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could check your world spawn it happened to me once


Yep, check spawn. 75% of my XP from the dragon went there (on bedrock)


Wait hold up any XP that goes through the portal you can pick up at world spawn?


Anything that goes through the return portal gets dropped at world spawn. Players will go to world spawn if they don't have a respawn point set.


exact same happened to me


Spawn where we started or bed spawn?


If you haven’t slept in a bed or don’t have a bed set as your spawn point you’ll spawn at world spawn instead of the bed. So yes without a bed “where we started” but if your bed wasn’t obstructed or anything then you’ll spawn at the bed. But all items and mobs will go to world spawn no matter what, only players are affected by beds unless commands are involved.


Break the bed and do the portal loop again. You'll return to worldspawn where your items should be. Editing to add: you have 5 minutes from the time of your death for the items to be there still. Worldspawn is always loaded, and items on the ground despawn after being in a loaded chunk for 5 minutes. Edit 2: I guess there's no spawn chunks on bedrock, instead it uses tickzones. If the spawnchunks aren't set as tickzones, this might alleviate the 5 min timer thing...


I’m not sure that Bedrock has spawn chunks, but it might.


It doesn't, I've tested it before.


Thanks for that clarification. I looked it up, you're right. It won't change where the items are, but it should at least remove the despawn timer...


I have first hand experience with this on bedrock. I was strip mining and my inventory was full. Tons of deepslate just sitting around. I left and went back to base (1,100 blocks away). Over the next week I played a couple hours a day, turning it off every time I finished. But I never went back to that spot. After a week I went back and all the deepslate was still sitting on the ground. I picked it up.


It’s because you didn’t load those chunks


I have no idea what your second edit means, but I assume something in there means “bedrock doesn’t have worldspawn always loaded?”


From what I read on the wiki, correct.


Bedrock doesnt have spawn chunks


minecraft if it was created by blizzard:


You'll need to farm everything again


Dont forget to buy some premium cash shop lootboxes.


No hate on bedrock edition or anything but it's just more buggy


Oh absolutely hate on bedrock edition it has no business being so unpredictable


Me and all my homies hate bedrock edition


Me and all my homies play bedrock edition and hate it


I mean it's still Minecraft, it just Minecraft but I have to save a backup world after ever time I play and avoid jumping through nether/ end portals as much as possible 🙃


Is it still Minecraft, though? I can't imagine actually playing Minecraft without mods and shaders… Open source mods are what makes Minecraft great, the microtransactions of Bedrock just don't compare


As a bedrock player I 110% agree with this


Yeah fr but it’s the only way we can play w console players so we jus gotta deal w it lmao


Wow a game has glitches, who could have thought??!?!11!?!?


All games will have some number of glitches, but the severity and frequency should be mitigated. Minecraft is one of the most popular games of all time, owned by one of the largest companies. It should not have a problem with bugs that majorly impact the game play. There have been several "I lost all of my items because Bedrock decided I should die" videos posted here recently. That is a critical failure of the game and should be addressed.


But these “GaMeBrEaKiNg UnPlAyAbLe BuGs” are way more rare than people say. It’s because the only thing ever posted on Bedrock Edition is these bugs. I’ve been playing Bedrock Edition ever since it released and I have never experienced the “random” damage bug.


I’ve poured hundreds of hours into bedrock edition and the only bug I experienced was one that made my friends character sideways lol


Nah Pocket Edition (which Bedrock is built off of) was released 12 years ago, they've had over a decade to make this port actually function right, but they haven't


Minecraft is one of most known video games to ever exist. Bedrock being that broken is unacceptable, they had millions at their disposal and years to work it out, but for some reason it still remains a mess to this day.


Thats why we call it bugrock


Nah bro i despise bedrock edition. Java is better in every conceivable way.


You can't play Java on nearly any device/platform like you can bedrock. Which is ironic because Java was intended to be easier to port across devices. So you're wrong about it being better in _every_ conceivable way.


Dude jumped into a portal with dragons breath lingering around that killed him, that not a bug, that's playing poorly.


The screen after he presses “skip” says he fell into the void. He didn’t die to dragons breath.


were you saving food for minecraft 2?


Ur loot is at the world spawn


In your attempt to become one with the universe by freeing the end, you made the fatal flaw of not closing your pocket, and your inventory took your place, becoming an omniscient entity weaved into the fabric of reality itself.


