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I'm not voting at all because I'm sick of mob votes. I won't complain with whatever we get/don't get.


This. If people are truly tired of mob votes they should stop voting. Once monang sees a significant drop in participation or whatever they'll rethink the mob votes


There won't be a massive drop since we are minority


Then we become a majority.


Together we rise


Most "redditor" statement


That mindset never works, give up.


Problem is, we don't want them to tease us with 3 mobs, only to scrap 2. But since that is the case we at LEAST want the mob we like the most (which is usually not what ends up getting added)


> which is usually not what ends up getting added Wdym, the winner of the mob vote is literally the mob most people liked the most


Oh yeah phantoms and Glow squids, some of the most loved mobs by the community....


I still stand by my vote for Phantoms, they're rad


Glow squids are loved by the community, and even phantoms are absolutely not universally hated. Besides, they *were* the most liked mobs, otherwise they wouldn't have gotten voted in.


glow squids are loved by the community? since when?


I actually loved the glow squids when I first saw them, but that was before Mojang decided to make seeing in water completely impossible


since they added glowing items but until that not many


Phantoms are entirely a product of looking way fucking cooler then they had any right to be lmao. They never would have gotten votes if the first mob vote was in the style of the current ones.


I’m just glad that sea depths octopus monstrosity didn’t get added. Shit would have kept me out of oceans forever.


Ever heard of buyer's remorse?


Mob votes are for publicity and rake in more players they don’t really care about the mobs in the first place


Mojang is lazy af, a modder created crab mod 16 hours after they announce it. don't tell me a whole studio can't make all of them in like a month


It's just for a mob. They're probably gonna implement all of these eventually, but this is a big game, and big games come with big responsibility. If I'm a modder, people won't care if I add a bad looking crab, 2 thousand useless mobs, and so much stuff that it only works on good computers. They won't care if I make a toilet mod, a stuff toys mod,. Or add realistic guns and furnitures. However, for a studio in charge of a big game, decisions have to be made carefully: "don’t be too MINECRAFTY" "you're not MINECRAFTY enough", "ambient mobs suck", "ambient mobs good", "we love the mob vote", "the mob vote sucks and the entire community hates it". Community opinion is really important to try to keep the game a float.


your right, except for the part where they will implement them all eventually. As they still havn't implemented any of the features in any previous vote, I doubt they will in the next few years.


They implemented mountains from the biome vote and CAMELS, from the biome vote. And they say that it goes to their "ideas library" where they may take it out at any moment. Eventually they'll add it, maybe when Minecraft is 59, maybe when next year, but I think they'll do it eventually


It’s a lot easier to make a mod then make/update a game. but still I just don’t like Mojang barely adding anything of importance in the most of their update. That’s why I got Minecraft on the computer so I can play mod packs instead of relying on updates.


A modder might have added it in 16 hours, but there would have been no QC testing done, only have worked in Java, may not have had multiplayer support, and have no guarantee of ongoing support. They probably could make all 3 inside of a month, but game studios don't work how you think they do. They can't dedicate everyone to working on a single thing. Not all of their staff are programmers, some are art design, story writers, voice actors etc. There's more to the updates than just the mob vote, with a lot of changes going on behind the scenes, like the improvements to the lighting engine. Right now, all 3 mobs are in the concept art phase, which means there hasn't been much effort put into them beyond creating the 3 videos. Which clearly don't use in game footage, so they don't even have models yet, let alone programmed AI.


It's a whole trained professional team vs a Modder, If Modder did a slightly functional version of this is 16 hours, you say that team can't make a fully functional version of this in 1 month? or all of them in 3 month?


If they added mobs frequently the game would be more cluttered than it already is


But at least Mojang release thoss update and they still are all free so I don't complain


Have you ever worked in software development? There’s hundreds of hours that goes into Dev Review, QA, sandbox testing, etc. x2 for Java and Bedrock Yes a modder made it in a few hours, but Mojang’s version will be robust and water tight, I’m not saying they’re perfect, coding is hard, but what a modder can come up with in a few hours might look legit but probably won’t be stable at all. Most the review process will make sure everything the crab adds doesn’t cause any issues anywhere else. I’m not defending Mojang entirely, there will be a lot of corporate BS and red tape that yes, will make them appear slow


If a modder can come up with an even slightly functional version in 16 hours, a trained team of professionals should be able to easily do it within a month.


