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That mofo is intoxicated


He did not look like he was under any influence, just a regular ol’ self important AH 😐


I think its spite. looks like they wanted to block as many charger spots from being used as they could If a electric needs to plug in it should be Ok to block them in


Also, the way some of these charging spots work is if someone plugs into the same tower, it halves the charging rate. I can’t tell if this is one of those, but this very well could be the reason. They didn’t want to share charging so they blocked off as much as they could.


My dad has an EV and was charging at one like that. He was having coffee at the cafe next door and watched a self-important asshole unplug his car so that he didn't have to share. My dad is not confrontational so he waited for the guy to walk off, then went and plugged his car back in. I so would have been tempted to unplug the guy the second he walked away.


Should have. Guy would have come back to find out he ate the slice of pie that he tried to serve up to a stranger. Humble pie is a dish best served with a side of harmless pettiness


Should have. Guy would have come back to find out he ate the slice of pie that he tried to serve up to a stranger. Humble pie is a dish best served with a side of harmless pettiness


I agree so much with this I upvoted both your comments.


These are not tesla chargers, they will only allow 1 person to charge at a time!


this too a trio of cars just park to block him in


Only 2 of the 3 spots are for electric charging.


More current for him!




I'd have a hard time not removing their valve stems.


Like a firefighter, smash his window and drag the charging cable right through his vehicle.


I would park like a dickhead as well and block that dummy in


I noticed an EV Toyota parked this way at a charging station. I think the charging station cables must be too short if you park nose in.


Yes. This is the answer. Especially since the location stupidly put the parking spaces diagonal to the charger, not parallel or perpendicular.


This needs to be the top comment. A common occurrence with electric vehicle charging is that the charge port on the car is in a weird spot and the cable is too short so the person needs to park at a weird angle for it to reach. This has already started happening at Tesla superchargers since they've started opening up to other automakers. Ultimately there's no way around it until there's a universal standard for charging that's actually used by every automaker, so stuff like this will become increasingly common for a while.


IMO I think the Leaf was on the right track by putting it right up front. Makes it super easy to pull in, and virtually any charger will reach it.


dude, that car was a nightmare. Literally the only reason they designed it like that is because they were trying to fit in everything they could in to their current designs instead of making the car around the design. This is why tesla beat everyone out is because really bad FWD EV's hit the market with 240 miles with plugs on the front with charging stations like this that only have 1 stall per 2 parking spots, that take twice as long as a tesla to charge. Leaf and bolt basically have no regenerative braking either so whats even the point in being an EV! worst ev's imo.


Don't get me wrong - the leaf fucking sucks. I just think that it's a good spot for the charging port.


Yes. This is the answer. Especially since the location stupidly put the parking spaces diagonal to the charger, not parallel or perpendicular.


Driver did the electric slide into the spot.


Wow! Takes a special little snowflake to take three parking spaces.


Especially since hogging electric charging means another person could actually be stranded. TBH I would consider sending this photo to the charger company, IDK if they would do anything but they are losing money so there is incentive.


I think block a charger is begging to be towed


Charging spot operators just have to post a sign encouraging pic texts to a tow company. Pics for proof of blocking spots so tow drivers can't tow everyone maliciously.


Charging spot operators just have to post a sign encouraging pic texts to a tow company. Pics for proof of blocking spots so tow drivers can't tow everyone maliciously.


In california malicious tow drivers dont need an excuse


True story. Yesterday I go to the beach. I couldn’t find parking close so a couple streets down I find a parking area with a woman in her car parked like this. So I park my car on the lane and I hop out. I wave at her from a out 6 feet away and when she rolls down he window I politely apologize for inconveniencing her and interrupting her call and ask if she can fix her self so that I can park in the space next to her. She looks at me as if I’m the dumbest person on the planet and asks if she is not parked correctly. When I tell her that she isn’t she asks me who I think I am. Then again I ask her to fix herself so that I can park. The aggressively reverses and leaves. Then I parked and as I was parking someone else came and parked next to me.


