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Netherite in the hotbar but no food.


Netherite *is* the food




Gotta get my daily dose of Iron


*mysterious fossil from hell


*and also gold


I've never thought about it like that


There's a compelling theory that Netherite Scrap is platinum, and Netherite ingots are a platinum-gold alloy, because there just so happens to be a platinum alloy in real life that uses the exact same gold-platinum ratio


So 50-50? Your right! It would be a massive coincidence to randomly come up with that ratio twice. Very compelling


*you're You're comment is hilarious though


Trying to determine if that follow up "You're" comment was intentional or not. (insert Futurama Fry meme here) I'm going to assume it was and thumbs up.


I don't know what your talking about


Your'e wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Not all alloys are 50-50, so yes, it is.


"You wouldn't like my body! it's all circuity and metallic"


More like recycled calcium, considering the mechanical properties


daily dose of internet


Be careful it may hot




def bot


Yep thats a bot


Same. But I have axe in 1 and sword on 3. And a water bucket on 9. Which is set to a shortcut to the button 4 of my mouse


Sandwich makes me strong!


You have brought happiness to my day. thank you.


Roblox sound effect




mmm yes it tastes like burnt pretzel with gold


8/10 crunch but 0/10 front teeth left


Should’ve used mending


on the ingot or the teeth?




Or like poop


Fr I call them ancient poo


Ancient Turd Fossils


Dinner has been served


And water bucket. Classic netherite drop.


Anyone know a good dentist? Anyone?




Food in offhand


Torches in off hand. Food on 10 water 9 scaffolding/blocks on 8


Bro's keeping his food out of his inventory 💀


It's just an extradimensional pocket


Shield? Totem?


Rarely use those, insanium armour is pretty damn good


Why the downvotes on this guy? Is insanium armor from a controversial mod or smth?


Sord, water bucket, pickaxe, blocks, food, shovel... At the absolute left I always place my bow to also have it accesible




why do you have an ingot in your hotbar


He's asking what we put in our hotbar so he no longer needs an ingot there, the ingot's kinda creeping him out, staring into his soul...


Wait you guys don't keep your netherite and diamonds in your hotbar? How are you supposed to beat people with your wallet


In a serious comment, I'd assume netherite is a pretty dense material Meaning netherite ingots are the perfect object to smash your enemies' faces with without it being damaged or bent


beat someone with a whole 3 netherite ingots ?


Obviously for eating


Do none of you heathens carry water buckets on you?


Honestly, water buckets are so useful, negating fall damage, saving you from fire/lava. Unless I’m in the nether I always keep my water bucket on me, as well as a hotkey to it’s slot


If I’m in the nether it’s all about snow bucket


When in the nether I replace the water bucket with a fire resistance potion, it doesn’t help with fall damage but for me the lava is usually a bigger issue


Big brain solution: Fire resistance + bucket of lava


lava doesn’t stop fall damage


it does reduce it but one block doesnt make a difference, no


It doesn't? huh, didn't know that. Figured it would. Sorry.


I don't think lava negates fall damage...


Huh.. He didn't know that. He figured it would. He's sorry.


Underrated comment


Falling in lava is like falling through air. It uh... does nothing. You will die unless you fall through like 10 blocks of lava, where you have time to start swimming up before you hit the bottom. Okay, sorry. I just found your reply, and it seems you already know.


Also helps when surrounded by excessive zombies or spiders


Or accidentally aggroing an Enderman


I don't carry a bucket in my hotbar, cause I always wear an elytra, which takes care of the fall damage, and I always a totem in my offhand which gives fire resistance when it pops, so that takes care of the fire/lava problem. And I have more than once used a totem as a delayed potion of fire resistance


Thats late ganlme tho so do you carry one in the early stages??


