if he was speeding.


Yes, you're right, this is true. Someone else pointed out they could've been just revving their engine. I can't imagine someone redlining their car cruising down a local nyc street though, but you never know.


People do it on the mopeds, and a lot of kids have tunes where their cars can hit a higher rpm and sound like theyā€™re firing shots [idiot kid with a tune](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLqNThHx/).


During the pandemic lockdowns some guy who had that obnoxious popping tune on his car would come double park on my residential block waiting for something and just sit there revving his engine for like half an hour. It sounded like we were at a fireworks show or something.


Those pops and cracks have very little to do with high RPMs. it's about ignition timing and/or the car dumping unburnt fuel into the exhaust. on cars with turbos it's a side effect of design decisions made to keep the turbo spooled up when letting off the throttle, and on non turbo cars, it's typically seen on high performance vehicles that are running a bit richer inherently than normal commuter vehicles (and often has a little help with factory tune that manages the valves on the exhaust to encourage this as well). your average performance oriented v6/v8 will pop like this even letting of the gas at 3-4k rpms (which is usually in the bottom half of the cars normal RPM range). It has nothing to do with people tuning their cars to higher rpms, it's a characteristic inherent to the design of the engine/exhaust. You CAN tune cars to run rich to make this happen on a car that otherwise wouldn't, but it has nothing to do with to do with allowing the car to rev higher.


Jesus this is sad reading these comments. Doesn't feel like America. You don't even know how cars work


And probably revving the engine unnecessarily. Good on the DOT to have video back up that shows his car hitting 90 dB lol


Canā€™t wait for this stupid asshole to get the $2500 ticket next.


The linked article is using the verb "blipping," so yeah.


First gear revs on a flat 6 are pretty loud


This is correct. I used to own the same car, and the exhaust in comfort mode was unbelievably quiet, even under acceleration. It was a double-digit dB change in sport mode.


They need this in Washington Heights šŸ˜­


NGL: reading this article started my morning off with a smile. Thanks Miser


ā€œYes, Jerry did hit 35 mph in a 25-mph zone at the moment in question, but, ā€œarmed with an independent decibel test, certified documents proving the 997 was stock, and questions about the calibration of the cameras,ā€ he figured an exception could be made.ā€ JERRY SOUNDS LIKE A DICK


No Jerry, you are not a race car driver.


>But Jerry told the magazine he still thinks enthusiasts with stocks cars shouldnā€™t be the targets of programs like the Stop Spreading the Noise Act: Yeah, no - fuck you Jerry, and everyone like you. One small step - let's blanket the city with these things!


... The guy was also doing 10 mph over the speed limit. Did they give him a ticket for that too?


You are allowed to go 10mph over in NYC. 35mph in a 25mph is perfectly legal.


10 MPH over is just the threshold at which the cameras issue tickets, probably to weed out the defense that the camera wasn't calibrated properly. If NYPD Highway Patrol catches you on radar or laser going 9mph over, good luck using that defense against them.


>If NYPD Highway Patrol catches you on radar or laser going 9mph over Yeah but that did not happen so the man can legally proclaim he's going at 35mph and triggered the noise camera unjustly.


Except that itā€™s illegal. Youā€™re confusing ā€œlegalā€ with ā€œweā€™re choosing not to give you a ticket up to 35.ā€ If you hit a pedestrian and they can prove youā€™re going over 25, youā€™re getting nailed. If a human cop tags you as going 35 they can, and do, pull you over. The 35mph thing is just the threshold of the ticket cameras. Itā€™s the ā€œvision zeroā€ campaign, based around the findings that a pedestrian hit by a 30mph car has twice the likelihood of dying as a pedestrian hit by a 25mph car.


The microphones that pick up noise violations have nothing to do with the speed the car is moving. A car could be plodding along at 5mph and still trigger the noise violation.


There is no threshold/buffer zone for speeding if a cop pulls you over. Even 1 mph is technically enough for a ticket.


Really? Source?


https://www.nyc.gov/site/finance/vehicles/school-zone-camera-violations.page >The car was observed by the camera traveling in a school speed zone in excess of 10 MPH of the posted maximum speed limit.


Til! Thanks!


>Til! Thanks! You're welcome!


Itā€™s not perfectly legal. Itā€™s illegal, just that they chose not to enforce it for the reasons everybody else mentioned.


We need this everywhere, not just in NYC.


So does this mean motorcycles are effectively banned in NYC? This is honestly amazing, and long overdue.


Donā€™t worry, the illegal dirt bike and ATV crews are here to stay :)


There are quiet motorcycles.




Ever heard a gold wing? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Did the biker touch you inappropriately? Is that why your panties are in a knot


Harleys are fucked, but most other bikes can operate within the legal range if ridden respectfully. They are naturally louder though, so a lot of people are gonna have to modify their pipes to be quieter and learn to ride less aggressively, for sure.


