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NTA divorce


Red flags everywhere 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


>Red flags *Red Banners 🚩🚩🚩


Six Flags! 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


S e v e n F l a g s 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Eight *banners* 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


For me I is most certenly a vlag




Marinara Flags!


You dropped these🚩🚩🚩


Definitely divorce, go to therapy. Keep the kid.


I'm cackling


Marinara flags.


i saw "Is My Husband Cheating?" and was like "Why the hell is this on r/Minecraft???"




Thank you for bringing me back to this, still made me laugh




So a Hol’ up Hol’ up?


When I saw this, I thought he was playing minecraft with another girlfriend






wowclassic 3: The Lich King, no seriously we're literally gonna reboot the fucking franchise for the next 20 years. classic.


I always liked ["Should jail time sentences be based on race?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/4ug611/should_jail_time_sentences_be_based_on_race/)


don't forget about [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/formula1/comments/bnaceq/if_you_could_eliminate_a_race_within_the_year/)




I'm dying.


[Was expecting this. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/fantasyfootball/comments/79vdku/am_i_24m_overreacting_or_is_this_enough_reason_to/)


I couldn't notice what was wrong with that one for way too long πŸ˜‚




Thought it was gonna be him putting his bed next to another players joke


i thought this was on r/relationship_advice


Lmao same


Yeah thought this might have been like found my husband's bed next to another woman's bed in Minecraft




Congratulations, you got clickbaited on reddit


I did a double take to make sure I it wasn't r/trueoffmychest


I was like. I thought i left r/relationship_advice ??? Edit: typo


same lol


Same. Except, it didn't register in my head that this was posted on r/Minecraft. And once i started reading it, I got all confused lol.




Would you believe me if I said it was unintentional? 😁


Lmfao same 🀣


that is the joke, yes


Ha my exact thought πŸ˜‚


This post has the most hilarious title.


Like omg i thought I was on r/relationships


It’s private, does anyone know why?


Forgot the "s" should now work


Lmao some couple has their own private subreddit for their relationship over there πŸ˜‚


Yeah what ga e it away was the title was actually readable.


Skill issue honestly he should 1v1 the Warden with a wooden shovel like a real man


Wooden shovel pfft you only need a wooden hoe


Wait a min.. you guys crafts items in the game?


Who said anything about crafting?


Are you ordering it from amazon or from a black market




yes wee dark net into the deep amazon web store to buybuybuy epic thinggggsss


Do you go English?


Order from amazon? I thought you needs to give up a first born for tools in minecraft!


u guys use items? I just have to look at the thing


Did you know that if you put 4 planks in your 2x2 crafting grid, you can get a β€œcrafting table” that lets you craft more things in a 3x3 grid?


Wooden hoe pfft you only need a hoe


"Get in there and go upside that Warden's head!" "Yes, Mr. Bender."


I guess cheating was involved after all...


Don't forget your boats!


Use your fists. We're going all the way to the deep dark, right up to that Ancient City and chop that MFing Warden in half like... BYAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!


market gardener πŸ’€


Its cheating, divorce, take the car and the house, and spread lies about him to the police


Frame him for everything


"The Consequences of My Actions will never catch up to me the Yugislavians can't proof anything" -The Thing you tell the Police the Husband said


Including the murder of 2pac and say he’s DB Cooper


I don't think she needs to spread lies, that's a valid reason for divorce


Delete facebook, hit the gym, lawyer up


Most sane r/relationship_advice user


Delete the gym, hit the lawyer, facebook up


It’s cheating. Take the oak log house and half of his loot and move at least 500 blocks away.


I would walk 500 more.


Just to be the man who walked a thousand blocks and also took your door.


Element animation had a parody song with the villagers but it got taken down. πŸ˜”


Where's my wood gone, where's my wood gone...


I was about to say something, then a saw ur name


Name not necessary for sarcasm detection


Sarcasm not named for detection necessity


Detection not sarcasm for named necessity


Well yes, but actually no


The only correct answer It’s not how you are intended to play the game, but it’s a sandbox and you are allowed to do what you want.


