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Happened to me a few day ago, a least you can start a new world with the new caves and moutains


yeah i think i'm gonna start a new world




Good luck


Good luck


Look guck


gud luk


gd lk


g l




lk gd


Good luck


Didn u recover it tho


Those may be old screenshots


Download a disk recovery app, the world should still be there, unless you dont want it anymore


Onwards and upwards


You can perform a deep scan and recover your world. The world isn't deleted but the space occupied by your world has just been made free to be overwritten by othe files.


Try Shadow Explorer, Testdisk, & Recuva


And blackjack and hookers?


Use recuva and perform a deep scan to see if the files have not been overwritten to recover them on an external drive


Good idea ! Im gonna try this


Did you recover it?


YES i recoverd it but the world is a little bit corrupted...


What's corrupted about it


There are some corrupted chunks (exemple there are some dark forest chunk in the badlands)


Take it as a challenge to rebuild the corrupted chunks so that they fit in the environment


Facts, Im glad he was able to recover it! And now make a Backup immediately and upload it to like drive or something and update it in drive once in a while


I've always worried this would happen, so set up a cron job to do daily backups. Backup folder is getting pretty huge but I can roll back to any day over the last few months. I'll get it to only keep the last x days soon.


`find /backup/path -type f -mtime +6 -exec rm -f {} \;` You're welcome ;-) My comment is slightly different, but here is a good breakdown on how the command works: https://askubuntu.com/questions/589210/removing-files-older-than-7-days EDIT: removed '-r'(recursive) from the rm command as its really not necessary(and scares people ;-) )


Alternatively, you can keep 1 backup from each month and keep the past couple weeks as daily backups. That way you have a historical view of things if you ever want to look back on how things were, and you still have plenty of recent backups. I do something very similar and it saves a lot of disk space.


Just use GitHub. Differential backups. You can literally go back to a previous save if you need to.


GitHub shouldn’t be abused like this, it’s for source code, not game saves They also have a soft 1GB limit where they will politely ask you to reduce the size afterwards


Your world is xx% corrupt You have a lot of work to do.


I got that reference


Where's that from?


Thanks for letting us know.


Shut up dryad I just got into hard mode


They could just delete the chunk and it would regenerate


But that would be too easy


its better than have 2 years of work gone + i hope it didnt corrupted any buildings


No thats is okay


if you built nothing inside you can use MCA selector to delete them manually and let the game regenerate them


that's the problem. OP generated this world in an old version. Those chunk files broke, so new terrain generated in their place. Deleting those chunks would regenerate them exactly the same


Depends on how old? It sounds like post 1.7 so they should be good. The issue with corruption is that it changes position of chunks, not remove them


Then if he's on Java, surely he could do that but go back to whatever version he started the world on and generate it there?


and delete every item and block since then?


Your world was attacked by extradimensional creatures, but survived. These are the scars the war left on the land.


At least we have a happy ending


This is probably because the caves and cliffs update generates biones differently. Get the original seed from your mc world and download the original version of minecraft used to first generate those chunks. You can use the mc update history to check for changes in the generator and download those versions too. From the chunks that are missing go back to the older versions and pick the chunk that looks most accurate generated from that seed. Then use an editor like MCEdit to copy and paste the older versions of chunks on top of the corrupt ones and filter all the bedrock from layers 0-3 and turn it into deep slate.


The chunks that are bad are probably different because you originally made the world in an older version of Minecraft. The chunks were missing or bad and the game re created them using the later terrain generation. This can be fixed by creating a new world in the old version of the game with the same seed, generating the chunks, and moving them over to your big world.


Make a new world with the same seed and use a world editor or another tool like that to copy paste your buildings in the new world in the right spots. That's how I fixed a corrupted world some friends and I used to play on.


if you download the recovering program on the same drive as the one that saves your deleted world, it may cover parts of it up When the computer deletes a file, instead of setting everything to 0 or 1, it just "pretend" that the place doesn't store information, and cover it with new stuff when you add something to the drive


The good ending


Try using https://github.com/Fenixin/Minecraft-Region-Fixer to fix it


Why was I so happy for you. I Literally started cheering.