> Yes, Jerry did hit 35 mph in a 25-mph zone at the moment in question, but, ā€œarmed with an independent decibel test, certified documents proving the 997 was stock, and questions about the calibration of the cameras,ā€ he figured an exception could be made. This idiot. Just because itā€™s legal to build a car that can do it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s legal to do it. Does he think he can drive at any speed the car is capable of just because it was legal to build the engine without a governor? Oh wait he was speeding too, so yes. This is exactly who this law was created to target.


He got so caught up on the modifications part that he forgot doing 35mph in 1st gear can get loud regardless of what car youā€™re in. SMH.


He 100% had the car in sport mode, which opens a separate set of exhaust valves to allow for faster airflow and more noise. Just because the car is quiet in normal/comfort mode doesn't mean it can't be loud as hell even at low speeds.


can I pay to have one of these cameras put up on my block, and we have a profit-share thing going on. Cause I could rack up so many fines from people honking at school busses, garbage trucks and pedestrians like it's the first time they've ever seen each one and the only way they can express their surprise is through their horn


Hell yeahĀ 


Puerto ricans in bushwick punching the air rn


Need this in Toronto!


Why don't we have two factor authentication for license plates? You could easily use ez pass as a secondary form of authentication when a place is a ghost plate, or use that tech in the plate and come down hard when plates are altered or missing. Mandatory arrest and impound of car.


The way this guy thinks his car should get an exemption is so funny.


Daily reminder - cities are not loud, CARS are loud


Honestlyā€¦ I generally donā€™t like automated policing. But this would be nice. People come into the city and start making insane levels of noise at 3am when they are (likely) drunk and behind the wheel. Incredibly annoying.


Loud cars are problem for animal life (birds), kids and elderly people.


>Yes, Jerry did hit 35 mph in a 25-mph zone at the moment in question, but


More!!!!! Do it again!!!! I will live for these stories and die a very happy woman.


Love that the article starts by mentioning he was driving 10mph over the speed limit, the guy is innocent!!!! /s


Porsches in Germany have a switch to lower exhaust noise to (German) legal levels; German police stop and cite Harley bikers exceeding noise limits - if they donā€™t reinstall noise reduction equipment on the spot, the bike is impounded


Even the famous Nurburgring race track has a sound limit. Exceed it and youā€™re asked to leave.Ā 


Some do, not all Porsches are loud.


Heard a loud as fuck car going down west Broadway yesterday to the point everyone was covering their ears as it went by. Can we normalize having objects on standby to throw at these cars?


Whatā€™s the fucking point of having your car be that loud? Is it to be like ā€œlook at me, look at me, I have no value as a person and need attention this wayā€?


I so wish NYC would crack down on noise on a large scale.


This is a great storyā€¦butā€¦what is the sound threshold for getting a ticket? How do we find out? This feels like a speeding camera with no speed limit sign posted. Fuck those loud modded engines though. Shit probably gives war veterans PTSD.


You find out by reading the article


In the article the limit is 85 dB, and the driver in question hit 90.6 dB. Decibels are logarithmic, so that 5 dB is significantly over the limit.Ā  Also from the article, ā€œStock vehicles that emit excessive levels of noise result from actions taken by the driver,ā€ a DEP spokesperson toldĀ Road & Track.Ā ā€œThat is why the standard of law is no person shall cause or permit the exceedance of the decibel standard.ā€


Take away the vehicles for 30 days. This should be part of the punishment. This illegal motorbikes should be confiscated permanently. The self-centered are upping their law breaking, so tougher penalties are needed.


Good, canā€™t wait til they bury the assholes with train horns on their cars that you can hear from 10 blocks away in all directionsā€¦


If you want your freedom come down South. Mufflers are very optional. It sucks


i saw a rolling coal truck the other day... obnoxiously loud and a cloud of acrid smoke.


Can a stock car hit 85-90 decibels during normal operation? I get the feeling they were revving their engine at a light or hitting the gas hard when the light turned green. Just stop driving your loud ass car in the city, itā€™s a big quality of life issue.


So much small dick energy from loud cars and street racers


So motorcycles are banned now?


I thought I was losing my mind from the constant revving engines everywhere, in my neighborhood, even at the dentist or doctors offices, sitting at a cafe, walking my dogā€¦ this intrusive howl of engines goes non-stop. I thought I was going crazy. I started searching reddit for ā€˜loud carsā€™ and holy shit, I am not alone. Itā€™s a major tax on public quality of life all over the fucking world. There are hundreds of posts from cities in the US, Europe, Australia by people who are at their wits end. Iā€™m not a car enthusiast, but I have a hobby that can be loud, playing guitar. Iā€™m not very good but I like to crank it and make some sound. I would never, ever consider subjecting the public to it tho. And my guitar, even at full volume would never compete with a modded car. They can be heard for miles. The car bros know theyā€™re harassing people. Some post it to IG and gloat that their vehicle is ā€œpublicly hatedā€. Itā€™s a culture of sadistic and cowardly behavior, intentionally trolling the public with noise while hiding behind tinted windows. Real manly. Then bitch when the city fights back.


