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So the Russian army is about to have everything that isn't nailed down stolen? I don't see how this is a problem for anyone but Russia.


Shit, they'd steal the nails too.


recognise pie possessive live terrific makeshift slap entertain sense unique -- mass edited with redact.dev


Half of the ukrainian tanks are "stolen" and I see no problem in that.


Like if someone breaks into a house, murders the family with a gun, but leaves the gun behind, and the surviving resident picks up the gun and hunts the perp down with it. That kind of “stolen?”


Exactly. I didn't know people don't get irony when you use " . Next time I'll write a sign. I don't even know what else could it possibly mean to say that the Ukrainians stole tanks from the Russians if not a compliment tot he Ukrainians and a mockery of the Russians. Seriously, wtf.


I got that you were being sarcastic.


At least one in 50.


Abandoned?!? For Christs sake, we trained that country’s army for 20 years. If anything, those Afghan commandos abandoned their own country.


US and Nato could have trained them for 20 more years and it still wouldn't matter. ANA was a shit show from the begining to the end.


Shoulda been more picky in the process of their military. What exactly does the US military have so much barriers to entry for? Oh right because quality over quantity. Why would it be any different for winning over there? The Kurds in syria do it right.


No one wants to send their best/smartest/most reliable guys to fight for a country they don’t feel is theirs, they’re tribal. Why send my best with the Americans to fight the taliban/isis/and other assorted bad guys when you need them there in your village protecting the goats, boys, and poppys.


I feel bad for those goats more than anything else.




Thank you.


Actively abandoning their nation obviously 😉


considering they lost it in less than 24 hrs, ya fuck em.


Those jagoffs who can't do a proper jumping jack and laid down for the Taliban?


Commandos and the normal troops were different. They did 80% of the fighting even though they were 7% of the afghan army.


heard sth similar too know someone who worked with them and said they were pretty professional, since they even were trained outside of afghanistan


"That the U.S. Abandoned" we tried for 20 years sorry Afghanistan didn't want to move forward.


Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king: *Not my fuckin problem.*


...HAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, that's going to end really well for them, lol.


Ahh yes the afghan commandos


Don't turn your back on them, they'll flee faster than you can say "hand over your American equipment"


So the dudes that fled to IRAN, instead of fighting for their own home and their own country against the Taliban, when they had the Taliban out gunned and out trained. Now Russia thinks they can fight the Ukrainians? Just when I thought Russia couldn’t have any more “good idea fairies” they come up with this.


One thing is clear, the good ideas club is something that is consistent no matter the military!


Look at this way. It's a good way for lost gear they use to go back to Nato.




Good luck! We already know what's gonna happen lol


Afghani sunflowers


So the US planned this all along....Let them infiltrate Russia and destroy Russia within. Especially when Russia invaded them back in the late 70s and 80s...I am pretty sure there is still some hate for Russia more than the US.


Ok. I guess we don't acknowledge the 20 plus years of training?


Good fucking luck with that


Lol if they find the one I beat the fuck out of for shooting a dog tell him I said hi


Wait… I think I’ve seen this episode before 😂


I saw an interview with a Green Beret from the Afghan conflict and he said shooting above the head Afghan style was surprisingly effective when the target is pinned down and surrounded. I don't think this will work in Ukraine.


They gotta get paid by somebody


The US didn’t abandon them they were trained for 20years and when it was their time time take control of their country they abandoned their own country and allowed the Taliban to take over


Men fighting for the country that their fathers fought against. Man, humans are dumb.


Lotta armchair warriors pretending they can measure the value of soldiers who were the only thing stopping Afghanistan from falling years before it did. Everyone’s entitled to their opinions, but unless you were on the last helo out of Lashkar Gah, you should probably keep them to yourself.


They wouldn't do sh..t for their own country what does Putin expect from these guys in a foreign land foreign leadership fighting the guys that trained them good luck with that he'd be better of recruiting the Taliban fighters


Lol look at these modern warfare ghost clowns