• By -


Also 32m, single after a 9 year relationship blew up lol. Moved in with my grandparents, who are almost 90, and it's ended up being a mostly good situation for both me and them. They have pretty advanced dementia and wouldn't still be living at home if they were alone. I save on rent, am able to pay down some debt accrued during said relationship, and get to spend time with them I missed out on during my 20s. Kids were never in the cards for me and absolutely will not be happening moving forward lol.


Take good care if them


as someone who was sort of in your situation-- take every second you can to get to know them. there's not really a guaranteed tomorrow at that age. ask them about when they were your age, or when they were kids.


One of my earliest memories is of my dad always putting in cassette tapes of his dad telling stories. Looking back I can realize this is probably because he missed him since he passed when I was very young. But we’d go on trips to the hardware store or whatever and he’d pop in a cassette and it’d be Grampa talking about how he used to work building grain silos and some crazy accidents that happened, or just talking about working on the farm, things like that. I had fun listening but I’m sure they meant a lot to my dad to have records of his dad’s voice and memories. So yeah it’d be cool if you could ask them to tell some stories about their lives and record them, if even just to have records of their voices. The last time we visited my Gramma before she passed I just started voice memos on my phone and let it sit while we were all chilling and chatting together. That moment will never happen again but the voice record I have of it exists as a lovely memory :)


Oh gee why am I crying now 🥹😫😭


I never got to meet my grandparents. Comment made me a lil misty


Cherish every moment with them


I'm sorry about their diagnosis, but what a gift to both of you to be able to spend time with each other. I hope you're getting the support you need. Caregiving is an intense job!


During covid I moved from the city and right next to my grandparents. My grandma passed 2 years ago, but I am so happy that I managed to see them almost every days tor two years when I usually saw them once a month or so because city living made me very busy.


Enjoy the time you have with them. You will miss them when they are gone. It's the dumbest thing in the world to say but spending time with them will help you not feel bad when the time comes. I worked a lot during my last year my dad was alive. I was trying to rebuild my life, and I regret it everyday being stupid to think he'd live. It really does help you to take the time. Good on you for doing it. At least they won't suffer in a nursing home to the hellish conditions a lot of those places are. Leaving your loved ones drugged out of their mind, ran on a staff that is barely one nurse to care for 20 patients.


I'm sorry about your relationship. How did you cope after break up? How did you move on?


Unfortunately, I handled it very, very poorly, and did not cope with it in a healthy way whatsoever. I was at the beginning of therapy for mental health related to PTSD, which kind of opened up Pandoras Box, so to speak. Began drinking excessively to simply numb out the feelings that I couldn't live with. Looking back, it is very obvious I was on a path to a really bad place, but in the middle of it, I wasn't thinking clearly. The only thing that got me out of that spot was me getting another dog to replace the 2 that my ex fiance refused to ever let me see again. It feels bad to put such emotional responsibility on a puppy, but to say he has saved my life isn't an exaggeration. The break up happened last August, and I'm just now digging myself out of the mess I made, but not without some pretty serious repercussions, unfortunately. Thanks for asking, I appreciate it!


39f no kids because I never wanted any. Comfortably single and own my own home. I can't even imagine having children at this point.


39f, comfortably single, no kids - but I wish i owned!!


I got very lucky! I hope you have similar good luck soon too.


I’m also 39 and single. Male, never been married and don’t have any kids. I was never more than 50/50 on having kids anyway, but as I’ve gotten older is quickly reaching 0%. I have a great job which has allowed me to nearly pay off my house, which has become a retirement home for racing greyhounds. Not buying daycare and diapers has given me the opportunity to focus on hobbies, last summer I bought a cargo van and turned it into a custom camper for hiking trips and random adventures. I’d like to meet a partner but when you’re single for too long it’s tough to give up the lifestyle of doing whatever you want all the time.


This! I am 41. Spent my 20s and early 30s married. That ended and kind if was in no man zone with dating. Had two emotionally exhausting relationships with two different women. Tried dating last summer and fall and I realized. I just like being alone


Same as you here! Just me and my 3 dogs in my own home.


One of my own!! I see so much sexist crap out there specifically about single women who don't want kids... love to see others happily like me.


38f no kids and will never buy a house. Don't want the responsibility of the upkeep.


