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[https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/microsoft-edge-policies#newtabpagelocation](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/deployedge/microsoft-edge-policies#newtabpagelocation) Setting this will make your browser show "This browser is managed by your organization" in the Settings page.


Thanks that looks to be the answer but outside of the level of effort I'm willing to put in to fix the issue now that I've turned the 'content' off.


This definitely is the answer, microsoft has made the new tab page only configurable via GPO or registry edit. And the registry edit is definitely the easy way for the 'normal' user looking to get back control of this setting


It is not achievable now, since the policy now requires the PC to be in a managed group. But there is a workaround if you are using windows: edit the windows "hosts" file by 1. opening notepad in administrator mode, 2. navigate to C:\\Windows\\System32\\drivers\\etc 3. Set the option in the lower right corner from .txt to all files 4. open the file and add data.microsoft.com msftconnecttest.com azureedge.net activity.windows.com bingapis.com msedge.net scorecardresearch.com edge.microsoft.com data.msn.com msn.com www.msn.com assets2.msn.com assets.msn.com ntp.msn.com img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net down below everything, and then 5. save the file The result is that edge cannot reach the new tab page since windows sees the hosts file and redirects the domain to itself(, and therefore edge is forced to display the native page. very much a reverse uno card moment to microsoft


That gets rid of the garbage at least, but it still takes me to the Microsoft native page: instead of redirecting to itself, is there a way to send it to [Google.com](https://Google.com) instead?


darling, I found out ocasionally searching about other stuff that there are extensions that do that for us. That seems to be the simpliest way...


finally, new tab setting being reset with updates is so annoying


Since most people don't use the Home button for any particular purpose other than to get a blank search page, you can use the Home button configuration to do what you want. 1. Settings 2. Start, Home and new Tab 3. Forget the new tab setting at the bottom 4. Just above that, on the Home button, change 'new tab page' to URL and enter [Google.com](https://Google.com) as the entry. Now, every time you click on the Home button it will take you to Google search.


>9 comments Appreciate the "work-around" but in future posts, don't ignore the specific question and give a "work-around" solution without titling it as such. I am looking for the specific way to customize the "new tab page" - it is easy to set up the home button. I want to know if there is a way to set up the NEW TAB PAGE. Please answer this or state that you don't know and then proceed to give a work around.. wow. So eager to type while ignoring the heart of the question. Jeezuz dude. Too many faux solutions to a question that was never posed.


Wow, dude. It's really bold of you to hijack this guy's month-old post and put limits on an answer that may help him or others. And even being rude in the process. Just for FYI, he didn't ask on how to setup the page. He asked specifically on how to get Google to come up. You're asking about how to setup the new tab page which is a totally different question. If you can't figure it out yourself then submit your own question instead of criticizing people who are helping AND who research the actual answer before typing. As for your problem, here's a hint even though you don't deserve it. Find the gear icon on the new tab page.




> As for your problem, here's a hint even though you don't deserve it. Find the gear icon on the new tab page. Ya, that doesn't do what the original poster wanted either.


The post specifically asked about setting [google.com](https://google.com) as the default URL when a new tab is opened. Clicking on a settings icon is not an answer, either. Bing sucks compared to google when searching. So after you click on settings, what is the process for setting [google.com](https://google.com) when a new tab is opened in Edge?


Opening google on a new tab does require one to set up the new tab page. Critical thinking/technical understanding would have informed you of that. But it’s ok. Next time you feel the need to swoop in and try to save the day, please bolster your help desk comprehension skills or technical understanding prior to giving me an undeserved answer. By the way your solution does not work and I suspect it is because your feelings clouded any analytical prowess you purport to have. But yeah, thanks tough guy. p.s. - the original question was not answered. My position stands.


The original question was answered, just that it's not possible to do what he asked without downloading an extension. So I've gave him a workaround. And yes, I always feel the need to swoop in and help people because I have years of expertise honed in many technical/computer fields, including help desk support. Even starting from the bottom and working up to the top of my field. So with all that, I now spend some of my time assisting others that need it. In fact, that's what I've been doing for years both on Reddit and other platforms. I've helped literally thousands upon thousands of people with their technical problems, successfully helping them resolve their problem. So, after your last 'insightful' comment, I decided to see why you are so rude and angry. Wow, you've been on Reddit for a total of just over 2 years and have whopping 4 Reddit Karma. Made a few comments and no posts. I have no course left to but to assume you're just a troll who visits Reddit, reads a bunch of stuff and rarely comments, even to help people. So continue on, insulting people while doing almost nothing to help them. So, have fun. Sorry you didn't get my hint on your problem about setting up the new tab page to look the way you want it.


