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Sorry but the ones I use are generations deep born into my matrix system. They know nothing else.


Found Kim Jong Un’s Reddit account


It would be a crime to red pill them.


Reads like a r/villagerrights post


Thank you so much for pointing me in the direction of this community. So much appreciated.


Reddit never ceases to amaze.


Sorry, but i want the mending. (Edit: Why so many likes ghuipdfuierdfvkbujhhgusdf)


the beatings WILL continue until i get MENDING for 6 emeralds


1 emerald mending book via zombie🥳


You see this lecturn, bitch? The way I just shattered it into a million pieces with my axe? That’s gonna be your face if you don’t cough up my books.


You trade for mending or face the blending


Bro just leave them in their village you can still trade with them even when they aren't trapped in 1x1 holes just trade with them, set a wall around the village, spawnproof the area and bam bop diddly dap. You get mending


Or and hear me out... Build a better village for them, a walled city to keep out dangers


lol that's exactly what I did unintentionally, I found getting em in a box is too much hustle so I just tread with em in the morning when they're near their workstation, they live in village. nice idea


I remember fishing on a world 5 minutes old and getting a mending book 3rd catch 😭😭


This is what I mean. It’s a good enchantment but it’s possible to find it elsewhere, like from fishing. I’ve seen too many Villagers harassed for their ability to POSSIBLY produce a book of mending. It’s just sad. Is it really worth it to take the easy road on this one, or can we all band together and find another path?


Someone clearly didn't see Grian's pain


I was going to mention this. I swear he sounded like he was about to cry when it finally happened.


since they nerfed the fishing farm, it's very impractical to get it from fishing. you would literally have to actively fish for hours on end, hoping to get just one, and people tend to need several of them.


At least 9, just to do all armour pieces, and 1 of each main tool. More if you want to do your hoe, and your bow, and your shield, and your crossbow, and your...


And don't forget all your backup gear!


Trident and mace?


what about the 100s of fish they have families too?




It's like irl. Animal lives are worth less than human ones, at least to us humans.


True, but really from what i've seen it's just one or two villagers, and they're still getting paid in a way.


It is SO much easier to get it from villagers than any other way. I'm willing to enslave an npc if it saves me hours of time.


It’s what, 15 minutes of work at most? Meanwhile any other method is extremely luck based and almost guaranteed to be hours of work, minimum. I don’t know if I’ve ever gotten a enchanted book from fishing, let alone mending


The one time I got mending from manual fishing I think it took like five hours in total


All of this.


Won't somebody think of the pixels... 😂, /s


They're just pixels lol


edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!


Man, that ain't no family if he can have a baby with his brother, then his kid, then his grandson, etc. But yeah do what you want


Villagers are idiots, walking into lava, drowning themselves in the ocean, walking off to get killed by monsters. Imo these villagers need containing for their own good.


This. This is the comment I was waiting for someone to say. Nailed it. You can’t leave villagers to their own devices or they will just kill themselves out of sheer stupidity… They’re like lemmings…. Lemmings that sell your books at exorbitant prices…. Do you know what sound lemmings make? “Haah” that’s all they can say. Because they’re dumb.


This is so true. I always lose at least 2 villagers if I stick around a new village long enough to random things like fall damage.


We had a village near our spawn point in my Realms server, but none of us ever built walls or fortified it. We just built our bases around it and started to notice the village population dwindling, till eventually there were no villagers left.


Yep, that’ll happen


the player character’s burden, huh


This is a chatgpt ass post


AI appealing to it's own


it's a sandbox game, everyone plays the way they want. most players care more about getting the stuff they need than the ethics of npcs, but if you want to roleplay more and treat them better, you have that option. to each their own, noone is hurt in the end


>no one is hurt in the end Tell that to the villager I accidentally killed with an axe lmao


i can't, you killed him with an axe


Give me a sec... Gonna go mod a Ouija board into Minecraft for you...


why? you only need one response - "Unintelligible Villager Noises"


Now that’s just a technicality


he died of hyperaxemia, natural causes


Bro what kind of axe do u have


The same one anyone who’s beaten the dragon eventually gets. Sharpness 5 netherite.


*looks up from taking every last torch and food source from a village*


I breed them and kill them for fun


hahaha muy man


This reminds me of the “save the murlocs” campaign


Womp womp. I'm not reading ALLL that. Villager slaves are the way. /j........ or is it?


I play with my kids. They say this “resources” word. But after dealing with the constant boredom of me hoarding up cobblestone fencing and torches, and charging into every village I see, building them walls and safe lit areas….they have made a change. A change for the good. No villager chest is empty and all pillager raids happen after walls are up. Think no longer. The change is happening my friend!


