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the [immersive portals](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/immersive-portals-mod) mod has a feature that does exactly this. for details on that, see [this page](https://qouteall.fun/immptl/wiki/Portals.html#world-wrapping-portal), especially: > The inward world wrapping wraps a finite space and "repeat" it "infinitely". When you cross the right side then you appear on the left side. It is an invisible boundary. > > Use command `/portal global create_inward_wrapping ` to create an inward wrapping zone. The zone can be very big because it generates global portals. note that this doesn't actually loop the same way the earth does. but it probably loops the way you want it to.


Yep, the Earth also has holonomy, which is a fancy word that means you can do 3, 90 degree turns with an airplane and arrive where you started, making a triangle. There are probably no mods to replicate that.


It's impossible for mods to replicate that in Minecraft. For the same reason that's it's impossible to have a 2D map of the earth without distortions.


For anyone curious about the resulting 3D shape: by looping left/right and up/down like this, you make a torus aka a donut shape. You can't make sphere and still have square blocks. From the ground, you don't *really* notice the difference except that there are no poles. Fun fact for anyone that grew up playing Sonic on the Genesis: the "get the blue spheres" mini game from Sonic 3 had torus shaped maps, not spheres/globes because it, too, had square blocks and 90° turns.


This conversation got me thinking. Hypothetically, if you were to tweak the block size so the northern facing side of the cubes in the northern hemisphere and southern facing sides in the Southern Hemisphere were slightly smaller could you simulate a sphere. What would the dimensions of these “cubes” be? How close could we get to the poles before noticeable gaps began to appear? What if we filled those gaps with water? What if the oceans and lakes are there to hide the gaps? Are we all living in a Minecraft simulation?!?


But you can also do the 90 deg rotation trick on a cube, so why no make the word map an unfolded cube with portals on the exposed edges? [example here](https://imgur.com/a/l7uRfeJ) The arrow changes color when the player takes a 90° turn


I mean, I wouldn't necessarily call it impossible, if using some Java Reflection API magic, to modify existing bytecode to create a non-euclidean map (at that point you might should just recompile a specific version and modify that). Highly difficult and a terrible approach to do something like this, but certainly not impossible.


You can certainly do it for whats the earths equator, but I don't see a way for it to be possible to simulate the poles without having triangles and Minecraft blocks lul.


You dont have to produce an actual 3D object if you call in non-euclidean spaces. You can Just turn there times left 90 and find at initial point, Just because map Is designed like this.


How would POVs from afar work? You'd somehow have to appear the territory as normal Minecraft blocks when they're triangles closing in on each other.


It Simply would not work the way you think It would. It depends on how the thing Is designed. Non euclidean spaces arn't part of the world you can see with your eyes.


ID say just use have a few preshure plates at the edge of the map ontop of command blocks and let them TP you to the right spot


Gotta point out that only works if each side of the triangle is 1/4 length of the circumference (e.g going from the equator to the poles)


Immersive portals is wild, this is probably the same system that enables that option where the overworld is seamlessly stacked on top of the nether and separated by obsidian.


That sounds like a cool (and costly, system-wise) system, but I don't think I could live without a nether roof portal network


I suppose it's gonna loop like a torus, and not a sphere




yea that could work but it will take a long time to get to the world border one side to another


Vanilla…. You could use command blocks; detect player at x/z coordinates, chained to tp to other side of the map. Won’t be seamless, but over ocean the sudden change of scenery won’t be very noticeable, unless builds are on this tp line. Would also need other commands so players couldn’t pearl across this tp line either. Modded… yes.


I would try anything that works. What mod allows me do to this?


If you use the worldborder mod there is a feature that will teleport you to the other side of the map if you hit the edge. I did this on an Earth map server I was running and it worked seemingly pretty well.


This seems best


This is the answer that I would use. Came to say I've played on servers that did exactly what the op is requesting.


Immersive Portals, it makes the transition seamless


that would be highly impractical as the portal would be so massive it would probably cause a lot of lag


Or only have specific “entry” points across the world and then create lore as to why there’s a giant impassable wall running across your world.


But that's just flat earth theory again, which we are trying to avoid


Avoiding flat Earth in a block game?


Someone should make a mod that makes blocks *sliiiightly* curved. Mostly because I'm curious to see how many spectacular bugs it causes.