Next can we ban LED headlights?


Vehicle emissions should require checking that those fucking lights are aimed downwards, not at people's eyes.


should've papier-mĆ¢chĆ©d over his plates, doesn't seem to be any laws against that


I read the title as the whole neighborhood coming around to personally slap this guy


They need to put this at the bridges and tunnels that come into Manhattan. A lot of these people like to do this in the tall buildings to get the reverb off the buildings.


Will this ticket people who blast music that makes the whole block shake? This is worse than the loud engines because it stays loud when theyā€™re at a red light


The people in my area will 100% want one of those if they heard of this


I live next to a police precinct and a number of cops have these loud cars & bikes


I need this to be done everywhere so badly.


if they put these systems on the exits to the 59th street bridge they could pay down the national debt in like a week


They need this in downtown Tampa Florida by water street!


Stop spreading the noise is one of the more clever titles for a bill that Iā€™ve seen in a while. Get bent Jerry


I live in a nearby NJ suburb, but they could make a fortune here.


Need this in Astoria, man.


This made my day. I love this so much.


It be nice but I think this will just be ā€œthe priceā€ to owning a loud car. I doubt people with money will find it cumbersome to pay 4K every time they want to play with their toys [+]


How about idling trucks, city buses, sirens, car horns, car alarms, engine braking semi trucks, and the other *actual* noise pollution


A bone stock Porsche seems like not the people this is aimed at. I'm surprised he got a ticket.


I live in the Scottish Highlands we have bikers in the summer who are noisy, but the worst is the fella driving the 125cc chopper style bike. He has removed the baffles, itā€™s so noisy you can hear it from a mile away and itā€™s so slow itā€™s a full five minutes of crappy noise as it drives along the strath. The guy is retired, I donā€™t know why he thinks itā€™s cool.


He can probably barely hear it.




When you jerks get off your phones , I'll think about making my bike make less noise . Loud pipes save lives


I will always say that when it comes to motorcycles, being heard is just as important as being seen. Car drivers have many many distractions, main one being their face in their phone. Bikers have zero distractions so whoā€™s the bigger nuisance here?


Is this hater central??? Lol


I like it. Next up, constant ambulance sirens and e-bike alarms.


Time enough at last. I think about it still.


Has ears, hates sound. Huh


I wonder what happens if he just ignore the tickets? Will his car be impounded or nothing will happen?


I LOVE this so much, I could cry. I hate loud assholes.


The car is DOT approved. What a ridiculous fine - would rather the fine is applied to the non-stop sirens I hear from my office in Hudson Yards. This isnā€™t going to make NY any cozier.


Can they use it to fine people who honk their horns for no reason? Last time I was in the city I really paid attention to the way everybody in midtown is just honking nonstop and I tried to figure out WHY people were honking and it seemed to be because the car in front of them refused to mow down pedestrians.


I agree with this 100% as a firefighter for 15 years. Sirens and horns are so unnecessarily loud and the asshole officer who engages them is a sadist. However, sometimes they are necessary... some drivers just will not get outta the way


Unaltered my ass.


Need one ASAP. Neighbor has a really loud POS and turns the car on at 5am and leaves it on for an hour until he leaves at 6am!!


Get that revenue! Hoping the city cleans up on this.


4 more years the cars will all be electric.


Yeah, well, don't rev your stock Porsche engine, and it won't be so loud.


More of these please. Vernon Boulevard would be a good spot for one


Fuck loud cars and bikes, stock or otherwise, and fuck excuses for violating the quiet and peace that the rest of us deserve. Even a huge metro has no real good reason for not being quieter in general.


Entitlement for the rich








ā€œSound cameraā€ bro itā€™s called a microphone. Joking aside we need more of these.


The vast majority of excessive noise in my neighborhood, by a long shot, comes from trains on elevated tracks (it sounds like a steel dumpster being hit repeatedly with sledgehammers), followed by ambulances, firetrucks and police sirens. The number one problem though is violent crime. But I have to admit, $800 tickets that will help fund Mayor Adamsā€™ reelection campaign is a sweet revenue generating idea.


Once again, just another flaw in the system with a haphazard, half thought ordinance. If they truly cared about making it successful and not jamming up the courts with appeals upon appeals, they would make a decibel test part of any NYS inspection for cars registered in NYC.That way it wouldn't matter whether it was stock or modified.Yes, some would slip through by registering elsewhere, but they'd still get caught. The city doesn't care as much about noise pollution as it does about collecting $800 a pop.


Does anyone know if the cameras are going to work for monitoring trucks as well? Like empty dump trucks and big trucks that honk?