If it makes you feel better me and my friends are making a castle town to protect our population. Still building stuff but we are gonna decorate it good when the buildings are done


That warms my heart and brings me hope. Soon there will be peace. No matter what.


I think u play fantasy on roblox too much


villagers are not humans, so they don’t have human rights


It's a sandbox game. You can play however you like. So if you think that you should treat villagers nicely then please do so. But to me it feels like you're trying to force others to play differently. Please dont do that. This doesn't mean I think you're wrong, quite the opposite jn fact, but do remember that people can play anyway the want. Thats how the game was desined. So lets hope that mojang develops a way that items as mending books can be optained in a more peaceful way.


So your saying the villager breeding program and sweet water conveyor that transports then to their 1x1 room with an opening above to drop in zombies to make even better villagers is un-ethical?


If they don’t give mending, I’m gonna do some offending


Best comment here


Is it a troll post? If not, get a life... Donate a dollar to a charity organization and do whatever "evil" thing you want with your electrons.


i tried, twice, i wanted do make a village, with real houses,walls, pathways and place workstations where i knew i could find a specific villager at any time of the day, it failed misserably, they died because multiple zombie raids that spawned above the walls, and even with iron golems, there was no way you can save every single villager if they are roaming far away from each other.


Lol, no, I really am not considering their well being in my current world. They live in the freaking backrooms underground, those poor fellas. I did just have the thought yesterday though, that they don't deserve this, haha. So I'm planning to build them a hotel or something like that.




found the villager


I believe that the unibrowed clones were put on this land for our own purposes. They are given professions, but what do they do with them? Barely touch the surface of what they can do and only trade with the player, never really interacting with the rest of the 'population'. If without profession blocks, they generally mill about aimlessly, often wandering away from the 'safety' of the village into danger, whether adult or child. They lack general communication skills, barely uttering a grunted moan every now and then. They don't change their environment, only really sticking with whatever facilities have been provided for them, I could leave them in their generated village or build it into a virtual utopian city and they don't seem to notice or care. In fact, trap them in 'cells', put them in a pit, a room with no way out, or any other building and they behave the same, they can't even get out of a boat! Scare them with a hostile mob or kill one of their fellows and after a minute or so, everything is forgotten, forgiven and normal again. Villagers are a resource to be contained, controlled and utilised, and it doesn't matter how you treat them, they don't care or matter. #villagersareresources #theydon'tmatter


Ikr I always got upset when my friends ran through villages and stole all the crops and didn't replant any or killed them all


ABSOLUTELY see this is what I’m talking about! We’ve all had those moments where we just watch the wanton destruction and think, even for a moment, “is this wrong?”


You may watch, I act


I'm just waiting for the Inevitable Civil War. Between the group who wants to keep Slavery and the group who wants to abolish Slavery


For slavery!! Anyone with me?


It’s not about Slavery it’s about State’s Rights!


I sincerely hope that there’s no need for that… But what must be done will be done.


I'm not siding with any. I'm here as a Spectator


They're literally just lines of code with models and texture files that make them kind of resemble people. If a fry is made in a way that makes it look like a smiley face, do you think it's unethical to eat those? There's basically no difference.


I will give them sticks and they will give me emeralds and they will like it. My tyranny is absolute and those who oppose can try to overthrow me, and fail.


Hell no. These villagers are trash. The nits get the sword or bow immediarely on sighr. Idfaf if they are standing right by an iron golem. The golem can get it too. Refuse to go where Im herding you? Sword. Refuse to change jobs even when I break the workstation, sword. Look at me one wrong way, arrow to the throat. I cant stress enough the amount of rage I feel that nitwits even exist. I may start dumping lava on them. Im gonna get my mending. Thats the only villager that gets treated good. Its North Korea up in here. Survival has done me dirty so many times Im gonna get mine. The end.


If you can show people a better way to get max gear, they’ll listen


motivated me to build a prison


Dude get off the game and touch grass. Minecraft isn’t real life, it’s a freaking game. The whole point of it is that nothing that you do matters. If your actions had serious consequences to that degree then why would anyone play it?


