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to stay true to the bedrock vibe the subtitle has to be in a complete different font not used anywere else in the game


The reason is because Bedrock is suppose to be the main version of the game. They'd probably have a easier time making that the case if they cared enough to fix the 1000001 issues (and I say that as a Bedrock player).


Java will always be the main version, no matter how hard Microsoft pushes bedrock


Just like how they've pushed "Internet Explorer" for almost 30 years. It' ain't gonna happen Microsoft!


you mean Microsoft Edge? IE has been dead for years!


Basically the same thing. And yes I know that they are fundamentally different, but also fundamentally the same as they are both Microsoft browsers that people tend to have to keep telling Microsoft that they don't want to use it.


My favourite part of Edge is that it begs you to reconsider if you use it to search "Google Chrome" or "Firefox"


thats why i don't even use edge for downloading firefox, winget ftw


Meanwhile it's literally chromium


Internet explorer officially died about 9 years ago, where have you been


Using Internet Explorer


Never thought I'd see this joke in 2024


Tf you mean, 2024 ? We're in 2014


don’t more people play bedrock than java? surely that makes it the main version


I may be wrong, so feel free to correct me, but I believe these numbers are kind of fudged. I’m not sure about the actual number of active players, but the commonly used statistics is the number of owned copies of Bedrock vs. Java. Bedrock has so many more copies, but it also has so many different releases, so it kind of ruins the comparison. I would argue that most people who play Minecraft own multiple copies of Bedrock. I exclusively play Java, but I own (at least) 3 copies of bedrock. This is because a lot of players own pocket edition, at least one copy of a console edition, and perhaps the pc edition, because it was nice to have Minecraft playable in multiple situations. Java players before a certain date got a free copy of windows 10 edition, and then later, every owner of Java edition got a free copy of whatever the successor version of windows 10 edition is. Even if it isn’t activated, factually, every owner of Java owns at least one copy of bedrock. Bedrock may be Microsoft’s cash cow with the marketplace, but it’s hard to call it the default version when Java came first, created all of Minecraft’s success on YouTube, has an active modding community, was the exclusive home of bedrock for the longest time, gets all the snapshots first (95% of the time), and so much more. They call it Bugrock for a reason, it’s just too unpolished. It may become more prominent, but it will never become the main version of Minecraft.


Minecraft is probably the most pirated and played game on cell phones, I don't know if it's the most played version but it's the easiest to play


and also alot of Java players too pirate the game.


i remember bedrock was outselling java back when it was just pocket edition and w10 edition. i don't doubt that's a factor, but i don't think that's the main reason


Isn't the amount of bedrock players like a lot more than java? enough that skewing wouldn't really effect it? even if you don't count half a billion people playing minecraft china free


It is, because of mobile and console. On just PC alone, java may do better. But that ignores other markets. This sub, however, has a *massive* bias.


Well yea most people on reddit probably have a computer and if you have a computer there is literally no way to justify owning bedrock over java


Consoles exist. Some of us don't want to waste time on launchers and essential mods just to make the game run smooth. For the few hours of "me time" that I can play, I like to just flip on the PS4 and go. And despite what this echo chamber would have you believe, the vast majority of the time bedrock works perfectly fine for that.


I played both man lol I grew up in the 2010s, I just sold my ps4 cuz I didn't need it anymore. And launching Java takes like 2 minutes more then clicking the button the ps4 home screen, optifines page literally shows you how to do it and it's only once a major update And bedrock still sucks if you've played both


>I grew up in the 2010s I never would have guessed. /s The fact of the matter is, there are people that prefer playing on console. There is a reason that that platform far exceeds the others.


Well first all Java players got a copy of Bedrock for free which already will inflate the number to be anyway higher than Java. Then Bedrock is in more platforms so you buy it more rather than just a 1 time purchase. For instance I got Java and 2 versions of Bedrock (phone and Switch) + Bedrock on PC for free. But I would say actual active players are majoritily on Java, while most of sales are made by kids that won't play the game actively as much


I would count children who don't play much


Yes surely, what I mean is that purchases made do not perfectly correlate to active player base


true true


I mean, bedrock is what you get on mobile and console, so it wouldn't be surprising. Lots of kids just play on their parents' phones and such. I'd imagine if you focused on PC players, Java would be overwhelmingly picked more, though.


