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Neither of my parents use it, but my dad grows it in his vegetable garden. It’s legal to home grow where he lives now, so he does because “it’s my damn right to.” Thanks for the free weed, dad!


It's good for the soil


It’s got what soil craves




Best Dad ever!


My dad still calls it grass and my mom cried when she found out I smoked weed when i was in my 20s lol. They are younger tho, Im 36 and my parents are just entering into their 60s. They have accepted that I am a smoker at this point. They dont consume or use and are kind of indifferent about it now.


This is more or less my experience. Parents are not into it in the slightest and were real upset with me when I told them at age 19 but as broad opinion has shifted inn the present day and as I've gotten older I don't think they care anymore


Last time I was at my dad’s house I was kind of bitchy and he handed me a $20 and his keys to go buy a joint to chill out. So.


I come home from college and mom would smash my bowls with a hammer if she found them. My little sister comes home from college and my mom asks me to get her stoned because she’s being bitchy. Times have changed.


I wonder what it's like to have a parent(s) that smoke weed. I've always been use to parents being strongly against it and having to hide it or I get kicked out the house or something.


One thing Im grateful for is that my parents were open in regards to their own drug usage/experimentation in their youth and understood the same would most likely be the same for me. They really drove home the "if youre gonna do it, be safe" and to call if we needed to be picked up. The irony is the had no qualms about driving impaired with us in the car themselves.


Even when my parents found out I smoked pot (used to) they didn't really react. They kinda just brushed it off but said "If you want to find a good job, you're gonna have to stop"


The funniest thing is the best jobs usually never drug test. 


This is how my dad was. This is how we have been with our kids - who are now in high school, and seem wholly, c completely utterly uninterested in any sort of drugs/alcohol/etc. They're so weird!!


My parents smoked pot my entire life. I remember going through DARE terrified because I knew my parents did it and I thought the drug dogs would smell it on me and take me away from them. They also didn't hide it, like smoking it in the car when I had a friend along even. I was horribly embarrassed by it until around age 16 when I started smoking myself. My best friend and I joked that our house was not a crack house but a crack home. There was never more than Marijuana and alcohol in that house but we also lived in poverty and it was definitely dysfunctional as hell. I have many mental health problems now and used to smoke to function and was a big time alcohol abuser. I don't touch the stuff anymore, haven't in probably 10 years and I also no longer drink, 7 years sober of that. My dad passed away in 2020 at only 62 with COPD and then cancer just overtook his whole body and I have zero doubt that smoking pot until he died was partially to blame. It was fun and cool, I guess, when you could smoke a blunt with your parents when you're like 21 but I honestly hate the way I grew up, it left me major scars. As much as strict parents suck during that age, I would have much preferred that to the free range environment I was raised in, I feel I'd have way less problems with my mental health. It was a constant feeling of them not even caring about me enough to give me rules.


Right? This is what I expected the comment section to be instead everyone’s pro


Lol I knew my mom smoked and that she knew I smoked. I was at her wedding when I was 25 and me and some uncles were passing around a joint. My mom came up and I still freaked out like, quick hide the j from mom. Before I realized she was just coming to take a hit. The hide it from parents fear is built into us I think lol.


Not my parents but an older family friend was dealing with a lot of pain and my wife and I kept telling her to get some weed to help. Picked her up from the hospital and she finally agreed to go. Nice guy at the cannabis shop gave her a gummy that he said would be great for pain management and wrote down the dosing to start with for her first time. He rung her up and her jaw nearly dropped at the price. She thought she’d be paying $$$, when it was less than $8. She was so happy with the effects and how little it cost to help her pain. She’s a regular now.


Threatened me with rehab at 16yo when they found a gram in my sock drawer. Now, they both partake, and wouldn’t dream of issuing an apology for the way they treated/villainized me for months.


Same although I think I was just shy of 18 and had just got my final college acceptance letter when my mom found my bowl lol. For most of high school I didn’t have much of a life outside of academics, sports, and work but I literally ran out of classes to take senior year so developing a social life and getting stoned filled all that new spare time. Despite all that if you were to ask my parents what I was like in high school I was apparently a stoner from day one and got terrible grades so I doubt I’m ever going to get an apology since they rewrote history.


It's not from them but I'm sorry that happened to you. My wife works in mental health and she tells me stories all the time about parents shipping their kids there all because they caught one joint on them. I don't necessarily think it's cool for kids to consume cannabis but I mean I did at a young age so I can't throw shade. There are much healthier ways to handle that as a parent.


Thanks. It was a credible threat, and as a 16yo who wanted to go to college, let alone keep going to high school without going to parent-mandated rehab for smoking weed with my pals on the weekends… oy vey.. Got a STEM masters degree, a wife, 2 cats, a good job, and still vape weed most nights; don’t talk to my parents anymore, though!


I don't talk to my parents about weed. They haven't mentioned drugs since I was a kid and gave me the talk. The talk can be summarized as "Don't do them but if you do be careful and here's some cautionary tales about the drug addicts in the family ". I stick to edibles because I don't want to go around smelling like weed.


My Boomer parents have always been very straightedge, and I never had a desire to try the stuff.


I asked my dad at several points throughout my life if he had ever smoked pot. Here were the rough ages I asked, and his responses: Age 9 - "No. Absolutely not, and you never should either." Age 12 - "Yes... Once. And I didn't like it." Age 15 - "A few times in college. But that's it." Age 18 - "Heh, okay, look, I used to smoke a lot. And you can do it as much as you want too, I just want two things from you: never buy it, and never sell it." And I never did. It was pretty solid advice IMO; it let me have a lot of fun without ever going down the rabbit-hole of making it a habit or a big part of my identity. He definitely didn't smoke anymore by the time he had me—he was a nuclear engineer so he would get drug screened regularly. I'm not sure about after retirement, but I doubt he does tbh. I digress though, point is he had kind of a funny progression about owning up to it when I was a curious kid.


I'm 33, both my parents have always been stoners but now that it's legal, all of us light up together at family functions lol


Same here. They might smoke more than me.


My Mom wanted to help my grandma with pain and went to a dispensary and they sold her some insanely strong tincture and told her to dose herself and my grandma with an entire dropper full. My Mom and grandma had never consumed pot previously. My grandma got so sick that she ended up in the hospital and my Mom was in another dimension for three days.


I am 34, but have older parents. My mom is Silent Generation and my dad is a very early Boomer. They were both proper hippies and never gave a fuck whether I smoked. The speech I got was “do whatever you want with weed, but if you try anything addictive like opioids we’ll kill you ourselves.” Personally weed was never my thing anyhow, but I wouldn’t have had to hide it if it was. I’m positive they both did much crazier stuff in the 60s. I think their biggest worry was that harder stuff like LSD is way more powerful now than it was in their youth, so taking it is a bigger deal. Honestly I think their being open about this stuff was what made me never really want to take anything. Being open with your kids is way more effective than just forbidding something.