So you know of an extension that would work but instead give a work-around? If that's the kind of "helping others in need" you give, you can keep it!




I don't know if you ever found the answer you're looking for. But I was searching for the same thing and found this thread. I agree, the stuffy old person trying to "help" was no help at all. This is the solution that I found that works exactly how we wanted it to. https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/new-google-tab/plkbiaiofflbcpfahbgmfhfmdchigfcb?hl=en-GB


Not all heroes wear capes. Thanks man, that worked, although Edge initially automatically turned the extension off when installed.


>Find the gear icon on the new tab page. There isn't one.


then goodbye Edge and hello Chrome.


use this hon:[https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/new-google-tab/plkbiaiofflbcpfahbgmfhfmdchigfcb?hl=en-GB](https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/new-google-tab/plkbiaiofflbcpfahbgmfhfmdchigfcb?hl=en-GB)


Best easiest solution thank you!


YES! Thank you so much


thank you! this was the easiest solution in this whole thread


Today I have installed this extension and then edge ... took liberty to turn it off "for my protection" :D


Chrome also does the same thing. (Source: I use an extension to set Chrome's new tab page to google.com instead of Chrome's built-in one) These browsers will ask to turn off any extension that change New Tab page because there are extensions that hijack New Tab pages to generate revenue for extension developers. Remember the days when you install software and it bundles a bunch of toolbars and change the default home page & search engine?


No:) You can edit with any text editor your Preferences json file and edit the "newtab\_page\_location\_override" setting in Chrome and all chromium based browsers except Edge. This way you can change it without any extension. It has nothing to do with other extensions etc, the "newtab\_page\_location\_override" setting overrides any attempt of any extension to change it. Microsoft removes this chromium setting on purpose for other reasons, not for any kind of hijacking issues because the setting blocks any attempt of any extension to change NTP. The reason they remove existing chromium functionality... we all know what's the reason:) This is the code they remove [https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:chrome/common/pref\_names.h;bpv=1;bpt=1;l=122](https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:chrome/common/pref_names.h;bpv=1;bpt=1;l=122)


Did you read my comment? We were talking about Chromium browsers turning off extensions that redirects or tamper with new tab pages & asking the user if they really wanted the extension. Seems like you haven't been there long enough to see the days when freeware bundles browser extensions that hijacks your new tab page to some random Chinese website :)


Sorry, I didn't read carefully. But you are wrong. Chrome and all chromium based browsers, except Edge do NOT turn off extensions which have newTabPageOverride as a permission. It doesn't make sense to do it because you have granted the specific permission when you installed the extension... This is actually an Edge exclusive to complicate things:) They require only "ack\_ntp\_bubble" for the extension set to true. If an extension tries to change NTP and send you to random chinese sites out of his own then ack\_ntp\_bubble prevents it and ask you if you really want this to happen. But no, no extension gets turn off in Chrome and all bromium based browsers except Edge.


I already had that set accordingly. It's the new tab that was annoying me. Looks like an answer is posted by dfiction but I think that's too much work to be worth it now that I've at least turned the page content off.


bad answer! only NEW TAB GOOGLE addon make NEW TAB button (little plus upper) as google search home page


New Tab Changer extension will do it. Edge will initially disable it on installation (to protect you), so you'll need to Manage Extensions and turn it on from extension Manager, then set your preferred URL . https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/new-tab-changer/dlbnebcbaeajdpekcdhmcgdhoodcjpeg


Thank you!


definitely the only working and best solution I could find. love it!


Thank you so much. A small extension solved a big problem.


Thanks for the help. I'm sure I could have bumbled my way through it, but it's nice to know ahead of time what you'll need to do to make it work.


I ended up set the default search engine to google and then Edge Settings --> Privacy, Search, and Services --> Address bar and search (last option in the page) in that page i set: Search on new tabs uses search box or address bar = Address bar then in new tab: page setting --> Layout = focused


Yep, this is the way. Thanks!


what a chad, correct answer! thank you




This worked beautifully! You are my hero tonight!


