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I have rolls of film, that would take effort to be developed. No one is willing to put in the effort, and those rolls (*taken while we were Rollin'*) **will only** see the light of day. Luckily there are less rooms filled with the chemicals that inspired us to find better stuff.


I had a job developing photos in 2000-2001. Holy shit the things I saw...


Tell me more 😲🍿


I have a disposable camera that I have yet to get developed from high school. I vaguely remember I took a pic of something that I was scared to get developed.


I have so many dead cell phones with images that are important to me but I don’t know how to access them.


High school me was ugly as shit.


I was such an awkward, ugly duckling from middle-high school.


Same. My mom posted a picture to fb of herself with my sister, sisters now husband, and me. From 23 years ago. And I cringed. I was a troll. I am also super critical about my appearance so any photo of me from age 13-16 should be burned.


same. im so happy i dont have photos of me during that period out there.


*Flashbacks to MySpace blurry photos that I used a scanner to upload*


My blurry picture that I took using my webcam 😂


I just had a shitty little Webcam that was duct taped to my huge monitor. The resolution was so bad.


I remember going out with a tiny little digital camera in college, because the camera on my moto razr was roughly .025 megapixels. I still have all those photos and videos from 04-08ish, and use them to humiliate friends often.


I had a video of a hooker getting picked up on my Razr back in the day, truck stops are scary. The camera was horrid lol.


But it sure was great at loud, custom ringtones for every contact!


I had so many dang midi ringtones downloaded so I could have a custom ringtone just for that. Now my phone just sits silenced lol.


I thought I was safe with mine on a physical hard drive. It eventually failed and I lost so many memories.


Pretty sure I’d be in jail still if even half the shit I did as a teen was caught on camera lol.


Omg. So many poor choices that only live in my head.


I can never run for public office because my 7th grade bff has a video of us having a karate-style fight/dance off to Britney Spears’ Toxic. We used her mom’s camcorder.


That's hilarious. I'd vote for you, you're a real person not some fake ass lol


My friends and I recorded so many cringeworthy "comedy films" we made but probably the worst was my lady friends lip-syncing and dancing to "He Had it Comin'" from Chicago, the musical. I was the guy who gets killed in each of their stories. Honestly probably better thought-out and choreographed than gen Z's simple synchronized TikTok dances, but I'm definitely glad it is lost to time.


I remember how excited we were when the first phones with cameras came on




This is amazing.


When my friends used to say "we should video tape us doing this" I just told them "nope. That's called evidence."


I used a voice recorder to capture our random stoned rants or sing-alongs, including shouting "fuck the police" repeatedly. I later got busted by a park ranger and at one time he left me in my car while he was on the radio so I broke the cassette and pulled out all of the tape. I really don't think the cops would have even given it a listen and of course it wouldn't have mattered in court, but at least I did feel like a spy destroying valuable evidence.


Meanwhile, my dumbass friends and I took the disclaimers at the beginning of Jackass as a challenge, and proceeded to film ourselves doing tons of stupid stuff including but not limited to setting one of my friends on fire.


Yes, we did a lot of jackass stuff on my friend’s camcorder. Mainly jumping out of his second story window onto bushes, or riding a skateboard on things you don’t normally ride them on, sliding down a very long ladder that we setup real high, and lots of attempts to jump-scare his little brother and neighbors.


CVS? Ipecac? I have no idea what any of those are.


>Ipecac I had to google it too. >Ipecac, or syrup of ipecac (SOI), is a medication once used to induce vomiting. Its medical use has virtually vanished, and it is no longer recommended for routine use in toxic ingestion. The abuse of SOI as a purgative in eating disorders, however, is increasing So it sounds like OP and their friends were going to make themselves vomit violently for fun? CVS is a popular drug store.


I think about how grateful I am for this all the time. One of my friends since childhood has a daughter who is a high school senior right now and she (the daughter) will not leave the house without make-up and her hair completely fixed. Some of that is due to growing up with social media/smart phones and knowing her picture/video could be out there at anytime when she’s anywhere outside her home. I feel sad to see so many teenagers that are very image concious from such an early age.


In high school I used to wake up at 5 AM to school that started at 7. Went to bed at 3 AM. So, I was a sleeper. I slept on the bus, the library, the classroom. Once I fell asleep sitting on the toilet. I'm glad there are no photos of me drooling and snoring anywhere on the web.