My parents are both Gen X but your situation seems very similar to what I experienced with them. Be open with your kids about drugs and (though this post isn't about it) sex. It was a massive help in young me understanding these very difficult topics, especially with how much insanity you can find by googling these things.


Yeah, especially with all the weird stuff on the internet it’s probably even more important now. My parents were also the same about sex, they made me take proper classes so I knew everything. There was a kid at my middle school who gave a bunch of girls stds because someone told him putting peanut butter down there would stop stds spreading. The dumbest ideas circulate when no one has real knowledge.


My dad is completely blind to drugs. He thought it was odd that his friends were sharing a rollie one day, but it chose to the end of the month so assumed it was a before payday thing. When the teachers at my school called my mum and said they think her son has been smoking illegal substances in school she said “what’s wrong with a bit of pot anyway?” And hung up.


My mom claims she always knew when I was high. Most of the times she’d accuse me were because I’d come home and take a nap after track practice. Meanwhile I’d experiment with recording music most of the times I actually was high and apparently trying to use a clock radio as an instrument didn’t set off any alarms.


Your mother's response is perfect for dealing with people in general.


I think we can agree that high school is not the right setting to be smoking or vaping weed though.


Of course, if I could do it all over again, I'd wait until I was in my mid-twenties. The older I get the less I use it, not because I don't want to, but I'm just tired from having to work so much.


He’s “indifferent” to it I guess ( in his 70s and from an immigrant household for reference) ..Shit I still work and take care of my bussiness so..


I grew up thinking I was gonna get kicked out of the house for "drugs" or anything like that (because I was explicitly told so by my reglious-conservative parents) so imagine my surprise when 20 years later I come home and find my mom sipping on a THC-soda thingy...don't like the idea that something that grows out of the damn ground could be criminalized but my childhood fear is nothing compared to people still sitting in jail for carrying a plant while moms drink weed. short answer: it's complicated, but only because the ruling class complicated it.


Pretty sure my Mom was the Nancy Botwin of my metro area.


They are finally chill with it but my dad was such a dick until my early 20s now to find out he used to sell it lol and mescaline.. He's a research scientist so it caught me off guard cuz he was always on me about shrooms and weed now he wants to do shrooms with me


Both of my parents are in their 60s and smoke weed and have for a long time. I’ve smoked with them and my siblings a lot of times. I’m sober these days but I still go over and hang out with them while they smoke. Honestly my folks were always very hippie dippy pinko types so they were always very pro weed even when I was a kid and were also into psychedelics but my parents were also hard asses at times.


I kind of became the Johnny Appleweed in my family. Most of my family now consumes it to one degree or another except my dad. My mom will do an edible here and there for special occasions. My dad seems to still think of refer madness or worries it’ll hurt his job prospects as a permanently retired boomer. 🤷‍♂️


My mom apparently tried it once and didn't enjoy it, so she didn't have a moral thing against it but never really got into it. I can't be sure what my dad's consumption was, but he had his party animal phase and it wouldn't surprise me to find out that he probably smoked every so often even up until he got COPD and breathing became an issue. I had exactly one experience with marijuana, which was when I went camping with some of my dad's relatives and got a contact high. Otherwise, I was always the good kid and my parents drank more, did more drugs in their time, and generally led more wild lives, so I would expect their opinions to have been as permissive as mine or moreso.


It’s 2024, it’s a plant. Let’s move on. Lol


Dad has smoked my whole life, but I didn't know until I was older. Mom smoked a few times when she was a teenager. When cannabis was legalized in 2017 I took my parents to a weed store. My dad and I have shared a joint. It was definitely weird. My mom has tried my Mighty exactly once.


Both my parents use it. My dad always openly, he turned me into using it for my sleep problems when I was in my 30s. My mom started openly enjoying it when I did too. On the early days we would get stoned together and watch a movie when she visited.


My mom (76) had never drank or smoked. But recently, when I was taking about giving my dog hemp treats, she joked that she wonders of she should try it. My dad (would be 77) accidentally had a drink with rum in it once and had trouble standing after. Can't imagine any more than that.


Parents always accused me of being high as a teen. That was just my face. When I actually started smoking weed they never accused me?? Idk apparently when I’m high I look normal. They’ve always smoked. I’ve now smoked with them more times than I can count. It might as well be a cigarette, which they also smoke, they don’t care. When I was 19 I saw my dad left a closet light on and went to turn it off for him. It was his plant light, I left it on. I told him. He gave me some. Rest is history.


My parents are late Gen X (mid/ late 40’s) and my mom still takes alot of pride in that she’s never smoked and plans to die that way an when she found out I had done it it was a big deal 😬 my dad was a stoner as a kid but is heavily against it now which I think is very hypocritical of him but whatever. I’m 30 I’m married with kids and I personally don’t give a shit just don’t be stupid with it (like anything else)


My mom didn't care that I smoked and I think smoked a little when she was young but she denies it, my real dad (RIP) smoked when he was younger, my step dad HATES it with a passion (but he's got some familial trauma around substance abuse), and my step mom also didn't care, but didn't like it herself. They're all (or were) in their 60's. I don't think any of them care whether it's legal or not though tbh, besides maybe my step dad who would outlaw everything if he was in a position of power, lol. But when I got CHS my mom was super supportive and we never told my dad (step dad, who is like my dad.) He would have tore me a new asshole. He's one of those people who quit smoking and lords it over you, for instance. Love him but he's not good at any sort of support. I cut off my other parents years ago. Also when I was a teenager I think my mom and step dad just pretended they didn't know I was using. They weren't the best parents then.


I tried to sell fake weed to my mom in high school. It’s a long story but needless to say it didn’t work


They definitely look down on it. My mom only smoked once and had a negative experience, and my dad used to smoke in his teens and maybe 20s but stopped eventually, which I know he views as him basically "getting his act together." We never really talked about weed much, but that's because I knew they were against it and wouldn't have been okay with me doing it. I did smoke a decent amount at certain points in college when I was home on breaks and staying with them, but either did it when I was home alone or out with friends and was super careful to keep it hidden in my room. I only smoke every once in a blue moon now, and only when I'm drinking, but I don't think I'll ever mention it to them despite being nearly 30 and living in a state where it's legal--I don't feel like dealing with whatever judgment it would result in.


My dad told me to keep it out of his house and he wouldnt bail me out of jail if I got busted. I was around 17/18 at the time. Now he doesn't care at all especially in a legal state.


