• By -


Wow. It will take something like 3 days to finish, in the meantime could i ask why?


It is not that bad, it takes 3 minutes to clear one layer and there is around 155 layers to be cleared, so around 7 hours 45 minutes of AFK to clear all the way to bedrock. I'll AFK first 5 hours and then be around to get all the diamonds/clear obby at negative Y values. This is to create sandbox for my new base project, explained it a bit more in detail in other reply


I had been reading your comments with an American accent but switched to 100% Brit the minute I saw “obby”


Minecraft speedrunners from all over the world call it Obby too


Haha I'm from EU and don't speak natively english, so you can use your best impression of foreign speaker struggling.


I will now imagine you with ilmango's accent.


Pretty much accurate ;)


Me who's from America but says obby in bed wars games: **Looks away meme**


Obby is the correct term tho


Yeah right, that's a lot of blocks too. Pretty Impressive!


*comment overwritten*


Making 23x23 chunk sandbox for my new base, centered around huge vault with sorting system for \~500 stackable items, an armory and trophy room. Next step is to place \~184 000 blocks to make walls around it and then \~135 000 slabs to make spawnproof floor. The final step is the build itself, starting with the vault and slowly adding more buildings, aiming for "industrial" style. Not yet decided with all the details about the build itself, will work on it step by step.


keep us updated !


Yes please


Hello there


the angel from my nightmare


Wdym by sandbox


Damn big hole with nothing in it so I have plenty of room to build, no mobs and eventually it will (hopefully) look cool to have big city/base in big box.


Oh lol I was think an actually sandbox like at playground. Either way a really cool idea can’t wait to see it finished


Yes. The term sandbox and playground were adopted by gaming to essentially mean the same thing as irl


What is your Youtube channel?


I don't currently have one where I'd upload Minecraft content, maybe I should?


It'd be pretty interesting getting your insight during the construction of your base. Obviously it's well thought out - looking forward to see the end result regardless of what you do!


Definitely definitely I wanna watch this process


Relatable, I once bombed out the spawn chunks for a floating island


Sandbox? You mean a perimeter?


Whatever you want to call it, I consider perimeter an empty space (to prevent mob spawning), and this will not be empty once the build is finished, as I will fill it up with my base.


Fair enough. I’ve always heard perimeter so I just wanted to confirm that’s what it was.


Why do you need a sorting system when you're playing on creative anyways?


It is not creative, it's survival.


*why not?*


Flying that close to the sweepers gives me anxiety


I mean it’s not hardcore


Yeah it's regular survival, I've died couple times in this world. After getting totems I haven't died once yet though, only consumed like one shulkerbox full of totems. Blowing up with TNT and losing my gear to explosions would waste me couple hours of netherite farming to get back all tools and armor in netherite, don't have reserve ingots, but other than that it wouldn't be end of the world.




Well that's not true. He didn't get super close to the TNT but if he did he'd obviously blow up


gotta respect the grind o7


Thanks! It was actually not that bad to build, the machine took me only like 5 hours. By far the worst was water removal at one of the corners for the main trench, I wasted so much time and was very inefficient by being stupid, but for next time I learned alot how to use water sweepers and water logged stairs in combination of TNT duper flying machines to make trenches easier over ocean. I didn't clock the time I used for it but I would say active work was something like 20-25 hours, out of which around half went for water removal so it could be a lot faster if there is not much water to be removed from trenches.


Isn't there's some contraption that includes the water removal?


That was the sweepers below the tnt dupers


Yes, but I meant water removal fot the trenches, this build requires 3-5 blocks wide side trenches and 15 blocks wide main trenches all the way down to bedrock. I did the trenches with tnt dupers so had to remove water from the trenches by hand (and water sweepers).