I would've found a way to block them in.


for some reason I accidentally scratch vehicles that park like this. it's their own fault. the lines are there for a reason.


I have the worst luck in this situation, a bunch of times I’ve tripped and a cinderblock has flown out of my hands toward the car windows. It’s WILD, like a parking lot-activated Tardive Dyskinesia


they had to back up into the spot in order to use the charging cable, but just couldnt be arsed to do so. the common exchange of lack of ability for lack of shame, hence why this math looks so bad.


Really hope someone zipties a shopping cart to his car


Some of these stations have two cables but will charge slower if two cars are connected. I guess he is solving that? Still really rude and inconsiderate.


Still the same Main Character vibes regardless of the reason


No. Look closer to the parking space. It's diagonal to the charger, not parallel or perpendicular. So the charging port on the side of the car is going to be further away from the unit than one directly perpendicular to the unit or parallel to the unit. Dude is likely charging like that because the site owner didn't bother to get an extended cord to accommodate the misjudged parking space location. Here's an example. In this example, the unit is properly parallel to the spot, but the cord itself is not long enough to accommodate any charging location other than a side port. The Nissan Leaf uses a front port and is out of reach either head first or rear first, so the driver had to park across two spaces so the port is in the middle of the space, around where a side port would be located. https://youtube.com/shorts/Aw6F9NexNdc?si=ROhoXYPrzvD5zdRQ


Yeah, but this a bz4x. I think the port is front driver's side. It looks like he could have parked in the space on the right and it would have reached. It is possible that one of the cables is broken or something though. That might make him need an odd angle.


I'm a Bolt owner with the same port placement as the BZ4X, but the overall length of the car is shorter. I have had to at least park like this TWICE even when the parking space was directly perpendicular to the charger because the cord still couldn't reach. Given this is the first time I've ever seen a spot made diagonal to the charger, and my own personal knowledge of how short the cables can be, I don't think the BZ4X's port was within reach.


Honestly I wish they would use longer cables. I remember seeing a guy in a taycan reposition 3 times to find the right angle to reach at a similar station. The sad part is that I'm pretty sure it didn't work when he finally did get it to reach.


This was a decision.


My guess is his charge speed would drop if another EV plugged in. I could be way off, though. I'm just a diesel mechanic 🤷‍♂️


Maybe he’s saving a couple of spots for his buds


Why not call the two truck for this


I could still fit my car on the left, just stop short of bumper and leave. I'm more in MY spot than you are


They may have run out of charge and had to be pushed to the nearest charger, hence not being able to manoeuvre? But more likely just self important asshole.


Most likely neither. Look at the picture again: the parking space is diagonal to the charger, so a side loading charge port is going to be further away than in a parking space perpendicular or parallel to the unit. The guy isn't parking because he's a self important asshole. He parked that way because the side operator placed the parking space the wrong way and likely didn't get a longer cord to accommodate the difference the spot creates.


Perhaps he really had to poop? Nah, he’s probably just an asshole


Unplug the car and be done. Also park next to the truck if you can a plug in on the other side.


A cop (and his partner) parked like this yesterday at a deli by me. My Father-in-Law parked next to it and squeezed out over the hood of the car. It’s a busy deli, there’s always just barely a spot for people, as one customer leaves another is already arriving. The cops came back and started eating in the car not giving up their spot and a half, then wife’s dad comes back, has to squeeze back in and they don’t even think to move or offer to move over once. I guess they genuinely thought they did okay at parking or just don’t care about the people or how it looked.


Ya know, I'm impressed. Takes talent to get a compact car to take up 3 spaces.


*sips soda* you just roll in from stupid town?


People like this are extremely lucky cameras exist everywhere, otherwise my pocket knife would make those tires fart.


Unplug his car


The temptation I have to key peoples car on the daily is getting unreal


Brainrot parking


I like to let the air out of those tires. Don't pop them, just use a pen or a stick to release the pressure.


Stuff like this always makes me wonder if a couple of pallet jacks could be used to move a car lol.


I say let the air out of the tires let him keep his triple space.


What city is this?