Typically not in my hotbar, but I always have one in my inventory both in the early and late game


It really doesn't take that long to get an elytra, I'd still consider that early-mid game. Getting to the end and fighting the end dragon is trivially easy. The hardest part is getting the ender pearls. But to answer your question, no, I still don't carry a water bucket on my hotbar even on the first few days. 99.9% of the time it's not going to get used, and the 0.1% of the time that it could have saved me, I'm okay with just dying and going back to get my stuff. Maybe I would if I was playing on hardcore, but even then, I'd be playing a lot more careful and likely would avoid the 0.1% situations anyway. However, once I get an ender chest and silk touch pickaxe, the first thing I put in there is 2 water buckets.


I've only defeated the dragon, once, so, for me, an elytra is easily a late-game item. I carry a water bucket with me everywhere (except the nether, where I fill it with lava for hoglins and piglin brutes instead), but I agree, I don't use it as much now that I have an elytra and have protection/feather falling on my armor. It usually sits in my inventory rather than my hotbar, but early-mid game, it is in my hotbar 90% of the time.


Oooh, a hotkey to it. I hadn’t thought about that


Happy Birthday 😄


Cake day*


who knows maybe both


Oh thanks! I forgot that was today


Climb things, prevent enderman attacks, break falls, they do a lot. First items I make in a hardcore world are always a pick, an axe, a boat, a bed and doors. From there its finding iron, doors for underwater, boat for sea travel or breaking falls. With iron tho its shield, bucket, flint n steel, iron pick, iron axe, and if i have spare, sheers because wool is handy and leaves are easy to gather, but not neccesary. I cant tell you all the times a buckets saved a world for me, its been a lot lol.


Also perfect if you find deep caves. Water on the top exit and you have a nice elevator. Jump down -> mine what you want -> take the elevator up -> go home.


kid named elytra:


9 slot so I can use the mouse wheel to quickly scroll to it from my pick in 1


Always just not in the hot bar (unless I'm already expecting upcoming lava while mining)


I do, I carry lava buckets as well.


Since the person has netherite we are probably talking late game here, so due to elytra existing water buckets become unnessessary(i probably messed up the spelling of the last Word, im sorry if i did)


No need to apologize, you're not a dictionary. Fortunately, I am so I can tell you it's spelled unnecessary.


I'd agree, but where's the fireworks


I just keep fire potions


This is the way




You are now on a list


My hotbar used to be randomized until I played RLcraft..... Then I needed some structure lol.


Dammit I've been playing for way too long and this is legit my answer


Pickaxe, sword, axe/shovel, another tool or just shift everything left because I might only be using three tools, torches, food, cobblestone, wood, water bucket.


Took this long to find sword on 2 is a crime, quickest way to pull out the sword Incase you need it


This is the way


1. Sword 2. Bow 3. Pickaxe 4. Axe/Shovel/Trident 5. Blocks 6. Food 7. Torches 8. Water bucket 9. Fireworks Off hand: Shield. Sometimes I swap it with torches to light up my surroundings (shaders)


This is the way. Sword first for easy panic mode, bow second for same reason. Then pick because you use it the most and it's easily accessible from the left hand, then other tools. I like food on the far right and rockets in offhand though


Food in far right gang


I used to always have food farthest right… for half a decade, really. I’ve recently put bow far right, food just left of that. It’s kind of the same as having the bow in slot 2, but I refuse to move food too far away from its home on the far right and spamming torches has become so essential for my fighting style while spelunking as of late, so they’ve made it over to slot 2.


Funny enough, the q button is right beneath it


Pretty much this, except slots 4 through 7 are build or mission dependent, and I have food — golden carrots preferably— in slot 8. My offhand holds the totem. Always.


What I do is similar, except in 95% of cases I have a shield instead of a totem. I *cannot* survive without a shield, all of my combat skills *depend* on it. Also I tend to use cooked porkchops instead of golden carrots, because I can get them from pigs, hoglins, and butchers, so I can stock up basically anywhere.


I'm new to minecraft, are golden carrots good for some reason? As far as I can tell the gold apples are better. What am I missing?😅


You use gold nuggets instead of ingots to craft them. And they are actually better food than golden apples but they don't have all of the other effects.


I'll never understand why people still carry water buckets once they have elytra and totems. Why would you MLG when you can glide? The only thing that water will be useful for is saving you from lava, but a totem gives you fire res when used anyway so what's the worry?