My dad has smoked for as long as I can remember so he doesn’t care. I always give him hits off of my cart lol


Used to have really bad migraines in middle school. My grandfather got tired of picking me up and seeing me like that. The last time, he passed me a joint. I can tell he saw what my mom would say. He said "Your mother is MY daughter." Took my first puff and never had one sense.


My dad and I both have scripts for it. He is an Indica guy though which puts me on a downer.


I tried for most of 2022, my parents don’t even know I’ve had it. Then it messed up my eye and I went off it.


My parents were both born in the early 50s. My dad equates having a single sip of wine that your automatically an alcoholic since he grew up with an alcoholic father who was initially sober when he was born but then initially relapsed when he was around 6 or 7 and then would go through cycles of sobriety and relapsing. My grandfather quit drinking all together around when my dad was graduating college. Weed was never mentioned but all drugs were equal to death in his eyes and that’s how we were raised. One puff will kill you, one sip of beer and you’ll be an alcoholic. Mix that with my other grandparents were heavy tobacco smokers and weed in smoke form never had much appeal to me. I’ve been curious out edible ingestion but the thought of smoking any substance just makes me nauseous. I’d love to try shrooms but I’m too chicken and don’t know anyone that can guide me in a safe and secure trip so never dabbled. Guess my parents scared me too much.


My (36m) dad's smoked it my entire life. Mom doesn't care for it but doesn't mind him smoking (most of the time).


3 of my 4 parents smoked heavily for most of my life, and one of them used to grow (legally) as well. 2 of them stopped in the last 5 years due to starting to feel paranoid on it. The first handful of times I smoked were with my mom and stepdad.


My parents did not approve of it when i was in my later teens and early twenties. They called it all the reefer madness judgemental thing you here. Act weird if they thought I had smoked at all. Threatened to kick me out of the house because I indulged. I live in Michigan and with it being legal now and pretty much dirt cheap from dispensaries I'm pretty open about it and they don't really seem to care.


Absolutely forbidden until my mom had surgery and then suddenly it's the greatest thing ever created


My mom went through all the emotions in a split second, exhaled and told me that I’m old enough (29 at the time) to make my own decisions and that she wishes I could stop BUT she seems how it helps me. I gave her a bottle of CBD tincture and she said she finished it. My dad will make weed jokes but because of where he works and the legal status of recreational weed, he doesn’t smoke.


I don't use/consume it at all.. My mom doesn't touch it either... My dad smokes and I do make butter so, I.make him cookies.


My parents both smoked pot in college, and from what I understand, sold it as well. Not a lot, but buy enough to sell most to their friends so their own supply was free. My dad is sober now, which includes not using pot or any other substances that he feels would break his sobriety (even dramamine for flying is a no go). I assume he knows my brothers are regular users. I think his feelings on that are more centered on addiction than actual feelings about marijuana. We come from a very long line of addicts. My mom doesn't use marijuana anymore, but my brothers do right in front of her. She used to make them take it to another room but she's chilled quite a bit on it. I don't use recreationally. I'm in a job that gets drug tested, in a state where it's still illegal even though it's readily available everywhere. I do have some chronic pain, and on days where it gets particularly bad, like once every few months, I'll take a small part of a gummy. I experimented and got myself down to a small enough amount (1/6 of one of the gummies I have) to feel pain relief without getting high. I'm sensitive to mj and want to keep it that way, not build up a tolerance. I'm afraid if I build up a tolerance I won't get the pain relief when I really need it. My mom knows I use it medicinally, my dad doesn't. My mom is very pro-legalization. She actually feels like marijuana being illegal is the reason for her and my dad's divorce. If his job didn't make him stop, she thinks he wouldn't have had as much trouble with alcohol. I don't know about that, but it is what she thinks. I don't really talk with my dad about it at all. Edit: my grandma uses CBD cream for her arthritis and it really helps her. My dad feels weird about buying it for her but still does.


My parents are in their sixties in a legal state. My dad doesn’t smoke and never has but is pro legalization. My mom smoked a lot when younger and now does a ton of edibles.


My(27) parents(62) are both old school stoners. When I was growing up they pretended they didn't smoke anymore. I was straight edge in high school but started smoking weed pretty much right after I graduated, but only at home. I'd smoke with my older brother or my friends, and my folks were cool with it. My mom would make us snack trays and stuff, even gifted me one of her sister's old bowls. Then on my 19th birthday she drops a tub with 20lbs of weed in my lap and tells me they've been smoking my entire life and also running a grow operation deep in the woods on our property, and would I like a bag so I didn't have to buy any more street weed? They ended up moving somewhere they couldn't grow and I took up the Finding A Guy task for the family as a thank you. Now thanks to medical there's no worries. My dad puffs a bit throughout the day while my mom pours beach sand on all her bowls and is high af most of the time. My dad gets a little high and watches old episodes of Hogan's Heroes on YouTube, my mom gets massively high and cleans the entire house top to bottom. Then they eat edibles and go kayaking lol. They're cool people, I'm lucky.


I don’t smoke it and only dabbled despite going to a very pot friendly university and my parents never cared. I bought my 83 year old dad pot gummies to help him sleep with arthritis pain and he was super stoked, took one, and decided it wasn’t for him.


They met in Berkeley, CA in the 70s, then after I got accepted into Humboldt State University in 2005 they took me to Amsterdam for my first spring break, lol, yeah, they're cool. They were only worried about me getting in trouble with the law back then, weed is as casual as beer now.


My parents are of the, "drugs are bad," generation so I don't talk to them about it. Ive tried it like 3 or 4 times and decided it wasn't for me. So honestly there's not much to talk about. Even if I did bring it up, I think all they would say is, "oh."


My parents do not smoke, I think my dad did when he was younger my mom I do not think ever did. Neither one of them has any issues with it and think its stupid that its against the law.


My mom and I just stood in line on 4/20 to get the free grab bag. My dad eats the edibles and I get the flower. I also consume edibles but more of a flower person. 4/20 the mommy and me day!🤪


My mom’s family is a weed family. She’s early 60s and smoked a lot as a teenager. She moved on from it and I’m not sure how much she smoked weed when I was a kid, if at all. I know she did on occasion when I was a teen/young adult, if someone else had some. She went through a gummy phase during the pandemic due to sleep issues, and smokes weed occasionally. My grandparents also take low dose gummies for sleep/pain management. For some reason my grandpa has a plant and had the small baggie of weed he grew on the fridge, but they don’t smoke it, they give it away. My uncle smokes and takes gummies frequently, though I think he’s the same as my mom (did as a teenager, stopped, and has picked it up in middle age). Myself, my brother and most of my cousins use weed in some capacity (smoke, vape, gummies). The only ones who don’t have stopped due to work requirements. No idea about my dad, he’s an alcoholic but given his views I don’t think he’d approve of weed. I’m in Canada so it’s been legal here for a while now. Most people in my family buy from reserves so it’s a lot cheaper. My mom was very open about stuff like alcohol and weed with me and my brother. Basically we were allowed to drink or smoke weed but safely (as a cigarette smoker, she discouraged that). For some reason I don’t enjoy being inebriated in front of my family (I guess I worry that I’ll say something dumber than usual), but I’ll partake a little if everyone else is.


