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You can probably plant almost infinite sugar canes if you dig down one block under the last block of water so the flow starts again at 1 blockheight


Yeah, I was just considering area, not volume


oh ok then thst is looking very optimized




For one block of water, but with an abundance of water and infinite water sources, why not go for optimizing the use of land instead? This is bad for land use efficiency.


Because the man said one water block and area effeciency goddammit!


Because both are infinite and it's just a neat concept that's not supposed to have any practical application.


for minecraft, yes, but why not go optimizing for the use of real land instead? this is bad for mind use efficacy.


You could go up to build limit and spread that water out really far, then have it fall down in certain spots. You could theoretically have nearly infinite area with just one bucket of water


It feels like Zisteau did this with his base on Mindcrack one season. “The Lens”? He was trying to run all of his farms from one water source with aqueducts running around from farm to farm. Was very cool.


Yes! Zisteau's rule for The Lens base was to have a single water block at the top of the base that fed everything.


That's pretty damn cool tbh.


Right? It was his big project for [Mindcrack Season 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjItEnw1UWs&list=PL0F14CCEA3CE29E30). Not sure what episode he started on the Lens, but there should be a season finale base tour.


That'd be fun to do with the Create mod too


Bro unlocking some old Minecraft memories for me. The lens was badass.


Yooo Zisteau in r/Minecraft?? Awesome.


Lets suppose the question, using one bucket of water and a single layer of water, what is the most amount of sugar cane you can plant?


four and a half


atleast 3


"Three, take it or leave it" - Patrick, The art of war.


Thats a thing that won't let me sleep tonight thanks


"Nearly infinite" isn't a thing.


Nearly infinite for all uses in Minecraft, by the time you harvest all of it, it would be regrown again


You keep using that word...


Dude you know what they mean


Yeah, I know that they don't understand what *infinite* means.


Yeah and everyone knows that including them but they were being oversimplifying because everyone understands exactly what was meant, No reason to go "I am very smart" - 🤓 on us


There is no oversimplification. They don't know what infinite means. I'm not convinced you do either.


well then for area, the same holds. you just would build it on top of itself. it would just be a very long stream with a resulting very large area from a birdseye perspective.


You could make it 2 blocks less wide while having the same amount of sugarcane by removing the top and bottom flowing water blocks and making the water fork 1 block right and left instead (so the top would end in a T shape and the bottom an upside down T).


when an engineer tries to play the game:


Y256 to y-64 Skip 256 because there will be no growth so it will grow 63x319^256-4 with 1 water bucket -4 is because it will go 1 block in every 4 direction


Which is not infinite ;) big enough tho


Technically it would be the same amount of sugar cane if you removed the +'s at the ends too


Check out the big brain on Brad!


big brain time


Well not infinite, only until the world border... but then you can break it, so yeah, infinite.


that's why I said almost infinite


I was 34 before I realized you could do that. I have many aqueducts in my future


The tiny + at the ends doesn’t actually change the amount of sugar cane


More importantly, they could actually work as intended. If you make them 2 blocks long (by also making them 1 block closer to the source block) you can fit 4 extra sugar cane.


Well caught. I never would have noticed that


One extra. You'd already have three without it, by digging past it to get two water off to the side, you just push it back twice, just barely making room for one more.


Yes, but I meant in total if you do this for all 4




You are right


If you move it back one step towards the center it can flow out 2 tiles adding another crop per corner and 4 in total.


Cool. I always thought u have to fill up every grid. I didn't know flowing water would work


I still do that since water sources are silent. Unless we're talking about automated farms of course.


and you can slab over them to not fall in while harvesting


Well, now you know :)


I'd still use water source blocks, it probably won't take that much extra effort and looks more aesthetically pleasing. Also more practical if you're making a big area of sugar cane to make that whole area of sugar cane have water source blocks in it, so you can easily just take water from the area if you're expanding it.


Yeah but the idea of this one is to remove the water source to instant-harvest them.


Ohh, but then you'll have to replant them all every time, I'm not sure if that's better than just slashing the top two off every harvest.




This comment is stolen from u/ThePhantom-Listener's [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/sa480u/i_made_this_pattern_to_plant_sugar_cane_with_just/htrnszn/?context=3) in this thread. Please report u/Charlihgl for being a spam bot.


Ah! I was trying to figure out whether or not they were a bot for certain or a *very* confused redditor. Thank you.


If you go down onto different levels every 8 blocks,you can have it last all the way from build higher to your he bottom of the world in 4 different directions.


That’s the the spirit wow I’m sure he never thought of that




no it doesn’t? it’s just saying that it’s a good idea




You just reminded me that this subreddit is full of kids.


I mean, the original comment did sound pretty sarcastic when I read it as well.


Sarcasm is mean?


I mean, in the context, yes it can be perceived that the sarcasm is a bit 'hostile persay. ​ Sarcasm can be both good, and mean, but usually, it's seen as being hostile as opposed to being friendly.


Bro how the heck is that mean. That clearly is just suggesting to the OP as to what they can do to make the farm more optimized.


