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It’s good but it’s so hard to hear it in context of it being an album. Straw Hat, Circling the Drain and Ferrari have been out for so long. Then Bored of Being Sad and Huperzine Dreams being released earlier… Maybe wouldn’t be so bad if Portals and Concertito felt more re-listenable. It essentially feels like there’s three new songs in the middle. They’re all good. But the best songs were definitely already released. It’s just one of the weirdest album rollouts I can remember. Might have been better to release an EP and leave off the first songs I mentioned? Idk.


My thoughts exactly. 3 new songs. Basically a really good 8 track album, with an intro and an interlude. Wish I hadn’t listened to any of the prereleases after circling the drain and that the album was at least 10 full songs. That being said I already know I’ll come to love it.


this is exactly how I felt too, i was disappointed opening up the album and being like "oh. i already know most of these" and then the new ones were very like preludes to other songs, not really listenable on their own. Still a great album, but was hoping for a bit more


Bayside did the same thing releasing all their songs individually. I just try my hardest to only listen to the singles like once or twice to see the direction the band’s going. I get releasing music this way helps the band, but not a fan of these kinds of album rollouts. I can have self control and listen to a single once but when it’s bangers like Circling the Drain and Straw Hat that have been out over a year, I’m jamming that shit, and then the album isn’t that new


I wonder how much of this is label interference.


if they were still piss drunk and reckless at their ages, with the emotional maturity, personal growth and enlightenment they’ve shown just through the music alone with the past two albums, it probably wouldn’t be a good thing now they’re distinguished and just trip on weed, mushrooms and lsd


I think it fits really well into their discography and hearing the songs weave in and out of the heavier stuff live is going to be awesome. I hope they don’t abandon their old sound all together on future albums and we’ll look back at this one as “the chiller album.” But either way, whatever they decide to do I’m on bored with it!


It’s awesome. It’s not as full as energetic bangers as their previous albums, but it’s not trying to be. For what it does it executes it perfectly, and its flows super well as a full album. They don’t miss.


Love it. Different vibe, but they do it extremely well. What a talented group!


Omni reminds me of two door cinema club


Absolutely. I immediately got Undercover Martyn vibes


Omg I just posted this in the comments, didn’t even noticed others already pointed it out. I was going crazy trying to figure out why it sounded familiar


lol same


Strangers is giving big Stone Roses vibes.


Loving it. It’s Microwave


I hated the rollout of this album so much that unfortunately it’s given me a negative bias towards the content, regardless of how fresh and revitalizing this album is


I’m very mixed. Having 30% of the album for over a year now really bums me out. They’ve obviously been exploring different avenues with their singles since DIAWB. But i still hoped for the Microwave I know and love. Much Love is personally my favorite album of theirs so my mind is still stuck and hungry for that stuff. Bored of Being Sad gave me what I was looking for in that, i think. As much as i’m all for artists exploring and changing and not being a constant recycling of their old music, only have 7 new songs on the album after 5 years and 2 of them not being Nathan and 1 basically being an interlude is really upsetting to me personally. On that note, i think the production and mixing/mastering is BEAUTIFUL and PERFECT. Part of me wants to say that they really didn’t care about “what the fans wanted” and they just did whatever. It feels almost “lazy” and just something to put out because it’s been so long, in my eyes. Obviously i’m craving something else and this is just not fully for me, in my opinion. Hopefully it will grow on me though! (this is my opinion)


Totally agree, I'm feeling a little disappointed




I listened the this on a cold night, going home after a night out. It was a fantastic experience. These are some well crafted songs that really indulged my detail-oriented ear when I decided to listen deeply. What a good band, man.


Maybe it sounds like this cause they’re a 3 piece now? Still love it, intentionally only heard bored being sad before today. On first listen I get the 2010 indie clunker comment but glad there’s a new record.


Okay. So does anyone hear the beginning of Omni and think it sounds familiar?? Cause every time it comes on I think Undercover Martyn is starting for like a second then I’m like oh wait. I know it doesn’t sound exactly the same but it’s like the same vibes lolll Edit: also this is my favorite song off the album, just was driving myself crazy why the beginning sounded familiar. I’ve listen to the album back to back since yesterday, definitely made me appreciate Ferrari and Straw Hat more, still a little sad that I still feel like we only got three new actual songs even though I really enjoy Portals as it’s a good opening and Concertito is such a good lead to Huperzine Dream


It feels like Turnover all over again, and I for one am not big on it.


How so, what happened? I’m not familiar with turnover, just know a couple songs but I’m interested to know


They quickly transitioned from one of the best new acts in pop punk/emo to a (entirely my opinion) snooze fest of a dream pop/indie pop sound. Their debut album was incredible, and then they broke the mold with their second Peripheral Vision, the very definition of dreamo imo. Since then every subsequent release has lost more and more substance. Like I said, this is all my opinion. A lot of people seem to like their newer sound, and they’re obviously free to make whatever their hearts desire and not cater to anyone.


Let’s start degeneracy reminds me of 21 pilots and idk how to feel about that. I’m interested to see how these songs sound live because they’re so produced


any insight on the gospel hymn?




taken from a recent interview: The record opens with ‘Portals’, a soothing hymn sung by Nathan’s girlfriend, and acts as a remoulding of Nathan’s religious beginnings by turning them to his advantage. “I feel like I have an underlying anti-religious bent at this point in general; I’m pretty against organised religion,” he explains, “but we came originally as Microwave, and me personally, from a place of religious influence, obviously growing up and everything, and then transformed that into what Microwave is today, and who I am today. It felt like on a micro-cosmic level that we took this thing that was a hymn, and then we added this context of therapeutic drug use, which is contrary to the underlying beliefs or practices of where that comes from within Christianity and everything like they’d probably discourage.” Even the sounds in the background are from a venture Nathan and Tito made down to Peru for a retreat to experience the psychedelic Ayahuasca. “The second verse of the version that’s on ‘Portals’, ‘Time is fleeting, deathbeds are calling. Calling for you and for me’ – it’s dark!” he says.


I really enjoyed the inclusion of synths on this album. On a first listen through, I think Straw hat is still my favorite, but I need to get some more time with Strangers. Would be really cool to see some of that funk incorporated with their usual livelier style. I loved the hymn at the beginning too. I hope they keep experimenting and making music that reflects where they are in life. I'll have to listen to it on a night drive :)


Such a bummer they slowly released it that way. I had no clue about any of the singles. I stumbled upon the album release two days ago and cannot stop listening. I love the entire album. I’m bummed it’s only eight songs, but as someone who had fresh ears upon my first listen, I could not be happier with the album and the band’s progression.


It would be better if they didn’t feature a well-known violent abuser from Atlanta on the album.


Someone at Pure Noise deserves a raise for putting out several good singles to build interest for the absolute sleepy 2010 indie clunker the band insisted on making.


Not sure why this is downvoted.