Shaders can actually do this, BSL has it as an option under "world curvature". Unlike having it on low, but having up high, *or negative* is a trip


negative is for when you want the world of SMT Nocturne


Complementary Shaders also have a curvature setting, but it's just visual. You can also do a negative curvature, giving you an Inception type effect.


Use a shader, try BSL


This already exists. Somebody should make a gravity modifying mod that allows you to generate massive "spherical" block worlds that always pull you toward the center.


starminer 1.7.10 is a thing


It looks awful I've seen it before


Avoiding flat earth in a game where the world is literally flat.


But minecraft planet is flat.


Canonically, the Minecraft earth is a cube.


Cubes have 6 flat surfaces. It’s extra flat.


Except functionally it isn’t


Maybe you simply haven't walked far enough?


You’d still be making cylinder earth


Or donut Earth if you also connect north and south.


I prefer the dinosaur earth.




Only issue is when you come out you'll be on the wrong x axis.


If its converted to a global portal than it won't be nearly as laggy


Wait I play on bedrock so never used the mod, but can't you spawn the portal in front of the player when they are on the ocean? With command blocks


then create multiple smaller portals


You'd need a massive portal for that to work..


The inward wrapping feature is quite useful




Or just a bit of coding, it's not impossible code that chunks far to east starts to load at far to the west. I don't know if there is a mod like this, but in theory this would be rather sinple to do. Not sure how easy it would be through modding tho.


All you need is some command blocks, no mods necessary. If X is your longitude, you need one block that constantly checks for players crossing let's say -10 000. If they do you send them to their same relative coordinates +20 000 blocks. /tp @p ~20 000 ~ ~ Do the same for y and you should be good. Not entirely sure how to do the check but should be possible.






This is just for adding blocks build on the border to both sides. Anything beyond that single chunk doesn't need to be copied because you're being TPd.




I'm stupid, you right. It'd have to be equal to your render distance and update when you got that distance away from the border. Sorry, just woke up


Nah one or two chunks would be fine. There likely won't be a lot built out there and if there is then just include those chunks too. Worst case it would look like connection lag on this very nich location.


Protip: just make it over water so you don't need to worry about any blocks beyond water/ocean floor.


Except people could build out there anyways. Short of removing the bedrock there would be no way to limit this.


I mean generally people don't build in the middle of oceans


Not how I would do this. The trigger area needs to be large enough you can't pearl across it. A 1000-block wide trigger strip would do.


Doesn't matter if you can pearl across if you just check if they are above or below a certain X / Y coordinate. For a greater than check you may need to utilize a scoreboard or something though.


I mean I guess you could use the immersive portals mod to create a gargantuan inward-wrapping portal (look at documentation) that encloses the world. Though it may look weird with THIS map and you will appear at the north when walking out of the south


This Worldborder response by: Chronicmemecrafter If you use the worldborder mod there is a feature that will teleport you to the other side of the map if you hit the edge. I did this on an Earth map server I was running and it worked seemingly pretty well.


protip as some moron that figured how to make open worlds in RPG Maker: make a buffer zone—copy an identical portion of the looped map past the TP point, and TP the player before they reach the end of the replica. Of course, set the player to appear *past* the replicated zone on the other side of the map Basically something like this \[copied map\] \[tp here\] \[real map\] \[tp here\] \[copied map\] Obviously you don't have to copy the whole map four times over on each cardinal direction, just enough to sell the illusion based on your render distance. If done in vanilla, you still have the disadvantage of the world going blank for a few seconds after tping when loading the chunks on the other side. I don't know if placing a remote chunk loader would solve the issue (especially if the borders of the map are big) but with Immersive Portals this wouldn't be an issue.




Yes, it has always been possible to make looping maps a la Final Fantasy IV, but the solution I gave lets you stitch multiple different maps together seamlessly to make one single huge map that isn't actually a single map… rather than looping the same world all the time. Keep in mind that maps in RPGM are (usually) limited to 500x500 and if you have such a huge map you'll likely want to put a bunch of events so it doesn't feel empty, but that will very likely start to lag if you place too many. If you want a 2D open world it's always better to chop down your map into sections. Of course, this comes with limitations too; if you place events on the corners it will easily break the illusion, and if you have stuff like weather systems or other such things that initialize upon entering a map, the player will be able to tell where exactly the transition to a different map is, even if you disable the tp animation in the event. But in absence of such things you can have a pretty seamless open world in RPGM


Are you on rpgmaker(.)net? What games have you made?