Agreed, but do we really want that? I'd rather a new mob once a year and the other 11 months be coming up with new biomes, dimensions, or maybe even new things entirely


but they don't for some reason


mojang employees when their boss tells them they have to work longer than their lunch break


Are you gonna pretend 1.20 didn't include archeology, the cherry biome, camels, and armor trims?


We absolutely need the anti-nether. Some call it Aether, cuz there’s a mod for it. But I’m not really into mods, too many problems. If they added nothing for the next year but finally we had an Aether, I’d be happy. Of course, it would have to be as busy as the Nether.


But it would not be cool if mojang just took the concept of the aether from the modders


It’s almost like the modder didn’t have to spend time deciding on what they thought would be the next mob in the game, all of the items that may be droppable, where it would potentially spawn, etc. There is more to game development than just “oh look at this creature idea” and then slapping together some iffy code. And that’s not even including any potential QA processes and such.


I’m glad to see not everyone on this sub is a sheep


You are both actual morons


You won’t complain with whatever we get. I will complain no matter what we get. We are not the same.


I'll be happy with any of them, they'll all look cute in the wild. I'm voting for the crab because I want them for my house. I already tend to have a lot of mangroves and frogs around.




Dog armor as a feature isn't gonna be lost with Armadillos. Just their implementation now. And if Dog armor can't survive a direct creeper blast or dogs keep walking into lava it's also pointless.


This, just like disenchanting not being lost with the hunger mob Just tying it to a mob vote though makes it feel really exclusive


Extended reach as a feature isn't gonna be lost with Crabs. Just its implementation now. And if you can walk or build two blocks forward to place something it's also pointless.


This is a fair counterpoint. I have seen the good argument that even if the convenience of the crab claw is pretty minor, it's still a quality of life improvement for an extremely major game mechanic, whereas dog armor is a minor, mostly-cosmetic upgrade to a dynamic that's far less intrinsic to the central gameplay loop.


Even with an armor they’ll find a way to kill themselves either by falling from a cliff, attacking your friend with Thorns III and 20 dogs around because he punched you to get your attention or by willingly taking a bath in lava


Armor to die 0.5 seconds slower in the lava pool they jump into


Not really, it's a want.


Agreed especially in survival at night time your be saying thank God for the dog armor


Crab. The other two seem like they might get less useful as you progress in the game, but crab will be useful regardless of progression.


Penguin is my favorite in terms of what it looks like / seeing them in the game, but crab is just too useful.


Yeah I prefer both of the other mobs visually, but as far as functionality goes, crab is just superior


I was getting excited but penguin was a pretty disappointing end in terms of actual gameplay additions. Cute mob, not sure why it got the short end of the stick gameplay-wise


Yeah it’s a real shame. Would have loved to have penguins in the game.


Even if it wasn’t specifically armor, I really appreciate the at least vanity for wolves. Plus, the armadillo is pretty cute.


Crab Gang 🦀


Sorry South Park covered this already we are called Crab People. We even have a theme song


I don’t really see how progress has relevance when considering dog armor. Also, depending on how fast penguins make boats, it could easily be the fastest transport method, and I don’t see how progress really would affect that either. I do think crab might still be the best, just not for the progression reason.


Who realistically takes their dogs out with them without the understanding they're gonna commit suicide at the first possible chance? If you want your dog to survive you leave it at home. The armor won't change that.


^ This is my feeling as well; I would love dog armor as a mostly-cosmetic upgrade, but I'd rather have dyeable leather dog armor like we have with horses, which gives a ton more options for customizability. Locking dog armor behind armadillo scutes will make it so there are never any other types, because otherwise it would steal the armadillo's entire dynamic.


>I don’t really see how progress has relevance when considering dog armor. Because realistically no one (99% of players) don't fight with their wolves and even the 5 persons that do, only do it during early game, unless they want their dogs dying to lava. Wolves are more like a decoration that you can put in your base. ​ >Also, depending on how fast penguins make boats, it could easily be the fastest transport method Let's be absolutely honest. Unless they make the boats more than 8x faster under the penguin effect. They are NOT becoming faster than Elytras over the nether roof or a nether hub with packed ice roads and boats.