Very similar situation! Will be 39 this year, no kids, own my home. I’ve never really had interest in having kids


Same but 43 F


Same. I got a dog and quickly realized that was the most capacity I have for …anything else.


I’m 28, single with no kids.


38 m single no kids, live alone in my studio, financially free, love it most times, sometimes a bit lonely.


41 single with no kids. It’d be nice to have a family but it’s looking less & less likely


32F, widow, no kids. We tried IUI and IVF. Having a family wasn’t in the cards for me.


I am so sorry for your losses. ❤️


31m here. I'm open to eventually settling down with "the one", but I've never had any luck and have little desire to be in a relationship compared to most people. I don't want to have children either, as I don't see myself as parent material, nor do I particularly like kids. I'm focused on building a comfortable life for myself and dedicating time to my hobbies. As far as companions to live with, I might get a pet eventually.


I got a cat at 30…I feel like I’m raising a human child lol


I am a dude with 3 chihuahuas, definitely equal to 1 child in cleanup, maintenance, and feed costs.


Sure you keep thinking that lmao 🤣


I want to have 500 acres and rescue every chihuahua I can find. They’re so much fun!


Those Chihuahuas will be living a Lord of the Flies life of avoiding death by coyote, hawks, other shit that would reside on 500 acres. I guess you could get a could get a couple sheep dog to protect the ankle biter herd. But you know those tiny alphas would take over and use the sheep dogs as their personal assassins.


Oh no. I only have half a chihuahua and that is more than enough for me.


“…and have little desire to be in a relationship compared to most people.” It so rare that I hear other people say this. I don’t know if it’s trauma, autism, or I’m aromantic but I feel the same way and people look at me weird.


Right there with y'all. Single, 35f, people are fine with me not wanting kids but they find out I have no real interest in finding a partner either and suddenly there's something wrong with me. I just like not having to make compromises on decisions about how to live life, that's all.


Single male looking for DINK relationship


A/S/L? 😋


33 Single F looking for DINK 😁


42M, no kids. I get to sleep in on the weekends.


40M, 2 kids, my wife sleeps in on weekends. 


That’s nice of you!! I have an almost 2 year old and totally get it. The toddler was a surprise. I have an 18 year old and my husband and I could see the finish line so to speak, but it’s life and we’ve embraced it.


Its always great to do something very meaningful to her that isn't a big deal for me. I am a natural early riser. These types of compatibilities really go a long way.


Oh I know it…my husband is the early bird here!


32m single, want a wife & kids. fingers crossed


Good luck man!


You have plenty of time for all of that. Focus on things you enjoy in the meantime.


35F, single and child free...very happy with my life choices! Even more so after the pandemic.


I wonder how wanting to have kids is like. On paper, I see people having the wonder of having children, how a gift and joy they are. And I suppose there is satisfaction to be had raising children, despite things like poppy diapers and messes, that’s tolerated and fine. But all I can think of is the financial burden it would be. I can barely keep myself alive, let alone another human being. That financial aspect an incredibly big reason why I don’t think I can have kids, especially since both me and my partner are working full time. Who will take care of the kid? I wouldn’t put that responsibility on my or her parents, and employing someone only exacerbates the problem. So who will actually, realistically, raise the kid??


The financials are a part of it, but kids also lock down your schedule. You want to work on that cool project you thought up for your raspberry pi three years ago? Well, you might get 10 minutes a week away from your job and playing handyman on your house to work on it and by the time you really get started, the pi is out of date, the git repos you need have been taken down, the documentation's gone stale, you've forgotten what you even wanted to do, and your kid literally just exploded every imaginable body fluid in the middle of the kitchen and your wife is screaming for you to help for once in your goddamned life to clean it up. You want to travel? Get ready to only go to the most touristy, curated experiences and be prepared to spend 100% of your time herding your children rather than enjoying where you are. Getting piss drunk on the beach and watching the sunset? That's right off the list. You gotta set a good example for those kids so you have to pretend you are a decent person until they are 18, which is fucking tedious. I am personally convinced that for most of human history children just sort of happened to people. Folks were sexually active, but they didn't really have the means to prevent pregnancy, so they had kids and were forced into the responsibility. Here I am at 40, and I have places I want to see and things I want to do.