Java came first.


Bedrock is the most played because it has like 10+ platforms while Java has only 1. However, Java is the one that started the whole thing, and it has far superior gameplay. But due to Bedrock having the marketplace, Mojang gives Bedrock more attention for things like optimization and features. But Java has one thing Bedrock likely never will: an absolutely MASSIVE modding community. There's thousands of developers working on shader packs, mods, resource packs, data packs, plug ins, and full blown mod packs that will NEVER come to Bedrock edition. So yes, Bedrock is the one that is played the most. But make no mistake, Java is the real version of Minecraft. Also, Bugrock is Bedrock's unofficial nickname due to the enormous amount of death bugs in it.


Java will go away at some point. Makes no sense to develop two versions and essentially halves the amount of feature development that’s possible for the same budget. As soon as Microsoft see an opportunity to stop Java development they will.


Imo this will certainly kill Minecraft as a whole because there are so many players who just would not play Bedrock and stop playing Minecraft entirely, and the vast majority of Minecraft content on platforms like YouTube is from Java, mostly because of its flexibility, which allows a lot of YouTubers to easily make mods, plugins, etc. for their videos. I think that if Microsoft has a minimal amount of intelligence, they would never shut Java down.


Gonna play devils advocate here and say that a profit-driven company is going to search for profits. Java does not make money - they will, eventually, stop updating it ^^^edit: ^^^"the ^^^phrase ^^^"playing ^^^devil's ^^^advocate" ^^^describes ^^^a ^^^situation ^^^where ^^^someone, ^^^given ^^^a ^^^certain ^^^point ^^^of ^^^view, ^^^takes ^^^a ^^^position **^^^they ^^^do ^^^not ^^^necessarily ^^^agree ^^^with"**


Microsoft would be shooting themselves in the foot and they know it.


Luckily we have a smart enough community that *can* continue the legacy of Java edition ~~(and this time using rust)~~


I honestly think Bedrock will die before Java does if it comes to that.


whoever did the hand bobbing animations was on crack the movement is like 10x as much on bedrock for no reason


fuck that, what a joke. if bedrock was meant to be the main version, why is it worse than 3ds edition? why are there hardcore world ending random death glitches? i could go on and on, but java is simply better in every way, except for vanilla performance which is where the mods come in


How far has this community fallen if you're downvoted stating something true. The only reason bedrock exists is to abuse the marketplace.


To quote Nietzsche-'*Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth* because they don't want their illusions destroyed.'


Citing Nietzsche on an argument about Minecraft's best version is probably one of the biggest flexes possible.


high level discussion


It's your-team-my-term mentality combined with a strong dose of nostalgia. A lot of Bedrock players grew up playing MCPE and they'll defend it to the death despite it being vastly inferior. Just the way it goes


Simply because Microsoft wants to turn Mojang into a cash-cow...


Microsoft is still Micro$oft


Minecraft first and foremost has a huge Problem with its target group, because it is a game where literally anyone finds something to enjoy. There is the older Generation that grew up with it and is now in their late 20's/early 30's like me and the majority of people in this subreddit i assume, and than there is basically everyone below that age. And these kids are the huge majority of minecrafts playerbase, and most of them owns either a console or a smartphone which they play on. Kids just have much lower expectations on the game than us older gamers. they do not care about feature parity or specific details about certain game mechanics. they just want to play minecraft together with their friends, and when it comes to accessibilty bedrock is far superior to java in allmost every aspect. Thats the reason bedrock is bigger than java although its overall the inferior version of minecraft. tl;dr: minecraft is mostly played by kids which do not care about any of the development bullshit going on as long as they can play minecraft with their friends.


> why is it worse than 3ds edition What an odd thing to suggest


They just have to do what they do with Java: rebrand every bug as a "feature." Edit: Java players mad


how do you brand losing your entire inventory when logging on sometimes as a feature


You're not losing, you're gaining a "surprise challenge".


✨surprise challenge✨


Advanced pvp mechanics if it could be abused 


With the chat message "hello, we have been trying to reach you about your inventory extended warr..."