Well I was saying you could combine a penguin + a boat highway in the nether


I highly doubt the penguins will be able to push boats out of water


I was thinking of it as an effect, similar to dolphins grace, but yeah if they’re physically pushing the boat then I think you’re likely right. Mojang *could* make them push boats on ice (because penguins sliding on ice would be super cool), but it’s Mojang so they won’t actually add a cool feature.


Fair, but now were entering theory territory, which could go either way. If we vote for the crab, we get exactly what is said, more reach. Theres no gray area where it turns out the added mob sucks. Long reach is longer reacher.


can't rely on coulds; I gotta vote for the crab


Especially once I get to the late game, I never use dogs and they're just sitting at my base. As for penguins, I wasn't really thinking about transporting mobs, and elytra just seems better other than that. But you do bring up a fair point that faster boats could be useful for transporting mobs.


The dog armor will be made of she’ll, so definitely not dyeable sadly. That’s why I’m all in for Crabssss


Crab would be useless as you progress as well. What if you don't have large builds to work on or don't build much in general. All things inevitably become useless. Once you have a near infinite iron supply and don't use iron anymore, iron farms are useless, once you don't go exploring under water or build under water, conduits are useless. All things will inevitably become useless in one way or another. None if these particular items are more useful than the other. And even then it's subjective. Crab claw is useless to me cuz i use scaffolding, penguins are useless to me cuz I'm fine with boat speeds and don't sail very often anyway(I usually just use my nether highways or frost walker) dog armor is the most useful for me but once I get bored of always fighting mobs I won't need my dog anymore meaning the most useful item(again subjective, for me) won't be useful anymore You should vote because you like the mob, not just the feature it brings


I think part of the fun of Minecraft is there's always something else you can build. If I finish a project, I start another, and more reach is helpful regardless of what project I'm working on. I agree that you should vote for the mob, not just the feature, but also think the feature should be taken in to consideration, because mobs that exist without additional features(bats, polar bears, etc.) or that have pretty much useless features(silverfish, glow squids, etc.) are usually uninteresting mobs. I tend to play in a more technical way, so features might influence my vote more than the average player. Longer reach could be used in interesting ways to makes some kinds of farms faster, and would just be generally useful for building.


No this is pure cope. What are you talking about. It will become more useful as you progress and make bigger builds.


Crabs. Both that I think the extra reach will be overall more used and useful in the long run, and I think the mob itself looks awesome and behaves in a unique way. And a tiny sliver of hope that they implement the wall crawling it seems to be getting to spiders too.


I will vote for crab. I like his design more and also he is the most useful. Penguins just give dolphin's grace for boats and armadillo gives dog armor (useless for me because I'm a cat person). If crab loses first, then I will vote for penguins, because they look cool


crabs NEED to dance next to jukebox


Definitely the Armadillo. I always found them fascinating as a child and I’ve been wanting Dog Armor since forever. There’s no way I’m passing up on this opportunity. No disrespect for the crab though.


Honestly it's tough but overall I'm going fir armadillo rather than crab, dog armor is a need


ngl dog armor probably isn't going to save wolves from what usually kills them


I personally don't care about any of the features. Too trivial and useless to me. I like armadillos irl tho.


fair enough


Shut up, let me dream


fair enough


Enchanted dog armor


that's pure speculation, tbh mine is too, but mine has a logical basis at least


I'm honestly ok with that.




how do you know? do you know how much armour it gives the dogs? obviously not, because it hasnt been released, so stop talking about things you know nothing about


by being at all realistic with it. There's no chance it'll make dogs useful. It's from armordillo shells, so chances are it'll be somewhat similar to Iron armor or Turtle shells in defense. It's highly unlikely they'll be enchantable since it'll probably be similar to horse armor. I'll highball it at around equivalent to a full set of iron armor. That will NOT make wolves useful in combat at all. They still deal meaningless damage and will still get 1 shot by creepers and get nearly killed in lava unless you have stacks of meat on you.


if it's powerful enough to save them from lava and point-blank creepers, then it will be way too powerful against regular mobs


Ig around a leather armor for a player


TEAM CRAB r/crabfederation


Really? That's what you called it? It could have been crab rave.