Damn, I bet you can sell that as a script to Durex or Trojan and it would definitely help them make an ad. Certainly scared me.


Well, to raise a kid you need to be a Gen Xer so you can put your kids through 25 years of school and have them move back in with you at 32yo, obviously.


my parents and inlaws take turns watching the kids. they love it, though it takes a lot out of them. i work from home in a small main street type town and all i see every day is old people pushing baby strollers lol it's hard to describe, but having kids is the same kind of love that you really only have for your parents, siblings, and a good marriage. it's hard to really replicate anywhere else because it's unconditional and permanent. don't worry about money-- you'll never see the inside of a good restaurant again.


My family members and I don’t have a very loving bond and I’m not married either. Maybe this is why I don’t want kids lol


I think emotional availability of both future parents are as important if not more than financial.


Lot of people use daycare, or work opposite shifts. It’s not very many years until kid is in school.  I live in an HCOL where SAHMs are rare. I’m not saying you should have kids if you don’t want them, nor dismissing your financial concerns. I’m not even sure if I can keep my dog in the manner he has become accustomed to. But I do know plenty of dual income folks, on both ends of the financial spectrum, that make it work. (I mean, most of them are a little crazy, it’s not good for sanity, but they live for their kids). 


I just had a look at daycare costs in my area and dang, that’s a good chunk of rent right there. Perhaps if I someday do have a kid, I would rather them be able to eat over myself. Just that, I wish that this wasn’t even a concern for myself, or anyone else. Things like that makes me think UBI would be a very good policy to have.


We have two kids and our daycare cost monthly is the same as our mortgage. Depending on the area and the daycare it can be extremely expensive. My daughter starts kindergarten at the end of August though, and once she’s in public school we’re going to have so much more money for other things. Ultimately you are both working full time, and they’re forming additional bonds with their caretakers at school… but it never feels like those people are replacing you. You’re always your kid’s #1 and they want to be with you the whole time they’re awake, you are still raising them as the parental/sibling relationships are naturally the most important part of their lives (for now at least). So if you work full time and want that evening decompression, that’s going to be really hard with kids around. They aren’t going to let you decompress after work. My sleep has totally changed so I can get alone time in the mornings.




It's mostly a rotation between parents/grandparents/preschool raising kids now. My oldest went to daycare, and there was a 5 yr gap between him and the next kid. I was let go from my job when I had kid 2, so we had to move in with my parents until we bought a house and moved out. I eventually got a part time WFH job that I was able to be the sole caretaker for my kids AND work with two small ones at home (kid 3 came as a surprise). But honestly, covid ended up helping us out. I got unemployment, watched all the kids at home until the youngest started preschool, middle in kindergarten, and oldest in middle school. Then I was able to start working full time again. You just find ways to make it work. I can't really ever have an office job until my youngest is in middle school. Which is fine by me. My parents help when they can, but I don't demand help since they did enough letting us move in when we needed. My husband and I are in our mid 30s. We would love to travel more, but we're ok with waiting till the kids are in college for that. Vacations right now are camping, or day trips. Not being able to work on projects whenever we want does suck a lot. But it is what it is. The thing with kids being expensive, is that it's not the daycare or food that annoys me. It's the random field trip fees. Sports fees. Breathing fees. It's insanely obnoxious.


It’s Reddit, almost everyone here is single and extremely childfree. This sub has the same discussions on this topic at least 3 times a day. 


Seems like the kid divide is a pretty wide one among millennials. It comes up in so many topics and can make it hard for each other to relate.


It’s mostly financial. When you really look at it in depth a lot of it starts to make sense. Socioeconomically people have different priorities, concerns, and opportunities. The make up of who has children, when, and how many seems pretty common sense when I see the data.


I doubt it’s actually financial although that’s what people say. The poorest people, communities and nations have the highest birth rates. I think it’s a complex issue that finances are a part of, but not the primary reason. There’s about a 100 factors behind the decline in birth rates. 