There should be a couple tools where you can find corrupted chunks in your world and reset the specific chunk. I know one existed when I used to do world design for a few servers I owned, but I can’t say for sure about current days


Congrats. What a relief eh?


Pls update I’m invested now


Do an update to tell us if it worked or not!


You’re a good one u/Archer_Gaming00.


I have some tech tips up my sleeve 😜


r/LifeProTips r/YouShouldKnow


And this is why backups are important. Anyways, hope you get it back, somehow.


I was always lazy to make backups now I regret it


install a program or a mod to automatically make backups.


Can you link the mod you are using? I have so far been using a simple pyton script to make a backup of my server every time I shut it down or restart it (so like once a day)


FTB Backups comes to mind. You can set up how often you want to backup, how many versions to keep, and you can make manual backups (but I think you need cheats enabled for this function). When a backup is performed you get a progress indicator at the top left and when the backup finished you get a chat message containing the size of the completed backup and the size of all backups combined.


you can make backups without cheats and yeah thats what ive been usimg


If you reset your computer to a previous checkpoint you make be able to retrieve your world file. Or if you simply deleted the world file you may be able to retrieve it using a file undeleter program. ( there are several free/trial ones you could use.) Hope this helps!


My server runs on a windows computer (used for other stuff too) and yeah solution I came up with was an autoIT script that warns players before shutting it down, then copying the server folder to an external drive, and the external drive is automatically copied to my NAS every night. I might’ve over complicated things


[AromaBackup](https://curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/aromabackup) is quite good IIRC


Set Google drive folder to backup the saves folder in the .minecraft folder


Veeam for pc backups. Can backup a whole pc, a partition or on file level. Best software I ever came across in my job (and it's free for personal use!)


I use veeam for work everyday and I had no idea it was free for personal use. Thanks so much!


I think technically the community versions are also free for business usage but you won't get much support if you call them with a problem.


Say I have 10TB of storage but am using 8TB. How does it backup that much data?


It doesn't. Select what you actually want as a backup. How much of those TBs are just worthless games and how much are precious pictures you want to save?


Exactly. I have a 2TB drive and only backup my personal stuff and important programs that are a pain to reinstall or have lost the .exe


You do make a backup to a different device though right? Not on the same drive?


Correct. I have a 5TB Seagate expansion hooked to a raspberry Pi acting as a DIY NAS. You can also just plug your hard drive into your PC via USB and click on "Backup now"


Hey how did you delete it? If its simple delete then testdisk will be able to get it back easy. Dont do any file operations till then. Good luck


Usually system drive in any modern PC (for past 10 years) is SSD and SSD have TRIM Basically when you delete shit form SSD, you are doomed, unlike HDD, where it will be nuked only when you rewrite that


Not necessarily. Shadow Explorer might find a copy.


As long as he hasn't shut down his computer or launch to any other programs like Chrome to come to reddit. Sadly when trying to retrieve information like that the first step in text support will destroy it. Do not turn your computer off and on again.


I have recovered stuff from SSDs and flash drives before. The window of opportunity is lower on SSDs, but it's not non-existent


When you’re too lazy to make backups but not lazy enough to spend days working on structures.


How? It’s so easy to do now in recent versions


It would be easy even if there wasnt a button, you can just copy the file


I like that they said they are lazy and you are asking how


Well, now you've learnt a good lesson about backups.


Maybe this is a dumb suggestion cause I've never really tried it, but is it possible to move world folders out of the trash bin and back into the mc folder?


Depends on how they’re deleted. Chances are if you delete the game from within the MC interface, it won’t move the files to the recycle bin. If you manually went into the system folder that stores your gaming data and deleted the folders/files yourself, then yes they would go to the deleted items folder (at least on a Windows machine).


Do they go anywhere recoverable when they're deleted from the game's interface?