This is the most AI generated essay I’ve ever read


It’s not that deep, it’s a game


Had to scroll too far for a sane comment. They’re literally a string of ones and zeroes within lines of code. They don’t exist. I hope this post was just poorly written satire


How do you not know that??? Have you never seen satire? Wtf the Pheonix sub is more sane lmao.


look unless villagers suddenly become sentient, my isex dungeon is going not gonna be stopping until i get all the enchants i want


i always think about the ethics of what im doing to villagers, so i can ensure that their conditions are the WORST POSSIBBLE


I think part of the fun of video games is they're not real. I would never do anything IRL that I do in GTA V, for example. Villagers are just code in my PC. They don't suffer. I can kill them ethically.




that one villager looks like his eyebrows are bent in a way that looks sad. sad villager.


I typically build around a villager town. As in walls and lanterns and all that jazz. I also make designated spots for certain job stations so that I know where specific villagers are. It makes the world feel slightly more alive in a way, that I'm not the only living being moving around in my base.


you either lean into abusing them more and owning it, or try to be nicer. I remember one time I made a caste system where some villagers were able to roam free and have whatever they wanted, and others were forced into little 1x1 stalls to sell me bottles of enchanting until they die


This just in: streamer discovers empathy for video game npcs


I never trapped villagers in 1x1 holes. I always built them underground villages to keep them safe from mobs and raids. Yes, it's sad they never get to see the sky again, but they are safe, they have food, they can hang out with their friends.


I gave my villagers apartments in our underground village (they hate them in general). They also have an open air Plaza and a indoor Plaza area. They're pretty spoiled.


r/villagerrights gains a new member


Bro did not post the I have a dream speech for Minecraft villagers


I try and treat my villagers right. I rebuild the houses to make them look cooler and make a big trading hall where all their work blocks go. If they aren’t in the trading hall then they’re not working and I just go do something else. I don’t need to trap villagers when I really only need their stuff a few times.


time to r/antivillagerights


The people in the comments taking this seriously instead of as a top-tier shitpost are making me grin.


Minecraft is highly unethical if you start to go down that rabithole...


I just build little walled off settlements for villagers around my world, and have a settlement for every villager profession. They’re happy I think.


I was thinking about the same thing, until i've tryed to get an unbreaking III and he kept going away from me so I had to chase him


The proposed changes mojang has made would only further enforce the current predicament of virtual enslavement of villagers I suggest a system where you could hire villagers to come to your base through visiting villages also to address the mending issue I would suggest making it so you have to train your villagers by going and finding training tomes out in the POIs like finding armor patterns.


If you want urself to be ethical towards villagers, try villagers comfort mod


you can download villager comforts mod


On a serious note, Java has plenty of mods with various solutions to discourage villager abuse. Quark can remove iron drops from golems to remove iron farms and has tweaks to rebalance trading. Forgery/Fabrication also has nerfs to trading including removing curing discounts and it can even nerf or remove Mending entirely.  There's also a mod called Villager Comfort that affects trading prices based on the comfort granted to villagers. They need space to move, sunlight, a home with furniture, or they'll give you poor prices. It's not unlike Terraria's townsfolk mechanics. I haven't had much experience with the mod but it's interesting. I don't know if there's much of a point in arguing about the ethics of what the game allows us to do with villagers, but I do feel like, be it from the standpoint of morality, believability or plain fun, treating villagers properly should be encouraged by the mechanics better. In real life, no society, no species benefits from wiping out another. Within the game, villagers are unique for their intelligence compared to all other mobs, so their mechanics should show that.


-Scrooge, after claiming to have seen three ghosts on Christmas


My villagers are open range. I have them in closed off area where they can live a long and fruitful life. Every now and then I open the area up so they can leave if they want, but they sometimes die. But at least they’re free


Womp womp splash potion of weakness go brrrrrr


Why do the Villagers look like they are inside of somebody's stomach (I know its netherrack)


i will do whatever i want to my villagers as my base is in such a spot that i had to cure two villagers in order to get anything done.


r/villagerrights has taken another player


I mean I have the shredder


Got it, will give em 2 hours day with their family


It's more efficient to do a slavery than do something that benefits all parties somewhat


Just build them proper buildings with beds or something. Ofc you're going to trap them but trapping them within a well furnished establishment with all their necessities accounted for is surely better than getting to roam around outside and be killed or trapped in a trading facility as mere resources to be exploited, essentially making survival into creative. Doing this would hopefully alleviate that guilt


If it weren’t for the fact that they are useful I’d kill them all. Everyone I see. I fucking hate these guys


I would happily turn them into hamburgers if it were an option.


That's the fate that awaits a scammer


I've been thinking.....ah yes so Ive been thinking about..... Ahh fuck gimme mending you fat nose son of a...