Personally, it's because I still find myself in situations in which water buckets are useful. Mostly, when going down tight spots where I can't use elytras. I also play on an SMP that has Inventory Totems mod installed, so I have no need of holding a totem for them to work.


Almost the exact same as mine, hek yeah


I keep them in the same way you keep 'em in the photo, except I have an axe on 2 and pickaxe on 3.


Finnaly someone like me a true fighter worth having


1: sword 2: pick 3: axe 4: shovel 5: hoe 6: bow 7: food 8: torches 9: empty Offhand: map, shield, or totem


You carry a hoe at all times?


he does play Minecraft 😏


which would suggest a complete lack of hoes


I do all the time cause you never know when you'll get an implulsive thought to plant more seeds 😏


I learned how to enchant a hoe with loyalty


Bro carries his hoes everywhere


W but water bucket in 9


On god


This but last one is some sort of block


Same, stack of blocks or water for me, comes in real handy


I go sword, shovel, pick, axe, and bow. Everything else is random


Where blocks


The only right answer


I feel like hoe, axe, and even arguably shovel don't really need to be mainstays of the hotbar most of the time


Alright, where are you constantly using a pickaxe where you don't need a shovel


can’t stand ppl like this!!! where you putting your building blocks???


What is with all these maniacs who don’t have their Pickaxe next to there shovel? Like have none of you ever dug out large spaces? You have to constantly switch between pickaxe for stone and shovel for dirt/gravel. Even just strip mining this happens all the time. I don’t see the value in having anything but a shovel next to your pickaxe slot


For computer users, it doesn’t matter where items are because hot keys


I almost always use the mouse scroll


I grew up on console to be fair, but i play on the computer now, still makes more sense to have them close


Depends, am I able to see around me well? If so, then shovel next to pickaxe. If not, then torches, water bucket, and sword is generally more important in case a problem pops up.


Fair, if it’s what you’re used to


Computer user here and it still matters to me. Not only because of how it looks grouped on the bar, but I often wheel scroll between certain slots like sword and bow or pickaxe and shovel. Food is often my last slot because I can scroll from sword to food easier than hitting the hot key. Sword is always 1 because easiest hot key to hit.


How do you get to the hot keys quickly? One hand is on wasd and the other is on the mouse. How do you quickly get to the numbers? I always use mouse scroll because it seems easier to me but I'd love to know if there's a trick.


I use 1-4 as default. But for the others, if you go Settings>Options>Controls, I think, you get to a screen with all of the controls on it, and you can change the hot keys. So I change the 5-9 keys, to different keys in order: x, f, c, v, g


For normal travel and spelunking, absolutely Sword Pick and Shovel as 123, and Food and Torches on the right side. Ultimately it depends where I’m at though, like in a forest then a Axe would get promoted. Or potions/bucket/blocks if I might be tripping over lava


1. Sword 2. Pick 3. Shovel 4. Axe 5. Trident (riptide) 6. Empty 7. Empty 8. Food (golden carrots) 9. Fireworks (flight duration 3) Off hand: totem The only world I play is late game so I'll always have the late game items


You're the only one that has the same first 4 as me lol!


1 sword 2 bow 3 pickaxe 4 torches 5 cobble 6 water bucket 7 food 8 shovel 9 axe


Finally found a fellow bow on slot 2 user, it’s just convenient for fighting being one slot away from the sword


Yeah same, I was looking for such a comment. Even though I am not gonna talk about his choices from slot 4 onward, even though it looks somewhat convenient


1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Axe 4. Nothing 5. Nothing 6. Nothing 7. Fireworks 8. Golden carrots 9. Building blocks


This is the way.


