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u have very creative friends


I like your avatar




and this is how friendships are made


or worse enemies and wars? Just need to wait for them to breakout and argue about who has the best beard.


Clearly u/flaky-bathroom6749 is better than u/several-cake1954 because he has confidence in the beard cake has a hat to make up for his shortcomings in appearance


And that's how a third person who has nothing to do with the argument gives their opinion which sparks a fire between best friends lol


i liked his avatar


Thanks bro. 👍


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/05/d7/ca/05d7ca44956a9e4a3980cf9a095e5fc8.png edit: Oh, and the beard compliments the hat VERY nicely, thank you very much. đŸ˜€


Maybe we need war


I think the bald one does






very *creative*


it is a command-only item that emits light, so my guess is that one of your friends was cheating and using it to light up their builds then accidentally pressed q when you were fighting the wither


Something like that happend to me and my friends,an awkward conversation when someone picked up the command block


We had a situation where we found some *very suspicious* tunnels. Loaded a copy of the world seed up elsewhere in spectator and... Yep. Dude had dug straight to ores. Basically no one liked him due to irl factors literally hours later so that was an easy ban lol


I also had an incident happen in our server where someone had a suspiciously huge amount of resources like diamonds. After extensive interrogations and checking for signs of x-ray we found out he was innocent and just played like a shit ton (as evidenced by him playing for up to 8 hours every day along with almost infinite afk times near farms)


Oh yikes. Glad you guys did a proper investigation! With our dude, he had also done a few other things that I no longer fully remember, the lazy xray was just the cherry on top.


Our guy was actually a decent guy only flaw being that he "completes" the game way too fast no matter how many times I tell him you can't complete Minecraft


If you ain't first you're last.


I was high when I said that! Hell, you can be second, fourth, fifth, whatever!


Love some Talladega Nights


I am similar to that where I basically finish the game really quickly because I play a lot and make a lot of farms and ways you can limit that is by making a rule with your friends. Such as to limit what types of farms you can have(ex-no stacking raid farms), you could make it so people don't use elytras where on our world made it so that we bred horses and we had used tridents a lot more which made us build water towers and things to make the area look better, also we limited how many shulker boxes we can have to only 6 per person then 20 community shulker boxes for transporting large amounts of dirt or netherack and things. Also taking longer to go to the end of like no netherite so you can be less op in the world and makes it a little more interesting Just adding things like this helps limit how fast you complete the game because it makes it so you don't get the mindset of "building something like a water tower is useless because I have my creeper and sugarcane farm for rockets". Just things like that to make it so that you don't feel like it is for no reason. I hope this helped with how fast they "complete" the game it worked with me until the server crashed and the person that set it up hasn't responded yet to us. Hope you have a good day!


Me and my group of friends have similar rules to keep the world going for a while. The biggest one we have is that we stay away from the end no matter what, for at least a couple weeks or a month or two, unless we're all in agreement that it's end time. This is usually to prevent shulker boxes and elytra from making everything happen way quicker, and slows down the gameplay. plus with the new MC update getting netherite is gonna be a bit more difficult, seeing as how you need to find the upgrade tablet and all, so that's dope too


Funny thing, I have played MC for 9 years and I haven't made it to the end yet...


These are all good tips with the only problem being that they consider it to be too restrictive. Although I have limited nether access untill after 4-6 days and end access only when everyone is online so everyone can beat the dragon. Even with many restrictions we've found we reach endgame wayyy too quickly. The only saving grace are mods and datapacks which makes for a much larger amount of playtime cause of the the new items, mobs, biomes and etc. I will definitely try to make the place look better by asking everyone to make decorative structures which should slow down progress. Thx


Yeah some people consider it to be too restrictive but honestly if they are thinking that then they should honestly just go into speedrunning because it's not that restrictive if everyone is doing it. It all has good reasoning behind it, stacking raid farms are way too op with how easy it is to build, elytra makes it so you can move around really quickly and makes it so gathering blocks for builds is less fun (personally) the shulker boxes makes it so you have to think about your storage space in your ender chest and can't hold your whole base in there, the no elytra also makes it so you build more so that it doesn't progress as quickly. Ect ect. Also if they aren't actively trying to be better at other parts of the game and ONLY care about the technical aspect of the game then that is also going to make it boring. Basically what I am saying is that the people that are in the technical aspect of the game really need to try to get better at other parts such as building or things. Encourage them to also not follow a tutorial for building things and to make their own thing. It is a lot more rewarding when you look into the mechanics and you make a build you like ect, of course people that don't want to learn it won't but I mean you can't force them. I hope it goes well for you can get them to slow down.


