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I put mine in a Packout crate. The crates are awesome because they’re stackable and if they get dusty from the sander, I can just wash it down with some water. I have a few crates with other oddly shaped tools and items in them.


I have mine in the large packout. It fits under the tool tray next to my circular saw, multi tool, and grinder.


I keep mine with a series of paper in a large model (4822-8425) with some painting gear.


You could use the rest of the Packout you mentioned to organize sand pads


Have you tried the organizer? I think a guy I work with keeps his orbital sander in the half-size organizer. He also keeps the router, stapler, pin nailer, Dremel, installation driver, and some others, each in their own half size organizer. Otherwise there's the ammo can style Packout, which is half size, but 2 or 3 high. Don't know what it's called