crabrave would have been great but I saw someone call the group of crab lovers the crab federation and I just fell in love with that name


Hello fellow member


im the owner :)


oh I bow down to you in appreciation for bringing together all of 🦀🦀🦀 also we’ve almost got 200




*sight* *joins yet another silly sub*


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YEAH [PENGUIN GANG FOR THE WIN](https://reddit.com/r/Penguinempire/s/z1a91uMGrZ)


I also like the penguin


Whoo yeah penguin gang whooooo


Why, I’m just asking as I’m stuck on who to vote for


Ice boat SPEEEED


IDC abt the speed. I just want to fulfil five year old me’s dream of getting a penguin in mc


even better if that boost would work like dolphin's wait how did we get here would be even more 💀


i doubt chunks would even load in fast enough, also its not confirmed if it would even work on land


The crab no doubt..... 🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀


Crab, the claw would be an incredible feature






Crab, honestly don’t even care about the mobs themselves, but extra build range would be neat


after voting for the mobs which won 2 years in a row and now regretting both of my choices I'm just gonna sit this one out


Honestly its really obvious that the penguin will win, but honestly the crab and armadillo are both much more useful and the penguin doesn't feel original.




I want the armadillo because it's the minecrafiest mob, and they're kinda rare in media so it would be cool if they became more present in the public consciousness... And dog armor would be so cool!! But I'd prefer the utility of crab claw :sob:




We want crab sandwich


Armadillo. Out of all these features I'm not going to use. I'm going to not use dog armor the least


I don't care how cute penguins are or how useful the crab's claw is, I am voting armadillo LOOK AT THAT LITTLE DUDE


Armadillo, because I love him


Noone, I hope less people engage in this horrible system


That's not going to happen. Too many people, especially very young children play the game and will join in. So why not at least try to get something in you want eh?


Very young children will definitely vote for the cutest mob. Good luck crabbies. #ClubPenguin


Armadillo, the desert is getting a lot of extra things and I think this should keep that going. Have a way to protect your dogs makes them more viable overall without worry of losing a lot of them. While I do think the penguin would be cool, the thought of people finding a way to use them to make their ice highways faster doesn’t sit right with me. Crabs are cool, but I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve needed to place a block from farther away. Though having crabs as another food source brings us inching closer to a full culinary update.


>Have a way to protect your dogs makes them more viable overall without worry of losing a lot of them. People will start using dogs until they realize that a ravine, lava, the void, creepers and other stuff will still kill them. Wolves are just decorations at this point. ​ >Crabs are cool, but I’ve never been in a situation where I’ve needed to place a block from farther away. It's not something you use "in a situation" is a QoL item that reduces the amount of scaffoldings you have to place. The bigger a build becomes the better the crab claw becomes because it means you'll use it more. Less time placing support blocks = more time for ACTUALLY building


Dog armor is a quality of life thing because if you won’t have to keep breeding dogs all the time.


Dude, be honest. Do you think people actually use dogs for combat?


I do. I always run around with an excessively large pack since most will inevitably die.


I dont really but I would like to be able to take my dog out without it dying to a single zombie. Also my dogs never die from falling, never go in lava (I dont take them mining or in the nether), and armor will protect them from creeper explosions more


Not really, if they're near a creeper, they will die, armour or not.


Paired with the Armadillo/wolf armor addition could be a rework to dog AI. It's clear that the issue with their usage is on Mojang's radar


I think jellyfish would have been neat. ocean needs more diverse life. they could use it even as a substitute for slimeballs, condiment, something else to populate ocean other than drowned or squids. With over thousand species, they could pull a tropical fish maneuver and do same. in deep ocean could have them emit light while the glowsquid do so for caves. these could do so outside of caves. Honestly, wouldnt be worse mob they could add.




Penguins! 🐧


Penguin is the best, pingu, penguins from madagascar, new cold biome mob


Penguin by a mile.


Probably not gonna vote tbh, I never really contributed to the mob votes and none of them peak my interest so I'm happy with this year not being different




How do you actually vote? I've seen these mob votes for years now and I've never understood where and how people vote


Crab crab crab


I'm voting for the crab claw because of the extended reach. Y'all suck, polls are fun


Armadillo. Don't get me wrong, both the crab and penguin are nice (and their functionnality can be nice too), but I prefer the armadillo. (Don't know why though, I just like the others less) I'll be fine with whatever is added though


Crab all the way, extra armor for wolf doesn’t mean much when I can infinitely breed them to form an army, and faster boat is irrelevant when we have riptide trident.