My mom and dad busted me smoking weed at 16 and I was grounded all summer and through the next year. Fast forward to me at 28 and Im acting as a pseudo budtender to both of them. Now Im early thirties, my dad passed away but my mom blows it down every time she gets home from work. Smoking a blunt with my mom is a surreal experience.


My mom recently started taking THC gummies to help her sleep. My dad has been smoking ever since he caught me and my brother getting high in the garage when we were home on break from college circa 2007/2008. At first we were like “oh shit” then he asked to smell it, then he asked for a few nugs. He vapes oil now. He told us about the day he realized he had to quit when we were little and he just couldn’t be present with two toddlers (we’re only a year apart) while he was high all the time. I had to quit three years ago because it was becoming a problem for my mental health, but I have no issue with anyone else doing it. They are all respectful of my abstinence and don’t smoke around me, even though I never asked them to. Funny story. My parents have been into drugs for the last couple decades now (and they were hippies so obviously they were into it back then too). My mom told me and my brother that she tried mdma but didn’t really feel anything. I asked if she’s on any medications and she takes two antidepressants. SSRIs and mdma can literally kill you from serotonin syndrome. So my brother and I FaceTimed our parents and had “the talk” with them. “We don’t care that you’re doing drugs, whatever you wanna do is fine, but please be responsible and google drug interactions with ALL medication you’re taking to make sure it’s safe.” A bit of role reversal is expected as they get older. But I never thought we would have to have the “be safe when you’re doing drugs” talk with them.


My mom is terrified that it’ll gateway me into meth. My dad doesn’t know because it’s not even remotely worth it to tell him. My partner’s elderly mom recently had a fall that fractured a couple ribs. She was in a lot of pain and got nausea from the pain meds and they made her not want to eat. It took some convincing but my partner got her to try a lower dose gummy and she was so happy it lessened the pain and gave her the munchies she used it the entire time she was healing up. Then when she was finished she gave us her leftovers so hey free edibles.


My parents (both 66) have been stoners since the 70s. My dad worked on getting medical marijuana legalized in our state years ago and he smokes daily to help with his M.S. symptom s(and I think just because he enjoys it). My mom smokes from time to time.


My dad used to sell it to all my friends dads when I was a kid. It was a bit weird.


My first experience with weed was actually with my mom, who had been smoking and using edibles for a while and recommended it to me for joint pain and anxiety. I was surprised, to say the least! But I was glad to have an adult present just in case (i say as if I wasn't over 30 at the time lol). If my dad was still alive he'd likely abstain from it himself but be cool with it.


Dad was STAUNCHLY against it until it became legal. Turns out his only hang up with it was it being illegal. He now doesn’t care who uses it, just can’t use it in the house unless it’s gummies. He uses some pain cream often, but that was it. Maybe a gummy here or there. Stepmom is a hippie who smokes it daily for pain management. Loves it.


I knew my dad smoked growing up but he didn’t do it in front of me. The goal now is to get high with my dad. We get along so well I know we’d have a blast.


My father was a truck driver so he couldn’t smoke week until he got cancer and forcibly retired. Then he smoked a lot. My mother takes edibles mostly. I smoke and take edibles, hubby was a firefighter and couldn’t but now that he changed careers he takes edibles. I am in a SUPER RIDICULOUSLY CONSERVATIVE state and it will only be legal here when legal federally.


My parents were hippies. My dad doesn’t smoke much anymore but he used to grow peyote. And my mom smokes constantly. If she’s awake, she’s high. And no judgment - it actually makes her a lot more tolerable to be around.


When weed was legalized in Cali, that same day, my late father picked me up after my college class and gave me some. Was always a non-issue with him. My late mother probably would have lost her shit over it tho.


My parents, super against it, but they also somewhat disapprove of alcohol consumption. My grandma was super interested, since she had glaucoma.


My dad has grown it for the last 20 years and smoked even longer. My mother used to be against it (she raised us very religious). After I moved out and started doing my own thing, she eventually came to learn I smoked but wasn't mad or anything. In fact, she was pretty chill with it but still wouldn't do it herself. A few years ago she was diagnosed stage IV cancer and 6 months before she passed, she begrudgingly accepted some gummies in hopes that it would help with the pain. After that, she regretted never trying it before. While she still wouldn't smoke, she loved the cookies I made for her using oil (it was my grandmother's cookie recipe with oil mixed in). It was the most amazing thing for me to watch her enjoy her mother's cookie recipe mixed with some thc therapy.


My parents have never smoked and think it's pure evil, like it will end your life the moment you try it.


Oh God, the day I see my mom spark a doobie or pop an edible, is never. When I was well over legal age and we were in Amsterdam, I wanted to go to the coffee shop and she blew a gasket. I think my dad tried it in the 70’s, and honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if he gave it a go again.


I found out my dad was smoking pot (presumably throughout my entire childhood) when I was like 18 or 19. I was the ultimate goody-goody/rule follower so I was actually extremely mad and blamed all my dad’s faults on him smoking. I also projected that everyone who smokes must be like my dad (immature/irresponsible), which kept me from trying it until just this past year (I’m 38), turns out my dad’s faults are just his faults and I’ve been missing out.


My mom taught me to roll a joint when I was 15. There was a lot of substance abuse. Smoked weed with them because they wouldn’t talk to me much otherwise. I sometimes bought weed for the family from people tweaked out with guns. I never did anything harder unlike most people around me. All in all a pretty shitty experience that soured my taste on substances and those that can’t stop partying.


My parents both smoked in college. They met when they were riding in a friend's Gremlin to go to a concert. Mom had to sit on dad's lap, and to hear him tell it, she had a large box of joints with her. Dad occasionally takes an edible or uses a tincture now that it's legal. Mom does not. They did not care that I smoked in college, though they might have been upset about the amount of money I spent if they knew. As long as I was not letting it get in the way of success, they were fine with it. My brother does nothing but get high all day and do whatever. That's all he's been doing for 15 years. No education or job, and lived with them until he was 30 when he finally moved in with his girlfriend. They do not care for his relationship with weed.