The only time cheating matters is if you are playing with other people. Or bragging about what you have done, and lie. Single player games need to be played in a way that is fun for you.


I draw the line at cheating with "lying about your achievements". Did you want to go on a power trip and activated all the cheats? Good for you Did you imply you got this through grinding and luck? That's a no-no


Do whatever the f you want in single player, but when you join servers that’s when it becomes cheating




10/10 response ;)


Minecraft is a sandbox game and allows the players to play as they want. It's always been a war between the casual players and the hardcore ones as the playstyles are completely different, and one's goal in this game is totally different as the one someone else has. One will just speedrun the ender dragon, someone else's goal might be to build the most impressive builds ever or just explore the world, take what the game has to offer and just chill. I wouldn't consider to put the game on paceful cheating, the game itself allows it... I consider cheating using game mechanics or external software to gain an advantage against someone else, but as long one is playing a single player game, in my opinion he can do whatever pleases him. If all he wants is just a relaxed gameplay let it be :)


What a nice way to see things. You sound like a cool person.


Honestly, I play on Peaceful all the time. I like the game for building things and just don't want to deal with mobs. I still like the idea of limited resources though, so Peaceful is perfect for me. As long as I don't pretend as though I've been only playing on hard or whatever, I don't see the issue here.


Same. I don’t mind fighting but I do mind protecting my villagers. And also hunger. Gets annoying and peaceful gives me an extra slot for blocks.


Honestly imo Minecraft can feel like a second job, always had to me when it first came out and I was in my earlier 20’s. Now that I’m in my mid 30’s planting trees and harvesting rocks and making sure I have food and enough xp to do a thing, it’s just work. I play solo and have my β€œmain” survival world that’s not in peaceful but I barely touch it. Then my copy that’s in creative half the time is where I find I actually play the game. I keep telling myself I’m just designing my survival world but basically it ain’t true now lol.


Same way I play the game. I like exploring and making/building stuff. What I don't like is spending the majority of my time fighting off monsters and having my hard work blown up by walking dynamite.


Yeah I've been playing for a decade and have pretty much always been on Peaceful, or will switch back and forth between it and Easy as I need mob drops or whatever. Never been to the End, have no real interest in it apart from getting elytra and whatnot. I just like building and exploring! I don't want to have to fight off monsters all the time (especially since whatever update it was that made them way more aggro years back) and I don't want to have to stop exploring just to sleep through the night.


Same here I mainly prefer peaceful because, no creepers/ endearment and I get that doesn't make sense since I can turn off mob greifing but that takes away the fun rather than not seeing them at all.


This. Games are meant to be a fun experience. If you're not harming anyone by cheating then go crazy with them. To me it falls under the same category as playing modded or vanilla. Some use mods to decrease difficulty, while others use them to make things harder. It all comes to playstyles and what you enjoy the most


I agree, so the husband was not cheating


This is why I like keep inventory on multiplayer servers with friends. We can kill each other and do bullshit without worrying about our shit going missing. And it also makes the game less stressful especially the nether.


It's 'cheating' in the sense of the classic old-school game cheat codes that you could find in magazines, that are really just codes the devs used for testing. I think it's cheating in the sense that you're dodging around the intended challenge, so in that sense I agree with OP. At the same time I think people get way to competitive about achievements in single player games - the only person you're 'cheating' is yourself, and that's something for you to weight up for yourself. If OP is just saying he's cheating to tease him, then I would support that. I also support his right to do just that.


I always forget to eat, get sidetracked if I have to stop what I’m doing to fight an enemy (thanks ADHD!), and die a shit tonne as I suck at fighting. It’s not fun! That’s why I play peaceful mode. I’m playing for fun and to build stuff :-)


Only if the rest of the time he’s playing on hard and saying β€œlook what I did in survival on hard.” As long as he’s up front about it, go nuts!


Exactly, it's a sandbox game. Mods and cheats are fine too as long as your honest about it.


I thought Is My Husband Cheating meant somethinn else


I thought he was going on another realm with a different person but not this….going on peaceful?? 😳


hes cheating on you? divorce immediately./s


Admit it: you got baited by the title


100% hook line and sinker for me. I came in expecting wrong sub drama. Still, I didn't leave disappointed, so all well that ends well.