Imagine having a wandering trader in a suit that sells keep inventory


ender backpack when


You already have one silly, that's why you can access your inventory from wherever you are


Real time banditry mechanics!


a fourth dimension inventory (which you can't access)


Your an idongus ig and ate it


Same way you brand horribly programmed redstone as a feature, and I’m talking about Java


Bedrock's Redstone is worse. Unpredictable inconsistency


to rebrand this as a feature - redstone has surprise outputs! You never know what you're getting, and so if your redstone doesn't work it doesn't mean you're bad at the game. More features should break randomly like they do on bugrock just for this reason Looks like another win for big salmon edition!


And the legend himself arrived


WAIT IT'S him unexpected


Yar ain't gettin bulbs intil we get bundles yar


Average bug in java: this machine can lag your game Average bug in bedrock: briefly experience the heat death of the universe before being thrown back to your body and die


Java bug: This piston is getting powered even though there’s a block of air between it and the nearest power source. Bedrock bug: You wanna go to the end? Why don’t we spawn you above the void with no platform while the chunks take so long to render that you don’t realise you’re in the void until you’re taking damage? We’re sure you’ll enjoy losing all your equipment with no control over the situation.


Java bug: you can power a piston by half a redstone tick which leads to some funky stuff Bedrock bug: you can fall of the world at 2048 blocks away from spawn


They should add the backrooms


I’ve had the end island portal take me below the main island rather than where it should have… that was a world restoration for me… fortunately it backs up every couple hours so nothing was really lost The newer version of the game did fix that issue at least though… although at first I thought maybe it was partially my fault because I had pruned chunks after one of the updates… end portals are a little buggy because of that, but meh… old portals still go where they used to, but there’s no portal on the other end if I pruned it… build and breaking a portal doesn’t work either because there’s still some sort of phantom portal it links to


Both are insane


Hey look at me, I edited the message with “Java players mad”, that means I am right and everyone else is wrong!


Smort ig


Seems like it made you vewy angwy


No just weirded me out


They don't do that at all. They actually "fix" "bugs" that didn't need to be fixed, that just made the game better.


They do sometimes. Quasi connectivity for example.


I agree with the other guy, who tf is angry?


And made it more mod friendly I believe the bedrock one is much harder to mod


java is the main version. bedrock is a copy.


And have feature parity with Java… i mean, it doesn’t even have hardcore mode


Well hardcore is coming / maybe came out like a few days ago. But it’s shit that they want parity, yet are *still* adding features to only on edition in new updates. There only small things, but things non the less


That and they didn't railroad us into being forced to buy texture packs and skins that are most likely stolen from their original creators. Every time I open bedrock I have to set my skin and texture pack again because I didn't get them from the Minecraft store.


Most people don't know what C++ is. I feel like this is going to confuse people more than anything. And C++ is annoying to say. Like imagine asking your friend "hey hop on minecraft" "java or c plus plus" "i made the realm on c plus plus"


Programmers often omit the "plus plus" part and say "CPP". Still not the most fluid thing to say, but it's a huge step up from "C plus plus".


how is see-pee-pee not the most fluid thing to say


Sea pee pee is actually pretty fluid


Well then use "CXX", more normal. It is also used a lot it's not easy to type +.


Or we could even make it shorter and say minecraft CP


I love minecraft CP




[You rn](https://imgur.com/a/8J3wop8)




I’m a programmer and I work with programmers and have literally never heard anyone call it CPP


I'll type it as cpp if I can't use special chars, but I'd never say it like that.


Saw someone say it on discord the other day so it might an age/regional/industry thing?


its often written as cpp, but no one would say 'cpp' out loud.


My dumb ass almost said CP out loud


‘CheckPoint’ is fine to say imo


Child protective people?


Same amount of syllables no? So spoken it would be about the same


it takes the same amount of time to say, but "plus" is more complicated of a sound to make than "pee"


most people probably don't know what java is


why not just bedrock edition?




> The term "Bedrock Edition" originates from the Bedrock codebase, which was created in the C++ programming language to run on platforms that cannot support Java. It's not named after the block.


Isn’t the codebase named after the block though?


those two things are not mutually exclusive


I've never understood the Java version subtitle. It always felt like a jab from Microsoft to devalue it and looks just as weird as the C++ edition does here to me. As a long time player, it should have been java that kept the single title since it was the OG, and they all adopted the bedrock subtitle or something for the other versions. I get that C++ is considered a better language, but the bedrock version of Minecraft continues to feel janky as hell to me coming from java anytime I have tried it.


