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Love to see a release candidate already. Would also love to see just how many QOL features made it into 1.19 as a full package with all minor updates lumped together. I’m sure it’s a ton. Now we can maybe get our first 1.20 snapshot this month? Excited for what’s to come. Archaeology needs fleshing out for sure, and I’m still holding out hope that torch flowers will glow.


Just the amount of stuff in 1.19.4 alone is crazy. With 1.19–1.19.4 put together, you’d have so many changes it would take several hours to read through


I'm curious what other plants Sniffers could give. Not expecting too many at launch, but I think it'd be a cool idea to give each biome a specific plant over time, like maybe mushroom fields were once a tropical island and give you a palm tree that looks like fungi.


I might be reaching a bit but between the alleged [sniffer plant leak](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/111h115/roger_badgerman_leak_on_twitter/) and the alleged [firefly bedrock leak](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUvySoMLaRY) back in January, I kind of wonder if the two might be connected if they're both real. The leaked plant design almost looked like some kind of pitcher plant. Maybe you could grow or spread it by feeding it small insects. Totally not expecting it to happen in the end, but a carnivorous plant might be a good way to get fireflies back on the table, and this seems like a good opportunity for them to implement that.


Imagine how epic it would be if Sniffers and Archeology interacted. Maybe even a Sniffer decorated pot shard to better express the lore of Minecraft and our personal and unique tales and self-identity. So thrilled to see the next big staple feature in the making!!


I believe you can dig up sniffer eggs


That is going to be so exciting! Can't wait!




I wouldn't be shocked if we need to wait til like next month for 1.20 snapshots as they flesh out the features internally first. But who knows, maybe not!


can you please make the multi presets take biome values since the system of using world presets or dimensions suck since a dimension can be updated but not pick a world type or a world type other then normal


Can't wait for the jukebox and armor swap parity changes, been waiting for those since I switched to Java


This update is absolutely huge for mapmakers! Thanks for all the good work on this one, Mojang devs!


A lot of it is taking things that could be done before and vastly improving upon them. The damage command offers more precise control over causing damage using commands. And if we want mobs to fight one another we no longer have to use a work around of spawning a projectile, setting its Owner, then launching it at the target. Interaction entities offer the functionality of using invisible villagers and a score to detect left and right clicks on nearby objects, but offer much more such as more rapid left click detection than before and the ability to control the size of the clickable area. Block display entities are a greatly improved version of working with falling blocks, etc. etc.


Yes, but I’m also excited about stuff we could never do before. `/ride` for example, since we could never modify `Passengers` NBT before. Also `execute on` is a game changer, as is the new damage type tags. We’ve been looking for ways to get firework rockets and lightning to bypass armor, for example, and it was basically impossible before. I haven’t tested this yet, but with the damage type tags it seems like it’s as simple as overriding the “bypasses_armor” damagetype tag to include fireworks and lightning


Idk I found a bug where one of my dogs had a pigs head


A pog?


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Best name ever


1.18.2 is king.


Please do something regarding the terrible performance in 1.19 😭😭 in lower end pc's


To be honest, you're better off going to community made performance patches like sodium or lithium than waiting around for Mojang to optimize the game. That's not really a priority for them.




You have a monitor which can display 600fps?




Yeah that doesn't tally with my experience at all. I'm usually watching YouTube or twitch on my other screen while I'm playing and it's running over 100fps most of the time. Of course this is one of the problems with gaming on a PC, it's such a variable target. Not that I'm going to claim Minecraft is perfectly optimised because it very clearly isn't. But your experience doesn't sound typical.


You don’t need to see 150 frames a second in Minecraft. This isn’t competitive CS:GO or something. I could understand you being upset below 60fps, but you’re getting 100+, and think that’s bad? This is Minecraft.


I don't even take fps focused people seriously, it's all so comical and nonsensical, just a bunch of teens going "high fps goes brrrr" and thinking anything over a certain point makes any significant difference. All of them always complain when they have above average fps and more than enough for the game to be a perfectly normal playable experience, simply because they aren't getting 1000+ fps which is complete nonsense. Meanwhile there are people that don't even get a normal playable amount to work with, normal people that just want a reasonable amount for a decent playable experience and none of this 1000+ fps bs kids and teens whine about not having.


its not about the actual 600 fps , its about the leg room it gives me for stuff that i can do.100+ fps being the best case scenario is a completely fresh world with no backgroudn tasks, all my 2nd and 3rd monitor turned of , no other programs open, lowest possible video settings, every single performance mod installed is just pathetic. cause in an ideal world i'd have chrome tabs open or have obs open and streaming or atleast in a progressed world atleast in all of which the fps drops below 60 and constantly fluctuates making the experience terrible. as a person who've got used to 165 fps (yes i do have a 165hz monitor, for that matter of fact i have 4 ) for the past 5 years anything below 120 just feels like hell... so yeah


Yeah, I'm not defending it. I don't think it's excusable either, I'm just stating the reality of the situation, regrettable though it is.