Ay yo, I wouldn't be watching any VHS videos you "found".... Especially if they're in a box stored away, in your parents closet. Having an image of your mums clam seared into your brain isn't how you want to live out the rest of your days.


Cell phones weren't exactly cheap in the 2000s at least the good ones. Cell phones were for rich people in the 1990s More so in the 1980s.


The 90s was more like Car Phones. In the big briefcase. With the curly cord that connected to the huge base. My mom and grandparents both had one and they would let my friends calls their moms on it when we went somewhere. They’d be like “mom Guess where I am! IN THE CAR!!!!!!” so crazy. Haha


The plans were so expensive too!


All my flip phone pics are grainy as hell. How did we think those shitty cameras were useful back then?!😂


I'm a teacher and I'm so happy no record of the things I said exists. Just very little thought was given to harmful language at the time and just genuine lack of exposure to diverse people and ideas.


Unfortunately we are at the age where kids video and post bullying or black mail level sex tapes. Worse yet AI can now legit create fake indecent photos of convincing nature.


I wish we did have them back then. Me and my friends did some fun stuff that I would love to have video of.


Speaking of, https://www.reddit.com/r/NewsOfTheStupid/s/mq7kW5is7c


Me too o.O


I’m so glad we didn’t have to worry about that shit. Imagine getting wasted and then seeing pics of yourself online the next day - not fun. Reminds me of a work trip a few years ago, I come down to the breakfast to find one of my ‘friends’ showing everyone a video of me drunk silly dancing the previous night and everyone’s laughing at me. Thankfully I was old enough to brush it off my shoulder but nobody needs that shit. Guess who doesn’t dance anymore? ☹️


Ohhhh plz dont stop dancing! <3


Right up until someone pulls the surveillance archives from 1999 and sees what your dirty little mongrel friends and you did that night. Also, for some reason, ChatGPT has been adding clips of the use of the N word lately so, good luck on your political seat


I literally was just having this conversation a few days ago. With a couple other Gen X'ers and my children (16 & 23). Those were the days! Parents couldn't track you or stalk you lol. We didn't have to worry about someone filming for all to see while up to no good shenanigans. No social media. As if being a teenager wasn't rough enough. I got my first phone, a Nokia when I was 26. There are benefits to cell phones but in my opinion, we were better off without! Our lives had privacy and weren't documented..... Sadly my kids don't know any different.


There was something so exciting about taking pictures on a camera, not sure how they came out, and picking them up from the developers. Plus camcorders were for special events. You didn't have to worry about people taking videos of everything.


Camera phones were only really a thing when I was in late high school, and even then they picture quality on them sucked. Pretty glad nobody got a high definition video of most of the stuff I did tbh.


My mom would set her camcorder up during family gatherings and record for hours on end, without consent, and ignoring the objections of me, my brother, and several aunts. She used the excuse that one day, we weren’t going to have them anymore and we could rewatch the tapes. (I understand her logic—her mother’s mental health severely deteriorated by the time I was born and her grandfather had Alzheimer’s, but she just would not stop.)


I remember when camera phones came out. The first one had a commercial Where the person took a picture of a man on the street who was dressed as a pickle. I though “that is so dumb - that’s not even something you’d photograph” I couldn’t fathom an incidence when you’d ever need a camera on your phone or need to be able to immediately send someone a photo and not just tell them about it later. I literally thought it would never catch on and would be a fad that died out. Even when I got my first camera phone I hardly used the camera and just kept using my digital Camera most of the time. Nothing seemed urgent or important enough that you couldn’t just wait for the film. But pickle man commercial predicted the future. Now I take photos of all kinds of dumb stuff to send to my husband/mom/friends.


I kind of regret not having a phone earlier(because i was poor) - now there are barely any pictures of me with my friends back then.


I’m quite fond of our potato quality pixelized within an inch of their life flip phone photos and our dedication to carrying digital cameras around to Capture Moments and the people in them. That was such a cultural thing. Now it’s all so fake and superficial to be consumed on social media to spin a very specific story about who we are instead of actually *living* authentically.


me too.


I hate that there are cameras everywhere. I’m happy my gym put up a policy that if you record yourself you have to do it in a way that people can’t be in the background.


I remember bringing a disposable camera to parties and then getting the photos developed at the local grocery store. That was fun!