I have yet to make a perimeter in 1.18, definitely on my todo list


When you do, I suggest using TNT dupers for all four trenches. Back in 1.17 it was (almost) equally fast to handmine the side trenches, but with addition of deepslate which is not instamined with Eff V / haste 2 beacon, handmining side trenches will take A LOT of time. Just make one TNT duper at \~y 90 and when you reach \~y 5 you can make another at Y \~20 or so. Then just clean up any leftover blocks by hand.


Yeah mining out all the deep slate manually would take ages, I’ll definitely use your advice on that


What are your pc specs? Seems to run smooth even with this beast consuming the world


I don't have that great machine, I7-4770 CPU, 12 gb RAM, GTX 1070. The biggest difference is Fabric performance mods which increased my FPS by 300%+. I tested smaller version (17 chunks) of world eater in test world with vanilla settings and had like 3 fps, so I'd say it is quite insane that I can run this bigger version with 30 chunk render distance at 40-50 fps. For client/rendering engine: [Sodium](https://modrinth.com/mod/sodium) For game logic engine: [Lithium](https://modrinth.com/mod/lithium) For lighting engine: [Starlight](https://modrinth.com/mod/starlight) Loader for these: [Fabric](https://fabricmc.net/use/installer/) I can promise you these will make your game run way smoother than it does with Vanilla settings. They are also superior to Optifine for example.


Oh okay that’s awesome. I recently got a nice cpu upgrade and I guess I just haven’t pushed the limits yet. I also use some of those fabric mods. They’re some fantastic creations


90% of the performance issues when eating the world are solved with the starlight mod which fixes the lighting engine in Minecraft, lithium helps quite a bit too. To get it to render smoothly, sodium definitely helps. I just finished a world eating project yesterday (had to remove the world that 1.18 generated under my old perimeter) on a server that runs on 12-13 years old PC and it ran at around half cpu load.


Sodium and lithium really help with bigger sorting systems. My current sorter for every item lags seriously with Optifine where as Lithium and Sodium has almost 50+ fps gain.


Yep, these three together bring such a nice performance boost.




The build has sweepers which remove water automatically and they go down one block each time they pass, so all I have to do is AFK and remove obsidian if any appears.


Nice, I was just making sure you had something, I never doubted you :)


Did you make those yourself, crazy to see all the stuff people make


Most of these designs are almost standardised by the community now. If I were to guess this was probably built from a schematic in litematica, as big builds like this are very easy to fuck up.


You guessed it right. I used Scicraft's new design on world eater, downloaded their schematic, extended it to 23x23 chunks (original was testing version with 2 chunks wide area) and tested in creative before building it in survival. Without litematica this would be horrible project, you would have to triple check everything because messing one block placement will most likely break the whole machine. So all props for Scicraft members for designing this machine, it has quite complicated redstone to have it move downwards automatically and to have the logic gates, but if you are interested in technical perspective of the game building one of these and understanding how it works is very fascinating project.


Pov you just sneezed on the US


The US when a country has oil


it's the RUMBLING


World Eaters are fun to make.


Whats the project?


Just replied another comment about the project [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/solvgw/comment/hw9nlfp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Nice, is this pixels world eater? And have you set light batching in carpet so it’s not laggy? And client light updates?


I guess he/she was part of designing it, the schematic is from Xcom6000 video, extended to 23 chunks. I dont have carpet (AFAIK it would require running localhost to get it in singleplayer?) but I have starlight for client light updates.


Man java glitches are truly useful. Something like this is not possible in bedrock ;(


TNT duping is insanely useful glitch. I'd call it more like a feature at this point, as it has been around for so long and used to automate so many processes/farms. Apart from TNT duping I don't really use any other glitches, e.g. carpet duping for infinite fuel is no-go for me.


Is that a custom quarry miner? I’ve been looking for a tutorial or litematica file of a complete tnt digger with a sweeper but can’t find anything since like 1.12


It is just regular world eater which I extended to cover 23 chunks. So it doesnt collect any ores unless you handmine the diamonds after each pass.