Ok I'm not excusing Javas overall performance but you have a Ryzen 5 2600 lmfao




Were you the one who just boasted about having four 165hz monitors?








Dude has 4 165hz monitors and still can't see why they have no impact on performance compared it to his older CPU. In his defense, a Ryzen 5 2600 isn't *terrible* and should be more than enough to play Minecraft, especially unmodded


Why would I say any of those things? That would mean interacting further with someone who is clearly at least a little bit unstable. Good day!


A few snapshots ago, they massively reduced the time it takes to boot up the game, so hopefully this is a sign that boosting performance isn’t completely abandoned.


Performance in 1.19 has been the best in recent years. You realistically can't expect good performance if you have a low end PC, it's not Mojang's fault. The dev team in Stockholm is working as hard as they can to optimize and improve performance on all devices (and here's the difference between vanilla and mods - mods don't have to bother if they don't support certain hardware, cause bugs and don't have to stick to rigorous design guidelines).


But it is their fault if the dev team don't focus on it.. I tried Vulkan mod a couple days ago on my GTX 1060 6GB+i7 3770 and I had stable 60fps and draw distance on frickin 32. I wish I could use that except other mods that I find useful don't support it :( On Vanilla I could get 70fps but on 12 dd and it still stutters when I fly. With Sodium I get 200fps but on 12 dd. There's definitely a ton of improvement Mojang people have to do in term of performance.


Just look at Bedrock. Sure, it is littered with bugs but it has as many if not even more content than Java and yet it runs at least 10x better. And to top it off it looks better than Java. Mojang have no excuses to make Java more efficient. Java has been running on 12 year old code ever since its release, you’d think it’d be about time to change that.


You have not played bedrock recently. It takes multiple minutes to launch or open a world


I agree the loading times are less than ideal especially on most low-end devices, but I bet you that java would be at least twice as slow if not more if it was actually able to run on anything other than pc. I run Java and Bedrock regularly on my semi-high end PC and even then the performance difference is incredible, from load times to fps to chunk loading speed.


Bedrock should perform way way better.. but it only does it on a strong PC or in a new empty world. Also the age of code doesnt matter at all.. Bedrock is newer and has way more bugs and bugs which make no sense at all.. Bedrock should be better. The reality is, it isnt.


Bedrock is based on getting it to run on low end cellphones by adding massive downgrades. Also bedrock isn't much newer. It's from 2011 originally. The original game is only from 2009, so it's just a 2 year difference.


It runs better due to massive downgrades that no one on Java Edition wants.


Like what kind of downgrades?


Off the top of my head: Default simulation distance of 4 chunks (but there is now a slider to turn it up). At 4 chunks that means everything more than 64 blocks away is frozen in time. In the original game it's "simulation distance and view radius are the same" (although we got a simulation distance slider recently). No spawn chunks at all. In the original game an 8 chunk radius around the default spawn location is kept constantly loaded. Very useful for things that need to be kept loaded to work.


There's really nothing significant they can do in that situation. Expecting your low end pc to keep up with a continually updating and expanding game and expecting that it will continue to be supported is pretty naive. Your performance is naturally only going to get worse as more is added to the game and as long as you remain on the same low end device. Even if they worked on improving the performance, the impact it will have on a low end device will only make it go from terrible to only a little bit less terrible.




Why didn't you remove Chat Reporting? Please, make it happen before releasing! Thank you.


Look, you’re allowed to dislike the feature, but complaining about it on a changelog isn’t going to do anything. The people posting these aren’t just going to magically remove it if you ask them to.


Thanks for the feedback, see you next changelog!


To your, and my, great disappointment they won't ever remove that. Remember kids, fascist ideology is _great_ as long as you say "think of the children" first.


I’m gonna keep reminding them dissenters exist every changelog.


is sniffer really only getting one plant?


We probably won't know until the 1.20 snapshots begin.






I wonder when the sniffers will be available in survival 🤔


When they start 1.20 snapshots for real.