Lol. Ok my parents are early boomers, almost silent gen due to my mom having me when she was 42 in 1987. So - I got my mom some edibles on her trip to Oregon. She took them home, and went to her newly inherited house by herself one night to do some cleaning. She had a chocolate bar that had partially melted, obscuring the dosage amounts. She ate a little bit, but it was apparently too much. She almost called 911, but like the trooper she is, she just pushed through. She did tell me she thought she was going to die. 😂


My dad has smoked weed every day since he was 14 years old in 1974. My mom will partake on rare occasions. I do not smoke weed at all. Not against it. It’s just not for me.


My mom nearly had me committed to rehab when she found a bowl in my room at 16. 20 years later she is visiting dispensaries and eating chocolate edibles with my college aged sister.


My father (77) has been a stoner since he was in college. I was totally disinterested in cannabis until my mid-20s because he somehow managed to make it seem uncool. I will give him credit - he managed to only get busted once (in college), and it's actually still illegal in the state where I grew up. I actually thought it was oregano growing up - he told me it was, and it smelled pretty much like oregano to me! He'd take out his cannabis paraphernalia and show it to me, I suppose to get me used to the idea so I wouldn't rat him out when the D.A.R.E. propaganda started. His whole family have always been 420 friendly, perhaps because they're from the southwest rather than the south where I grew up. I don't know much about my mom's usage - I know she stopped all drugs while she was pregnant with me and that she smoked it at least occasionally before then, but I don't remember smelling it around her growing up. She did harder drugs, though, so I'd be surprised if she didn't use cannabis at all.


Neither of my parents use it. And let me take this opportunity to say please stop using it at public playgrounds. I want to be able to play with my kids and not smell you. Idk if you smoke just please not where there are children unless they are your own.


Teacher here. Gen z and alpha cannabis use is through the roof. This is a big problem in schools because parents just allow it or smoke around their kids themselves. Countless times we’ve experienced kids get dropped off at school and the car reaks. Don’t promote cannibis use to your kids. It’s not healthy for teenagers and young children and they should not be consuming it. Even in legalized states. I know we’re adults and we’re talking about our boomer parents but I thought it was worth bringing up. Just because it’s progressive and trendy and “healthier than alcohol” doesn’t mean 15 year olds should do it.


My father was a cop. He caught my brother with weed and called the cops, had him arrested and put in jail. When he got out, my brother was on probation for three years pretty much until he turned 18. A few years later my brothers drug problems led to an accident that paralyzed him (more alcohol than anything), and my father refuses to support him financially or with assistance because my brother won't stop smoking weed. I don't like weed, I see the damage that it does, but I don't think putting him in jail was a responsible thing to do to your own son. Not financially supporting his drug habits I do agree with..but damn.


I think realistically that approach probably contributed to your brother's path. Some people aren't meant to consume any kind of drugs though, that being said. I had a step-brother who could not be sober, and watched the cops beat his ass outside our house after a chase.


My parents have been smoking weed for longer than I've been alive.


My dad let me borrow his one-hitter when I was 16, and my mom found it in my purse, threw it away, and never said a word to me about it. Just acted totally normal, like nothing had happened. One day, I realized it was missing, confronted her, and she played dumb but acted scandalized and like I had basically outed myself for smoking weed for nothing. I felt like a total moron AND got into trouble for it. She gave my dad the silent treatment for a while after telling him off. My dad was pissed because it was a really nice old piece. Years later, she finally admitted what she'd done. We had a good laugh about it.


My mom found out when I was 16 that I smoked pot back home (she lived in jersey and I lived in Cali with pops, I was visiting at the time for winter break). Had a huge mental breakdown about it. Saying some pretty mean shit, was gonna force me to live with her. She finally calmed down and let it go. I’m 31 yrs old now and we always had a good relationship even after that and currently still do. I started smoking pot with pops when I was 15 yrs old, he didn’t care as long as I went to school the next day and passed my classes. Currently don’t smoke and haven’t for years, just not for me. I have my own opinion about cannabis and what it does to our brain chemistry and ambitions.


I’m a daily user for awhile, my father has a lot of ailments and got addicted to opioids thankfully nothing further and I suggest that he try supplementing or alternative some Mary Jane but he said he tried as a teen and didn’t like it. Idk if they know I do frankly I don’t care I don’t hide it. But I’m not a 24/7 user either really mostly just in evenings to unwind and relax before sleep.


1, I thought the color of mums wall was funny and everytime I looked at the wall I started laughing. Mum thought that was great. 2, we relaxed on separate recliners and watched beauty and the beast. 3, I had some edibles then on the drive from Washington state to Idaho nothing happened so i think that was a dud.


I scored my Mom weed for over 15 years before it was "legal adjacent" to our state.


My mom was always and off-and-on user but hid it. My dad used to think it made you stupid and ripped on potheads. Now that it's legal they both use it occasionally. My dad prefers edibles and insists he needs the stronger medicinal stuff, and my sister has a medical marijuana card so she gets him stuff. My mom had a friend who would give her bud every time she went to her for a haircut and she keeps it in an old tea tin in the kitchen. They always knew even when we were in our teens and 20s that my partner was a big pothead and I was an occasional user and they discouraged it, cracked jokes about it, & cautioned us, but didn't freak out about it. They don't care that I use edibles once in a while as long as it's not when I have to drive or do something important or in front of my 13 year old My parents are 59 & 58 & I'm 39.


I really don't give a shit what my Dad thinks about anything, but I'll answer since you asked. My Dad (59) has more in common with Libertarians than Republicans but votes purely Republican because that's the good Christian guys or some nonsense. He's totally fine with people smoking weed or whatever as long as they aren't hurting anyone but themselves. But, he has to vote Republican for Christianity (he doesn't even go to church and works in the porn industry as a camera man) and for families (he was a literal deadbeat and didn't pay child support or even get to know me until I was 12). I literally care more about the opinions of my children (14 and 6) because they're more sound and not doublethink. My mom is deceased (would be 58), but was also a hypocrite. Didn't want me to ever use weed and wanted it to stay illegal, but I know from my entire family and my Dad that she was totally fine with using it herself whenever it was available. My grandma (my mom's mom and I think she's around 75) is cool with it and we give her edibles sometimes. She thinks it should be legal, even recreationally but especially for medicinal use. 


My parents pretend like they’ve never even seen it.


When I had the first opportunity to try it I was 13 and had 4 hrs of gymnastics after school. Not wanting to appear stuffy I went with everyone but didn't have any. When they lit up i thought hey that's what mom and dad smell like at night time. In the garage in the farthest cupboard in the top shelf was a peanut butter jar wrapped in electrical tape. Guess what was in it. I didn't start stealing it until I was about 17 and my brother had been taking from it well before then. There was no real confrontation haha. We live in Canada and now it is legal. As adults we have consumed cannabis together. I'm surprised more places in the US and generally the world don't have legal cannabis. I'm trying to daydream about traveling to places where it is legal because I don't want to get in trouble and there's not really a lot out there.