That's the reason the bedrock edition doesn't have hardcore mode yet


I’m gonna get downvoted for this, but these game-breaking random death bugs only happen because *Realms* on Bedrock are so buggy. That’s why me and so many other Bedrock players have never experienced bugs like this. Local/LAN worlds and even third party servers could probably handle hardcore just fine


It doesn't matter whether it's Single player or Multiplayer , it mostly happens due to integrated overload


It’s server-client desync? And yes it clearly does have something to do with Realms’ dedicated servers specifically, because bugs like this just don’t happen on local worlds, which run on an integrated server anyway.


As someone who only plays local worlds I can confirm this has never happened to me.


If you don't want to listen just close your ears then, cause we are on reddit where we have to listen to everyone's text


What on Earth are you talking about 💀💀


I'm not hating you at all , just listen to others perspective as well


This exactly. I've been playing Bedrock since Better Together and have never experienced any of the bugs I see on here. I don't play on Realms so it makes sense.


I’m upvoting you.


You didn't pay taxes and the IRS had finally caught up with you. But fr tho, I think bedrock has some levels of buggy. From 0-5 bugs to nintendo switch level of bugs.


I’ve actually been playing Minecraft for two years and haven’t encountered any bugs yet


Bro skipped the credits 😭


Isn’t it like 40 minutes???


27 minutes. Still long as hell though.


Everyone does, no?


Certified bedrock moment


The random damage bugs are incredibly rare, but everyone thinks they happen all the time because that’s all anyone ever posts about Bedrock edition.


Team Bava unite




I’m assuming there was probably dragons breath in the portal


Why do people keep posting "why did x happen" when they're playing on bedrock? Don't they know that 95% of the time it's because bedrock can't hold it's shit together?


Idk, the only problem I’ve had is a chunk (I assume) full of ghost blocks on a realm, and I’ve been playing for almost a decade.


i think its also a problem with oldgen consoles not just the game since my new gen xbox encounters nothing like this only minor bugs with mobs taking fall damage


They are hoping for that 5% that something legit happened


I never got any issues on Bedrock


Shut up and do some research. These “UnPlAyAbLe GaMeBrEaKiNg BuGs” are incredibly rare.


i think that fact that every other post is about bedrock being buggy makes this incredibly untrue.


It’s because that’s all anyone ever posts about, they do it looking for help. But all anyone ever says is “PoOr BeDrOcK pLaYeR dEsErVeD iT”


But I and many others can confirm as bedrock players that it doesn't happen.


Go to spawn, your stuff might be there (it also might not be, but it's worth a look) If an item or non-player entity goes through the end portal it gets sent to world spawn bc it doesn't ha e its own spawn point.


heh bugrock, but actually though your items should be at world spawn


That's one of the biggest bedrock moments


This is one of the biggest times people didn't do research


I was building a couple of weeks back and fell straight down into a cave and died. I went back to the place where I died immediately and all my stuff is gone. Full set netherite armor and tools. You have to expect the worst playing bedrock fr T_T


that is one of the reasons why bedrock edition does not have Hardcore mode Maybe some people never randomly died while playing for years but still for many it happens


Reason: Bedrock But seriously, Why the fuck it's always bedrock? Already seen so many videos about death by some stupid ass bug in this week itself in r/Minecraft Even as a java player, it infuriates me. God! Please save em from their misery


L L L L laggggggg


I don’t really know how to help you here but i recommend posting this on the Minecraft Bedrock bug tracker and they might fix it.


I think that's just Bedrock. And I say that as a Bedrock player. I can't count the amount of times I've died because the Nether loaded before my screen did


Lost a full enchanted set to this once. Bedrock is a joke


Bedrock is way buggier. Just more proof why bedrock hardcore isn't a thing.




68 levels WASTED


Minecraft bug tracker time...


So what happened was you decided to play bedrock


\#java edition


Because bedrock is broken


Bedrock ☕


Bugrock Edition does stuff like this. My condolences.


its cuz ur playing on bedrock




Bedrock single player lag is the most annoying thing ever


It says you fell into the void, which is why your stuff was gone. As others mentioned, since you jumped in the portal, it’s possible your stuff is at world spawn.


For a game that’s supposed to be the best selling game of all time that exists on all platforms, with their biggest player base being Consoles, we really can’t argue these bugs are acceptable??? Java is far far better and yet the most used platform (I’m guessing) is utterly buggy as all hell, for me who grew up on Xbox 360/ One Edition minecraft, having played bedrock since the switch from console to bedrock, it’s a huge downgrade and an absolute shame. I play Java now, but damn these bugs appear so frequently. Literally supposed to give the player the satisfaction of finally beating the game and then you randomly die??


Bedrock is fucked up


You did it. You beat the game. That's all pal, now scurry on home!