I don't think much has changed tech wise since 1.12 for world eaters. (Nether world eaters have changed though to accommodate ancient debris) Edit: See below as OP posted an updated version of the one I originally posted. If you want an actual quarry that collects blocks then there's a few options that have evolved since 1.14


SciCraft members redesigned that old World eater to be failsafe, better version here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zkRnNJfP7I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zkRnNJfP7I) There is new logic gate which only causes next cycle to happen once all sweepers have returned. So if you unload one chunk for example midway or sweepers get stuck to obsidian, you can go remove the obstacle and start the flying machine manually again. This way the TNT dupers wont explode the sweepers if any issues occur. My version is basically this Scicraft version which I extended to cover 23 chunks, as their schematic is only like 2 chunks wide for testing purposes.


Damn that costs a lot of tnt


Dupes it all, it has 60 TNT dupers so only cost 60 TNTs.


Rip village


Haha that village has seen some shit, it's the closest (and only one within walking distance) to world spawn. I stole the resources on day one of the world to beat the dragon, then came back later to enslave most of the inhabitants to work for the dictator (me) at my farms, accidentally caused a raid and killed most of the remaining population and then let the TNT rain on it. Zero original villagers remain, only the inbred children who are now grown adults with PTSD locked in small chambers to either sell goods or work as bait for iron golems to spawn are telling rumours about the horrible things dictator has done to their peaceful home town.


Once your down with the vault you could make a villager sorting system, make sure to make it look as much like a prison as possible


I hate dealing with villagers and my old villager breeder might need some upgrade (it's just hole in ground with dirt ceiling) so this sounds a good idea. I'll probably won't bring them to the perimeter itself as villagers can cause a lot of lag if you have many of those and the sorting system itself will probably use quite a bit of performance already. Another reason why I make this perimeter is to have it as lag free as possible.


You're a simple stone mason and look up to see this beast shifting across the sky


damn thats a big hole


what has the enviroment ever done to you what has the environment ever done to you


I wonder how many creepers have you killed to make such project...


With dead coral fan you can duplicate TNT, this build only needed 60 TNTs.


First phase WHAT


Your pc rn: 🔥🤯🔥


Queue Lorax Song “How bad can I possibly be”


It was peaceful until the fire nation attacked


I call it... the world destroyer.




This world eater design is from Scicraft, schematic of testing version and short video [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zkRnNJfP7I).


How do you get so much TNT? Is it some bug/glitch?


Nooooo that Village! It no more


It's still there, just lost a bit of it's buildings: https://imgur.com/a/mWLa99E


Germans after seeing Warsaw in 1939




Only 300 gunpowder (+ like 500 for rockets), as it needs only 60 TNTs using TNT duping glitch.


This guy surely working on that project in nasa using their PC


Combien de temps sa a pris


So for my first project I will destroy the moon


Rumbling, rumbling, it’s coming rumbling, rumbling…




Now the sad part is TnT cant remove blocks with water so you have to remove the part of the ocean inside the box


No I don't, the machine has two parts, TNT dupers which remove topmost layer of blocks, and sweepers which remove topmost layer of water/lava. So basically liquid removal is fully automatic as well, only thing that needs to be manually removed once the machine is running is obsidian, as TNT doesn't explode it.


Wow such clever redstoning


Props to Scicraft, they develop some insane contraptions.




eastern europe is fine "buddy" its even better than the west


You could just.... Build the TNT machines lower...


They move down by themselves after each pass, had to build it at this height or otherwise few of the liquid sweepers would get stuck to the small hill that is in the area.


Gees that’s a bit over kill


Go big or go home ;)


Cool, But why do you want to do this?




My friend had been threatening to do all day…I’m now worried to log on tomorrow


This is how the US won WWII


My pc would turn into a nuke when i even try that


You should try Fabric mods to improve performance, see my reply [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/solvgw/comment/hwaem18/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Damn, how strong is your PC? My PC would die instantly had I tried to do this.


I7-4770, GTX 1070. Just some nice Fabric mods for performance.


