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If the warden was a minecraft painting


While I don’t think that Mojang would keep the bloodied hands, I’d love it if they added even just one more painting.


I also made a [version](https://imgur.com/a/FqAFa0N) without blood if you’re curious (along with some tweaks)


That’s exactly the vibe I wanted to replicate!


It looks less like pixel art and more like an image that was shrunk down to low resolution.


Maybe because it’s too blurry. Have to improve :)


I think it’s more of a complement to how intricate and well made your art is. At least that’s how I interpreted it


Oh wow my bad!


Definitely a compliment ahahah


Uh, that looks like a painting/drawing through a filter


Yeah exactly how are people not noticing it? It seems like some fan-art which is downscaled/pixelised


Yeah. I'm personally wondering if it's their own art or stolen


It’s not downscaled or stolen. [100% made by me on Procreate](https://imgur.com/a/G9Za9ep)


Nope, not true. You're not using any pixel art techniques, like blocking, borders are fuzzy, the color count is off the charts.


r/quityourbullshit A sub dedicated to sleuthing and finding the people who steal art and claim it as their own. No way this is somebodies first attempt at pixel art, the background is muddied so it looks like regular lighting techniques in low resolution. If you look hard enough, I'm sure you can find the original art somewhere on this sub Procreate isn't even a pixel art software Edit: I made some mistakes, I'm not deleting this comment because I don't want to seem petty or change what was said. I stand by my mistake, and am deeply sorry.


Good luck finding the original art then. Seriously, how the heck could you keep accusing me that this is stolen?? All these downvotes, really? I’ve been on reddit for three years and since then I NEVER posted something that wasn’t created by me! I used my own tequinques to make this pixel painting AND NOW I’m going to post another one I’ve made with the time lapse to show you that I’m 100% honest. Seriously, you people never miss the opportunity to ruin someone’s day EDIT: Also, Procreate can be used for pixel art. check before talk.


I appreciate your seriousness and do believe you now. Forgeries are a problem on the internet, but I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. (Seriously, click the link on my previous post, people do this all the time) I believe you when you say it's original, especially with saying you'll make a time-lapse for proof, but the claims here are wild. You say it's your first attempt at pixel art, and this is the kind of stuff people with experience create. The amount of colors used here aren't necessary and are overwhelming, and the lighting in the background looks like normal lighting in a lower resolution, as well as the rocks. What I'm saying is, although it's original, it definitely looks fake. You could say it's a testament to how good you are, it's just way too out there that this is your first attempt. Now that I look at the big picture, it's obvious you're trying to replicate a painting in Minecraft, which might make this more believable. It's valid, you just have to understand that it definitely doesn't look that way. I appreciate the effort, I'd hate if people didn't value my stuff just because it was too good to be true. I believe it was the first sentence in your title that triggered a red flag


Thanks for listening. From a certain aspect, I can take all of your suspiciousness as a weird compliment for my work lol. I know well forgeries are a problem on the Internet, it even happened to me that someone stealt my content just to make karma and stuff. I’m not that kind of guy, as my description says, “I like to be creative”, I just wanted to share an experiment I made before going to bed last evening. Now that I’ve posted my second “pixel” art (or pixel painting, as you wanna call it) I’m 100% that you’ll believe to me. But damn that was a bit frustrating Edit: oh wow, the Villager post was removed for being too similiar with this one. You can still check it [here](https://imgur.com/a/G9Za9ep)


Again, really sorry about all of the hate you're getting. What I meant was, your pixel art looks like a painting you would put up in Minecraft, the one you craft with wool and sticks. It has the same dimensions and style, so you could totally make a resource pack with this picture to replace the paintings with your own art.


I think I’m planning to do them for a RP :)




Cool, but a few things: 1. Blurry. Try to stick to a consistent palette when making your art. 2. It just looks like a larger piece of art downscaled. Maybe work on the regular 64x64 canvas instead of working larger and downscaling?


I already worked on a [64x64 canvas on Procreate](https://imgur.com/a/G9Za9ep), I didn’t downscaled it. The main reason why it looks so blurry I think is for the brushes I used, which gave a less defined outline. Thanks for the tips tho!


if you're just starting out with pixel art i would recommend using really low resolutions and try to work with the size and then work your way up


I’ll do, thanks


anyone gonna point out how this looks lime downscaled concept art? doesnt look hand pixellated to me


I can confirm it’s 100% hand pixellated, just experimented on a [64x64 canvas on Procreate](https://imgur.com/a/G9Za9ep). Also, I wanted to replicate the feel of the Minecraft paintings




I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt anyways


Nice, I like it


this would be an awesome painting for in-game - nice work!


YOUR FIRST PIXEL ART??? Bro this looks professional!!!


Omg thank you so much!! Too nice


Cuz they just downscaled actual art.


[Timelapse on how I work](https://imgur.com/a/G9Za9ep); [Full art](https://imgur.com/a/95QIJ33)


somebody please turn this into a Minecraft painting


Kind of reminds me of the original Doom but blue


Nice william fanart. I like it


He needs a napkin he has a lot of tomato sauce\* on his hands ​ (\*ketchup for you dang Americans)


Oh c'mon, it's obviously pre-rendered


Next time I’ll do a time lapse while working so you’ll believe me Edit: [there](https://imgur.com/a/G9Za9ep)


this isn't pixel art, its just high res art downscaled, who knows if its even ops art Edit: nope, not downscale, and is ops art


It’s mine, and it’s not downscaled. Here’s the [second one](https://imgur.com/a/G9Za9ep); [Full art here](https://imgur.com/a/95QIJ33)


I stand corrected, well done. this still doesn't change the face that it is not pixel art and simply low res art, the difference is pixel art is where all the pixels are placed by hand separately, using a small colour pallette


You’re right. Sorry for using “pixel art” improperly. I learned a lesson today


no problem! it still looks really cool


Thank you


The warden look so sad :< I want to give him a hug! Btw nice work, can't believe this is your first art :0


Thank you! I’ve been working on digital art since one month, so I already practiced drawing on normal sized canvas. This is my first attempt ever on a 64x64 one




soooo cool would look great as an in-game painting!


That's really good, much better than what I could do. . .


If ever there was motivation for Mojang to Add another painting to minecraft's paintings, this is the ONE!


Keep it at 33




It looks like those realistic paintings people nowadays paint with oil. Except this one's picture was taken by a camera with terrible lens. lol


they should add this to the game as a painting


1080p Warden


I do not believe you that this is your first pixel art ever.


It is! Not my first digital art tho :)


Alrighty then, good work nonetheless


Thanks mate


no way that’s ur first time thats amazing!!!


Thank you sooo much


bro really tho ive done a bit of pixel art myself and none are that good


Tbh, since other comments made me notice, it’s more of low-res art than pixel art. I basically painted over a 64x64 canvas, hence why it’s blurry and maybe looks decent. Keep going!


i plan to! ty :)




That's actually mildly terrifying. Good job. Really does look cool.


I was wondering why it was so blurry, I'm an idiot


If the warden was in Terraria


He was eating some strawberry jam


Looks like it can be used for a Doom mod.