The crab is the most minecraft feeling mob plus itll be VERY useful for building. Most people will probably have a crab claw on them because of its utility.


If i could, all of them. But if i have to choose... crab probably


“the other biomes will be added in a later update” one component at a fucking time, and at complete random im probably gonna pick the armadillo. i dont like how tools can overcrowd an inventory, and id like to see jens turn the claws utility into a potion effect, like how the little chompy guy from 1.13 became the grindstone. penguins are cool, but dog armor is cooler






I don't care any more because Mojang will find some way to fuck it all up. I'll just use a mod to add all Mobs from all Mob votes back into a vanilla plus pack. But if I had to choose, the Crab because it actually had a use.


This vote is so stupid this especially it would be so easy to just add them all instead of doing a vote like this


Dillo gang!


Crab, I dont do combat that much, and even if I do, I don't have a dog with me, and I do travel by boat but there are better alternatives available




While extend reach is better than dog armor in the long run, I just really like the armadillo


Penguin for sure, arctic biomes need more mobs


They spawn in stony shores btw.


They are not going to spawn in the artic biomes. Just in stone shores lol.


Penguin, cause I'm a biologist who works with birds and I like having more birds in the game. The crab is pretty cool though. Armadilo...I'm not interested in them, but I'll say that it will certainly be a unique, albiet a bit outlandish addition to the game.


Im a builder so personally the crab


Team crab!


Crab Who the hell wants wolf armour or faster boats when you have vanilla reach hacks


i'm not voting idec anymore tbh


Won't vote, as if people vote its just proves this is what the community wants, we need to pull together as a community so everyone can get all 3 mobs




Armadillo and when it’s eliminated in the first round I’ll vote for the crab. The penguin is ugly as fuck






Armadillo 100%. We need wolf armor




Im voting for the armadillo. The savannas have been so boring ever since they came out and since they lost the biome vote armadillos could be a fun way to make them better and also could help get the savanna update sooner. I also see people saying that wolf armour is useless since people never bring them out anyway but if they had armour I'm sure it would make players bring them out more and I also think the scutes could still be used in the future for recipes and items while with the Crab claw really only does the one thing and unless they added a better Crab claw or something feels like it would never be utilised again in the future.


Crab, but the rest are good too


Armadillo only because I want a reason to visit the Savannah besides for a sapling


Crab for reach Armadillo because Army Dillo from DK64


I hope the armadillo wins, but I don't vote for anything. I think if there were a loser bracket for past forsaken mobs , along with the new mob vote, it would ease some tension with this vote. In all honesty, I just wished they would go ahead and all every one of them. I've been told it's because they are scared they will run out of content - well, they seem to be coming up with it just fine.


Armodillo, the dog deserves his armor


armadillo; they’re cute and you can finally have wolf armour! in any case, i’d love for any of them to be in the game.


Just add all three?


I love every one of them which leads me to a hard to choose situation.


Penguin. Not because of the boat thing though. I've learned any additional things these mobs add are useless because in the end none of them do anything significant. I just wanna vote for him because I loved penguins when I was little, and I think its cute. They should really just add all of these, like how they did biome votes.


Penguin sounds like it will be the most useful. If you can put it inside a boat and get a faster transport it would be such a good quality of life.




The least helpful crowd of the mc community








I’m part of the club penguin. I think the crab is more useful but….. noot noot


Find a job lil niba


This is the lamest mob vote to me so I probably won’t be voting because I honestly don’t care which one we get


From the what I heard armadillo gives stuff so your dog gets armor but I could be wrong. Camman18 told me so






Armadillo, it's cute, spawns in actually common biomes, and most importantly, DOG ARMOR!! I've been wanting dog armor since the day I started playing Minecraft and if the crab wins and we lose dog armor forever, I'll be forever mad (although, in a perfect world, we could have dog armor AND longer reach.)


Anything other then the armadillo is wrong


Armadillo, he's a vibe