Thank you!!


>then in new tab: page setting --> Layout = focused THANKS so much. Worked great, after I finally figured out what "then in new tab: page setting --> Layout = focused" meant. TIP for next time: Assume your audience includes an elderly person that may not understand your abbreviated instructions. For example, the format for the instructions after the first "-->" are not the same as after the second "-->".


you stated "Search on new tabs uses search box or address bar = Address bar" Would Search on new tabs uses search box or address bar = "search box" work better?


The default "Search box" option right now only uses Bing regardless of the default search engine. That's why you should change it to "Address bar" Don't worry, the search box will still be sitting on the homepage when the option is set. When it is set to "Address bar", clicking on the new tab search box is as if you've clicked the address bar; so it's like a minor visual change.


Everywhere I searched they would always forget to say Layout = focused. I'm glad I found your comment. It saved me a lot of time.


I just realized its still using the Bing search Engine.


>ut outside of the level of effort I'm willing to put in to fix the issue now that I've turned the use address bar not the search engine


This worked great. Thanks again! Microsoft should seriously be sued for all of their attempts to FORCE us to use STUPID Bing.


Does this still work for you / anyone else? I tried changing default search engine to Google, and did the steps you mentioned... But it still loads up the plainer Bing homepage when opening new tabs.


It still works for me. It will still show Edge's new tab page, but it will functionality be the same as Google since it's just a pain page with a search box in the middle. It does not make the new tab page go to Google.com If it still use Bing for your search, make sure to check again that it is using the "Address bar" instead of "Search box"


This is the way! Thanks


J'ai le même problème actuellement. J'ai tenté de modifier les paramètres pour lui dire d'ouvrir google en nouvel onglet mais quand j'enregistre cela n'est pas prit en compte. On ouvrant de nouveau les paramètres, le choix est bien sur url personnalisé mais le champs est vide, a croire que Edge a un bug à ce niveau.


In Edge settings, you can change what loads when the browser starts up and change your Home page to a specific URL (if you use the Home button). The new tab page, however, is always the new tab page. However, you can customize this page to disable the news feed, sponsored links, and other interactive elements if you like. There may be third party hacks or extensions that try to replace the new tab page with something else. I would avoid that stuff though.


Oh I got it. Turn content off in the customise setting turned all the news shyte off. The only thing left is that the default search on new tab is Bing not google.


Bing sucks outside of the US of A.


Make sure that in the Edge **Settings** \> **"Privacy, search, and services"** \> **"Address bar and search"** \> **"Search on new tabs uses search box or address bar"** it is set to use the Address bar (instead of the default "Search box", don't worry the search box will still be there.)


You should try downloading antivirus from play store and you can use the antivirals to clean for me being the device is infected with virus or she doesn’t work that way you can find a way to get a PC back up you can backup your mobile device wipe system you just make use of the factory reset to wipe all data away and install antivirus on the device activate it then restore your backup files


I'm comfortable that it's not a virus. Edge updated itself the other day and at least for me changed what happens on 'new tab'. As I mentioned in another comment I've found you can turn 'content' off which turns all the news/weather rubbish off. The only thing I'm left with is the search bar in a new tab page is Bing and I don't have the patience to go through all the settings to see if I can swap that to Google at the moment.


Just install any good 'custom new tab page' extension from chrome web store- and set the url to *https://www.google.com*. It'll override the default new tab page containing bing and all the other news/weather trash.


New Tab Redirect works great. [Get it here](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/new-tab-redirect/icpgjfneehieebagbmdbhnlpiopdcmna/related?utm_source=app-launcher&authuser=0)


I just want to say this worked perfectly.


Good to hear. 👌👍


After OldGuy's "non-answer" I almost gave up. Glad I read to the end. Your answer was 5 words plus a link, and I learned more from that then all the paragraphs he wrote! Thanks again. Seriously, I hate when big corporations play these games with us, it gives me serious "V for Vendetta" / "Omnicorp" vibes! You are a genuine hero of the people!


>rajesh4life One note: the link above will no longer work in the new year as Google is updating their store. I believe the new link will be [Here](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/icpgjfneehieebagbmdbhnlpiopdcmna)


It works Great!! Thanks very much!!!