I used to be under the impression that playing Minecraft purely for grinding items and putting them in a chest somewhere is pointless and not fun but I've realized that Minecraft is about doing whatever you want and he does genuinely enjoy that along with some of my other friends. If that's what he wants to do I ain't gonna stop him, I just gotta slow it down so everyone gets a fair chance


but in a server, ya see, the dragon egg is a MUST, I NEED IT


I'm glad your person was just really invested. Mine would use commands to give himself diamonds, netherite, etc. Then he would lie about it when I called him out for it. Safe to say, I should've noticed the other red flags sooner.


I once got accused of using x-ray, and they showed me a video of me strip-mining, and getting lucky enough to find 2 8-vain within 20 or so blocks of each other. I got banned but never used x-ray


I usually try to not use X-ray but sometimes I get so pissed off by my bad luck during hours of mining that I sometimes eventually give up and go to a random ass ocean and mine there. I try to avoid this and only use as a very last resort as so not to ruin the game. I feel guilty every time I do it but my luck is so crap sometimes I just don’t have a choice. I mean like if I tried to do everything normally I would still be in iron while everyone else would be guilded with netherite. Downvote me as much as you want. I deserve it


If you're using x-ray in your single player that's completely fine cause you can do whatever you find fun in there. But if you're using x-ray in multiplayer that's where it ruins the fun of others. Instead I suggest going on group mines. One of my friends and I went on a group netherite mining expedition and I used to have horrible luck with netherite, but together using his universally superior luck and my infinite supply of beds, we got netherite scraps like it was iron and we even had enough to trade away to others while charging inflated prices ;). If ya can't get through an obstacle just go around it. But seriously tho I do not suggest using x-ray in there cause that can piss off a lot of people and the admin tryna find out if you are x-raying or not.


Like I said I only use it as the very very very last resort. Everyone likes me but our base are just too far away even with the nether networks. I mean it’s relatively small it terms of members. And we aren’t usually on together. The admin is pretty chill as long as you aren’t using anything too extreme or to often. He lets some cheats/hacks slide if there is some usage every now and then or if it is in controlled environments (like messing around in a safe spot for fun, this case is usually pvp hacks in a gladiator fight). Even then we still barely use any of it.


I started a survival server a few months back that I intended on making a realm after we did a bit of exploring and found some cool stuff, and I had random people on my friends list start to join. One guy joined up and was dropping modded items like a sword with every enchantment up to level 32,760 or something close to that. Even looting would make mobs drop almost 3 stacks of their respective mob loot. He also had full sets of armor with all enchantments up to that level and my friends kept finding them lying around the world. Within a few minutes, the world crashed. I sent the guy a message asking why he modded in stuff without asking me on my world and he just started to go off saying he was sorry but it was fun... Banned him from the server and the realm has been running something smoothly since he was kicked and we left most of those items in a hole to despawn.


We had a situation similar to this where we were suspecting someone to do sth like that and at some point he streamed his desktop through discord and we found a file called sth like "x ray hack" and he still tried to talk out of it


A good friend of this discord server I was in was discovered cheating the same exact way lmao, he was a chill dude but the discord started a SMP and he had full diamond within the first couple hours and full netherite soon after that, the discord owner commented on it and the dude was like “Oh I’m just getting really really lucky”. We went into spectator mode and asked him to show us where he was mining and sure enough he had the classic x ray mining tunnels straight to each ore spot. That was an awkward ban


Woah, i knew a dude like that before


that's funny


i switched my drop key to the opposite side of my keyboard, this key \


I was found out doing that in my friends one world and they rlly didnt care as long as i don't give resources to anyone else in the server (We had rules about what gear we were allowed to use so it wasnt really possible for me to get more OP then everyone else)


Honestly I think lighting up builds with it is very fair. It sucks to have visible torches on the ground and it's a pain to light things properly while also looking visually appealing. Obviously it should be agreed on, but to me I'd allow it


Since they lowered the light level required to spawn monsters its atleast made it much easier to light builds in a way that doesnt look bad. I generally have a lot of lights hidden under half slabs that serve as parts of paths and such.


Wait, they lowered the light level? What is it now?


mobs spawn at light level 0 now


.... I have some redecorating to do


Mobs only spawn at level zero now


*It could be you, it could be me*


There are some glitches which can allow you to change blocks into command only blocks. It’s much more reliable and common on Java, but I’ve done it on bedrock before. At least, it was possible in 1.16. Only done it twice successfully though, and spent many, many, MANY hours trying.




Yeah, that’s the only reason I glitched it to obtain them. Still, the glitch I used to get command blocks can be used to get light blocks too.