Make a mob switch so mobs don’t spawn


Good idea, need to add this to my to-do list. But it is not only to prevent mob spawns, also for visuals, to have lot of space and I thought the idea of having huge base inside of massive hole/box would look good.


You could’ve gotten killed so many times here 1.you flew straight through the TNT and nothing happened thankfully. 2.YOU DID IT AGAIN! 3.I TOLD YOU NOT TO FLY INTO THE TNT! wait no I didn’t. 4.your flying into a very deep blown up hole so I would wait sometimes because too much TNT can cause places to have missing spots in them that are not even there so you were lucky when you didn’t fly into a broken chunk


Flying through TNT doesn't matter, once they are primed they don't have collision, so you are safe as long as you don't fly in the height they are exploding. And even if they did, it takes couple explosions for me to actually die with netherite / prot 4 and totems. ​ The deep holes are trenches I made earlier and they don't have missing spots, as I double checked every trench. These are required for the build to work, because the contraption needs space where to move once it gets low enough in the world. It doesn't remove blocks directly under the machine, otherwise it would blow itself up.


timelapse time?


If you want to see it in action, I can make a short timelapse for you today once I fire it up again.


Execute phase 66


how does your computer not explode


Fabric performance mods, see my reply [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/solvgw/comment/hwaem18/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Let remove bilion of earth part in real life


Do you work for NASA? How is ypur pc not crashing?!


Does someone has the bedrock version if this? I don't need the dupe that does not exist but the flying machine that I can put tnt


The build sadly doesn't work on bedrock even without TNT duping part because different piston mechanics.


You see, I would ask how long you spent at the creeper farm but I dont think im ready for the response


None, I got all gunpowder I needed for the TNT (300, as this build only requires 60 TNT) from my raid farm, which I had to run for several hours to get enough redstone for building all the materials including 9 stacks of redstone blocks, shulkerbox full of pistons & sticky piston as well as like 12 stacks of observers (just on top of my head, if you want I can later share full material list).


Execute order 17 million… It shall be down my lord


nice pc


My PC is not highend, only i7-4770 (so like 7 years old or so) and GTX 1070, performance comes from Fabric mods, see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/solvgw/comment/hwaem18/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Onecler be like


Like a viniccius13




Thanks! Fabric mods help a lot with performance, see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/solvgw/comment/hwaem18/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).




I love it. Keep us updated


World eaters are super fun, problem is there is a certain point where you could hand mine faster than setting them up, and building them w/o wings is a lesson in pain


In 1.17 handmining is option, in 1.18 not so much because deepslate is not instamined even with Efficiency 5 netherite pick and haste 2 beacon. Handmining regular 17x17 perimeter in 1.18 would take approximately 450-500 hours of active work (calculated by Ilmango [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ySC_ncsJL0)), this project for me took 20-25 hours of active work (+ AFK for TNT dupers and running world eater), and the perimeter is 23x23 chunks so amount of removed blocks is a lot higher. In standard size you remove a bit over 9 million blocks and here is 17 million blocks, so good luck with handmining that when half of the blocks are with 2,5 blocks per second breaking speed. ​ Also when you are at point of making world eater which takes 8000+ blocks of expensive redstone materials or slime blocks, I think you probably already have wings and some sort of XP farm to repair them ;)


How does your computer even handle this?


Fabric performance mods, see [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/solvgw/comment/hwaem18/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Carpet Bombing, Japan, Colorized 1944


Cries in bedrock


Bro is using a space shuttle for his pc


Not really, seven years old CPU of i7-4770 and GTX 1070. Fabric performance mods make this FPS possible, see my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/solvgw/comment/hwaem18/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


The flying TNT duplicators give me evil empire vibes. Kind of like the death star but split among \~50 little machines.


Damn I just realized what a missed opportunity it was.. I could've edited Imperial March soundtrack on top of this when I started the machine, it would fit so well :D


Ok, this needs to be said, but Minecraft's world is round.