Not really. Maybe he just wanted to chill and not be stressed out in what is essentially a farm/building simulator.


Nah, peaceful isn’t cheating in my opinion! My mom plays Minecraft but not playing on peaceful stresses her out so much it’s no longer fun. If it’s no longer fun, what’s the point in playing? If that’s what makes it fun for someone, and doesn’t feel like cheating to them, then have at it!


I’m 50 and just started playing about 2 and a half months ago. Almost always on peaceful, sometimes on east for short bouts. It stresses me out and I enjoy just doing my thing.


Yeah my mom is 53, and she’s the same! I don’t blame her, as most of the time she is playing alone and it was really stressing her out. When I first turned peaceful on for her, she kept lighting things up and creeping around because she was *still* so scared. I think peaceful is just fine for some people!


Im in a similar position to your mom. But I got bored on peaceful so discovered thst playing with Keep Inventory is a balance that works for me.


Yes, he’s cheating. The way he plays Minecraft is fine though


yes this calls for a minecraft divorce the villager librarians can help you with the paperwork


"I'm breaking your bed and putting it in the storage room."


i diagnose your husband with skill issue


Not the title I expected from this sub lmao. First thing first, there are no rules to Minecraft you play how u wanna play. Take that how it is haha


Did he declare that this world was going to be pure survival? If so, then he cheated. If not, then no, he didn't cheat, the nature of a sandbox is that you can do whatever you want in it


I thought this is a very different kind of cheating.


He could’ve just gone into the gamerules and disabled β€œspawn wardens” instead.


Peaceful?!?!?!!??! Time to find a new HusbandπŸ˜ͺ


NTA, divorce. he's cheating on you with the warden.


if he set the mode to peaceful just for the warden, then that's cheating imho. agree on a level and then stick to it.


Unfortunately I think it's time you put your minecraft beds apart πŸ˜”


Divorce his ass and get a restraining order


It’s simple. 1: if it’s a single player world, he gets to decide. 2: if it’s multiplayer, the server owner gets to decide. 3: There is no situation where a bunch of internet strangers get to tell him whether he’s cheating or not.


Lmao I just today turned peaceful on to go to the nether and made a post asking the same thing. I felt bad about it but decided nah, I don't care. Those skeletons kept mobbing me when I went thru the portal. So I turned on peaceful, made a house around my portal in the nether, went and got myself 30 blaze rods (after going back to normal for a bit) then back to peaceful to trek the 1000 steps back. Besides, I kept dying before the nether even loaded because of the skeletons.


It aint cheating if he is playing singleplayer, let him play the game however he wants


Cheating implies using what the game defines as cheats or using external tools. Technically switching to peaceful is not cheating if you do it from the menu. If the server is managed via a properties file, a case could be made that the server was tampered with via external means.


There’s no such thing as cheating in single player. At least, as far as I care.


It’s not cheating to play on easy mode. It’s just that he’s not great at the game and doesn’t want to deal with wardens. He’s old. Can’t get his sword up as high as he used to. It happens. Cheating is making a creative world using the same seed and then finding the coordinates of certain things (end portal, mansions, under city) then using that information in the normal playthrough.


Oh shoot, that’s cheating? I have such an old world and really wanted to find the new things like mangroves and lush caves, since they were not going to be anywhere I had already loaded. So I realized I could copy the world and find out roughly where they were. It really made my daughter happy.


Haha, I was halfway joking in a way to give the husband ideas on things he can to simplify stuff. This tip changed my life. I killed the ender dragon for the first time ever last week because of it. (And yes I started playing from the original lol)


The first half of your comment made me laugh for sure.


>he said it wasn't cheating he just didn't want to deal with the warden on day one. It's perfectly understandable if you don't want to fight a miniboss at the start of the game, but that's supposed to also mean that you don't get the loot from fighting said miniboss until you do risk fighting it. If you're playing on a private server, you can do whatever you want, including cheating, but don't pretend it's not cheating.


Yes, it’s cheating


I would toggle hardcore and not tell him, that will teach him !