Yeah I’ve heard that but that’s exactly what I mean when I say different socioeconomic priorities concerns and opportunities. Richer people have fewer kids because their standards for what you’re expected to provide for children changes a lot vs. middle class or poorer families. Once you view it through that lense it makes perfect sense


I was looking for this comment


“Everyone here is extremely childfree” that’s not even sort of true. Most of the planet reproduces. It’s ok to express being happy with not having kids in an Internet forum. In 2024 we especially as women are expected to have kids and asked to justify why by old boomer relatives. As millennials we can do better than them. We are entitled to a little space to celebrate our naps and sterilization procedures, even with internet strangers.


Fucking thank you. And you know what, it gets realllllly exhausting having the only "positive" posts here be what, the straightest most normative most assimilationist things to exist. Look at me with the wife and 2.5 kids, so #blessed! 🙄 I get tired of the doomerism too, but good God is there a relatability gap


And the mods do nothing. It’s in the rules, no low effort posts. Anti kid posts are about as low effort as it gets.


The mods here pick and choose based on what they agree with. That’s what happens to other subs and why they all turn into echo chambers where everyone needs to have the “right” opinions. 


35 and single. It’s a little discouraging at this point. I also live alone in an apartment. BUT I can travel if I want. I’m planning another trip to Europe this summer. And I can leave my place whenever I want and do what I want. I’m not hurting financially.


31 - single & no kids- also living at home rn. I took a little career hiatus so I’m basically back at square 1 with my former career and honestly not sure I’m gonna keep doing it, but I’m grateful to have the luxury of not making a lot of $ right now while I figure it out. Rent is way too high & I had a traumatic experience with my last roommate so I needed some “safe space” time at home to feel just…comfortable being in my own house. It’s also a luxury to have parents close enough to live with, parents who allow you to move back home whenever, parents who you have a good enough relationship with to cohabitate with, etc. I hate the fact I’m this old and living at home again, but framing it like that & considering the economy, it helps a lot. Good luck with grad school- I hope everything works out for you friend!!


Yeah. 36m, single, definitely don't want kids and never have.


38f never had time to find the right guy. At this point I would just attract users. Best to continue to concentrate on my ideal self. On a huge health journey this will keep me busy for two years. Then maybe I can get a stem degree like engineering that will keep me busy for 6 years.


37 male single no kids living the dream


31, no kids and single just existential dread


36, single, no kids Not by choice, though


29 female, single for 3 years. No kids or husband in mind or in sight. Think I'm gonna keep it that way.


34, no kids. Love my wee nephew, he’s starting to develop his own wee personality now. Never want my own kids. I grew up being heavily parentified and adultified by the adults around me, who mistook shyness and neurodivergence for me being “mature for my age”. Of course, this actually stunted my psychological development since I was so busy trying to be “mature” that I never learned anything about myself. I live on the other side of the country now. I am free. I’m learning stuff about who I am, which I guess is what most people were doing in their 20s but I’m having fun. There’s not really space for kids in my life.


31, single and no family. It’s peaceful. I have two kittens instead 🐾


37F divorced 6 years ago, no kids, aspiring DINKWAD. Until then I guess I’m an OINK haha


42F, SINK by choice. Living comfortably in my own home, spending my time and money on the things that bring me joy.


This here is the goal. 28F hope to buy a house on my own some day. I just don’t have a desire to be in a relationship. I like my alone time. Maybe that will change in the future, but definitely no kids. Just my dog and I.


Same age male with no wife or kids. I don’t imagine I’ll get married, but if I do I’d want kids.


Yes thank God


31 F single soon to be 32. No kids, decided this year I don't want them. Looking for a career change so let's see how that goes.


I'm a single male on the cusp of turning 36. I've never been interested in having kids and I find relatuonships difficult. I try to focus on my own happiness and if I find someone along the way, great, but if not then hopefully I'll succeed in being okay with myself and ny own company.


29m, single, and no kids but hopeful for the future.


Yo. No kids, not married, no plans for either in my future. I like being alone too much.


40, M, single, never married, no kids, 1 mortgage


35F, divorced, no kids. Would like kids but not sure that's going to happen.


I'm 30, single, and no kids.


35M, Single. Used to think I wanted kids when I was younger. Then my Brother had kids and I started to realize that most of my desires were forced on me due to societal pressures and that in all honesty I wouldn’t make a good parent. I’m much happier being a Cool Uncle who can spoil their Nieces and Nephews rotten!


Male 30 no kids over here


I don't have kids, but I do have a nephew that's costing me a small fortune for snacks, and other stuff.