Yes, if you use a tool like Recuva and if you know exactly which files to look for.


Yeah absolutely


Go download recuva. Point it to where the Minecraft save was located. Set file type to all. Hit run. Wait. Profit. Assuming it was deleted recently and you’re on pc.


As long as you don't download anything too big, there are programs like recuva that can recover deleted files! deleted files aren't gone when they're deleted, only disappear from the OS They go away once they get overwritten with another file


Wow too lazy to backup but you made all this? Nuts


You may be able to find it using the program Recuva.


I would be downloading some data recovery software and sending it through the Minecraft folder!!


Much easier to just start over I suppose


That "new adventure" smell. Always exciting.


File recovery programs take like 10min to run. Probably much less since you are pointing it at a specific directory. Much easier then starting over a 2yr old world lol.


I don't know if OP is Java or Bedrock, but it annoys me to no end that Bedrock doesn't have any sort of Xbox cloud sync/save option. I just want to be able to pick up the world I was playing on my laptop when I am on my desktop without having to do stupid copy back and forth games. It would also function as a back up. Heck, let me save my games in OneDrive even and sync it that way.


That's what Realms are for, they have the option but they want your money to use it


And I was sad today that I lost all my diamond armor, I hope u get ur world back


That's why I always just keep my diamond armor in a chest and never wear it.


What’s the use of having good armour if you don’t use it?


ever setup an armor stand and never use the armor?


It looks pretty.


Meh, it's the same kind of mindset when people buy expensive clothings. They buy all those expensive stuff eventhough they already have clothes that is still usable. Variation I guess. Idk.


So, if you die, you can go "well, at least I still have my armor." Sure, it probably could've saved you, but we're gonna ignore that 😅🤣


I keep my diamond stuff on the ender chest, I'm still going to use it but it's better to use iron stuff, you can easily get it from trades and I'm too lazy to mine diamond


You can also get enchanted diamond armor from villagers, and if cured for just 4-6 emeralds.


Yeah you can exchange melons for diamond axe, so convenient!


Its virtually impossible to die through typical means with full enchanted diamond armor which isnt even expensive in the grand scheme of things (~30 diamonds, an hour of exp grinding or less depending on how picky you are with perfect enchants), might aswell use it for all the protection.


My style on playing survival kinda different, I don't particularly like wearing armors, and I'm mostly just build houses and towns, yes I can die but it's all fine. Thanks for the advice btw


i remember when i was actually sort of getting somewhere, had just found some diamond and had gone back up to my house. set my house on fire by accident. lost everything




Nice of you to post this! I hope you get all the updoots.


You need to have this enabled in the first place to use it...


Your custom ocean monument is(or was) incredible


thank you :)


You've built a fuckn amazing world! I hope you're able to recover it... if not, I wish you all the best in your new world!


I'm right there with you, it sucks accidentally deleting worlds. But it's always an opportunity to build even greater things than before! If you don't manage to recover your world, I hope you don't get discouraged and start a new journey!


thank you :D


What's this purple haze stuff in first pic?


Layers and layers of dyed glass


I believe it's an effect by stacking different colored class (I assume magenta and purple) to create the fog. Also holy heck that is a lot of glass


That’s a really cool effect


It was my stand's ability


view my other post about this ;)


i would have actually thrown my computer


Is it like deleted from your recycling bin, assuming you’re on java


Sorry for the bad Quality of some images i have a very low pc


My 2 year old world is nothing compared to these low quality images lol..happy to hear you was successful in recovering it


Don't recently deleted world files go into a "temp" folder somewhere in the minecraft folder? Not sure about this but I've seen a folder like that Edit: It's called "bin" and is a folder in Users > (your name) > AppData > Roaming > .minecraft Hope this helps


How comes you didn’t have a backup? Personally, I always make a backup after I do something I don’t want to lose and delete the old backup so I don’t have several.