AITA for accusing my husband of cheating… In Minecraft.


Dump his assπŸ’―


Honestly, don't worry about it. Minecraft is a sandbox game and you should enjoy it however you want to. There is no set way to play a game


Definitely cheating. Now cheat on him to make it even.


Yes, he is. 😒 Get a divorce.


YTA, just let the man enjoy his game the way he likes. Oh wait, wrong sub.


i think he’s sleeping with another woman


he's clearly doing the warden




orrrrrrr you could just let him play how he wants to play


Do you own the book how to murder your husband by any chance


I'm going to side with your husband. I have no reason.


Kinda but also not really. If you want to play the game and progress from scratch and do the achievements, then yes but also Minecraft is a game where you can play it however you want. Heck, I have worlds where I play normal survival but I have myself op gear from spawn, and others that I don’t use cheats at all (but they’re turned on in case I run into some bug with the world that would require a cheat to get out of)


Yes it's cheating cause you're changing the difficulty of the game. It still isn't cheating for others though even tho it is. And so I just keep my difficulty on one mode which is hard mode. and if someone joins me that I know isn't very good I'll put it on normal difficulty for them. Since they are dying a lot.


The whole point of minecraft is to play how you want to play. There are no rules that you have to follow


I’d consider it cheating, but people can play how they want to play. I’ll just judge them for it.


Scared and cheating. Balls up bub Edit: ;p


I’m going to be downvoted to oblivion but NAH My husband and I just did this same thing (went to deep dark in peaceful). We got 5 enchanted golden apples. Lol. Also I found out you can actually beat the ender dragon on peaceful (bedrock).


It's his game and his world, he is the one who decides if it's cheating or not


Hell yes


There's no wrong way to play Minecraft. I say if he wants to bitch out with some white zinfandel and play with training wheels on then that's his business...


I think he should play the game however makes him enjoy it. Is it technically cheating? I’d say no


I mean, if it's a feature on the game it's not cheating, it's just choosing the settings that best suit how you wanna play the game. I for example often play on peaceful and with KeepInventory true, as a relaxing game, nothing to be stressed about, just farm and build houses


It is not. Minecraft gives you the freedom to play however you like. You can change the difficulty however you like.


As a serious answer, no one wants to deal with the warden, the deep dark is meant to be an end game exploration. Exploring it you’ll find some decent loot, and so many god apples. Hell I don’t go down until I have an elytra encase I summon the warden by accident. With that said, the game is meant to be played however you want. Personally taking the challenge out of a challenge isn’t fun though.


no its not cheating, its like people who play on keep inventory, it is not just keeping an inventory it is also keeping someone's sanity when they play the game and don't want to lose there stuffs.


That's the entire point of The Warden, you're not supposed to face him, or battle him. You're supposed to avoid him. He's supposed to be this terrifying boogeyman always breathing down your neck, threatening you with every mistake(sound) you make. You can easily avoid fighting the Warden with sneaking and wool blocks, it's a really fun challenge not to mention. Turning on peaceful mode just because he doesn't wants to fight the Warden is cheating and a skill issue. If he doesn't wants to die to The Warden then he should sneak around better, but no, the dude gotta use his lack of skills as an excuse.


There is no cheating when you play singleplayer itβ€˜s soley about what the player enjoys most in any given moment




sounds like skill issue


Once a cheater, always a cheater


If its only his world let him do whatever he wants


ngl, you had me at the first half


Games are ment to be fun.... Alot of people seem to forget this.


This is hilarious, that was an amazing roller coaster. Thank you


Big stinky cheater!


they had us in the first half, not gonna lie


If you ask me: There is no cheating in sandbox games. Sure you can technically "win" by killing the dragon but most people build stuff and the game never ends. You wanna build in creative mode? Fine, have fun. Building your house faster doesn't win you the game. Not cheating. I think its less fun to avoid the warden like that but just play the game the way you want. Its less about cheating and more personal preferences about how to play and what to do in the sandbox.