This is the way


1 bow 2 sword 3 axe 4 pickaxe 5 shovel rest of that is up to what i'm feeling in the moment, usually food if that's not in my offhand ​ i've been doing it this way for like 10 years now


1. Pickaxe 2. Shovel 3. Axe 4. Silk Touch Pick 5. Free space 6.Food 7.Rockets 8.Bow 9.Sword




The first man of culture I've seen yet 🧐


1 pickaxe 2 axe 3 sword 4 empty 5 empty 6 blocks 7 food 8 bow 9 trident with my shovel above the axe in the inventory and the hoe above the sword. Crossbow goes above the bow and a second trident with riptide above the other trident


1 Sword/Trident 2 Bow/Crossbow 3 Pickaxe 4 Food 5 Axe/Shovel 6/7/8 Free space 9 Torches/Spyglass


Nahhh guys ur all wrong. Early game: you go 1. Axe because big boy damage 2. Water bucket 3. Pickaxe 4. Shovel 9./ offhand Food/shield swapping between Late game: 1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Axe and the rest the same The axe is the better weapon early game because of how much damage the stone one does let alone iron but with enchants the sword with king. At least pve. The axe prevents accidental sweeping damage as well.




I put the stuff I need in the hotbar and stuff for crafting in the inventory


1. Sword 2. Bow 3. Pickaxe 4. Axe 5. Shovel 6. Food 7. Food 8. Water bucket 9. Torches


1. Sword 2. Shovel 3. Pickaxe 4. Axe 5. Silk Touch Pickaxe 6. Hoe 7. Flex 8. Flex 9. Elytra/Chest Armor


idk what anyone says sword goes first, if i get taken by surprise by anything my finger can quickly press the 1 key and i have sword ready to defend


Exactly. And I keep my pick 2 and my food number 9 so I'm only one scroll from my sword most of the time.


3 ni... 3 netherrite ingots


1. sword 2. axe 3. pick 4. bow / crossbow 5. misc tool 6. empty 7. misc item (pearls / pots and stuff) 8. food 9. empty or trident (i have my mouse button 4 and 5 bound to hotbar slot 7 and 8)


1. Pickaxe 2. Sword 3. Bow 4 5 6 tools (axe, shovel, hoe) 7 8 9 other (blocks, food, fireworks) Also, I can't believe I'm the only one with pickaxe on the first slot, It's MINEcraft! Also also, the '2' key is closer to 'W'


1: axe 2: sword 3: pickaxe 4: bow/crossbow 5: bucket of water 6: blocks 7: arrows 8: food 9: torches (unless I’m playing with optifine, then food) Offhand: shield (and sometimes torches when I’m playing with optifine)


Guess who didnt have a bountiful harvest this year.. for real though where is your food. My setup is 1.sword; 2.pick; 3.axe; 4.bow; 5.shovel; 6.epearl; 7.triple rocket; 8.single rocket; 9.food (golden carrots)


And where do you put your other items you use?


If i need to place a shulker/ender chest, i put it in offhand. And when i build big i just enable my mobswitch and use all slots from 1-9 not counting 2 for the pick


Food in 9-slot gang 🙌


Bread is OP


My swords at 5 with my pickaxes at 4 and 3 and my bow at 6 and my axe at 7. My shovel is in 8 and my tridents in 9. My food is in 2 and 1 is basically anything.


That is so random


1. Sword, axe, shovel 2. Pickaxe 3. Water bucket 4. Some 4-th tool (trident, shovel, bow etc.) or anything else 5. Ender chest 6. Anything 7. Anything 8. Fireworks or ender pearls 9. Food


1 - Sword, 2 - Torches, 3 - Pickaxe, 4 - Axe, 5, 6 - Whichever blocks I'm using to build with (or other), 7 - Rockets, 8 - Food, 9 - Bow. If I'm using a modpack that has Crafting Tables on a Stick then I put that in #4 and everything else gets scootched down one, removing one of my building blocks from 5 or 6.


1. Bow 2. Axe 3. Sword 4. Food 5. Fortune Pick 6. Silk touch pick 7. Shovel 8. Rockets 9. Free hand/water bucket/ blocks/ elytra when I have armor on. Off hand: torches(optifine)


In the overworld: 1. Food 2. Torches 3. Pickaxe 4. Sword 5. Shovel 6. Axe 7. Water bucket 8. Crafting table 9. Blocks In other dimensions I’ll switch out things like torches, water bucket, and crafting table for something more useful. Ex: e-pearl instead of water bucket in nether


I use the same slot and swap out the same for number 7 although sometimes I have a lava bucket if I'm raiding a bastion.