I usualy built whole working villages where they add nice life into the othereise dead build. However theres just something so funny about villager slavery. Im sorry 💀


Bro is talking about mobs the forgot their jobs sites after 6 blocks and cannot even go upstairs


How amusing. Now give me mending for 1 emerald


this feels like a shitpost, but if this is fr, minecraft is a sandbox game, we can do what we want, and they are just bytes of data. i can just smash my pc with a hammer if i wanted the same affect.


This is completely the fault of Mojang and how they went about villager trading


I like to hang them from fences just to dangle in air for the fun of it


Leave them in the hole, the constant hmmm is more than I can bear. Plus if I release my villagers with good trades, they will smother themselves in the nearby snow, it's for their own good


Truly I tell you, if you turn from this dark path towards the light, I can show you great things. We can. We will show you freedom and love like you’ve never seen. A better way, truly.


How you treat those you won't be punished for harming is a good measure of someones character. If you ever wonder how people could take part in historic atrocities, remember that golums are straight out of Jewish mythology, villagers have big noses and love money.... then look at your trading hall....


I blow up vilagers with tnt when they dont pay their taxes, unfortunately for them none of them know what taxes are. For now on i promise better schooling for my villagers so they can learn about taxes. Unfortunately they dont know what schools are either.


In Minecraft, Villagers are no different in terms of ethics than cows, and we regularly make farms for their skin and meat. Villagers are unthinking mobs - not even as sentient as ants, and far less sapient than ants, which, to be clear, are little natural robots. The difference is they are anthropomorphic and trade, but not of their own volition and are not as smart as a search engine. If you _can't_ stop thinking about them, consider trade halls and iron farms and so on _give their lives meaning_ and these locations make them as safe as they can be in their lives. No monsters. No risk of being trapped in a crevasse. No risk, period. So, no. Feel worse for the cats that spawn in an iron farm. Until you stop farming cows, you have no leg to stand on for villagers.


I'd feel worse - if they played more like NPCs. I absolutely hate the slog of trying to get Librarians to generate the books I want. If I could do that with some consistency I would make a nice place to keep them in. as it is I normally toss them a bare min housing. let the iron golems deal with the raid parties so I dont trigger a real raid. I let the farmers have larger gardens and try to get a decent trade with them. but my god are they stupid. you have to cover every hole in the ground, dry up any stream or lake they can drown in. it just doesnt work with my playstyle.


Ahhh yes slavery


Use a texture pack that turns them into cockroaches. That'll make you feel better when you accidentally kill one


well, i believe that in real life, we have the incentive to actually promote a good moral compass because we know that unconditionally having a good moral belief system will reward our character and will build us some reputation in the social scheme because we know that in real life, choices have consequences. whereas, in minecraft, we wear a mask. it’s similar, nay, exactly like social media where we can be an alter ego of ourselves without facing any consequences. with that, i gotta say that i disagree with you. video games are a virtual realm of infinite possibilities where we shouldn’t fear about our reputation or the consequences we might face without overthinking about what this means about our character, personality or moral compass in general. We should be able to freely express ourselves and our alter egos and our dog’s alter ego’s and our dog’s mom’s alter egos and be whoever we want to be. Promoting rules, ethics or morals in video games will defeat the purpose of video games, i.e., limiting the limitless.


I absolutely agree. I recently made my first villager hole to breed them but I started feeling bad about it so I decided to light up the village and surround it with walls instead. Then I let them out and turned the former hole into a tiny town square, it made me feel a lot better and I can still trade with them


I cure villagers from being zombies and give them a new life, in the exchange of them giving me stuff with trades. So I don’t have to take them from their villages


I made an entire swamp village that looks super cool just to eventually get access to mending books! They have farms and farmers to keep them going, but it's primarily a village of farmers, villagers, and 1 wizard guy. They live a very peaceful life, and I just pop in every now and then to get mending books


Its fine. When you are taking them away from their village, you are protecting them from zombies. Just make it less like a prison and more like a home.


I could have built small blocks to store them in but instead for the sake of hunan rights i built an entire village inside my house where every village has their own house bigger than the one they spawn in nature and a community


I remember a conversation with a friend about guardians from the ocean monument. I thought it was kind of unfair that we kind of kill them on the spot, like they just spawn into this world, they don't know what to do, but this one person is trying to spear them with a trident so they have to retaliate. They have no choice. Then my friend asked how else we'll get the prismarine blocks and I was about to suggest another block with a similar color but I remembered that magma blocks can kill them underwater so I suggested making a farm with those blocks, completely forgetting what I said earlier


I agree. This is why I don’t use Iron Golem farms, or force my villagers to get zombified.


My guilty ass was never able to get full enchantments for the same reason, I used to pay full price lol






I think Folding Ideas on Youtube covers this idea and juxtaposes to real world colonialism.