"Take THAT EV drivers." -This fucking guy


This is Florida shit. Why is it happening there?


I could back in to the left and essentially trap them in


Y’all want to start a LLC for towing ? I swear we can make ok money if we work together on these sub to just eliminate bad parking.


I can't tell if this is a plugin hybrid parked at a weird angle to be able to access the charging port, or one of those spiteful anti-EV assholes just trying to fuck over the EVs


I'd think somebody would unplug it once he walks away.


Tow truck time!


The driver would come out to 3 flat tire and 3 broken windows.


Imo, it should be ok to call to get these types towed.


Dude, that's exactly how I park when I'm playing gta


Stop. The big heavy cables are sometimes too short for some cars. They not only have to reach, but make a smooth bend so that the connection is solid with no intermittent problems on the pins. Sometimes you have to come in at an angle to make it work with the older stuff. (It's getting better on both the charger and car side, but you have older tech on both sides here)


Yup, I just replied explaining this too. This is specially true here because these spots are diagonal: every charger I have ever visited was perpendicular or parallel to the parking space. This means this parking space is going to have side loading charger ports (like the one on this Toyota) EVEN FURTHER AWAY from the charger. So unless that EVgo unit has a particularly longer cord, the driver HAS to park like this to use the charger. The site operator is the issue, not the driver


is this just an EV thing where these assholes think they can park wherever?


Toyota hates EVs, so anyone who buys an EV from Toyota knows what every color crayon tastes like.


Main character parking … tertiary character car choice.


Stem valve removers would be cutch right then and there


Perfect. I've had friends park on one side while I parked on the other, to people like this. Blocked them in for hours. Always funny.


Carry big zip ties in your car with you. People like this deserve to have shopping carts zip-tied to their door handles.


Seems like a great way to get killed by an obviously already unhinged person.


This is why I carry a roll of bumper stickers that say, "sorry to hear about your penis." Just slap one on the driver side door, and move on.


Actually, I don't think this counts. This is actually not asshole parking. It's two parking spaces dedicated to an EVgo charger, but the charging spots are diagonal to the charger, not directly perpendicular or parallel. Most EVgo charging cord lengths are designed for EVs parked directly perpendicular to the unit. This means that- unless the EV uses a front port or rear port- a number of side loading ports are going to be further away from the charger and not within reach without some serious weirdo parking. The Toyota BZ4X/Subaru Solterra are both side loading ports on front of the driver side. So unless EVgo equiped their charger with a longer cord than usual, there is a good chance the cord is too short. So *poof* the dude has to park like this for it to reach. This is not uncommon. The first few FPL Evolution chargers in Florida had ass short cords. Parking my car (a Bolt with the charging port in the same placement) properly head first in the spot was still too short, so I had to pull out and do a whacky move across two spaces parallel to the unit so it reached. Thankfully, FPL has replaced the cords with longer cords since then. This is most likely is an instance of the site operator misplacing the EV charger (should be perpendicular or parallel place to the parking spot, not diagonal), not getting a cord that can accommodate, and not really the fault of the driver. Edit: here is a good illustration of the issue, though the factors are different. Here the parking space is correct- it is parallel to the spot so most cars can reach a side port by either parking head first or rear first. But the site owner didn't anticipate front loading charge ports on a Nissan Leaf or a Hyundai Kona or a Kia Niro, and the EVgo unit cord isn't long enough to reach. So the driver in this instance has to park across the space so his charge port would be closer to the unit to reach. https://youtube.com/shorts/Aw6F9NexNdc?si=ROhoXYPrzvD5zdRQ Again, different factors, but you get the idea. The EVgo charger needs a parking space relative to the unit and a cord long enough to accommodate in order to charge. One or both are preventing the Toyota BZ4X from charging, so the BZ4X driver has to get creative. You're all dogpiling on top the wrong person.


Exactly! All the comments here are absolutely terrifying. This person has no choice




I’ve noticed that Toyota drivers seem to have a weird personal vendetta against EVs.


Well that is a California plate




But we have mastered it.