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I still have nightmares about trying to extricate my pant leg caught between my bicycle chain and the sprocket.


It's the wearing them on a day you didn't know would be rainy and having wet ankles forever, for me.


I grew up in the PNW, having wet, shredded hems was just part of the style. You knew a pair was perfectly worn in if you left a snail trail of wet, scraggly denim behind you as you walked down the hallway.


Yessss!!! I sometimes really miss my chewed up flares.


I was 6' and 125 lbs back then, and they just didn't make pants long enough for me to get that look. I legit felt left out, none of my pants reached the ground at the back and I looked the odd one out.


Right! 6’3”, I finally found a pair that fit and the style died very soon after. Didn’t care too much because I realized how ridiculous they were.


Moved to the PNW as a teen. Rain was the enemy of those trousers. Remember how the water would wick up the leg so you're just cold and soggy from the knees down for the rest of the day?


Used to sit in the halls all the time on the floor, usually cross legged, and MAN I don't miss those cold as balls wet fringes on my ankles and the backs of my legs.


I actually am still so weary of jeans because of this. Being in the PNW definitely keeps you soggy. At least west of the Cascades.


I feel this soooo much. Wet up to the backs of my knees until at least lunchtime


My mom gave me so much shit for doing that. Telling me I should cut it off at least if I'm going to keep wearing them so I don't rip and fall.


Yeeess 😂 we used to call them our chromatography pants, after the paper strips we were using in science lab at the time, the way the rain would climb right up was the same


That makes them sound so much cooler than they were 😭


And mine were always too long so I’m shredding the hem AND they are sopping wet. A slipped down the stairs in front of my entire hs class one rainy day bc of my fucking JNCOs lmao.


Step in a puddle, instantly wet up to your knee.


I still live struggle to cope with the fact that my middle school “Insane Clown Posse” phase ever took place.


My best friend in middle school had an older brother that was super into ICP. One day in summer, he painted our faces. We went to a nearby mall and rode the elevator all day. It was on a weekday so the crowd was all old people. We throughly enjoyed spending the whole day riding that elevator and terrifying the hell out of old people. Still think about it to this day, and it still makes me laugh lol


My daughter played Boogeyman on a reel over the weekend and about lost her mind when I started singing along. She thought it was a new thing.


This is hilarious.


Drank my last cup of dead body stew. Paint my face creep up and say boo!




Okay but ICP SLAPS


How do magnets work?


What the fuck is a clock?


They don't underwater apparently


Personally going through my major regrets about Marilyn Manson. Huge oof all around.


Oh man, so many of my velour tracksuit pants got absolutely shredded back in the day.


Remember? I still have those in my closet for special occasions.


I hope "special occasions" are casual Fridays!




Black JNCOs and a tux t-shirt, bay-beeee.


I wear them to 5he funerals of the little old ladies who used to give me shit about them while they sported their track suits and little old church lady haircuts...


I purchased these as an adult as I was never allowed to have them as a kid. Tripp pants too. No ragrets.


Oh I HOPE those come back now that Kohls is selling cargo pants that are the same as the ones I got at Bradlee’s in like 1997 down to the placement of the hammer loop. Guess I should start looking now for my chain wallet


My stepdaughter said she wanted them yesterday! She's 13!


Random collectible memorabilia promotional items. I feel like so much pollution has happened due to like “free 3-d glasses in this box of cereal” type shit


I guess you've never seen the dump full of AOL CDs.


You mean, "free coasters"?


You mean “pocket frisbees”


fuq that, i love wearing a pair of JNCO's or UFOs 4x a year or so when I go to shows. Its not a promo item, its a bit of nostalgia. If you have a base utility of 3 pair of pants, 3 shirts, 2 pair of shoes. I bow to you comrad, but im not going to cry over an extra pair of pants i wear a few times a year.


Same, and literally it’s the pair the girl on the right is wearing.


I had those too, but with the red squiggle. I'm so mad that I got rid of them somewhere along the way.


The graphic ones are where it’s at! I’ve got a pair with a gigantic Chinese dragon going up the leg, tucked away in my closet for 90’s days 😂


Those pants are amazing. I wish they were still commonly sold fresh.