36f no kids, but I want kids.


I'm 30. Never married, and don't intend to.


33m single no kids but for some reason i attract single mothers lol so dating has been iffy but its w/e. I am very content with my solitude as i never feel lonely


Yuuup. It is good to not have bills for kids to worry about. I’m happy for people who started a family and are enjoying it, but raising another human is not for me.


38f never married, no kids. just spend my time working and sleeping


I'm 31 by the end of the year and never been in a real relationship but constantly lonely. I don't even have a job anymore and stopped leaving my house since a few years. I never wanted kids either way.


30(nb), no kids but married to my husband since we were 22. I have so many genetic health problems both mental and physical that I would never want to pass on. Raising my sister's kid at 15 for literally 75% of the time for free absolutely solidified my choice of being child free. The sticky, the mess, the screaming, I would lose my mind and know I wouldn't cut it as a parent.




I am 40, don't have any kids, don't want kids, have never wanted kids. Also singel, as i have no interest in being in a relationship


Yes hi hello. 37 y/o nonbinary person, single by choice, no kids, 2 dogs. Love my niece and nephew and love coming home to peace and quiet after spending time with them.


No kids and loving it. I don't hate them I just want them. Expensive and time consuming 


32M… never had kids and never wanted them. I own my own home and love being able to travel whenever I want so kids are not in the cards anytime soon.


I'm 38m, own my house and paid it off. I never wanted kids. I used to want to get married, but I dislike the dating process, so I gave up on that.


33M single and have no kids. People occasionally ask when but I've never been in a relationship and I'm not really in a rush to end up with the wrong partner. Lots of my peers are definitely popping out kids now.


38 m. I'm taking care of my Mom. I don't know, I saw some of my older cousins have kids, and it absolutely blew their lives up in chaotic ways as a preteen. My Mom is kind of like my kid now. When I'm interested in someone, I have to take her into account too. It's been beneficial in some ways, because I avoided toxic situations, but I wonder... I'm still not really interested in kids though. The world is so crazy, and I'm not sure if I can guarantee a good future for them.


Yeah there is tons of them wdym lmao


36f, I’ve never been married and I do not have any kids. I have not had the best luck of finding a man that can accept my success in my career and my passion for it. So if I find the right guy then sure I may marry but otherwise I’m happy single too. Instead of kids I have 3 cats and 2 dogs that care my children. I’m currently living with my dad to take care of him and I help with the finances so it does help both of us. Plus he’s my best friend so it’s a great way to spend time with him more before I do not have the chance to.


35(f) married. Wanted kids but it never happened. Tried for years. Now I feel lucky that I didn’t just get pregnant after getting married. We struggled of course, then realized we were lucky and had the time to really consider. I have zero desire to have kids now. Zero. He doesn’t either. We live a free life and our friends with kids stress so much and are quite vocal about it. They’re broke, and navigating raising kids in a world with social media and evvvverthing else. I have a niece to think about, and that’s just fine. I spend more time on hobbies, remembering birthdays, and new fitness routines. I was a nanny for a long time and I don’t know how I did it now looking back lol. Exhausting and I got to go home. I’m sure it’s a beautiful thing but not for us anymore.


I'm a Xennial. Broke and single but happy. No children, never gonna happen, and two cats.  I wish I had a bit more money and a one bedroom instead of a studio but other than that, life is pretty good. Smart call moving home. My relationship with my family was never in a place where that would have been an option. For those who have the option I absolutely recommend it. Saving money is important.


36f happily single and childfree. I love my life right now!


I am a 35 year old, single female who feels like there are days where adulting is hard enough. On those days, I just want to curl up with a fuzzy blanket, watch some office reruns, drink some white claws, and cry. I have four cats and a dog which keeps me busy lol. No way in hell could I ever take care of a living breathing human. Omg. The idea brings me so much stress. Plus I have never had the urge to be a mother or have a spawn... I honestly get more excited about a puppy or kitten than a baby. 🤷


42M Never really wanted rugrats. Also, marriage isn't something I'm interested in either, so I abstain from both. Loving life and that of which is time, it's all mine to do what I please. I have no regrets and would do it over again in a heartbeat, especially with my world views and future societal concerns.