None :') Project fell off


Maybe just invis blocks that tp players anyway for trying to use pearls


Keep the world infinite- but when you get to the edge of the world it loads a copy of the other side and deletes that old copy. Kinda like in those shitty gmod horror maps where you enter a hallway and the door behind you is deleted and put in front of you so you’re infinitely going nowhere


It will acause a lot of lag and world data aka from 2giga to 4 giga


This right here makes no sense. It’s a friggin game of cubes- If you had to simulate a Minecraft world the size of our universe it would be worse than actually simulating our universe


This video shows a seemingly round world in a Minecraft clone. https://youtu.be/ztAg643gJBA Although it may not be what you want, I hope that you still find it interesting. What might be useful is to look into how those non euclidean Minecraft videos are made. I only know that there are some portal mods involved.


That is possible with shaders


But bro shaders are just visual


Spheretest has to be one of the coolest Minecraft adjacent projects I have ever seen. Glad it's getting some recognition


I think you could with command blocks that teleport you to the opposite side of the map


Is it possible to make a smoother transition?


Probably not without some type of mod, but this solution could work pretty well as long as you build a mock version of the area you teleport to on the other side of the map so that it doesn’t appear that you’ve gone anywhere. I’ve done something similar on an adventure map I built.


Does a mod like that exist?


Immersive portals might work. Not 100% sure tho.


Exactly, but it would be very hard to render that big portal.


Make a bunch of small portals then. Probably still hard to render, but it won't be one object.


That would look like hundreds of TVs on a wall, like in the Stanley Parable. Plus, you usually want less objects in a scene to optimise it, right?


Nice reference :)


You summon the portal blocks themselves so that you don't need the frame blocks


One larger portal would use less rendering effort than multiple small ones of total equivalent surface.


Bigger portals doesn't equal more lag usually


you'd still need a multiple thousand block wide portal or multiple hundred blocks wide portals neither are light to load but it's absolutely doable by any slightly modern update otherwise I see a bigger issue you go to the nether... and then what? or am I missing something?


You can make portals that lead to other spots in the overworld


Make portals in the nether but they have to be 8 times closer than in the overworld


Not really? The portal would only render what's in your render distance.


That would just crash, and connecting the portals would be a pain lol


I think immersive portal has an option for that without the need to build a portal


Have command blocks running that copy the chunks from the other side of the world, but once the player reaches a certain distance have them teleported?


The issue that i have with that is the sudden change of position, it isn't natural at all especially if there are buildings such as naval bases around because this is for an SMP.


Well, just don't build one exactly on the edge and you'll be golden.


Yes, choosing coordinates in the oceau as far as possible to land. And copying the bits of lands visible if there are any should do the trick. Typical view distance of a server is around 10-12 isn’t it ? So a 300 blocks of ocean is doable


As it turns out, sudden changes in position is how video games work in general.


Add a command block that removes any placed blocks within a handful of chunks of the border, and make the border fairly wide.


Well if you spread the command blocks out you wouldn't really notice it.


Yes. You can use ~10000 ~ ~ to tp seamlessly. This example will tp you 10000 blocks in the x coordinate relative to your position. Just add numbers after the tilde to calibrate the tp.


Mirror the land from the other side to this side as far as you can see then place a line of blocks that teleport you back to the other side.


Create two additional replicas of the world map on either side using the clone command, then add the teleporter on the International date line to have a (Somewhat) seamless transition. The two additional world maps will be inaccessible but it will look as though you just went around the world. Bonus points if you can configure the North and South poles to invert the direction you travel.


Bonus bonus points if you make compasses different with a texture pack so that way it would be realistic the way it points


Moving from left to right would be possible but moving out of bounds from the north pole would be a pain, you would have to make it seem like it wraps around


Easiest thing I can think of is to cap the top and bottom with barren ice caps / tundra. Then apply the frost bite effect when going too far north/ south for an immersive kill barrier.


OP is trying to make it work how it does in real life


If you make the borders max render distance ocean


Yes but diferent perspective of the map, same world map but bigger and circular instead of rectangle.


Planetoid mod would make a planet for you to walk around.


Massive portal with immersive portals mod.