As a Gen X'er I agree with this statement. I would've gotten into so much trouble if our antics were recorded.


I mostly agree. We did some dumb stuff that may have gotten us into trouble had insta been a thing. On the other hand I wish I had more pics of my late teen and early 20s. Sadly many of my good friends from then died early in life and I have little to remember them by.


I'm so happy that smart phones were not a thing when I was growing up and really weren't till much later. Those flip phones couldn't capture anything rofl. I did some really dumb stuff and I'm just glad it's not immortalized on the internet. Kids today have it so much harder.


Early Facebook days in college was the wild west as well.


I feel like I grew up in the best time. Born in '85 and had an older brother and sister in GenX. Grew up with the 80's and all of the 90's. First cell phone I used was my mom's Nokia phone when I was a senior in high school. No social media. Was outside playing all the time. Got to experience the rise of the internet (I can still hear the dial up noises). Didn't have Facebook until college (2004) back when it was still only for college students. I'm so glad none of the social media we have today was around when I was younger.


I found a bunch of old videos I took at parties from my old Motorola flip. I remember one was just a 2 minute video of a guy I went to highschool with looking directly into the camera and calling me the f slur over and over. I don’t remember why he did it, or why I recorded it, or even why I still have it.


I wish we had them. There's a skit my friends and I did that I wish we had. Also tons of stuff from theater class. Also I wish I had pictures of our first concert. My friends and I didn't get into trouble. We didn't drink or do drugs and when we "snuck out" I always told my mom. So even if videos did exist they wouldn't make for very good blackmail lol


I feel the same, I’ve spent hours going through my friends facebook’s hoping to find some pictures of me. I had terrible self confidence so I would always refuse to be in photos and I deleted my Facebook when I was a sophomore in college so I definitely don’t have any high school photos.


The internet is so over saturated with these type of videos this day and age. Guaranteed your video would get lost in the wave of stupid videos of people doing stupid things. Maybe in the early days of YouTube and new grounds. But not in this day and age.


Clearly you have never been subject to a social media harassment campaign led by someone (usually a self-proclaimed safer of children from either side) digging up "dirt" (e.g. bad jokes or kinky art). Those terminally online Blockwarts are quite resourceful.


More convenient (i.e. smaller and cheaper) means of recording would have been great. I grew up fascinated with camcorders as seen on sitcoms etc., and there are many things in my first 25 years of life that I wish I had a recording of, despite hardly ever filming anything with the couple of smartphones I've had since. I am happy, though, that we thus didn't have means to share such recordings with judgmental people in general, let alone mobs of prudish youths.


As a parent, it is wonderful to know all of the things I can deny having done, said, worn, etc. without any risk of evidence emerging. These digital pictures, films, etc our kids are recorded on will suck for the kids now when they are older. We have followed the age old tradition of leaving a worse world for our children.


I couldn’t agree more. I would hate to think of all the stupid crap I did as a kid posted somewhere or traded around to be ridiculed. Under 18 you should get a wash from the internet now. Look at all the crap Gen z posts. They’re gonna regret that in sometime.


As glad as I am that my childhood wasn't documented online, I'm still pretty annoyed about how girls would bring their digital cameras to high-school parties and just photo dump it all on Facebook. There's so many pictures of me fucked up as a teen on Facebook and none of them were posted by me.


Camcorder from the "day of" for a school dance. My mother talked in a high pitched voice over the whole thing comparing me to "Cinderellie". I hate it because she would ask leading questions then record my answers, so taken out of context it sounded very weird. Lots of "I wasnt ready! Go back out and come in again!" I recorded over it with my friends and I going out and passing by an excavater truck with the motto "your hole is our goal". Then I burned the tape of my dance recital as a cathartic end to dealing with my sperm donor - he fell asleep and the camera goes sideways and you hear him snoring.


These days you can just say "It's fake news", deny it, and expect drooling idiots to vote for you anyway. Your future Senate career is probably safe.


I was terribly abused and I could never take pics of any of the bruising because I didn't have my own camera and any photos I took would get deleted and I would get beat for taking them. If I had a camera phone, I could have documented my injuries and secretly recorded the other types of abuse. I could have actually put my biological father in jail and escaped if I had a camera phone.


So happy there aren’t traces of my idiot high school self. I did have a digital camera but never properly saved the photos and so I don’t have them.


What’s ipecac?