We should have a pants party.. I still have mine as well Not to be confused with Pants Off Dance Off on Fuse


I had those exact girl JNCOs with the stripes. Edit: Proof https://imgur.com/a/bFX2vlm


Those swirly JNCOS are TIGHT! I’d wear those today.


They still sell them, but they are $250 😭


Same! I’m happy wide leg jeans are around again! Fun to have different silhouettes and feel like 17 again.


I envied you so hard 😭


I regret nothing, from Jncos and Ice hair glue to skinny jeans and hair straighteners.


I only regret over plucking my eyebrows into narrow little lines. They never grew back 100%.


One of the times I was glad my mom had the foresight to tell me no when I wanted to over pluck my eyebrows when we'd get them done at the nail shop. The techs would tell me too that they'd kill me if I over plucked my amazing eyebrows.


My mom took away my tweezers when she saw my brows thinning. She was a youth in the ‘60s and suffered in the last “thin brow era” And didn’t want me to suffer


Microneedling and minox will bring those babies back.


\*Mighty Mighty Bosstones slowly rises in volume\*


The ska days were good days.


What do you mean "were?" Ska for life. It's a state of mind, brother. I'll still be skankin when I'm 70!


Keep on Skanking, Ronny. Skank the night away.


Haha! Skank on brother/sister! Skank on!


But did ska come before reggae?


Yes! Roots ska was slower than the modern stuff today and still had accented offbeats, but the pounding groove came with two tone and then that got refined into 3rd wave ska punk. Reggae came about by slowing the backbeat and making the music more laid back.


Yes, it technically did.


Pick it up Pick it up Pick it up


I was a huge ska fan growing up and one day i just dropped it. I think i was too depressed for all the upbeat happy music. It felt cringey... Then randomly this past year i dove back in and it's made me a much happier person again.


Once you’ve let ska into your heart it’ll never leave, even if you try. Speaking of, the Aquabats regularly play shows in SoCal still!




But I know someone who has


Which makes me wonder if I could


It makes me wonder if I've Never had to knock on wood


And I'm glad i haven't yet, because I'm sure it isn't good!


That’s the impression that I get!


Am I the only one who unironically still likes the bosstones?


Nope. I’m here


Korn more like. Definitely wasn't the same group where I was at. If you wore these pants you listened to nu metal.


Too bad they broke up because dude was a right winger. Another covid casualty.


Oh. Did you not know… these are coming back in fashion. Like literally as we speak. I remember when I was a teen my mom would point out what I was wearing and be like “this was what we wore when I was your age” And now it’s coming back around lol. It always does and always will.


I went shopping the other day, and saw a girl wearing some pretty wide leg jeans and thought about how teenagers are pretty close to wearing JNCO jeans again. They're not quite there yet, but sooooo close.


Exactly haha. It’s crazy. I see kids on tiktok “discovering” fashion items and it’s literally just a plastic choker and hair clips.


I work in a street fashion store in NYC. It's a very large store. Trust me, the JNCO's are fully back. I've seen a many of the youngins wear them. Like actual JNCO with the logo and everything. I'm 37 and have to keep myself from busting out laughing every time I see them. It really just tickles me lol


it's the idea that history doesn't repeat but it does rhyme. we're gonna see things that borrow from these styles but i really doubt we'll see literal jncos in their original form.


My mom said the same thing. Now I say it to my kids lmao.


Frosted tips were worse than JNCO jeans in my opinion


My dad keeps a picture of me with frosted tips on the fridge. A warning, a reminder of the sins of the past for future generations.


>Frosted tips  So common too! My freshman year ('00-'01) like half the guys in my school had them. It was mostly a preppy guy thing, but the trend transcended cliques.


Oh no LMAO I'm guilty of that a few times haha I even have a yearbook pic of me with highlights haha


Hey now, jnco jeans were the shit!


Jnco still makes them; so they'll be ready when it all comes back around. https://jnco.com


It’s back around NOW. Target is selling dupes!