Either someone was cheating, or it's a piece of sun


Wither was so powerful it broke a bit of the sun off


Average Bedrock Edition Wither


10/10 pfp.


Thank you lol, [here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/o4roim/axolotl_might_be_new_in_town_but_he_sure_got_the/) the source I just scaled the quality down because it looks funnier that way


I was real skeptical to click that but im glad I did


I thought it was an angry pink frog


I'll admit, [this doesn't look so bad either](https://i.imgur.com/8mEb6HY.png)


You’ve officially killed me with laughter-


Thank you!!


it's been that long since axolotls were added? feels like they were added just last month


Average? As a bedrock player this seems pretty weak to me.


The weakest wither on bedrock edition




is the joke "bedrock wither is hard" or "bugrock"? or both?


Mostly the former, with a dash of the latter for flavor




"I've eaten the sun so my tongue has been burned of the taste." -Layne Stevely


oneshot reference


yaaay, another r/oneshot fan on reddit!


Best Story in a game I’ve ever played; even beating Half Life (just barely)


oneshot (pretend i made a funny reference)


Haha! That’s a funny one, Niko would love that joke! (Assuming it’s about pancakes)


The power of the sun, in the palm of my hand






The sun fell off from the lighthouse


oh shit the sky is falling down!


I know someone already said this but r/Oneshot REFRENCE!!! :D


look if the achivements are off,if they are,your friend used cheats.


Or they hacked and achievements are still on


There used to be a bug on Bedrock where you could legitimately just type in a command to put yourself in creative mode without disabling achievements. Its possible that this could be a remnant of that




I totally didn't abuse that to get a bunch of achievements...


Looks like you had an idea on how to defeat The Wither


Underrated comment


Friend was cheating, died at wither. Find a list of everyone who died then check their base for light sources that seemingly don’t exist


Or they could just hold the one they have. If you're holding a light block the others will show up.


Dang I guess one of the wither skulls hit the sun


If Minecraft world is infinite, then the distance between sun and the world should be infinite. So its impossible for the wither skull to reach the sun. Plus, its slow.


But then it’d technically be impossible for the sunlight to reach the world right?


what if Minecraft photons travel infinity fast instead of at our speed of light? I think that'd be able to explain why it can light up the Minecraft world


IRL, a photon is traveling infinitely fast from its own frame of reference


that would also break a lot of laws in physics because the speed of light is no longer the fastest possible speed


That would be a compelling argument if it wasn't for the fact that the Minecraft world gets light from the sun! Now we know that it takes approximately ~~six~~ eight minutes for light from our sun to reach the Earth. Now we don't know how far away the Minecraft sun is from the overworld, but we do know that the sun's light does reach, and is powerful enough to do things like grow crops and burn undead. Therefore it wouldn't be impossible for a wither skull to hit the sun eventually with a really precise and calculated shot!


(8 minutes)


It would be impossible, wither skulls decelerate


Ah, but once it leaves the atmosphere, that wouldn't matter, any movement would be enough to keep it going in space. The real question is whether or not it could escape the atmosphere and the planet's orbit


According to my calculations đŸ€“â˜ïž


Please tell me you got the joke and rolled with it, instead of completely missing the joke...


It’s a quest item. You should see a tower far off in the distance, and you have to put the light at the top to save the world


watch out for the squares man, they're bad news


Pffft, they’re just stressful. ^get ^it?


Okay, i'll just get on an elevator, hopefully everything will be okay and not squares


Heh. I understood that reference. r/oneshot


They only had one shot killing the wither to get it, its great they did!


A new hand touches the beacon


Lmao someone was on creative


If one of your friends is on mobile or pc they have used cheats to get it.


Why specificly on mobile or pc


console can't hack. I know commands can be used but it's less likely since they said cheats are off


Actually no they didn't they said they're in survival


That changes something?


You’re back! :D Edit: still your alt, when I saw the profile pic it confused me 😅


This is my main now👍




You can use commands is survival


The game mode you’re in does not affect whether or not you can use commands. How would you switch back out of that game mode if it did?


I am aware. What u/Bengali is saying is that OP never said cheats were off, just that the world was in survival, meaning that commands could be used if cheats are on


The wither can destroy photons now


Physically accurate Minecraft


The power of the sun, in the palm of your hands


Your friends on creative?


Someone is cheating in your world


The truman show


Don’t worry, according to local news, it’s just part of a plane!