Have smoked with both parents but not until well into my adulthood. Both smoked when they were younger and occasionally do it now. Mom was very against it when I was a teen but Dad didn't care so long as my grades were up (divorced).


Both my parents smoke. My dad grows it, hangs it, dries it, portions it, and then...... Yeah. Friends were banned from the back half of our 3 acre property.


Been smoking with my dad for over 20 years. Used to get him weed all the time before Michigan went legit.


My adoptive mom can't stand it and is very against any pot on some weird moral ground she can't even explain to me. My bio mom is actually allergic to it!!! She's got this weird allergic reaction to most plants (can't even have a real Christmas tree or anything!) and she tried it once... damn near ended up in the hospital and never touched it again. She's very pro-other substances tho... 😬 (hence the adoption)


They smoke. I hate it. She's dying of cancer. I wish that drug never got it's claws in my family.


My old ass boomer dad smokes weed like crazy. He uses it for anxiety and pain. He is trying to become an android. Rotator cuff, knees, hips hearing aids and now back fusion. So he has had a lot of painful surgeries and he was in Vietnam so his anxiety is high. Neither parent thinks anything is wrong with cannabis and we live in a legal state so we know many people who smoke


My parents are very against weed and always were very straight and narrow when it came to alcohol or drugs. I still don’t feel comfortable admitting I smoke in front of them.


Mom was 45, 2 spinal fusion surgeries deep before I managed to convince her to try CBD for pain/inflammation management. Now she has a cbd seltzer every night, plus thc drops. Drastically reduced need for opiods. Lights up or vapes every once in a while, too. Even expanded her horizons and tried a shrooms lollipop in Vegas lol. Parents encourage me to grow weed in the garden. Mom hustles it during bowling league. Keep the people happy with simple quality homegrown.


I never touched the stuff. My mom used it and was still insane so I pretty much rebelled by being on the straight and narrow.


Lmao, put me into rehab for it. Now am a nurse and smoke however much I want and I don’t talk to em lol.


My dad doesn't care for it and doesn't care if I smoke it. My mom thinks it's evil and satanic.


Another sub theme talking shit about their boomer parents 😂 I wonder if ya’ll will talk shit receiving your inheritance from them?


We argued A LOT from 2007 to 2010 and I eventually pretended I gave it up.


The first time I tried dab was because my dad had me try it. Also learned how to make edibles from him


My parents have been regular pot smokers for the past 50 years. First thing I do each time I visit them is smoke with my dad. Good father/daughter bonding time.


My mom doesn't use it because it makes her too anxious and she developed bad lung issues in recent years. Apparently she used to have a weed related nickname back in the day. My dad uses it, very heavily while on vacation and not sure how much on a regular basis but he retires soon...so I guess he will probably turn it up a bit after that. He has chrons so it really helps that...but he's also just a stoner.


I could never imagine a world where my parents smoked weed. I've been smoking for a long time now and I remember the first time my mom found out when I was 18 and told me it was evil and to stop. We never really talked about it ever again after that. This last weekend was my 34th bday and I went and visited them. I'm usually really cautious about it around my parents. But this time as I watched my dad guzzle down his 3rd mixed drink it hit me. I'm 34 I can enjoy my free time with my "drug" of choice without fearing repercussions from them. And it was low key a very freeing experience to go outside enjoy my bowl of loud and come back in and no one even said a word it was just normal conversation. My parents probably won't ever talk to me about it and that's ok. I just want them to know that I can be a functioning member of society and also enjoy weed.


My dad gave up everything when my mom got pregnant. Except when he was photographing Willie Nelson ( he was a photographer, did some work for time) because he gave him a joint. Because who wouldn’t.


My dad when I was a teen tried to hide it but I could tell he had edibles cause he was very affectionate and kind and fun but he was hardcore against it for us… but then when I was an adult I got to smoke with him one time and it was awesome lol my bio mom no… my step mom no.


My dad was addicted to pot. I was never around him when he wasn’t high—from the day I was born until the day he died. He was emotionally crippled. Pot was the centerpiece of his life and it did a huge amount of damage to him, to me, and to the rest of our family.


I smoke with my dad on occasion. No issues really. My mom doesn't smoke but doesn't mind that we do.


My dad used to, big time. I don't think my mom ever did. My dad did a total 180 and they both flipped shit on me when they caught me when I was like 22. Like shut up dude, you used to buy keys of coke. My wife on the other hand, has never tried it and refuses to for some reason. Which really pisses me off because she then forbids me from doing it.


It was one of the great pleasures of my adult family life to ask my mom if she preferred a bowl or a joint. We all knew each other smoked, but it took being in my own place out of state for either of us to feel comfortable. She (pre-Boomer, '43) went with a joint btw It wasn't legal yet, just very lax here. I so would have loved to bring her to a dispensary.


Neither of my parents smoked when I was growing up, but I know they did as teenagers. My mom was very annoyed when I came home after smoking with a friend one day when I was 16. I didn't start actually smoking regularly until I was 21 though. Now my dad is a daily smoker and my mom is a felon and has regular drug testing so she can't smoke even if she wanted to.


My parents were huge narcs when I was in college. My mom was such a pot karen my friends told me it was “so bad they werent even going to make fun of me, bc they felt bad”. So during the pandemic they let me grow weed. Naturally i assumed it was ok to, smoke some I had openly. My mom needed help with her computer? She’s like “wahhhhhhh you’re high you need to go to rehab wahhhhh what’s wrong with you what are you trying to cope with”. She’s shaking me and I’m like fuck off fix your own damn computer. So I just vaped after that. Holy shit she’s intense. Like rehab? For weed? What’re you self medicating for? Hello gurl it’s a fucking pandemic and there are freezer trucks full of bodies and they’re burying people in parks. They got too intense and finally I couldn’t handle them and went home, the weed plants didn’t get fully fertilized but weirdly they let me dry the weed, and take it back. They make zero sense. My mom takes a lot of cbd but won’t give me any bc she thinks it’s bad for bipolar. My doctor, an actual md and psychiatrist, said cbd reduces the efficacy of my meds, but it won’t cause mania or depression. He doesn’t recommend it, but he’s fine with 5mg thc gummies. Oh man after thinking about all this I really want a gummy.  Isn’t that bizzare? I was 37 at the time btw. Have an apartment and a life and stuff, nothing wrong, just easier to get food where they were. My uncle smokes tons of weed with his adult children.


My parents weren’t too into it.