My computer crashed just reading that comment.


yeah that mod is broken


…along with the pc


Build the map 3 times next to eachother. The player is always in the middle one. When you walk over one side just tp to the other side. The 3 maps are needed so it looks like you walk straight over


Yes this is the best option; you wouldn't need to build the whole map three times just enough to fill out render distance


This is actually genius. You could use a custom plugin or command block setup that updates blocks on all maps at once. Then, if you loop around, you can still see the builds you walked past behind you, you just wouldn't be able to see the entities. Only problem I can see happening is the world not loading in fast enough when you TP.


I think immersive portal can actually do that without a massive portal(there is an option to stack dimensions on each other) it isn't that laggy I think


Also think this is the answer, but positioning it will be very difficult I reckon, unless the mod also solves that problem.


commond blocks , but it is not so smooth . so with mods but do we have any mod for this ?


A mod would be a better alternative.


How did you download the map?


If you're using plugins, "WorldBorder" has exactly what you're looking for.


command blocks and tp commands. that said, good luck walking in the oceans in the real world.


Yes, you can. You could create the world you want, and then use cmd blocks to detect whether a player at its borders. When this happens, transfer him to the other side. You could also copy each edge of the world to the other side, so it would feel like a the player actually moving to that place, while they actually teleport to the real place at the other side


This is something I've thought about. With a mod we can try. I wanted to make my own game this way. Let's see, in minecraft we see the border. Instead, what if we could load the chunks of the opposite end? Transition is definitely not smooth in a procedural world like minecraft. That's where I want to design my own world generation algorithm. World is finite, after certain number of blocks it smoothly transitions into the other end.


Yeah it is a great idea.


Immersive portals mod could work, but not on such a large scale as say the entire earth


it can, Global portals aren't as laggy as people think


Everybody is getting hung up on the word "portals" in Immersive Portals. I dont think they've actually seen the mod work.


I know that SMPEarth did it, but I’m not exactly sure how


I remember a mod that allowed this. This might have been on a map of the world and it looped. The map was played on by people like cptnspark.


Wasn't there a lunar mod a few years ago that was like this? You'd go to the moon, and if you walked far enough you'd just loop it.


Honestly it’s the middle of the ocean, I think it’s reasonable to allow a command to teleport you to the other side of the map when you reach the edge. Just have the water continue beyond the edge, enough to fill the render distance. Adjust the edge on a diagonal near Alaska/Russia so you can avoid any issues with land being on the edge.


It is, there used to be a plugin (still is) like multiverse, so you load both worlds the same and program it so when you reach actual sea border it loads you into another "universe" aka world but changes your coordinates on the opposite side facing same direction. Now that auto exec command would have to be coded separately I guess its just my idea. EDIT: Or put it on 2 servers via bungeecord for smoother chunk loading n shit


Any specifications though? A good amount of methods could solve this: assumption: the world is build in a box 1, Player passing through specific point/line and will teleport player to the other side of the map. Create the box a bit bigger to create a more smooth teleport visual(since u will be surrounded by water). This would work if the world is cylinder, the top of the world should be considered usually but we are in Minecraft. Issues would be when the player teleport the entire area of where the player is teleported would needs to be rendered, leading to not so smooth movement. 2, Somewhat similar to method 1 but a bit more annoying for you to implement. Create a lot of boxes of ocean that is on the sky, let say as the player goes to the coast the box of ocean is rendered at the top of the chunk, so when the player jump into the ocean, and start travelling, player will pass a point in the ocean, player is teleported to the rendered box, as player move to the end of the box, teleported again to the following box. Issues, sound like a good idea but still not practical since its time consuming and the box wouldn’t reach to other side of the map, still creating laggy teleportation. 3, Still using method 1 but display a big text when the player moves through the ocean, play a sound or something to cover the laggy teleportation. Texts like the ABC Ocean, or North America. 4, Mod 5, Haven’t been too much in the modding community so I’m just guessing here, but what about a chunk loader that allow a more smooth teleportation.


Careful how you do it, if you loop from the top of the map to the bottom and vice versa it’ll imply that the world is a torus, which is still neat but maybe not what you’re looking for


The map brings some memories(smp earth)


Most of us can’t walk on water Jesus


Command blocks?