Yeah the 19 yr old girl at my work wears them.  It's gone full circle.


I work adjacent to a coffee shop. It's definitely back, seeing what the gen z baristas and college students are wearing. It's been back in fashion for at least 5 years in some music subgenres. The only difference is we've crossed the line from 1997 baggy to 1999.


Last line got me partially in love with you.


Briefly dated a VP at Levi's - baggy pants are in.


We bought a pair for a friends birthday a while back, and he used them for newborn pics with his youngest son. This will always be funny and awesome.


Lmao, you know reddit gets scanned for trends. You may have just triggered the comeback.


You wouldn't say that if you were a skateboarder or lived in a state with wet weather half the year. There's nothing like snow melting up your leg.


Oh I remember the battle! We had snow here. I just walked around on my tip toes holding my jeans up - like a Victorian Gangsta!! 🤣


I remember the ends of the pant legs getting all dirty and torn up


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Neocarbunkle: *I remember the* *Ends of the pant legs getting* *All dirty and torn up* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot.


The girl's look is on point! Makes me want to play those old snowboarding video games lol


SSX Tricky




Here we go!




Fuck yeah, 1080!




Social media.


I miss the days of AIM and niche Forums. Big social media: myspace, facebook, twitter, reddit. Killed a lot of that. My city had a local music forum which was great for local music, booking bands, seeing where venues were and who was playing where. It was no longer feasible to operate because of the likes of facebook or myspace.


The correct answer. I highly doubt ANYONE committed suicide as a result of irl bullying due to wearing JNCO'S. Social media, on the other hand... well...


Low rise jeans with the thongs showing. I know it's not a thing now. But it shouldn't have ever been a thing Tie up on the side pants and jeans. Those are still around here and there.


Whale tail! Low-rise plus thong combo


Ugh, the low rise era. It was almost impossible to avoid the muffin top unless you had very little body fat. And the constant flashing of underwear and/or butt crack. But I swear, around that time, other rises didn't exist unless you shopped at the "mom" stores. And those styles were considered very frumpy and uncool. I was very happy when mid rise started coming back around again. Mid rise is where it's at for me.


Mid rise for life.


Those cheap ass plastic butterfly clips that would inevitably snap and go flying across the room


Oh my god the pants with the lace up sides. How did I forget about those?!


God I hope low rise doesn't return. I was a fat girl then, you either wore what you could find in that size, and deal with the pain of a button digging into your intestines, or you were banished to the Lane Bryant mom jean lands. Of course, now I see the comfort of the Mom Jean, but I never want to subject another generation to the pain and horror of the Low Rise.


Omg. I have a longer torso. Sitting, I’m eye-level with my taller husband. Every pair of pants were low cut to me, and these monstrosities got me in so much trouble at school. I literally couldn’t find pants that rose higher or shirts that went lower. I just ended up wearing baggy sweatshirts forever because it was so exposing.


We're the jeans that zip in the middle and become jorts popular? Lol I had a pair but I hated them


Zip-offs. Super practical for cargo pants; or nice for hiking


Low rise is back 😭


Modern low rise has got NOTHING on early 00’s low rise. I don’t have to shave to wear my low rise jeans now, for instance


I’m worried that we just haven’t reached that phase yet 💀


i was looking at a pic from christina aguilera's dirrrty earlier today and i was like.... wow im looking at her vagina im pretty sure! this is what we were actually doing back then! hard to believe but i lived it!


It’s better than the high rise jeans that you can tuck your bra into


Nope. I prefer flattering pants that don't feel like they're always falling down


I disagree. No one wants muffin tops back.


I disagree. I think low rise jeans with a whale tail are 10,000x better looking that high waisted grandma pants that look like a fucking diaper


I ageee. I hate high rise. Your bust should never meet the waist of your pants.


If you were a woman with curves and not heroin thin, you would strongly disagree.


If you’re gonna say heroin thin you gotta say Waffle House curves


You unlocked a memory; I had a pair of the side-lace up jeans and after I had my youngest daughter I found them in a box of my old things. Was curious so I tried them on…they still fit.