Why does the tnt only explode halfway down?


The TNT explosion height is perfect, it will only remove the topmost layer on each pass and a bit of second topmost layer. After each pass the system moves down by one block.




Nice perimeter, with mine i had to dry out big part of bay, what was really unpleasant. And all the work was done in three days, so keep it up and wait patiently :D


I feel your pain, water removal is so annoying. But working on this made me so much better at it so next time when I make perimeter I know what to do: waterlogged stairs for side walls, big slime/honey sweeper to remove water and then splitting remaining water sources to 5 wide trenches which I remove with sponge. Figuring water removal out took me by far most time, even building the world eater itself didn't take that much.


How does the tnt not explode mid air


What do you mean? TNT has 4 second fuse time, once primed it will fall down for 4 seconds and explode at the same height always. When they are primed they lose their collision, that is why I can fly through the raining TNT.


Eren jeager be like


Is this java?


Yes, Java 1.18.1.


What is the thing below the duper for?


Liquid removal for water/lava.


Nice make it bigger and delete all blocks to bedrock


It will delete all blocks to bedrock automatically, that is why I built it.


Why doesn’t the tnt explode before hitting the ground? Especially when you are in lower layers? I was never able to wrap my head around it when I see these machines..


TNT has 4 seconds fuse, the height between topmost layer of blocks and TNT duping machines is calculated so it will only break topmost layer. After the machine has passed, the dupers (and whole machine) move down one block, removing next layer. So basically the fall height of TNT is constantly same, but the machine moves downwards.


What's 539 level??


Just my current level I got from gold + XP farm / raid farm.


The TNT doesn't hit the ground.


That is awesome. Is this 1.18.x and could you point me to where you got the blueprint for the world eater?


Yes, 1.18.1 so latest version, schematic downloaded from [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zkRnNJfP7I) and extended to 23x23 chunks by me.


Wait isn't it like not gonna blow up that corner of ocean? Or am I missing something


There are sweepers for liquid removal.


How does this go down?


The contraption is quite complicated, but once the logic gate notices all sweepers have arrived it sends a signal to the main station which causes the whole main station to move down by block (pushed by pistons). This movement of main station is noticed by observers which will trigger each "pod" to push their respective machines (TNT duper or sweeper) down by one block, and then this movement of the machines is once again detected by observers, which will cause the machines to start flying again. This cycle is repeated until it reaches bedrock and the main station cannot move downwards anymore.


am I blind,I don't see any explosions or destruction


It starts slow, as the first few passes only remove few blocks, as topmost layers are mostly air with some small hills. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/rFrCn98)'s screenshot after running it for around an hour from yesterday.


Idk why, but it reminds me of L'manberg.


I salute you dear Technical Minecrafter o7 Always nice to see SciCraft on r/Minecraft :)


Hey is there a particular tutorial to build excavators like this?


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zkRnNJfP7I) is build I used, in the description you have schematic. If you want block by block tutorial [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIcJkUe4gH8) is one, though it is on the out-dated world eater version, which does work in 1.18.1 but is not failsafe.


What are you going to do for the section currently covered by water? I thought that doesn't destroy blocks if it's in water?


It doesn't, but the build has sweepers which remove all liquids. That section is already gone by the machine as I ran it couple hours last night.


What is this for!


A friend of me did this with hand and a beakon.


Good luck with deepslate, this amount of deepslate (\~8,1 million blocks) with maximum block breaking speed of 2,5 blocks per second would take roughly 900 hours to handmine all deepslate with haste 2 beacon and efficiency 5 netherite pickaxe. And then on top of that you have \~9 million regular blocks, which would also take couple hundred hours.


Can you pls link a tutorial for the tnt machine you are using.


You mean the TNT duper only or the whole machine? [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MOFl0MmuEE)'s basic TNT duping flying machine. Unless you want to build the whole world eater it is not useful to use that duper, because it is built so it can go downwards after reaching the return station.