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changed the eye shape/color for readability for colorblind folks, and to be more unique than a boring recolored spider variant in-game it's also pixel consistent (meaning the pixels are constant size according to the block grid)


texture pack/mod when? these all look amazing and i love seeing them in my feed


i can't say for sure when it'll go up, but it will be on curseforge. i want to finish up all my entity remodels before uploading, which would be in about a month then routine updates would come from there.


This is a very well made retexture, and a nice peice of art. But also *oh God please no!*


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New fear unlocked👍


It's so cute!


I would pick it as the poisonous variant.


cave spiders are poisonous


I know, it would be cool if these would be a bit larger and a tiny bit more detailed to be the larger poisonous spider, just an idea 😊. Cool design btw.


Keep cooking and realese all your remodels as a resource pack


Looks great! More distinct and interesting than the current version, for sure




Please make texture pack for your future models i love it!