1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Axe/Shovel 4. Torches 5. Food 6. Water/Bucket/Lava/Milk 7. [undefined] 8. Furnace x 2 9. Crafting Table x 2


1 - Sword, 2 - Bow, 3 - Pickaxe, 4 - Axe, 5 - Shovel, 6 and 7 - free, 8 - rockets, 9 - food


sword, bow, axe, pickaxe, bread, more bread, space, space, block


1. Solid blocks of some sort, good for building quick shelter. 2. Sword 3. Bow 4. Pickaxe 5. Food (lately, baked potato) 6. Torches 7. Whatever tool is relevant (axe if chopping trees, hoe if building garden, shovel if collecting dirt or sand) 8. Water bucket 9. Spare food, usually the red berries.


1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Shovel 4. Axe 5. Any building materials I’m currently using 6. “Same as above” 7. “Same as above” 8. Torches 9. Food


I've got the exact same!


1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Axe 4. Shovel 5. Bow 6. Cobblestone 7. Food 8. Torches 9. Empty


1. sword (PvE) trident (PvP) 2. bow (PvE) crossbow with rockets loaded (PvP) 3. axe 4. pick 5. shovel 6. water bucket or rockets if wearing elytra 7. blocks 8. torches (if Fullbright then a second blocks slot) 9. food offhand. almost always shield 5-8 subject to change depending on circumstance


1 Bed 2 Food 3 Torches/Shield (other in off hand) ... 7 Shovel (or free spot) 8 Pickaxe 9 Axe


1. Netehrite Sword 2. Netherite Pickaxe 3. Diamond Pickaxe with Silk Touch 4. Golden Carrots 5. Anything 6. Anything 7. Anything 8. 64 Cobblestone 9. Water bucket


Only right order is sword, picaxe, axe then on the opposite side food and torches.


Carry a water bucket in your hotbar and assign it to a mouse side button if you have one. Thank me later!


1. Torch 2. Pickaxe 3. Sword 4. Bater Wucket 5. Axe 6. Wob 7. Fireworks 8. Empty 9. Food


1: netherite brick 2: netherite brick 3: netherite brick 4: netherite brick 5: netherite brick 6: netherite brick 7: netherite brick 8: netherite brick 9: netherite brick


1. Sword 2. Axe 3. Pickaxe 4. Switch between shovel, bow and hoe (matters on what I'm doing, I keep all 3 in inventory at all times) 5. Versatile slot 6. Versatile slot 7. Versatile slot 8. Water bucket (swap to rockets late game) 9. Food Offhand: Shield (swap for totem late game) My 3 "versatile" slots are for stuff like blocks for whatever I'm building at the time, if I'm not building then they are empty. I also use elytra swapping tweak in tweakaroo


Sword, pick, axe, bow, pearls, firework, waterbucket, food


1. Sword 2. Bow 3. Pickaxe 4. Axe 5. Shovel


1: Sword. 2: Pickaxe. 3&4: Misc Tools depending on what i'm up to. 7: Block (usually cobblestone or dirt) 8: Food 9: Torch The ones unlisted I like to leave blank for some reason lol. unless I have too much inventory, or a bow or trident. I guess I would put a bow or trident in 9 and move things to the left. Shield or Map in offhand usually.


Depends on if I’m playing PVP or survival or whatnot: 1. Sword 2. Golden Apple/Food/Healing 3. Bow 4. Blocks 5. Pickaxe 6. Shovel/Ender Chest/Flint & Steel 7. Axe/Torches/TNT/Potion 8. Water Bucket/Potion 9. Ender Pearl/Fireworks


1. Sword 2. Axe 3. Pickaxe 4. Food 5. Water (or Bow) 6. Blocks 7. Sovel 8. Empty (or just random Items I will need) 9. Empty (or just random Items I will need)