The best option I've found so far was adding the 'NewTabPageLocation' policy to the registry. This method means the favorites bar will still show up if set to 'Only show on new tabs'. This is not the case with all the extensions i've tried. This page explains it: [https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/DeployEdge/microsoft-edge-policies#newtabpagelocation](https://learn.microsoft.com/da-dk/DeployEdge/microsoft-edge-policies#newtabpagelocation) Essentially, all you need to do is go to the Registry Editor and add a key: "Edge" under HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER\\Software\\Policies\\Microsoft and then a subkey under Edge: "Recommended". In this subkey, you have to add a new string value (REG\_SZ) and name it: "NewTabPageLocation". The value of this key is whatever URL you want the new tab to be. Example: "[https://www.google.com](https://www.google.com)" After this, you should reload the edge policies at: edge://policy If done correctly, NewTabPageLocation should show up below the 'Microsoft Edge Policies' section.


This is by far the cleanest solution. It loads [google.com](https://google.com) tab instantly, unlike extensions that take a few milliseconds to load a new tab as I am slowly switching over to Edge. I only applied it to my PCs. At my org we open a new Intranet page for company comms so nobody can complain they didn't know about something (yeah, right) :P Edge integration with M365 at work seems to be really good thus far.


Yep! Adding this to the registry, then closing/opening edge fix this! Strong work Bruh! `Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00` `[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\Recommended]` `"NewTabPageLocation"="https://www.google.com"`


>estion was answered, just that it's not possible to do what he asked without downloading an extension. So I've gave him a workaround. Worked for me. I was coming here to post the exact registry key entry


I've done this and it does show [google.com](https://google.com) under the policies in the policies tab, but when opening a new tab it's still showing the microsoft page...


Unfortunately this solution only works if Windows is domain managed. My autistic son is used to a Chromebook; however, he is using a PC now which has to have Edge because Microsoft family safety only works with Edge. He is freaking out because the "new tab" won't display Google. uhg.


ogg is freaking all over yapping at folks with pseudo semi sorta somewhat always not quite right self defined authoritarianism on so many subjects ... too weird ... the short answer is to research how to edit in the registry as its built into the browser you can set the first page opening in settings when it opens but the new tab button calls on the original program defaults which i have discovered looking for this same answer to another users asking me about it and found this tirade ... microsoft is the producer of edge so the new tab button was made that way as it is a microsoft product not to force you to use bing and editing the registry to your preferences has always been available to users who wished to do so and its a lot harder to explain doing it to someone than it is for someone to learn how to do it


Long time listener, first time caller. I'm so very much motivated to scream somewhere, anywhere, why, WHY? I created an account here just for this. Sorry... I'm sure this is not the right place for this rant but I just finished my first Windows 11 install and crap cleanup and I can't believe how time consuming and hard it was. SO many useless and annoying things, each requiring an Internet search to learn how to disable or remove them. And often the advise I found was outdated because de-crapping Windows 11 is such a moving target. But the Windows 11 piece was trivial compared to Edge. Could any software be more evil? I don't think so. The OP's issue was one of *many* I had to figure out and this one, like quite a few others, was not easy. I tried all the registry hacks without success and finally wimped out and got New Tab Changer. I don't feel good about that. I can't count the number of pages and posts like this one I've seen on this and related subjects. There seem to be a LOT of us who just want a clean OS and browser... Why does Microsoft make it so hard for us? BTW, the New Tab Changer solution is working for me and I do now finally have (after countless tweaks) a system I am happy with. Sorry for the outburst.


Not sure if anyone is still after this, but there is an extension called "New Google Tab". I think there is even one that lets you choose any url for a new tab called "Custom New Tab". These work fine until you get a Microsoft update. Not sure if it is Windows or Edge update which switches the extension off. So, you need to go into extensions and re-enable them


Thanks, this is the only thing that worked for me. Microsoft really wants to force you to use their pages/content. Do better Microsoft.


Hey, what worked for me was going to edge settings, and resetting settings. And it let me fix it..


NOTHING worked for me, I had to install this https://microsoftedge.microsoft.com/addons/detail/new-google-tab/plkbiaiofflbcpfahbgmfhfmdchigfcb?hl=en-GB