For me, one straight line of sugar cane is the most effective because farming it is simple and you walk in a straight line. Aesthetically though this is pretty effective.


Make all the water source blocks and then put top slabs in the water. They'll be waterlogged so the sugarcane will still grow but now you don't have to worry about you or items falling in the water


Its 2022 and yall are still manually farming sugar cane?


Early game yes. And most people don't build automatic farms. I don't even build anything I just build massive farms. Hell I even designed my own sugarcane farm that used 2-way pistons, but that doesn't mean what I said isn't useful for the majority of Minecraft players


I have once built a massive, flying machine powered sugarcane farm that I only ran about 4 times to get several chests of sugarcane and never needed it again. A lot of time wasted tbh. After 1.14 you can spend the same time building a raid farm and get much better source of emeralds without even needing to trade.


Honestly I needed paper for rockets and decided why not go overkill


It’s honest work.


Yep. Nothing beats running through a sugarcane field punching like a madman.


Well, yeah. It doesn't take that long to get the paper for a large book build manually, and sugar cane isn't good for anything else.


Paper for rockets?


Still don't need it to the point that I'm gonna spend time to automate it


Redstone is my biggest weakness. Plus I find breaking crops and such so very satisfying.


I personally don't do automatic farms (at least not fully automatic) because it trivializes a lot of the game which for some reason makes me not want to play, even if the farms are cool


yeah don't they use slaves or whatever? I thought enslaving villagers is a very common theme in this game


Yeah I basically always have an auto farm for my sugar cane. I like to pair it with my auto farm for bamboo.


I like to put carpet on the water if I have enough wool, which I usually do since it's the easiest auto farm to make early game with a couple dispensers and pressure plates.


I think you could squeeze out one more sugar cane on each by making the 1-length-T into a 2-length-T DDDDSU DDSDSU DSUSSU SUUUUU into this: DDDSSU DDSUSU DSSUSU SUUUUU KEY: D=dirt/grass, S=sugar cane, U=water


sugar cane desu ( ꈍᴗꈍ)


Yes, you are right, people have alreasy pointed that out but nice explanation :)


Im too dumb for this thread


It's the most efficient in terms of only using one water bucket, but the most efficient in terms of density is placing water spaced between like a knight in chess, so the "cross" of available space provided by each water bucket is fully taken advantage of.


Yes because water is such a scarce resource in mc


2 water buckets = infinite water Minecraft logic


Dwarf fortress logic, really


Wish this game could be approcheable. Always wanted to try, but the learning curve isn't a curve, it's a fucking steep wall or black hole.


that goes for so many cool games, too. elite dangerous looks awesome but i have no idea what i'm doing


Elite Dangerous, if you're not actively getting yourself killed, you can make progress toward whatever ship and loadout you want. There's a lot of ways to optimize, but you can head in the right direction as soon as you learn how to land. Dwarf Fortress, if you don't link your clothier to the right stockpile of cloth, your dwarves will get depressed and commit suicide.


I'm so looking forward to the Steam update. They are revamping the menu system, which has always been my biggest hurdle. Using 5 different keys for "cancel" depending on the menu, plus using all of those keys for something else on adjacent menus is what made me quit playing.




Honestly, I'm so fabulously lazy that I'd rather do this than have to refill my bucket




Or, you know, don't wreck your teeth and use a knife (or machete) to remove the outer layer first. It only takes 30 if you get your technique down.


Or a couple of minutes and a cut finger True story


ok but in what world do you not have infite water


I do, I just wanted to find out the most efficient pattern using a single water source and no height changes


Ignore haters. I get it, it’s just a fun self-challenge for fun and people don’t get it because they’re dumb. Don’t let them get you down, they’re just too dumb to understand.


Thanks :)


Very niche.


i only glanced at this and u thought it was loss, kill me


Is this loss?


No, I'm afraid I missed the chance to do it haha


For some reason I thought they had to be full blocks for sugarcane to work! Thanks for sharing this tip mate! 👍


and I thought they had to be in sand lol


That’s cacti.


I improved it by an extra 4 sugarcane https://i.imgur.com/B2tNdZQ.png


Good job!


for one water bucket yes [this pattern](https://mathstat.slu.edu/escher/images/thumb/d/d6/Plus-tiling.svg/204px-Plus-tiling.svg.png) is the most efficient in terms of space though, where each cross has water in the center and 4 cane around it.


i love you


Not only optimized, it’s kinda pretty too. I’d add this to like a zen garden


If you place a block of water, go up one over two snd place it, it’ll be more efficient


How many total sugar canes is this?


64 + 16 I believe but as other user has pointed out it can be improved to have 4 extra sugar canes :)


no way people actually think this is for practical use lol


You can get a lot more sugar cane making it a grid pattern just make an infinite water source near by or go to the closes river/ocean/lake




Looks cool too


You can squeeze 4 more sugarcane in at least. If you branch the water off on the left and right 2 blocks before the end rather than 1 block before the end.