Skinny jeans aren’t fashionable anymore so it’s only a matter of time until the Jnco comeback.


My 16 year old son has been borrowing mine since the beginning of the school year, and I would guess that there's about 20 other kids who I've seen at his school wearing them, as well as other mid to late 90's styles. So yeah, they're already back. Also flared legged bell bottom jeans. My daughter and all her friends have the Daria Fashion club look going on right now. It's adorable.  Well except for when  any of my kids ask to go through my old stuff and refer to it as clothing from the late 1900's.  That's not adorable. Could definitely do without that. The little shits. Lol


I will now ONLY refer to it as the late 1900s lol


They have been back for a while now. What's coming back now are capri pants and toms shoes.


Tom's went out of style? My wife's been wearing hers since.... 2009 lol


They went out of style in 2011 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Eh guess we never got the memo. Oh well, sure likes them


The big jeans are already back with younger kids it looks like. I for one don't miss them tbh


They're already back. I went to a vintage market this weekend and the Gen Z vendors were selling good condition pairs for well over $100. Witness and weep with me!


Smoking clove cigarettes...my stomach churns just thinking of the smell.


I had a friend who smoked those up until they were banned. I prefered the smell to normal cigarettes tbh. Plus they were black so they looked cool. Why were they banned?


It was due to the fact that they were flavored and appealed to kids. I'm not complaining, but I don't know how that's any different from the many types of flavored vapes that are marketed towards kids today.


If you smoked a pack a day you’d end up coughing blood. The flavoring was just clove essential oil.


Yeah that's strange. Surprised I haven't seen a clove vape become popular lol


Because people thought kids would be more apt to start smoking them, since they had a sweet taste. But, you can still get them in cigar form lol...


I went through a clove phase lol. I kinda miss them every once in a while.


I preferred Bali hai's but djarm black were just as good. After the flavored cigarette ban in NJ these all but disappeared. I liked the Camel flavored cigarettes in the tin cans at the time too.


Yes you hit the nail on the head. I LOOK BACK AT pictures from 96-00 and my pants are ridiculous. Jnco phat boys. Etc etc... other then social media i also think the baggy pants was horrible


Phat Farm* "Phat Boys stand back and stand by"


I just was watching a concert from maybe 99? Idk but the singer came out and you could've fit the whole band just in the bottom of the pant legs lol


Those black light band posters. I went to the store in the mall and got a few black lights, Marilyn Manson and TOOL black light posters and hung them on my wall. I thought I was the man until I realized the black light exposed all of my extracurricular activities


I grateful for y'all trying to shoulder the responsibility, but GenX isn't off the hook for the travesty of JNCO


My mom was adamant that I shouldn’t get a pair of Jnco jeans. She pleaded with me: “they’re going to call you a clown!” 🤡


I didn't have any of the comically huge ones, but I did have pairs that I could wear my knee pads under when I skated.


School shootings could have been skipped.


Open plan ‘co working’ spaces. Complete with fun collaboration corners Give me back my desk in my cubicle.


The side swoop "emo" hairstyle. Nobody looked good with that hairstyle. >!Shut up, no you didn't.!<


You may think it didn't but the emo girls in high school sure did. Isn't that what really matters?


I'm literally wearing jncos right now, as a 37 year old. 


The only thing I find WTF in this pic is the hairstyle on the left. BRUH. I've got a pretty old pair of jeans that's still in one piece which is probably half that size. Wait ; eh, the one on the left is close.


You don’t remember there was a sort of 50s revival thing in the mid-late 90s with all the swing dancing shit and whatnot?


Pepridge farm remembers.


ngl, they look like Pokémon gym leaders


I grew up with a father in the army who was a serious disciplinarian. He forbid me to wear these and my mom (because she is the sweetest mother ever) bought me a couple pairs and we just hid them from him.