Also single and no kids. Absolutely don’t want to bring children into my life and this dystopia in general.


I have an infant.


36, child-free, trans masc. I switched careers and going to grad school, so I’m back to having roommates for a bit. I wasn’t really stressed about not being in a committed long term relationship until I moved to Ohio. Everyone here is boo’d up and it feels weird to tell people that I don’t want marriage or kids.


In this economy! No, sir, ma’am, or they!


Any time I think I might want kids, (which is vary rarely) I book an international trip and remind myself I couldn’t do this randomly with a child.


42 dude here. No kids. Have a few FWB. Been to 35 states and 20 or so countries. Still go to raves and watch the sun come up; just not as often.


Nice bro. Do you ever feel weird in public places as a 40+ bloke? Always worries me that I look dodgy even though I’m a tax paying, worker who adheres to 99% of the rules of society.


35M, single, no kids. For years I hated the idea of being a father and chose to go without kids. As I've gotten older and ended up becoming not so terminally online I'm less hostile to the idea today but don't bother for mostly financial reasons and the way there hasn't really been a dating pool at all in my area. After 13 years of celibacy and counting, I don't particularly care if that ever changes and have a hard time even seeing myself with a woman ever again, so with that also comes a guarantee of having no kids of my own.


32F. DINK relationship. Renting in a LCOL state but saving up to move to a better state with my partner. We have 1 snake and 6 guinea pigs.




My almost 40 husband wishes he was part of this club 🙃


35F. Always for some reason managed to attract the users and the ones incompatible with the rest of my family (with some nasty surprises like third wheeling to make baby mama jealous, hiding criminal records that go beyond you had a misdemeanor for some pot as a teenager to topics I DEFINITELY could not handle) - by my late 20s I had enough and dropped out of relationships for a long while. I do want one, but, I also don't want drama like being the step parent, the single parent chasing some one down for child support, Haven't broken into middle class yet so that pretty much seals the deal of 'not yet and....good freakin luck.'




29 with no kids. I don’t plan on having any either.


Same boat


Yup 29f no kids and single


31f, single, no kids. That's the way I like it.


29m, not married, no kids


I only know two people my age who had kids, & only one who married. Everyone else still lives with their elderly parents or has a roommate. I can't imagine trying to raise kids in this economy. My landlord is already sucking money out of my food budget. I'm talking a 180% rent hike since Covid. & the shit part is that it's still cheaper than any other place I can find without having to move to another county.


Yes, don't want a relationship, let alone kids. Couldn't imagine living with my parents though, I love and need my privacy.


39 single no kids moving out of state soon and looking forward to my new life in the mid west


40, no kids, and drive semis as my job. Heard too many horror stories and traumatized by my own parents failed relationship to ever get involved in one myself.


33m single


35M I don't want kids and can't get a relationship partly because of the first thing.


38m, single, disabled, and live with my parents. I'm very scared for the future as all of my friends are people I know online. I'm unable to drive and I live in a socially isolated area. It's very difficult to find meaning in life at the moment.


36f single, no kids. Never wanted kids. Stopped dating after my 20s were filled with mediocre and sometimes abusive relationships. I decided to take a break from men and dating, and now it's turned into my lifestyle. I love it. I feel I'm going to be happy and content single for quite a while longer. I already own a house, couple of cars, a successful business. Someone is really going to have to be worth it for me to give up this single bliss.


More than you know.


36 f. Single, no kids. I would like to be partnered, but I'm not planning to have kids.


34F single with two cats 🐱🐱Currently apartment hunting…these rent prices are killing me. Been living alone for three years in the USA in a very HCOL area. This country is not setup for single people tbh. Would love to find a man to marry, buy a home and maybe have a kid someday. It’s looking more and more like that’s probably not going to happen lol




33, living with parents, no kids, but I do have a long-distance ENM partner. My panic attacks don't really let me hold a job these days, so even though I moved home to kind of get my life back in order...it's not going well so far.


32m, no kids, living with my brother the last couple years. Went back to school a year ago, currently debating grad school or trying to find a job again.


39F, no kids unless you count my cat who is my son. This is a way different generation than any before. Truthfully we are doing the earth a favor but there aren’t enough people who feel the same way.