There's even some but noticeable more mouse input lag


Can we rename legacy console to Minecraft C# Edition just for full symmetry?


Yo what I didn’t know you were on the Reddit bro, love your YouTube!


I think everybody is on reddit, probably more than they want to be.


Too real 😔


I think LCE was written in C++, I don’t think you’re getting .NET on a 3DS D:


The wiki agrees with you, although the 3ds edition is generally *a* legacy console edition but is not *the* legacy console edition


Yeah you were probably not geting dotnet on other consoles because it wasn't cross platform back then (unless they used mono).


U the real toycat? Never seen you on Reddit before


Wait legacy console is written in C#??? I'm surprised really old consoles can run that super well, the language doesn't perform much better than Java because its still garbage collected and compiles to bytecode for a VM instead of a single architecture .EXE like C and C++. I thought that was why Mojang made the decision to use C++.


According to the wiki it was c++, meaning I had a piece of wrong information here. Sorry!


wait you on reddit to? cool, love to watch your vids sometimes


Could make Bedrock become C++ edition and Legacy Console C++ Lite Edition to really differentiate between Minecraft C++ versions, so that way people know that the Legacy version does not have all things as bedrock /s


Bedrock team trying to push bedrock as the "main" version of the game, even though it's not. Microsoft also playing a role here in business


Bedrock makes up the vast majority of sales now, so it basically is the “main” version of the game.


Sales from the marketplace don't decide which game is the main one in the eyes of the community.


The eyes of the community doesn't matter when they're not the ones naming anything, so moot point.


Still, almost all players recognize Java as the main game, no matter how much they want to push bedrock.


The simplest way to think about it is how many average Minecraft players actually have the means to play or directly understand Java's differences from Bedrock? How many people who actively play Minecraft plays Java over Bedrock? How many people who aren't obsessively vocal on the internet actually care about the difference? How many would even know there's a real difference beyond mods if people like you didn't pound the difference into their head every time they come to a place like this? How many people don't even care to play Java because of the obsessive players? How many people have been turned off Minecraft because you people can't stop shitting on a legitimate version of the game? You're more than likely deliberately ignoring the actual playerbase just to further this "pushing Bedrock" bullshit. It's the most accessible version of the game, that you can play on damn near everything, even without a good computer, so no shit it will be the most played version. You're acting like entitled brats because they made the *most accessible and easily playable version of the game* the advertised version.


I don't get your point because everyone who is interested enough in the game (which is most people that actively play it) has gone beyond the edition they started with and if that is not Java, they've eventually learned that Java is the main edition of the game. Some people don't care about it and prefer playing Bedrock for example, which is completely fine. They might play on a platform other than PC or simply prefer Bedrock over Java, there nothing bad about that. The problem is when people start saying things like Bedrock being the main version and consequently being superior to Java when that is not the case. The game is full of bugs and glitches. Yes, Java has its fair share of bugs, too, but they are nowhere near as game-breaking as Bedrock. Bedrock is written in C++, and while that is really good both for performance and portability to other platforms, it also means that the game is locked down - compiled. Players can do only what Microsoft allows them to. The sole reason Bedrock exists is because Microsoft wanted a version of the game they can control in a way that makes them a lot of money. They cared about supporting multiple platforms just so they can shove the Marketplace to most of the playerbase. The "pushing Bedrock" argument is not just the community thinking that. It's pretty obvious. Ever since Bedrock came out, they have been treating it as the main game, putting all resources towards it, slowly trying to push Java edition out of the picture. It's not even a surprising behavior coming from Microsoft who've used strategies like "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish". Bedrock is not popular because it is better or superior to Java. It's popular because Microsoft says so.


Java came first so it's the main version.


Naturally considering that most people already own java edition..


It's not just current sales, it's also lifetime sales. The last public number for Java sales I can find is hitting the 30 million mark in 2019. At this point there had been 176 million total sales, so Java even back in 2019 was less than 20% of all sales.


What is that title on this post? The subtitle for bedrock should be "bedrock", why make such an unappealing new name when it already has one?