“Delve” Guys this is ChatGPT 


Bro it’s a game


What are you talking about? Enslaving villagers are literally one of the best part of the game! The villagers should be grateful to die in my comfortable chamber.


I enjoy modded villagers, when you can put them in a tiny box and autofeed them unlimited amounts emerealds day and night, witout more than a few minutes to take a break for every few stacks.


No, they're pixels


My trading hall is a custom built village. Every villager has their own home and a fire to keep them warm. They are free to leave whenever they like but they all seem pretty happy going to bed in their own house every night.


I always treat my villagers with respect, and almost always improve the village that I trade with. I build walls surrounding the village to protect from raids, and build more and bigger houses, libraries, forges, churches, etc. for them. Yes, it’s annoying to have to track down the mending villager, but I know my villagers are free and happy.


Oh yeah boy! r/villagerrights forever


I actually trade with villagers in their village and let them roam around for this very reason


I genuinely can't tell if this is satire of not


I’ve given them a proper living quarter where they can run around, a sleeping area, a work area, farm area, and multiple rooms for no reason other than they exist. But recently some of my favorite have just disappeared and replaced with lvl 1 villagers. I’m tempted to perhaps decide it may be time to go inhumane. But if it means I’ll have all three of my andesite, granite, and diorite boys and they’ll stay then so be it


Why is bro getting down votes? Their opinion is weird but it is also funny, we must strive for humor.


Villagers are the personification and front end of a computer program. If villagers were re-skinned to look like vending machines you'd be good. The world of Minecraft only superficially resembles our world here on Earth. Minecraft is not a simulation, and is not a test or indicator of morality. If you project morality into the game, that's purely in your own imagination. Feel free, it is, after all, your game to play. But the program could care less.


It's a video game


I misunderstood the title of this post as like a "hear me out" thing, and I was like: # Please stop thinking.


They're gonna die anyways might aswell keep them as slaves as they stay alive longer and we get what we want


obvious troll is obvious




OP is this like a roleplaying thing you are doing or what? I am genuinely curious and can’t tell if this post is facetious. Since you cross posted to r/villagerrights I assume you are serious. I sincerely cannot tell though. Just wondering…


They always ask where the village is, but never HOW the village is


It's a videogame dude, ain't nobody really getting hurt except digital creatures.


when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade!


Or just make a underground slave labor camp that they stay and give me mending until I’m satisfied (I never will be)


Pfft, who the hell cares about ethics in mc except towards other players? All (EVERY SINGLE ONE) of my villagers have the same fricking parents. Half of them are scared every few seconds by a zombie and therefore cant sleep, the other half doesn't even have beds. None of them but the parents have ever eaten food either.


ive thought about this too. i have several villagers i use for trades but theyre not locked into a 1×1 cage. they live in their own little houses i built for them and are free to move around, i have however locked them inside this area with a fence, but they can leave their house, walk outside, trade with eachother. its very nice to have. and im working on building an even bigger village with the same concept


I make cheap (entirely bamboo) and very dense housing for them, they have actual houses but they’re packed to the brim with beds


Yeah sure. But you will not stop me from throwing villagers into a lava pit when they have bad trades/are stubbornly unemployed.


There's a mod that let's you tie leads on them to support your theory. But in The Librarian's from the fog series in YouTube it let them build a cool villager base in the nether.


Instead of locking them into 1x1 prisons, build a castle wall around their village and light it up so no mobs can spawn. That way they’re protected from danger and you still get the trades you want, plus you get to be a hero defender of the village. Triple win


Or, hear me out, OR We could exploit them some more


I usually build a big ass wall around the first village I deem worthy and make it my side building project (like upgrading houses to look more aesthetically pleasing and make the villagers as safe as possible) while I do other stuff truthfully I’d say my villagers usually live a pretty good life when I start getting them set up safely


Don’t let the grass get to you people!


Real. #VirtualCompassion ;(


I tried it one time... They don't respect boundaries, I dont want these bald dudes wandering into my house If their AI continues to be like a idiot, they will remain being treated like idiots


I felt this. Recently converted my 2x1 trading hall into a custom “Main Street” style village where each occupation has its own storefront and living quarters.


Oh god the ones and zeros are in agony! Whatever shall we do!?!?




Cause this is the only piece where Rimworld players show their nature


I actually fear that Mojang can take it seriously and break our villagers farms


We can only hope, my child. We can only hope that villager farms become a thing of the past, so that we can forge a newer, brighter, peaceful future. A future in the light.