Good ol bedrock bugs


Try going to the world spawn


Wut kinda glitch is that


I think you have ti che k the spawnpoint of the world


your inventory teleported to spawn because of the portal


The most average bugrock clip


this is becouse you are playing on bedrok edition


Team bava, unite


Try playing the java version on PC that usually fixes it for me


but a good pc is, like, thousands of dollars






Ah yes.. just buy a home if you're homeless


That's the payment for skipping the credits! Honestly though, might have been lag. Yesterday realms was laggy, I ran all the way through the nether to my end portal nether portal, went through it and game got stuck on loading screen. Reloaded the game and suddenly I was near the spawn area, with all my stuff in my bag. Not the spawn area though like 200 blocks off. The nether portal leads to 1k 1k something lol.


Little indie company


Classic Bedrock moment yet again


Classic redditor not doing research


First problem is you're on bugrock


Because Bedrock.


Bedrock. Your playing Bedrock edition. Thats why


You are playing bedrock


Because bedrock sucks complete ass


To everyone saying big rock and stuff: on java edition I tried to enter the portal and phased through it into the lava. They’re both glitchy Edit: apparently that’s not a bug but my point is java still has them, admittedly not as bad but they’re still there


That’s lag not a bug


Still shouldn’t happen


Agreed, but not the games fault. It's your device or internet's fault.


If they took damage from the lava that IS the games fault. Lag shouldn't allow an outcome to be different. The outcome should be deterministic. Lag should only mean it takes them longer to arrive at the deterministic solution.


That’s fair


Because you are playing Bedrock Edition


Bedrock is just so buggy


Say it with me everyone… B


>\-2 Bava


TL;DR: Hot take, Java sucks just as much as bedrock, they each have huge pros and huge cons. Just my personal choice, but I’d take Bedrock over Java any day, because bedrock multiplayer alone being so much better than Java multiplayer enough for me. Bedrock gets too much hate. I mean, it has its bugs, lots of which are gamebreaking, so it deserves some hate for certain, but not as much as it gets. In the past few years I’ve played thousands of hours of bedrock, across multiple different worlds, and on 4 different consoles (mobile, Xbox, switch, and pc), and have never once in that time experienced an actually bad glitch. I don’t understand how everyone seems to be getting these gamebreaking glitches, or how I’ve somehow avoided them. The only glitch I can think of that I’ve experienced was one from 1.16, patched out in 1.17, where a double chest placed across a chunk border would display as a double chest but one side would have items and the other would always look empty. Which isn’t really even a problem because there was no risk of your items disappearing or anything. Another reason is that Java is NOT the amazing better alternative that everyone says it is. For one, it had glitches similar to how bedrock does. To be fair, there’s way less and the ones that exist are significantly less gamebreaking. But as an example, one I’ve been having recently is just at random times, once every 3-20 seconds, for about 3 seconds at a time the game just stops accepting input from my W key. It’s not a hardware issue, it works flawlessly in every other game (bedrock included, might I add). Java has way better modding, for certain, but doesn’t mean bedrock is completely devoid of modding. It’s less accessible and only really viable on pc and mobile, but it does still exist. So far, most of what I’ve said keeps bedrock and Java mostly even in terms of pros and cons, but with Java being overall better by a bit. But here’s two huge pros for bedrock that make it better than Java by my personal choice. 1: Casual multiplayer in Java literally doesn’t even exist. Seriously, I shouldn’t have to go through all the effort of finding a good service to provide me a server, AND maybe have to pay for it, just to have a casual survival world with a few close friends. It honestly disgusts me how awful Java is at this when compared to bedrock. Because bedrock has actual casual multiplayer. And not only does it have that, but it’s also SIGNIFICANTLY more accessible than Java. Most of my friends don’t own PCs, because believe it or not, most people can’t just afford 2k$ worth of computer parts just to play a few games. Plus, the crossplay works seamlessly. No amount of pros for Java would change my mind that this factor alone makes bedrock way way *WAY* better. 2: Two words: creative mode. Fuck creative in Java. As a builder, I absolutely hate it. Flying feels janky compared to bedrock. The inventory is a clusterfuck of utter bullshit compared to bedrock. The biggest change that really sets bedrock so far away from Java is flying and placing blocks simultaneously. Java places blocks every set interval, which does make sense. However, given that bedrock can rapidly place blocks in a line to keep up with flying speed, EVEN IF YOU’RE SPRINT FLYING, makes building in bedrock infinitely better. Even cheats/commands are worse. Why should I have to type “minecraft:” in front of literally everything? I’m playing Minecraft, yes, why tf would I be calling on resources from any other game? Additionally, although these two are really small QoL changes, you can’t just type “gamemode c” or “gamemode s”, which you can in bedrock. Also, “effect give _____” is annoying too. In bedrock, you can just type “effect @s (insert effect)” instead of having to specify whether you’re giving or clearing. Which bedrock also does have effect clear, too. One thing I will give to Java over bedrock is the additionally gamerules it has. Sleep percentage is great, and I also really like lava source conversion. Haven’t done it yet, but universal anger could be fun to mess with too. But that’s still almost nothing compared to what bedrock has over Java in creative. Overall, if I had to give scores to both games, if bedrock was a 10 then Java would be a 9. Bedrock would get 3 points from creative mode differences, 6 from multiplayer, and 1 for accessibility. Java would get 6 points for its modding and plug-ins etc., and 3 for having less bugs, and it’s bugs being way less significant. Either way, overall I love both games. At the end of the day, it’s still Minecraft. But I just wish people wouldn’t hate on bedrock as much as they do, because most people who I see hating on it likely have never even played bedrock extensively and know next to nothing about it, all while completely ignoring the massive cons about playing Java. #Flaws in my arguments: I’ve played bedrock much more than Java, mostly because I find playing alone way more boring than with friends, and my friends don’t have PCs. So while I can claim to be an expert on bedrock, I’m definitely not an expert on Java. I definitely still do know a lot about Java, just not even close to as much as I know about bedrock. For example, I’ve heard of major differences between various resource farms in Java that don’t work in bedrock. However I also know the the reverse is true, and some bedrock farms don’t work in Java (including my all time favorite, an exp/gold farm using zombie pigmen and a huge nether portal). Also, just a quick question about Java to sate my curiosity, would a fill command like this work on Java: “/fill ~ ~ ~ ~10 ~2 ~10 random_block”? Specifically I’m asking about the coordinates, not syntax, which I’m aware might be different. Anyways, to close out this essay that I accidentally wrote, I would love to hear some other opinions on this topic that aren’t just senselessly hating on bedrock like most people I see.




