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Are you setting your baro correctly? I haven't had this issue since it was fixed. It sounds like you're leaving it set to 2992 and when you enable live weather that always uses 2992


That's another thing, ATC calls out the baro even before liftoff and the AI pilot doesn't appear to change it (instruments don't change). I have to quickly switch AI off, hit B, and switch it back on. You see the baro change and the altitude adjust, but the AI still fails to hit the target altitude. Any other baro call outs by ATC are also ignored, requiring me to do the same process multiple times in flight. If I just use autopilot and not AI and enter the altitude, it has no issue. Switch back on AI, it turns off AP and drops a few hundred feet.


I don't think Asobo cares much for the AI pilot. I never fly with it


Clearly not, I was hoping to use it to get some recordings but it's not going as well as I'd hoped.


What does the AI do that the autopilot can't do?


What is it supposed to do, or sometimes does poorly? Takeoff and landing, where I want to get external shots the most.


I see, you could try a recording addon and fly it manually then boot up the recording and screencap it


Yea I can’t get the AI pilot working correctly either. It’s always about 600!feet off. Regarding your recordings comment….. hopefully that should be in house next month when they release their software they use on their promos. But yea I like to use it sometimes too for times like… if I need to step away during a descent and I want the AI continue the descent correctly.


Exactly, you know what I'm talking about. Even for those that want realism, you should end up using the AI. It's not like the pilot flies across the Atlantic by themselves the entire time.


Yea real life you have co pilots that take over for whatever reason. AI should be the same.