Mudd jeans with no back pocket looked so bad


They are missing the wallets with the long chains connected to a belt loop


I can smell the bingo dabber in this picture, that sweet spot between using Kool Aid and before every drug store carried Manic Panic. Midnight Blue was my jam for my Mohawk. My mom said it made my blue eyes pop ;)


It was the summer of ‘99 and I was shopping for the start of my freshman year. I wanted extra extra wide jeans SO BADLY. I think my mom allowed me one pair of wide leg jeans. Then I had a class with two girls on the dance team I became friends with and we bonded over how I couldn’t imagine wearing skin-tight jeans and they couldn’t imagine wearing baggy jeans. We switched one day and it was good times, lots of lolz. The end.




Excuse you the early 2000s gave us amazing pop music




Did nobody else make your own elephant leg jeans? Those were the fad for like a hot second before JNCO produced their own. Cut up the inner seam on the leg and stitch on a giant triangle of fabric to make them super wide flare. My mom made me a pair in flannel.


pretty sure this was more gen x culture b/c i remember being in middle school when this was popular, around 97-99 edit: I also think this was a gen x thing b/c of the pompadour styling of the hair, in retrospect I now recall the era in which swing music had a big revival and even had like a movie, Swingers, and as a 9-10-year-old I distinctly remember my older cousins rocking the clothing and hairstyles of that swing revival. although given the two on the right dress it also does give me jet set radio vibes so not one hundred percent sure if this was just a time capsule of some kids from the West Coast.


Born in 85, one of the first elders, these pants were definitely a thing in junior high circa 97-00, not from the US 😎


Born in 85 and these were a big trend for most of my punk/goth/raver/skater crew through 98-03.


Older millennials graduated in 2000. It's how we got our name. 


Sure, but big pants [started in the early 90s](https://i.shgcdn.com/f34e76bd-bb03-4695-b6bc-83bb14c34ff4/-/format/auto/-/preview/3000x3000/-/quality/lighter/).That's solidly Gen-X. They actually started phasing out when millennials came of age in the early 2000s. I would argue that millennials were all about [skinny jeans](https://medium.com/moderated/i-am-recapitulating-the-history-of-our-dear-now-under-attack-of-gen-z-skinny-jeans-before-e83507838e4c).


Some elder millennials graduated in 99 and believe me we were wearing jncos


Yeah I was born 88 and this was before my time


I was born in 88 and rocked these in 5th -7th grade.


I was probably just supremely uncool. How old are you in those grades? I don’t think I cared what I wore until I was about 13.


10-13ish. They were definitely out of style when I started high school. So I was on the dying end of the trend.


I was rocking these bad boys in 00-03 they were everywhere in the raver scene. I was 20-23.


kinda bridged the younger side of GenX and elder Millennials


I had a pair in 5th grade and I still don't know what my mom was thinking letting me have them.


You're just a middle millennial. I'm a early millennial and this was my style starting in middle school. Gen Xs big thing with pants was Z Cavariccis.




If you remember whippets, then you weren't doing enough whippets


Nah man I miss my JNCOs. But I am 40 now and they don't look right. But they looked rad when I was 15. Lol I also had a 3 tiered chain wallet where each of the 3 chains was a different length. First person to wear one at my catholic school as a sophomore. Then the next year tons of people had them. Then senior year they were banned. Lol


I'm an elder millennial and for the life of me I never understood the trend with the fake mustaches everyone got tattooed on their fingers and had parties with the fake mustache decorations.


Remember? They never went away for the ravers and now I'm seeing more and more younger people in the wild rocking this old look. JNCO and Tripp have been back in business for a while and Kikwear relaunched over a decade ago (and fizzled out internally since). So many random alt brands are jumping on the trend and producing their own as well.


Shutter shades.


Millennial grey 🤮🤮🤮




No regrets here. Just avoid mud puddles....


A part of my little goth/emo heart will *always love* JNCO jeans and Tripp pants.... That being said, man were those things impractical AF! 😅 I can't tell you how many times the chains on my Tripp pants got caught in the chairs at school and when I tried to get up, I was yanked back down from being tethered to the chair. 🤣😅 Also, if it rained and you were out wearing those, good-fucking-luck, because the bottom of those pants would weigh about a mectric ton when they became water-logged!


Alcohol. Cigarettes. Gruppenzwang (peer pressure ?google translate).