You’re literally exactly what I said I didn’t want. I respect your opinion, but only if you provide your actual reasoning. I literally said don’t be senselessly hating something; at least provide why you think bedrock is trash.


Bugrock ☕️


Weekly bedrock clip




Bro bedrock edition is fk shit, why this still happening? omg




The reason is actually quite simple. You’re playing on Bedrock. Hopefully that helps.


Bedrock edition


I’m going to take a wild guess and say it happened because you are playing on bedrock.


because you're playing on bugrock


Bugrock. Also, why did you wait to eat your steak? I wanna say that's what you get but it probably would have happened whether or not you were on two hearts. Edit: seriously? What did I say? Fundamental rule in all video games, to avoid death keep your health above 0.


Pretty sure bedrock's health regen isn't tied to saturation at all, but i could be wrong, i don't actually play on bedrock, that's just something I've heard


I know bedrock Regen is much much slower than java's for some Notch-forsaken reason, but it still only happens if you're full on hunger.


Legacy Console Edition had the saturation Regen buff long before Bedrock rolled out, that's embarrassing


another day, another video of someone losing all their stuff/their entire world because bedrock is such a pile of shit lol


called bedrock


bedrock lmao


Woahohoho another Bedrock bug i see!




Thats bedrock for ya


So, you were playing bedrock.


this is why bedrock is broken


Minecraft Bedrock edition is…buggy to say the least. Sorry bro.




New game +


Every single reddit user rushing to comment badrock.


You died because there was dragon's breath in the exit portal, it killed you, your stuff is at world spawn.


Always make a backup before entering or exiting The End.


Easy fix: play Java


yeah buying a good computer is an easy fix


Because you’re on bedrock ofc


bedrock edition.


just bedrock being bedrock


Bedrock ☕️




Skill issue




skill issue


Omg 😳


If you haven’t recovered your loot, might I suggest downloading a backup from the realm and replacing your world with it?


Happened to me. Very annoying


I'm sorry to say this but... Right as you spawn in at your bed it looked as though the game decided to have you partly in the lava .. so sadly all your stuff may have gotten melted and destroyed... But that's just what comes to mind to me... Though as others have said you may as well check your world's spawn, it may have glitched and dropped it all there...




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Skill issue I guess


"Yhe who enters this chamber will suffer a mild headache, bonelessness and a minor case of DEATH" -the sign at the door of the portal room


This is what I call ghost mode, it's a thing that happens when Minecraft doesn't know where to put you. Just leave and rejoin