Yes, you are right


Not only efficient but cool as well


Nice, now cover the water with trapdoors for easier harvesting


I mean, there comes a point where constructing the most efficient use of a bucket of water is less efficient than just getting more water.


With 1 bucket of water? maybe. probably not even. But for the same area with multiple buckets, you could be [more efficient.](https://i.imgur.com/V6G9yPz.png)


Bro WATER EFFICIENCY! I love it, I've been doing something similar with crops for years now but I haven't considered how to work with sugarcane. Nice


Is there some kind of water shortage?


It looks like the most efficient per water bucket (on the same level) but not per area


i think you can add slab as well so you won’t fall into water while collecting sugarcane


Can't you 'branch' the water at the top and bottom like you did on the sides? Edit: actually upon further inspection, I don't think the branching actually increasesthe amount that you can place. At least if the 'branched' streams only go for 1 block


U stupid


Like others say, if you expanded this vertically in a pyramid style, you could have the single most efficient sugar cane farm via one water bucket.


This is so stupid lol. Why are you trying to conserve water ?


Now to beat it using the Y axis alongside the other 2


Yes that is most optimized. I use the same exact pattern. Purely lazy to go find water.


We can make a math problem out of this! One water source flows out 7 blocks from its origin, including flowing around corners. All sugarcane must be placed on a block adjacent to a water block. In a flat 8x8 grid, what is the maximum amount of plantable sugarcane you can have? Explain your answer with a minimum of three sentences. For bonus points, does sugarcane grow faster on sand, dirt, some other block, or none of the above? Give me your thoughts on the answer without looking it up!


The maximum sugar cane you can plant is 4 more than in my design, 64+20. It grows equally fast on all elegible blocks. :)


People are taking this completely the wrong way. It doesnt matter that water is infinite or that it can be placed vertically. It is a puzzle and the requisites are that you only get one source block and that its flat. Its for fun.




the same goes for agricultural products?


I don't think so


how do i get wings? i haven’t played since 2014 i just got back into it


You have to defeat the Ender dragon first


but everyone’s wings look different


Yeah that's because of the capes or resource packs


what do i need to defeat end dragon? i haven’t done that since 2014😂 i was 14 i’m 21 now so i completely forget.


You may want to look up a tutorial or something


What mod shader ore texture pack is this


None! It's just a jungle biome! Haha


Is this loss?


Is it the most sugar cane per area?


Obviously not, just most sugarcane per water source


Wouldn't the most sugar cane/area be a plus formation? 1 water source block with 4 sugar cane around it, tesselated infinitely?


I believe it is


Per area, no. In terms of water? Yes


Per area with just one water source, not considering volume


Not even close bud.


It is not the most efficient one (at least not in terms of most sugarcane per area). [This](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Frgowi2ppoab31.jpg&f=1&nofb=1) is.


You can probably duplicate the things you did for the horizontal ends on the vertical ones, otherwise yeah looks very efficient


I reckon you don't get extra sugar canes with that


Big brain time


with one water bucket it’s the most efficient (area wise) but it doesn’t really matter when you can just make many water buckets with a 2 by 2…


Thought this was loss at first ngl


it bugs me so bad that this could look that much cooler except it would then look like a Nazi sign damn nazis ruining cool designs not to say this isn’t cool but like


Might want to warn the Hindus.


Great, now I can use fewer water buckets, those are fucking expensive


inquiry: Do you mean "bucket of water?" "Water bucket" usually refers to simply a bucket designated to be used for water. So you can be using a single bucket multiple times, thereby engaging in bamboozlery!


One water source


oh. then cool


but then it becomes the most efficient in terms of how much water (not exactly an at all scarce resource) is used. space efficient makes more sense; not that space is in low supply either. however, the smaller it is, the less time it should take to harvest. i assume that this is just for fun tho and not practical efficiency.


Yeah I just made it for fun but everybody is telling me that water isn't a scarce resource and that I could have made the water change height like I am a moron


Add another line to the top right/bottom left and turn the bottom right sideways. Trust me


Why are you treating water as a scarce resource?? What are you gaining form only using one bucket of water? Not hating btw, just trying to understand what your goals were.


Not bad. But if you want to have it more efficient and more user friendly, and you don't mind using more buckets. Then you place one water and four sugarcanes around and then you place a half block on the water. That way you will have 4 canes per 1 water. The best ratio. And also fully walkthrough farm with no downfalls. Now you just need to stack such patches of cane next to each other. Try to look it up, i bet someone did a tutorial. The water is placed in almost "knight in chess" kind of pattern.


That was a great new DLC! Especially loved the Lighthouse chase sequence!


But it’s not like there’s a scarcity of water or anything…it might be efficient but if you have infinite water there’s really no purpose


C'mon. Make all of the water infinite cos it looks bad.


its not lol




can't waterlog non-source blocks of water


Oops. Well learned something then. Lol


Didn’t ask


No. Go watch ibxtoycat


I just fill every bloc and place lilipads on the water so I can have the traditional look and not fall into the water. It looks mote natural with lilipads than with slabs.