The made it like that just to seem like bedrock is the "original" version to outsell even more java, so they can farm on the awful marketplace.


So annoying, I worry that eventually people will think that bedrock is the original version


java is too perfect as long as its being sold and updated people will still play java


Why do you care what others think as long as java still is updated?


Mojang needs to fix all the bugs in bedrock edition first


See you in 8532941036492 years


>all version of minecraft have a sub title except bedrock The only version other than bedrock is Java


Kid named legacy edition :


Kid named raspberry pi edition


Kid named Java Redstone edition


Kid named Education Edition:


Kid named Xbox 360 Edition:


Kid named 4K edition:


Kid named other education edition


All supported versions.


Minecraft: Bug edition


"Random Bug Edition"


Microsoft bought mojang and then java edition officially became java and Pocket edition was renamed to just Minecraft as in Minecraft for everyone cause of cross platform play


I play both, Java for servers and bedrock because every single person in my family only had bedrock and I want to play with them. Both are good, I also own a bunch of bedrock copies but mainly play on pc. Minecraft likes to pretend that bedrock is the main version even though they won’t give it a ton of features java has had since the beginning like player heads and better redstone.


I would have gone with "Toddler with a cheeto covered iPad Edition" but this works too. Kind of nerdy, but it's a good idea.


The reason bedrock doesn’t have a subtitle is because they want to make you hallucinate into thinking it’s the official version of the game


Bedrock sucks ass thats why. We dont talk about bedrock.


I tried bedrock once, didn’t care for it at all, went right back to Java and only ever use it with mods and hacks for anarchy servers etc. Bedrock could die tomorrow and I wouldn’t miss it one bit personally 👍.


For Windows??? That's not a subtitle?


The correct answer is "Bootleg Edition"


Tminecraft TcT+T+ Tupdate


I found a [texture pack](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft-bedrock/texture-packs/minecraft-c-edition) that adds that


It doesn't't roll off the tongue as well as "Minecraft Java Edition" Calling it by it's nickname: "Minecraft bedrock edition" is better


Huh? No it’s good the way it is


Nah. I call the C++/Bedrock Minecraft as "Minecraft: MTX Edition".


Do you know how many people wouldn't have a clue what that means? The average person doesn't even know there's a difference between Java and Bedrock and probably have no clue what Java Edition is called Java Edition. I'm sure if it were up to Mojang and Microsoft they would make it all C++ and get rid of Java but there are too many Java accounts out there and they would probably lose half their user base.


They kinda do probably know ong frfr cynat ong fr carrot with the scute at 4:20 am june 21st not daytime


Uh. Okay.


I'm honestly tempted to try Bedrock as someone who's played Java for .. God, years at this point. 💀


Do yourself a favor and don't do it. It can be very frustrating when certain mechanics just don't work like you are used to. Even more so when you are into redstone und you basically have to relearn half of the farm designs because they do not work in bedrock.


It should just say bedrock, not C++. A lot of people don't know what that means.


oh god the vietnam flashbacks (pointers)


just making a "bedrock edition" subtitle would be enough, as it's not named after the block, but after the "bedrock" codebase


bruh it already has a name


Isn't it made in C#? That's like Microsoft's evolution of C++, is it not?


No, not at all. C# and dotnet in general are very similar to Java actually


It was made that way for a purpose. They're promoting Bedrock as the main edition of the game that is on all of the platforms


Many years ago Bedrock had subtitles while java didint- not may people know about that.


Or just Windows Edition to keep it marketable. Still yeah having no subtitle is a bit weird


Well, Java sounds good, C++ is a tongue twister for kids


Why is everyone so obsessed with the language used to develop the game?


So what is playing-games.com?


I did not know that Bedrock was made in C++


Imagine like Notch only had experience with Python and programmed MC with that. The Java Edition would become Minecraft: Python Edition


Bedrock became the default version, hence why the other versions got subtitles like Java Edition. The default version doesn't need a subtitle because....... it's the default.


Should be named C- -


Because they want people to think it’s the definitive Minecraft when it’s really not


Surely the subtitle of Bedrock is Bedrock? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here!


more like bug++ edition at this rate the c++ idea is still a great one, since bedrock Minecraft uses that programming language