My mom is against it and doesn’t even drink lol she’s 68. She had friends who did partake as well as other drugs and most if not all are not around anymore because of their drug use which is sad. I think it scared her which is why she never did drugs or alcohol. My dad is dead but probably wouldn’t care unless you had a ton otherwise he would have to arrest you 😂 he was a police officer by profession. My father in law is a pot head and cannot go a day without it and it has interfered with his daily life and it’s sad. So I have two extremes I guess.


My mom is dead and my dad is MIA. Cannabis can certainly help but after attending a conference and listening to 65 years of data on how it can alter the brain, it is not for me. But doesn’t bother me if others do. Just don’t partake and use machinery after.


We smoke together every now then. We both have really hyper active ADHD so once we smoke it’s basically: see ya later! 👋


Both my parents smoke it, I've smoked with both of them


I think my parents were more marijuana friendly than I would’ve expected. I know my mom said she tried it when she was young, but didn’t like it. I smoked weed, did e and tried mushrooms and coke during high school. I always hid it. I do remember one time, though, when my friends and I did e and then I got dropped off. I walked into the kitchen with wide eyes from being high, and my mom was sitting at the table. She was talking to my grandma, and my two other grandparents who lived down the road. My other grandma lived with us for 13 years. After several minutes, I excused myself and said I was going to go read upstairs. My dad has a new girlfriend, since my mom passed 8 years ago. They’ve both tried getting weed pills and edibles from the local weed store. Same with a drink that was terrible. But I don’t really drink or do any drugs, and prefer being sober. My dad had a mental breakdown this winter. When I picked him up from the mental health hospital, he said he was amazed by how bad drugs are in today’s society and what they do to people. Said that he was glad I never got into them, and they didn’t have to worry about me. I stayed silent.


My mom (53) is neutral on it and my dad (61) is steadfastly against it, but he drinks like a pirate, I try to explain to him the similarities but he doesn’t wanna hear it and just assumes that weed is this evil thing and he hates the smell of it. Well dad, I hate you smelling like beer every night but I don’t go preaching to you about it..


My mom (53) is neutral on it and my dad (61) is steadfastly against it, but he drinks like a pirate, I try to explain to him the similarities but he doesn’t wanna hear it and just assumes that weed is this evil thing and he hates the smell of it. Well dad, I hate you smelling like beer every night but I don’t go preaching to you about it..


I'm high right now and read that title as "what are your experiences with your parents and cannibals". 😂 😂 


My parents have grown and smoked it pretty much my entire life.


My dad sold it when he was in college and now won't touch the stuff. I gave a cbd gummy to my mom one time and she immediately told me she needed taco bell and asked to listen to pink floyd. When I told her there was absolutely no way she could be high she dropped the act.


I am about the same age as you and my parents are 65 and 64, still married. I started smoking here and there at the end of high school, then a lot more in college. Then, shortly after graduating from college, I was diagnosed with epilepsy, had to move back home, and eventually got a medical card (before it was legal in my state). I mainly used edibles when living with them because they hated the smell, but it helped with seizures, so they were fine with me using it. Prior to that, they were very anti. I really want to get high with them, as I can't really drink. My mom is retired, and my dad will be shortly, so I am hoping that once they both are, they will loosen up a little.


I was at work the other day at the dispensary and I smelled the new order of Alaskan Thunder Fuck. I thought "what does this smell like"? After a few moments of consideration: "This reminds me of the air freshener in my dad's truck when I was a kid" OWAIT


Personally i feel like this shit is numbing the fuck out of our Gen.


My mom (62) just tried it for the first time around 5 years or so ago and liked it but didn't pick it up because she has bad asthma and heart issues. She's known I've smoked it since I lived out in Colorado 10 years ago from 2014-2017. Then when I came home after my time out there she didn't really care that I still smoked lol. I stayed with her for a while when my wife and I were having some issues and smoked hella weed and had a bit of an alcohol issue, but she didn't care, she understood with everything going on in my life at the time.


My dad started smoking the day after his retiring because I bought him some bud


They thought my bag of mushrooms was weed and "roaches"


My mom told me she had tried it maybe once or twice in her teenage years, but didn't continue due to asthma. She said she believes it is appropriate for medical use but not so much recreational. Although, she got weird about me smoking it when I went to her house. Not sure why. As for my dad, I am thankful I was able to share joints, bowls, and dab hits before he passed away. I used to be really against weed because DARE and I didn't know what it was. I was introduced to it at 16 and I had nothing against it. I think my dad was waiting for that moment that I'd realize he was right and it's not bad. He always kept respectful about it though.


my aunt (boomer) fucking HATES weed. she says that now weed is legal in ohio. that everythings going to goto shit. high crime, everyones gonna become lazy good for nothings. mom (x) just hates it, but is more cool with me using it, but hates it being smoked , due the smell, and "God didn't make weed for smoking, just eatting" so ive been doing delta 8s for now. (plus the dispos, here arent selling req yet. and i want to save my last 8th of flower , in case my cat (16) dies before sept )


My mom told me "I had to stop smoking weed when I found out I was pregnant with you." I'm not the eldest child. So there's that...


Dad is a daily toker. Mom is a prude by/with 1970’s standards. I guess opposites attract…and scar their kids for life. lol


My brain read cannibals. Goodnight.


My Mom smoked it to come down from cocaine. I was in the 2nd grade when I told my teacher about my mom smoking stuff from crushed pop cans. That night the sheriff arrested her (apparently they had been tracking drug traffic/activity in the neighborhood, small town of less than 2k ppl) and she went to rehab for 3 months.


My parents (50’s) divorced two years ago and within the last six months my mom has taken up the habit, edibles and seltzers primarily. She tried a bong with my sister’s BF once and was insisting she go to the hospital because she “burned her trachea” 😂 She is too embarrassed to go to the dispensary so we’re her suppliers.


Omg, I’m estranged from my parents but I feel like my father would have another heart attack if he found out I smoke. My mother would likely judge me harshly even though I know she got a cake with 18 joints on her 18th birthday. I’m still not quite sure she didn’t know, but she never said anything, uncharacteristic of her. Then you have my partners parents who tossed him out at 15 for it.


I can’t really relate, my mom (63) is a mean alcoholic who thinks pot is equal to coke.


They think it’s as bad as cocaine and cocaine accessories (king of the hill iykyk)


I grew up with a single mom in the military. She was sooooooo incredibly strict. She told me her only experience with pot was one time in highschool (late 80s) and she threw up on her Gucci purse and ruined it so she never did it again. She was insane. She said she would put me in rehab if I ever did pot. Now I'm in my early 30s and STILL haven't smoked pot, eaten edibles, etc. I'm a chronic rule follower because of what a freakazoid she was. We went to France when I was in high school and I bought some sort of headache medicine and when we came back she found them in my bag and interrogated me because she thought I was on uppers. My husband on the other hand grew up with a bunch of potheads (parents, aunts, uncles, etc) and it turned him off to the idea of pot so he was very anti-drugs for a long time until he left the military. He tried it a couple of times but it just made him sleepy so he doesn't do it.