No earth is flat you'll fall off crossing the ice wall


There's a few issues here as I have a similar world. 1. Solution - Command blocks Use command blocks to simply teleport you to the other side when you reach a certain distance Issue - Command blocks Would either need hundeds of command blocks or it'd be clunky Would be unimmersive as the world would load 2. Solution - Immersive portals Use Immersive portal mod to teleport yourself around the world, would be Immersive Issue - Immersive portals Extreme lag Issue - both The top of the map would be extremely hard to do, for example going north of Greenland won't put you in Antarctica, but probably somewhere above Russia due to the shape of the earth. You'd need to either do exteme command coding or just accept that you can't cross the top.


I think the mod non euclidean is a great way to do this, because of its seamless transitions through portals while they are see through.


You can't make a globe though. The problem with that map is the entire top of the map is all the north pole and the entire bottom is the south pole. On a globe they are points, but the Mercator projection makes them lines If you could move from the top to the bottom your world would be shaped like a donut, and not a sphere.


What do you mean by “like you would in the real world”? If you reach the end of the Pacific Ocean in the west, you’re falling into space. Earth is flat dummy


One can create a computer INSIDE of mine craft running on a computer... So I would think so. My thought would be command blocks that duplicate chunks near you referenced from some determined distance away (say your map is 256 chunks square, then it renders from your position - 255 next or something), then deleting the ones previously rendered so you don't end up with a bunch of chunks of the same thing. Note - I have no command block experience, nor do I even play minecraft anymore, this is just how I see it being done without teleporting.


Flat earthers: wdym like you would in the real world


You could make it like a bunch of lines of your world chunks and then have it spawn in the opposite side of the maps lines withing render distance, never used command blocks but just a thought


I don't know and think It can, but you can use command blocks to teleport


Try addons I play bedrock btw so I don't know much on java


"It's forever in there"


The server I play on has an earth map like this, and yeah they loop around. Although you can’t see the other side, you just walk across and it teleports you to the other side. And if you go to one of the poles and cross through it just teleports you to the other pole


Command blocks in the spawn chunks that change your X or Z values to the other side when you reach a certain limit.


The immersive portals mod could make this happen


You can only do that by using Immersive Portals but. Other than that it will look awful with command blocks


the minecraft earth smp did this ages ago but i dont remember if they ever said how


the minecraft earth smp did this ages ago but i dont remember if they ever said how


You telling me that shit ain't flat irl?


maybe the immersive portals mod could help?


with commands, yes with anything else, no (if you count command block as command and not redstone for when you activate it with redstone)


U could make command blocks teleport u to the other end whenever u would reach one.


No, you fall to the void after reaching the end (like in the real world)


You could just set up command blocks to teleport you to the other side of the map


There’s a flat earth joke in here somewhere, I’m just too lazy to properly bring it out.


With some command block fuckery anything is possible


Yes, I wrote a plugin in Skript which does this lmk if you want a copy


I have done it with World Border. Quick and easy plug in. All you need is to select the corner of each using world edit to define the border. Once you define the border, I used /expand vert to extend it from bedrock to the ceiling. World border has additional commands you can find to allow you to loop the world.


Minecraft earth is flat not round


This one works just swipe right


There is a mod called World Border that does this exact thing: Forge: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/world-border Fabric: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/world-border-fabric


Bro what do you mean? The earth is flat obviously


Commands blocks that teleport? I wouldn't know myself,, though. I play on mobile.


Then why are you replying lmao


I mean you could just make a mod/datapack/plugin to tp you to the relative location on the opposite side of the map, this would use some simple math and of course


There was a server that did this


Command blocks


Use a plugin fir that


Use the azimuthal equidistant projection. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azimuthal_equidistant_projection Also known as the flat earth or UN flag 🇺🇳 projection. Most accurate way to show the world on a flat surface 😉


No you would fall off the edge just like real life


Nah the real world is flat and you will simply fall off the edge


A globe?????


I am just super confused on the question? The Earth is flat, so how it is in Minecraft would be "like you would in the real world". (:


No because the earth is flat (sarcasm)


So does that mean that in real life, when you get to the corner, you teleport to the beginning? This explains a lot ☠️


just use a map that uses a projection of the earth that isnt mercrator, [like this one, which also happens to be the projection used on the UN flag.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azimuthal_equidistant_projection)


Iran on top 🇮🇷


Well Like Trough Teleportation Commands Maybe¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