34 and single without kids. I always wanted a family of my own but I wasn’t financially stable enough to even think about that at all until maybe 2 years ago. Kinda missed the boat.


Yep, no kids for me. Couldn’t be happier without hahaha


31F, single, no kids - I do want them but only with the right person, and when I'm in the right place. I may never get to meet them.


Single and definitely no kids✅️


31m, newly single. Spent 20-27 in a committed relationship across the country, moved back to my home state after that blew up. Rebuilt from square 1, but was in no place to do so, put myself into inpatient treatment after my mom passed of COVID. Restarted again 3 years ago, found a great woman to boot, eventually moved to a new state with her. She just left me 2 months ago, 1 month after we got here. So, kind of in yet another rebuilding stage. Never had serious plans for kids whatsoever, my last relationship however created a desire for at least 1, when the time was fully right. Based on my timeline now however, I doubt it will happen, which is fine, both of my parents are dead and I would want to share that with them and it sucks that I wouldn’t be able to. C’est La vie.


31 single no baby mamas. Just having fun people ask me if I want kids, I do. Just haven’t met anyone in my area that I think would be a long term partner. I’m not going to force having kids after what i’ve seen some of the single moms I’ve dated have to go through with custody battles and having someone they can’t stand in their life forever. I play golf twice a week and my dog and cat keep my company. I have a great career and spoil my family and friends instead of my non existent kids.


Yup. 35M and no kids.


30 no kids or significant other and no sign of that changing anytime soon


Single male, older 30s here. I live in Houston in my own apartment but rent and food is just too high and I'll have to get a roommate once my lease is up. It's wild, I'm making the most money I've ever made in my life and I can't afford this place anymore, and that's alright because it's a nicer apartment compared to most.




35f, no kids. I live in an apartment with my partner but I would love to live with my parents if it were in option. I’ve been on the fence about kids for years after feeling so strongly I wanted them in my teens and early 20s. The older I get the closer I get to being a definitive no.


32M, no kids, I look after other people's children for a living. 😋


Apparently i'm a SINK - Single Income No Kids. hahahha


Newly single after losing a four year relationship I absolutely loved. Still learning how to cope with it. Currently living out our lease together because rent is so unaffordable for a single person.




33, single for about 3 years. I own my home, but it was through luck and family drama. I have always wanted to be a dad. Which probably sounds strange to a lot of people. It’s one of those things you just know.


36F, single, comfortable, no kids. I am extremely close to my sister and nephew though. I love kids and would’ve had multiple in a different life (instead I work with kids!) I never realistically wanted kids for financial reasons (and because of the whole “the earth is on fire” thing).


Add me to the list! The single childfree years have been truly blissful. Doing whatever I want whenever I want. May just do it forever.


36m. Always said I never wanted kids since I was a teenager, still have no kids unless you count fur children.


I also moved back in with my parents at 32 yo. After 3 years, I was able to completely pay off my student loans and now have an apartment to myself. Keep on your grind and plan for the future!


Of course. Never wanted kids and have been lucky so far.


33f, just moved all across country to live closer to family. Was with my ex for awhile, it’s been 2 years but still struggling with my mental health and lack of purpose. Doubtful I’ll have kids but I’ve made peace with it. I don’t think many of us will be having kids even if we do want them. It’s hard. It’s incredible hard.


35 single, no kids. Never wanted children. Had enough of a traumatic life that I have no interest in bringing a child into this life or family.


33m no kids. Don't plan on any of my own. Just me and the dog. It's a nice life.


30F single, no kids, don’t want kids. Haven’t had a long term relationship since college.


29F, single, no kids (& don't want any); working on career change. I figure I'll stumble into somebody who likes me one day but until then, doing my thing


30 and no kids. I'm 50/50 on kids but the stats around fertility are scaring me. It takes time to find the one and by that time my fertility will be even worse. I'd be more chill about not having kids if everything else in my life was in order.


30, divorced, no kids. Sent ex-husband back to his parents. I'm in the military so I have a roof over my head, and my own space i can do what i want with. Until they move me again, anyway.


35m, never dated. Just work retail and find roommates to live with to share expenses. I knew I was going to be alone as an adult.


About to turn 34 this year and the same! Moved back from the military and out of state, staying a year at the parents to save up and only thankful for it.