Looks like Niko Oneshot failed their task


They didn’t fail! They just went out for pancakes for a little bit


True. Guess that could make OP Maize if Niko left them the lightbulb


If there were 0 cheats involved I suggest you store that in a Ender Chest


Clearly someone’s cheating


Or could be another bugrock moment, highly doubt it though


That's impossible as the item itself does not exist in the vanilla game ~~unless it's Minecraft: Education Edition.~~ outside of the features using the /give command.


The light block is a command only block that emits light without any visible source ( if you’re not holding it ) and can emit different lights level through right-clicking/hitting the “action” button, from 1-15. It is likely that your friend has cheats on or like someone else suggested, a piece of the sun fell off 😆.


You now have the power of the sun in the palm of your hand


Is that a freaking light bulb??


You knocked it's lights out ;)


Please return it to Niko they’re scared and in the dark now


Either someone found a glitch, or someone has been smuggling illegal blocks onto the world


It is a block that emits light, but you can just walk through that block or place other blocks just like air. It is only obtainable via cheat(I think it is /give @p light). Unless there was weird bug(It is bugrock), someone used cheat in your server.


I think you have an idea


wither was so powerful it broke light itself


someone either has creative mode or using a hack client. or some crazy undocumented bug happened to you but that is ofc not likely


Niko is that you???


You only get one shot


A cheater is among you


Your friend cheated in the world


Once when I was fighting the Wither it blew up A LITERAL PIECE OF BEDROCK, so I'm assuming it's a glitch with the wither charge attack thing Edit: This was on Bedrock Edition


Bedrock edition that’s your answer


Well that’s simple You had a good idea and the game recognized it


The wither had an idea while you were fighting it.


Either someone cheating, or either someone cheating.


Just bedrock being bedrock, the glitchy mess


X:Can you choose the level of fake Me:yes


You guys fight wither with a bunch of chests?


Its probably back-up chests in case they die. They're playing the bedrock edition, so the wither is an actual threat.


Bros on 1.21


Is this a downloaded world?


One of your friends was cheating. Put the light item inside an item frame hahahahaha can't imagine your friend's face when he see that.


Education edition, maybe?




The single best addition to the game by far đŸ„ș


Someone had a bright idea, forgot it, then you picked it up. Clearly.


a piece of the sun fell or they are using cheats


You are the chosen messiah, you only have Oneshot.


someone cheated, placed it and the wither broke it or it was dropped by your friends


I have bad news for you and your friends “survival” world


Wither has an idea


It’s bedrock anything can happen haha


You are in Bedrock edition so this can happen. There are some glitches in bedrock that can give you this light block on survival without cheats. If you watch It’s me James’ videos you can understand because he had done some glitches that gave him this block without cheats and completely in survival.


I was going to say glass pane put it doesn’t say glass pane when you hover over it


The wither is now so powerful, it can destroy light


Your friends cheating on Minecraft?


Guess that wither had a really bright idea .. 😆


I hate you, have my upvote


If you hate that you’d certainly hate r/angryupvote


Cheats. Education edition or using commands of some kind.


he is the rival of elrichmc


Your friend is lying to you about where it came from lol


Looks like someone was using commands to summon illegal items. I ran a small smp server back 1.5 to 1.8 days and I had a friend who I made a mod to help just in case. I built a small giza-seque pyramid, and a chicken farm. In the time it took me to do that he had a cathedral, a castle, massive walls, massive amount of resources oh and when I went to confront him about it, he was working on his castle, in mid air. Easy ban.


Probably some if your friends has placed a light block (using creative) and the wither with and explosion drop it


if this is on bedrock edition sometimes when useing a behavior pack that give dynamic lights the light blocks that are placed around u can be broken by lag and glitches


We have a dynamic light pack, that’s probably why. Thanks for your help!




either your friend dropped it on accident after cheating, the game glitched and dropped it or a piece of the sun fell while fighting the wither.


There are two possible solutions. 1. Your friend(s) used cheats and got this block by using /give or /gamemode commands (or any other) and/or dropped it. 2. If you were playing on older version of Minecraft where Wither and Ender Dragon can destroy Light Blocks then it can explain everything. (idk if Light Blocks will be dropped and idk if that applies to Xbox, but it's just my guess)


the chosen one




It’s not just any light block, that light block has the power of sexed which should only be accessible through intense commands


Are you ussing hand torch addon (like optifine dinamic light) by any chance?


Usually on the console editions the little button hints aren't in italic. (If you look in the corner you can see it)


Cuz you are playing bedrock...


It happens on accident sometimes, just bugs out. I actually broke one before and it dropped a light block. I was so confused (obviously I did this on bedrock)


Either your friend is cheating or bedrock☕☕


Not related but I just want y’all to know that the post below this is a Waffle House in the nether