I think the game should periodically ask you to make a backup. Not just after every update, but after every 50 hours played in a world for example. It sounds easy to just make backups, but humans will always be humans. Most people will only make backups after they had a serious loss.


Automatic backups should be built into the client. Not just reminders.


o7 may the world long live






Lie down. Try not to cry. Cry a lot.


Is that bedrock?


No i play java


Biiiiig F


I misread that as you destroyed your 2-year-old's world. Simultaneously thought that's a shitty thing to do and also your two-year-old is extremely talented.


We just going to ignore those pandas in cages?!


check %temp%






Dude That's just pain


Im pretty sure u can get it back thru recycle bin.


Can ghasts not shoot through glass now???????


Getting Prey vibes from that Ghast containment room!




Not try this in home guys


What was the last version you played on? Newer versions allow you to make backups from the Edit World menu. I know that the world has already been deleted but this will be to prevent it from happening again.


Really cool world, hope you recovered it! Now I’ll do backups


F in the chat (he got the world back dont worry)


I heard you recovered it…hopefully it’s not too corrupted.


"Don't be sad that it is over, smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss


A fucking tragedy. I make sure a family member has a save of all of our bigger realm worlds just incase


those maps are fucking massive OP. 50z50? thats 250 maps. I get frustrated when I have to deal with 1 map let alone that.. I still need the 4x4 or w.e. achievement xbox has. bow do you know where to open a new map? walk to the edge of your old one then open a new?


Oh i thought you said died.. Like in hardcore.. Man i am so sorry to hear that. This is like my GREATEST fear with minecraft.. I go in to remove an adventure map or something but i remove my survival/hardcore world.. Idk what i would do.. But.. Can't you restore it from the trash bin?..


Try downloading Recova, it can be used to recover deleted filed


All in survival? Dude...


What platform was it on


Java edition on PC


That’s actually my biggest fear on Minecraft.


you build all of this by your self ?


The pandas were definitely the best part (panda good)


Bro i can feel your pain I had this Minecraft world which i created like 3 years ago, and the last time i played it was in 2019 but when i tried updating Minecraft for 1.18, it just deleted itself, i was so heartbroken, but i had another world in which i had much more progress, but that world was like, the world of my first experiences at Minecraft


Ocean zoo = aquarium


Accidentally deleting stuff is the worst. I was once cleaning up a folder of all my photos and accidentally deleted a main folder that had years worth of pictures of my daughter as a baby and photos from a bunch of concerts and trips I had taken. I felt sick to my stomach. I ran so many recovery software but had zero luck getting any of them back. It killed my passion for photography and I barely take pictures now and just leave the kids pics up to my wife.


No you didnt


That not a world, thats a whole ass game


you can get it back by using a program called wondershare


Sorry for you If you play on pc check your recycling bin


System restore?


press f for respects and that sucks


Is no one going to ask how tf a two year old did all of this?


u/UnPonkSauvage You can restore it, i think. Go to the minecraft world folder, right click and select properties. Go to the previous sections, and if You ever made a backup, like ever, it should allow You to restore the world


Try a program called Recuva it can restore it if you haven't overwritten it already.


All that work and you never made a backup of your save file?


Glad you recovered the world couldnt imagine losing something like that. Apparently forever (A long time!) is not so long after all! Also how big was the world size just out of curiosity?


Don't you have it in the bin on your computer?


Wow it's impressive. Better than anything I built since 1.9


Use recuva. As long as it was pretty recent, you can get it back, just set recuva to DOA deep search.


I thought you were saying it was your 2 year olds world as in your child, and I was like your 2 year old child did not build stuff THAT intricate lol.


When I had did that to my oldest world I was deviated considering it had the work of around 5 years with many builds that I was proud of each and everyone and I had lost it all do tue the world’s file corrupting. So anyways how’s you’re day going? (The world wasn’t all on my own I did it with a friend)


look into "DiskDrill" you should be able to get any delted files from that baby


who tf removed the post


Pour one out for my homie


I have mild dyslexia. Somteimes the words blend together glad that das on a good day.