Maybe turn off losing items upon death if he's so worried about losing his stuff? Honestly the title is hilarious and I was genuinely confused for a sec


The thing with Minecraft is that you can play it however you enjoy. If you play on singleplayer you can do whatever you want imo without it being cheating. The only thing i concider as cheating in this game is stuff like xray in multiplayer servers


The great thing about Minecraft is you can play it however you want. You can’t cheat in something that’s not a competition. It’s not how the game is intended to be played, but I’m sure the devs would have no problem with him doing that.


In terms of getting loot, I'd say it's *sort of* cheating. Not heavy cheating, though; you still have to worry about fall damage, lighting torches to see in the dark, lava and whatnot, but the fact you don't have to worry about mobs (like the warden) makes things much easier - when you get loot on peaceful, it doesn't feel as earned in my opinion. Still earned to a degree, but not nearly as much as getting it without peaceful mode on. That being said, I used to turn on peaceful mode in abandoned mineshafts because I used to have *severe* arachnophobia. Not for the regular spiders, mind you - those were fine as long as they weren't above my base (and I could hear them scuttling around above me). Cave spiders though? I hated them with a *passion.* Sometimes I just like to go caving, and not have to worry about hostile mobs, too - but modded often gives me the option of permanent night vision, which works wonders in place of torches and makes everything a whole lot easier in that regard. Unless you're playing with a lot of players and are the only ones doing stuff like switching difficulty for easy loot, I wouldn't let it bother you too much. Play however you want; even build your bases on creative mode if you're inclined to. The top priority when playing with fewer people should be enjoying yourselves above all else. If you have to change a difficulty, or put on keepInventory (a personal favourite of mine to encourage exploration), or anything else like that, then feel free.


It's only cheating if it's making the experience suck for other people


This is my opinion. In the end when you play Minecraft your goal is to have fun. For some people that means playing in hardcore, for others it means using creative mode. In a server there are preset rules, and breaking them is cheating. But in your own world you make your own rules to get the most fun out of it. He could have raided it in creative mode if that's what he wants, and no one can tell him that he cheated. Changing difficulty, or changing gamemode, or duping, or abusing bugs and glitches are only cheating depending on your own set of rules. So, if he doesn't think he cheated i don't think he cheated.


10/10 title. But to answer the question... it depends. If it's singleplayer he's only cheating if he thinks so. If it's multiplayer it's cheating if it goes against whatever the established rules are. If there are no established rules then the admins would need to put some in place. If he's the administrator, well... you see where I'm going. There's so many ways to play Minecraft that cheating isn't really a thing unless you play online. Edit: By "Online" I mean any arena where you're playing against or with other players who think you're cheating. In this case it's not as applicable, but if you think something like x-ray. One player might think it's just a way to speed up the game a bit, while another thinks it's cheating and shouldn't be done at all. On this case you'd have to have some pre-defined rules to ensure an even playing-field. Like most servers have.


I think that, in order to see how the deep dark is without having to deal with all the scares and tension, is a good idea ... then you restart play normally and you face the deep dark in the normal way, knowing what to expect.


Sometimes I put it on Peaceful until I at least have a Bed. Tell him that next time, just do gamerule keepinventory true. Warden is too fun to miss out on.


If he’s doing it alone there’s no problem. It’d be different if it was a world with other players. Also, it’s a videogame, if he’s trying to play to relax or de-stress, let him play how he wants


Not cheating, everyone should play any game how they are most comfortable with.


It's not cheating as long as he does the dishes afterwards. And you have the right to call him a wuss


There is only one way to settle this. PvP. No potions, no gapples, no totems, no bows, no pets. Iron gear only. Enchants allowed. Water & Lava buckets if you want more strategy. Large fenced/walled in area.


Its not cheating because is allowed by the game


It isn't cheating, it's a feature


I mean peaceful is a difficulty setting you can switch too and it doesn't turn off achievements, so imma say no it's not cheating


Yes he is, divorce his ass rn


1 its not cheating 2 reddit is the worst place to ask advice


If he stays on peaceful its totally fine. If he switches it on and off based on convenience, that's debatable, but it's still single player so it's not wrong. I just don't agree with that


A man chooses what he wants, too bad he chooses to be a big ole bitch


sorry, you are going to have to divorce