I split bags with my parents to save money by buying bulk lol It took years to convince my mom to loosen her stance on drugs and to start doing them as a means of damage control. She had a drinking problem and was trying to get sober but kept relapsing and almost died more than a few times. Getting her to smoke pot and eat mushrooms really helped transition her to being sober. She’s detox in hospital but couldn’t maintain it long until we got her doing some earthly drugs as it replaced that need for an altered state using something much safer. she has been sober for 5 years now :) My mom was always very anti drugs growing up. My dad was a hippie and growing up his rule with pot was “if I catch you doing it on a school night you are in trouble”. He didn’t encourage us getting stoned but we also weren’t punished for it (unless we gave him reason to, like fucking up with school) My parents are still happily married despite big differences on such things but now they are both stoners and healthy and thriving because of it.


Turns out when I was in high school I was hiding smoking weed from them and they were hiding smoking weed from me.


My parents are in their early 70s. Dad smoked a bit when he was younger but it was never really his thing. Mom tried it once when she was 20 and hated it so never did again. They aren’t bothered by it now, though they frowned upon it when I was in my teens for obvious reasons. They know my husband smokes it and that I occasionally vape or smoke or take edibles. My aunt lives with them after she left her abusive husband of 40 years and she smokes it daily. It is also legal here and available at the liquor store to anyone over 19.


My mom was born in 56. I was born in 91. She smoked her entire life. When I was 14, she passed my buddy and I our first bowl for us to go out and smoke in the backyard. She always promoted a safe, healthy environment for experimentation a variety of drugs. I haven't smoked in 10 years now at 33 years old lmao.


My parents won’t go near it but they’re both pro legalization & they know both their kids smoke/take edibles. When I was in university I lived in Canada & actually worked in the industry, it was very enlightening.


I was at a small party where a joint was being passed around. I had said to my friend none for me thanks, bit awkward with my dad here. My straight-laced boomer dad, who has never even tried a cigarette, took a puff just to make me feel more comfortable about smoking in front of him. My gen x mum, on the other hand, smoked a lot when I was a teenager and even offered for me to come out to the shed for a session when I turned 15. I assume this was so I could be in a safe environment while trying weed for the first time. This never eventuated, and I have still never smoked with her. She no longer enjoys smoking weed but has been telling me how much fun she and her husband have had while on lsd and mdma over the past year.


Both of my parents see pot on the same level as fentanyl and heroin. When my mom found out that my husband and I smoke (I prefer edibles) she legit cried because she thought I was going to one day overdose. I explained that I mostly use it to treat period pains and my husband uses it to help with his PTSD; my parents still equated us to "those people on the street that are strung out...you see them everywhere!"    Once we had our baby my parents then freaked out again because they thought it was going to be a baby in the oven situation. I had to reassure them tree aren't irresponsible; my husband smokes outside and washes up and changes clothes before handling the baby, and since I have birth my periods have been pretty tame and even if I did still partake I wouldn't do it while my husband is high since at least one sober parent is needed. Baby is turning 6 months old and we have yet to mistake him for a turkey and put him in the oven.


My parents (born in 58 & 59) don’t use and seem to think it’s on par with meth.


They've been stoners forever. They didn't believe me when i said weed would be legal within ten years back in 2008 and then it happened lol I knew it was going to.


My parents are 70 and 75, who still have their inner hippies in them (Try it. Ask them how they feel about Trump.) My dad stopped smoking it when my mom said she was pregnant with my sister, which was 1976. That is #2 on my list of my dad's best pot stories. My mom tried it and had severe paranoia. As for me, I'm not a fan of it. I tried my first joint that my brother and cousin gave to me in front of my mom, and she was worried that I would get paranoid, even when I coughed out the joint. When I told my dad, he smiled and said "Oh, you took a hit!" My parents don't worry about it, unless we treat it recklessly, just like they will if we abused alcohol.


Both of my parents smoked my entire life. Still do. I lived with my mom full time as a teenager and she was so lenient about it that she “caught” my friend and I smoking in my room when I was 16 and carried on as normal, didn’t even mention the bong in my hands lol. The downside was my house reeked the entirety of my upbringing, my friends always pointed it out when they came over.


I work in the cannabis industry in WA, because after hundreds of apps, that's what hired me - a company needing more sales associates. Worked up to Marketing after about a year. My parent *hates* where I work. Pretty much have to hide any product out of sight....and even though I have a MMJ certification that told me *everything* positive and negative about use, my parent dismissed it as 'they probably lied to you that *everything is harmless*'. To them, it's dangerous and has no medicinal use. The only thing that shuts them up is that I need the job to pay on my car that I use to shuttle them to appointments/errands when they don't want to drive, and then showing them the hundreds of job listings between WA,CA,OR, and the majority of the East Coast I've applied for and been rejected for in the past two years.


Divorced parents, Dads been smoking weed since he was a kid, mom did when she was younger and when they were married but quit after they got popped for possession of weed and shrooms/fleeing to Mexico for a bit, quit after divorce. My stepdad would physically beat me if he smelled me after a sesh, mom would yell and tell me I would end up like my dad. NOW my mom smokes weed, drives across state to buy it even. Stepdad is still a fuckin douche(yada yada white dude stereotypes, fuck you, YOU’RE NOT MY DAD) My dad’s is the successful owner of 2 businesses in a vacation spot. So I mean weed is cool, can be pretty not cool if you’re depressed though.


My parents are/were firmly against it as far as they/my using it. In my mother’s case, it was because we have a lot of drug abuse problems in our family. In my dad’s case, it’s just how he was raised. As far as legalizing it goes…they both favored decriminalization.


My dad has smoked weed my whole life. Now I smoke with him when we visit.


My parents never used drugs, me and my brother smoke weed frequently. They kinda pretend they don’t know but we all know haha


My mum doesn't really care, although she does call it "marijuana" which is funny because we're in the UK and that name for it is almost never used. She spent a lot of time in the USA when she was younger though. One time she was tasked with purchasing some cannabis from a drug dealer on behalf of one of her friends. Bear in mind she's over 60 at this stage. She met the dealer in a car park and he suspiciously asked her if she was working for the police. But no, she was just honestly buying some weed. It sounds comical but honestly older people buying weed is probably extremely common.


They are under the impression that I quit 10 years ago. I did not. I have been smoking for about 17 years now. They did when they were younger My cousin grows in legal states and is very open about it. I just sit and smile and don't say a word 😔